clarissak18 · 3 months
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Smile !!
With timelapse !
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clarissak18 · 8 months
New Year 2024 : Bonus Chapter
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The Bonus Part is here, folks! Took long enough, eh?
And… Guess who's here? At last, he's.. no, Ryuuta is revealed! Not yet fully revealed though, haha. At least, I can reveal him even just a little after 3 years???? Lol, I'm impressed that you have such patience for this
So, what do you think of this episode? Feel free to comment 👀✌️
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clarissak18 · 8 months
NEW YEAR ART SOME CHANGES ANNOUNCEMENT Ft. AU Main Trio and a certain person :p
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Actually, I already announced it on my instastorh but I have to do this so everyone ((who followed my account)) will know about it and make it a mini comic to make it more interesting :p
The Bonus Part will be released on next week. Haha you guys will die because of curiosity lololol //I'm just joking, really.
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clarissak18 · 9 months
Souta birthday special 2023
On this breezy night 2 days after Christmas. What could a guy like Ouma Souta doing here?
"Found you." A purple haired girl poke him from behind.
"Took you long enough....Harukawa-chan~"
"Get to the point. Why are you asking me to meet you this late at night? Not to mention it's midnight... you're lucky Onii-san and Okaa-san is training right now.." Said the purple haired girl or its no other than Harukawa Keiko.
"Well, I just wanna know how're you doin' after that 'night' y'know? It's pretty traumatic after all, though, my Lil sis would know that better than me." Said Souta while he stares at the river infront of him.
"Really? That's it? I'm doing fine. But if that's really just that then I must leave."
Just as Keiko was about to turn her heels to leave the place, Souta reach her arm.
"Oh-ho, of course it's not just that, young lady~ I need to show you something and I need you to give me your honest answer." Souta said as He reaches his back pocket to grab his phone.
"Make this quick."
"Oh, I will~ here.."
It's photos of headless corpses. Keiko stare at it with a wide eyes for a while before asking.
"This...what is this?!"
"What did you see~?"
"Bingo! Oh, please do keep your voice down...people are sleeping y'know~"
Keiko stays silent before nodding and took a big breath.
"Some of Mihoko's patients were showing her these pictures and they said that it's their families or friends. They have this terrified looks on their faces. I wanna ask you something if that's okay."
Souta gives Keiko a serious look before she finally nods.
"Alright. What is it that you want to ask me?"
"Who do you think the one who did all of this?" Souta grabs some snow with his hands.
"I...honestly have no idea..." Keiko trembles a bit as she bit her thumb.
"If I have to guess...I'll guess....your sister. Harukawa Mizuki."
Keiko's face turned in to a shock and frustration look.
"Are you serious!? There's no way she'd do that! Yes, she might be sick, but she'd never do that! She's still 10 years old!"
"I've told you it's just a guess."
"Well, I might be wrong, though. It's just my instinct after all. I have no proof at all."
Keiko stays silent as she hears Souta's explanation.
"Well, I guess that's all. I gave you a fright didn't i?"
Souta shot her a smirk as Keiko looks away.
"No, you're just hallucinating! Anyway, I'll go home. This is pretty useless..."
"Haha, sorry, sorry... I'll treat you some udon tomorrow, alright? Wait, no, technically it's today."
Keiko smiles a bit before hiding it with her hands.
"Thanks, I guess. Bye."
"Bye, bye~"
Just as Souta was about to turn his heel to go home, Keiko reaches the back of his jacket and pull the hem a bit.
"It's your birthday, right? It's only natural for me to give tou a present as a friend...and...take that as a thank you for helping me that time...here.."
Keiko put a small white box in Souta's jacket pocket before ran off. Leaving Souta completely confused.
Little did she know.. she's the first person who say that to him today.
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clarissak18 · 9 months
sorry no Christmas art this year (again 😔) I'm currently working on something but, I'll hope I'll remember next year anniversary unlike last year :" oh, it's almost Souta's birthday too. And I completely forgot about the Amami siblings's and Keiko's birthday 😭😭
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clarissak18 · 1 year
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Like or reblog if you ship Himiko/Kokichi!
Please credit me if you choose to use the banner.
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clarissak18 · 1 year
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Lyney and Lynette switching their outfit
Bonus :
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clarissak18 · 1 year
Jigoku 我的家
The radiation of Sunset shines to Keiko's face. It's 6.45 PM. After school club, seems normal for her right? Yet, she found herself covered in bruises. Her phone buzzing as new notifications of her club teacher searching for her.
In truth, she didn't attend her After School club.
