claranpftw · 10 years
This was the oddest conversation Jacob has had with one of them yet. The girl looked almost… touched? Gentle?
"I get that, but I thought… emotions kinda leave you once you turned? At least that’s what I thought about some that I’ve met that don’t have any form of empathy. I mean after all, you all will hurt us. Against our will, most likely. So something must be gone inside of you, in order to be able to do that." But for some reason, Jacob felt a little sad for the girl in front of him. It seemed like she had to endure quite a bit in a probably very lengthy life. He couldn’t even imagine seeing everyone you’ve ever loved die one after another.
"You might not be… but… you still need blood. You’ll still hurt some of us. Maybe..it could even be me." He knew that he couldn’t trust any of them - even when they seemed almost nice. But at the same time, he was confused about why the Vampire apparently took a liking to him. "Why did you come here"
Clara shortly looks down at her feet, dangeling in the air, before looking op at the boy again. "To be honest, i was just... curios" she mumbles. she suddenly found her mind running wild, something about this conversation was awakening something in her. "You'll still hurt some of us" She whispers her voice shaking. suddenly pictures of the past apears in her head; blood, darkness, pain... so much pain. Before she knows it, she can feel tears run down her cheeks, and out of pure shock she lets out a little gasp, before she loses her balance, and falls backwards down from her branche.
She quickly clears her head, and grabs a branch to stop the fall, hanging there for a few seconds. "My my, look at you getting me all emotional like that" she says with her voice shaking, looking op at the boy, while still dangeling in the air like a monkey. 
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claranpftw · 10 years
Falling down at the bottom of the stairs, Wren managed to crawl up a few steps before slumping down. Her arm burned, her neck burned, but the worse pain was her side. As she heard footsteps nearing, she tried to get up. Failing, she pressed her head against the step in front of her, tears rolling down her face. “Please, stop,” she called out, not wanting to look behind her.
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Walking down the hall, clara suddenly hears a girl yelling. following the sound she finds a girl bleeding on the floor. "Oh my! you don't look to good" she says, as she slowly walks over, trying not to scare the girl. "Don't worry, i'm just going to help you up the stairs that's all" she says, as she picks the girl up from the ground carefully. Bitting her lip to tame her hunger, she puts the girl down gently on the floor. "My my, someone got a good bite of you, are you alright?" Clara says looking at the scared girl. 
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claranpftw · 10 years
Jacob feels relieved once the Vampire moves away and probably intentionally gives him more space. Maybe he was lucky and once again had run into one of the more friendly ones. He listens carefully, trying to gather some more knowledge about this species, he hadn’t even known existed. Jacob was surprised to hear that he apparently smelled different than the others. “Why… why me? Why do I smell differently? Maybe because I haven’t been here for too long yet? Still a bit cleaner?” Clara’s expression changes all of a sudden, and Jacob isn’t sure what to make of it, scrunching his face in confusion and maybe a little bit of fear, scrambling further away. “Well, maybe… I would get some sort of revenge out of it? Freedom? But yeah..” he trails off “I’d probably lose the fight anyways.” Clara was really being exceptionally gentle with him and so it feels right to him to try to ask what had been on his mind. “Why…. why are so nice to me? I don’t understand you people. I never know who to trust.” 
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Clara gets this strange feeling in her stomach by the boys words, like something fluttering. Nice, he thinks i'm nice? She looks away as she  realizes that if she was a human, she would proberly be blushing right now. She sighs, trying to shake the strange feeling of her, before looking back at the boy. he simply meant that i was nice compared to other vampires, nothing else to it, she thinks to herself. "Well you have to remember that most of us was humans ones. We have grown up just like all of you have, and our personality has grown with us" Clara says, smilling softly at the boy. "If a human had been through a lot of hardships or watched someone dear to them die, their personality would be effected to, by becoming sad or maybe even a depression" Clara pauses, hopping that he would understand what she was saying. "So the thing is... that since vampires live for as long as they do, they have the time to go through a lot of shit. seeing people they love die in the blink of an eye, walking the earth alone for centuries, who wouldn't be effeckted by that" Clara sighs, and looks up at the dark nightsky. All kind of memories suddenly flods over her, and she feels her heart get heavier in her chest. "I.. what i'm trying to say is... that we grow just like humans do, so it's not that all vampires starts of evil, most of us just goes through a lot of things as the years go by. It's not that i'm trying to defend the others, what they are doing isn't right, but i understand what they have been through. As for why i'm so nice to you... I don't really know. i would like to think that it's because i'm not as messed up as the others, but that's most likely not true" Clara says, her voice feeling strangely weak. Why is it? What is it about him? She looks intensely at him, trying to find an answer.
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claranpftw · 10 years
"I could…hit them? Or…try and use a stake? I think. Right? That does generally hurt you? Not… not that I was planning on that. I just wanted some peace and quiet." Jacob tries to stay as still as possible, not wanting to fall down or to give the woman in front of him any reason to act irrationally - not that she probably needed one. He watches her movements warily and gasps softly when she just leans forward and…smells him. A shudder runs through Jacob as he says: "You… can smell me? What do you mean? I’m just like everyone else here, right? Or are you… like one of these dogs that can smell cancer on people? I don’t understand."