She's busy listening to her classmates rambling about their problem. Her Best friends (Homura and Mihoko) need her for some counseling. And...well...
Let's just say she met her old school "friends." And they began to give her some uh..."greetings".
But even though all of that. Keiko still smiles. The soft dark purple haired still smile despite all of that. Because why?
"It’s much way peaceful than my house..."
Does her parents abuse her? Of course not, they love her. Her siblings? They love her too. Then why?
Is her house really feels like hell to the point that she's standing infront of the river like she does right now?
For some people might said...no.
But for her...it's quiet the opposite.
From her parents divorcing when she just turned 13, her big brother is an alcoholic, her sister is mentally unstable to the point she kills people, her mother relies on her to take care of the family even though, her mother is barely home.
She's given so much responsibilities.
So much that a 14 years old can't handle it much longer.
Her best friends tried to encourage her to stop from her addiction of 自傷. But instead of helping, it became quiet the opposite for her.
She knows. She knows it's wrong. But she just can't stop.
As she walks home, she stares at the bruises she had on her hand.
"What a bad coping mechanism..."
As she opens the door. The first smell of alcohol. Ah, her brother's home.
"Nii-san...have you eat anything?"
She asks. No answer.
She goes upstairs to her room.
Her brother threw a bottle at her. Ah, he's drunk.
Her sister suddenly in a rage and throw a scissors at her door that she luckily closes before she get stabbed.
Ah, she must be in her schizophrenic phase right now.
"Hey, Kei? I'm sorry for yesterday...I...threw a bottle...I didn't mean to I swear.." Haruto said as he opens her door.
"Nee-chan...I'm sorry too..."
"Kei, I'm sorry...." Mihoko, her best friend came to visit her.
"Yeah, me too...sorry for troubling you a lot." Homura also came to see her.
Everyone still wait infront of her door. Apologizing as if it would fix everything.
"Get. Out. I don't want to hear your pleas and sorry. I'm tired. I've had enough of you guys throwing your trash at me! Am I only capable as a trash bin for you!? Get. Out. Leave me alone!" With a snap, Keiko shooed them away.
"I'm sorry....I forgive you all...but....I'm really tired right now....please...give me a break..."
They left as they close her bedroom door.
"Why didn't you said so earlier? Why didn't you ask for help?" They might ask.
My pranks are my way to ask for help..
I hate this house. Why Tou-san take a long time to go home? Why..? Why me? I may be sounds dramatic but who cares!?
「生きていたいよ」 「生きてたくないよ」
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clarissak18 · 1 year
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Like or reblog if you ship Kaimaki!
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clarissak18 · 1 year
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Like or reblog if you ship Saimatsu!
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clarissak18 · 1 year
What's your fankid's age from the oldest to youngest?
I changed some of their age
Haruto: 18 y.o (26 April)
Shion: 17 y.o (2 June)
Souta: 17 y.o (27 December)
Rin: 16 y.o (2 September)
Homura: 14 y.o (23 June)
Keiko: 14 y.o (24 August)
Mihoko: 13 y.o (27 July)
Raiki: (died at the age of 12) (27 July)
Mizuki: 10 y.o (15 October)
Yukio: 10 y.o (8 June)
Akemi: 10 y.o (11 November)
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clarissak18 · 1 year
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clarissak18 · 1 year
this was inspired by Nahida's Happy Birthday teaser :"
Homura’s birthday special
Homura’s POV
I woke up in some kind of park. With a beautiful flowers, some birds singing, and people clapping their hands. They all greet me ‘Happy Birthday!’ I was smiling brightly at them as I hug my parents. The birds gave me a flower crown as they sing me Happy Birthday.
People giving me some unique gifts! Ah, I’m so happy! Everyone’s here to celebrate my birthday. I’m really glad! Then, I saw the kids making something in the middle of the park. Yukio was smiling, Mizuki and Akemi was also smiling. They made a flower bed! Yukio drag me to the bed and told me to lay there as I did. And then I close my eyes….
As I woke up, I realized that I’m in my bedroom. ‘was I dreaming?’ I thought. I begin to get up from bed and head to the kitchen. As I did, some birthday trumpet. It was my family! Okaa-san, Otou-san, Nee-chan and Yukio! They all sing me happy birthday! Mom brought me the birthday cake. I make a wish before I blow off the candles.
Then, someone knocking at my door. It was Keiko, Mihoko Mizuki, Akemi and nee-chan’s friends. They greet me happy birthday and gave me some unique gifts. Mizuki made me a flower crown and told me to wear it as I do. And then, we all sing, dance and much more. As I grew tired, I decided to take a nap in my room.
As I woke up, I realized, I’m not in my bedroom, I’m not in the flower bed. I’m in…some kind of hospital bed. Oh yeah…. Otou-san brought me here because I had a really high fever. I get sweaty and I also had a several nosebleed. My body is full with rashes. So, I refuse anyone to come and see me in this state. Especially my family.
Ah yeah, it’s my birthday. The day that I hate the most. I only have 5 more years to live, but I don’t wanna die yet. I still want to live. I want to live longer. I want to see everyone’s smile.
I know, the world is such a cruel place, I know that. But, I still have hope. I want to…smile with everyone. Oh, heaven above, please.
I took my phone with my weak hand as I saw the chats. There’s no birthday wish for me. Only a worried messages from my family and friends, Some haters comments, and my teacher angry at me because once again, because I failed my test. Otou-san said that he’ll come and visit me to check. I refuse but he insisted.
The nurse helped me to apply some foundation on my face. Luckily, I wear a clothing that covers my body. So Otou-san would not notice.
I want my birthday to be fun, and full of smiles. Not alone in some hospital room.
Birthday is the worst! It only brings me closer to death.
People sees their birthday as a happiness, I saw my birthday as a curse. If only I can live longer…
Please just see me as Saihara Homura, the ultimate Flutist. Don’t see me weakly laying on my bed like this..
Ah, Otou-san is here.
//Happy Birthday for the ultimate flutist! Yeah, I know, angst ;)
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clarissak18 · 1 year
Homura’s birthday special
Homura’s POV
I woke up in some kind of park. With a beautiful flowers, some birds singing, and people clapping their hands. They all greet me ‘Happy Birthday!’ I was smiling brightly at them as I hug my parents. The birds gave me a flower crown as they sing me Happy Birthday.
People giving me some unique gifts! Ah, I’m so happy! Everyone’s here to celebrate my birthday. I’m really glad! Then, I saw the kids making something in the middle of the park. Yukio was smiling, Mizuki and Akemi was also smiling. They made a flower bed! Yukio drag me to the bed and told me to lay there as I did. And then I close my eyes….
As I woke up, I realized that I’m in my bedroom. ‘was I dreaming?’ I thought. I begin to get up from bed and head to the kitchen. As I did, some birthday trumpet. It was my family! Okaa-san, Otou-san, Nee-chan and Yukio! They all sing me happy birthday! Mom brought me the birthday cake. I make a wish before I blow off the candles.
Then, someone knocking at my door. It was Keiko, Mihoko Mizuki, Akemi and nee-chan’s friends. They greet me happy birthday and gave me some unique gifts. Mizuki made me a flower crown and told me to wear it as I do. And then, we all sing, dance and much more. As I grew tired, I decided to take a nap in my room.
As I woke up, I realized, I’m not in my bedroom, I’m not in the flower bed. I’m in…some kind of hospital bed. Oh yeah…. Otou-san brought me here because I had a really high fever. I get sweaty and I also had a several nosebleed. My body is full with rashes. So, I refuse anyone to come and see me in this state. Especially my family.
Ah yeah, it’s my birthday. The day that I hate the most. I only have 1 more year to live, but I don’t wanna die yet. I still want to live. I want to live longer. I want to see everyone’s smile.
I know, the world is such a cruel place, I know that. But, I still have hope. I want to…smile with everyone. Oh, heaven above, please.
I took my phone with my weak hand as I saw the chats. There’s no birthday wish for me. Only a worried messages from my family and friends, Some haters comments, and my teacher angry at me because once again, I failed my test. Otou-san said that he’ll come and visit me to check. I refuse but he insisted.
The nurse helped me to apply some foundation on my face. Luckily, I wear a clothing that covers my body. So Otou-san would not notice.
I want my birthday to be fun, and full of smiles. Not alone in some hospital room.
Birthday is the worst! It only brings me closer to death.
People sees their birthday as a happiness, I saw my birthday as a curse. If only I can live longer…
Please just see me as Saihara Homura, the ultimate Flutist. Don’t see me weakly laying on my bed like this..
Ah, Otou-san is here.
//Happy Birthday for the ultimate flutist! Yeah, I know, angst ;)
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clarissak18 · 1 year
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a fateful meeting inst | twitter | patreon
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clarissak18 · 1 year
is it possible if Mizuki's schizophrenic condition was a result from Maki's and Kaito's divorce?
Oh? A nice eye I see~ I must say it is. I did implied it on my fic, Maki and Kaito's divorce resulting some very bad condition for their children. Sadly they didn't know about it.
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clarissak18 · 1 year
Oumeno Week Day 6 - Betrayal!
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