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Clara laughs softly at the boys words, and shake her head. "smelling cancer, dogs? No darling it's nothing like that, vampire just has stronger senses. Like when you smell a girls parfume, we just smell peoples natural perfume. And with that said..." she starts, and then sits on the branch beside the one the boy is sitting on, trying to give him some space. Trying to sit comfortablely, she move around a bit, before looking at the boy again. "The special thing about you, is that when the other slaves smells like sweat, blood and dust, you smell like fresh air and autumn rain. it's a rather nice alternative" She says and the pause a bit. As Clara looks at him, she feels a bit uneasy, but quickly pushes the feeling away, and looks at the boy intensely. "And... about hitting people or stabbing us with stakes... i wouldn't recomend it... I really wouldn't recomend it. You would get very little out of it, compared to what some vampires would do to you" 
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claranpftw · 10 years
Being startled while sitting on a tree branch was not a good idea. Jacob almost fell as he turned around, managing to catch himself in the last minute. He hadn’t expected anyone to find him. “How… how did you find me? I… I just left. The door was open. I”m not… harming anyone here.” Jacob watched the woman warily, not sure what she would do or what she was capable of
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Clara giggles again, and leans closer to the boy. Entertaint by the boys reaction she smiles. "off course you aren't darling, how could you harm anybody. As to how i found you, i wasn't that hard, you have a very different smell to the other slaves" she moves closer, sniffing his hair ones, before moving a bit away, not wanting to scare the slave to much. "Actually i think i could sniff you out pretty much anywhere" 
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claranpftw · 10 years
Come on darling, you are a smart boy. vampires live for centuries and centuries without end. Seeing people grow old and die on them, in what for them seems like the blink of an eye, must have some effect on them don't you think? So after all that, they take you here because....?
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Blood provision?
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claranpftw · 10 years
"Yes i supouse i have"
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"You have plenty of time to indulge."
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claranpftw · 10 years
Well both are good answers, but not the answers to my actuall qustion. You see, you being here beacuse you got drunk is how you got here, and you being here to do what we ask is what you are here for. However what i am asking is why you are here, why do we take you here, why do we need you to be here?
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This question could be answered in many ways. If you want to know why, because I drunk too much. If you want to ask what I am here for. I am here to do whatever people tell me to do. 
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claranpftw · 10 years
"Never been tempted by the same sex?"
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"No not really.... or maybe i have just always pushed the idea away beacuse of my upbringing"
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claranpftw · 10 years
"Of Mice and Men hu" yes i can get that for you. Now to my qustion, and think really hard about it, i'll give you 3 chances. Why are you really here?
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Oh, cool. Thank you. Umm, I was thinking about “Of Mice and Men” from John Steinbeck. Should be pretty easy to find. It’s a classic. 
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claranpftw · 10 years
"I see, i must  admit i have always been a bit oldschool and kept to boys"
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"I love girls, as well, just need to be in the right mood. And truth be told, I’d much rather not force girls to have sex with me. Boys, on the other hand, can scream all they like…"
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claranpftw · 10 years
Yes you can darling, but my qustion first, or else no deal.
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Could I maybe get some books to read, ma’am? 
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claranpftw · 10 years
"there there, no need to be like that, we will do it another time. After all, you need to live once in a while, even more when you are a vampire and live forever. So let's plan a bit shall we, what do you wan't, you are more to boys aren't you?"
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"I’ll definitely expect you to."
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claranpftw · 10 years
Say what darling, get this qustion right, and i will get you some nice books, you can even chose them yourself if you would like that. 
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Is there one way I could get a more or less decent book to read?
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claranpftw · 10 years
"Yes i know, i guess i must make up for it another time"
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"Aw, babe. You’re missing out."
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claranpftw · 10 years
“Au contraire, mademoiselle, nothing moves me more than unrequited love… It’s the sort of tragic beauty we learn to cherish over the years; The Raven, you say? I’ve crossed paths with a gentleman with such—- shall we call it “name”? Back in the 90’s… Charming little creature, were I not immune to such antics, surely he’d have me hooked. —Oh do go on, I love stories of romance & betrayal, it’s truly a relief when I have no part in it.”
"Well i'm glad to hear that my sad past can give you some entertainment, especially since it has never done me any good... eventhough there is not so much more to tell, i eventually gave up on finding him, and after walking this earth alone for a couple of centuries, with nothing but my loneliness and painfull memories, i found my way here... But you said that you might have met him once, where was that?"  
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claranpftw · 10 years
"Well, my dearest Clara, I’d simply force myself on a few of the slaves, feed from them and fuck them without their permission. Sound like your cup of tea?"
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"Well that doesn't sound so different from what you usually do, but sadly i already have plans for tonight so you just go wild. However maybe next time darling 
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