classified-coworker · 14 hours
wait do u know how u look like or am I just an idiot
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"I know what I look like, idiot, I have a mirror!"
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"I'm saying I didn't think I looked that assholey or "sex-offender-y". And I don't!"
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classified-coworker · 14 hours
Sex offender face-
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"I.. don't really look like that to you people, right?"
"I mean- I'm not like that. You guys know that, that's not a thing I need to tell you..."
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why are you so kissable ngl-
"Because I just am!"
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"I am the most attractive of all my lookalikes!"
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someone stole a file in ur office right after u "died" of poisoning
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"Please tell me you're joking.."
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"Alrighty then!"
>[He chuckles, pocketing all the things, including the bloody chip, before waving Bryce goodbye.]
"See ya later! Or never! Who knows!"
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>[As he walks out of the house, he pulls out a device, which beeps steadily, and shows a small blue indicator on the screen.]
>[He smiles, satisfied with himself, heading to his fancy car and driving off.]
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"Yeah! I chose to ignore that lesson at the current moment."
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"Well, I'd best be going, unless you've changed your mind and have decided you want me to stick around."
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>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"Yup! Lemme just stitch this up!"
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>[He pulls out a hook and a thread, and begins not-so-gently closing the wound.]
"See? That wasn't so bad!"
>[It was agony.]
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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>[There's a thin slice, delicate, but close enough to Bryce's ear that he can hear the cutting. The tweezers pull at something inside, a bundle of what looks like thin white wires rooted into him. There's a few incisions, and the wires seems almost fully out.]
>[It seems to be relatively easy, and while it's painful, it's not too painful... around until there's a strange pulling feeling from around the back of his neck, near his head, followed by a sharp tug that detaches whatever was deep in there, causing immense pain.]
>[The process of pulling that out is excruciating, and it causes Bryce's vision to go a little foggy. Clearly this procedure shouldn't be done on such a currently weak body. Not that Coworker cares.]
"Y'know, you're lucky the main body was removed early, or this would be so much worse! Though it should've been removed with the rest of this stuff."
>[it's hard to hear him over the incessant beeping in Bryce's mind, and the strange warning messages being called out to him, garbled and difficult to understand, but all warning him not to remove the chip, calling him doppelganger number "----", the number replaced with even worse beeping, until the chip is finally pulled out, with a chunk of flesh gripped in it's claws.]
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"I know, you'd probably rather your murder boyfriend be doing it, but I'm the expert here! Others wouldn't know what they're doing! Unless you wanna be brought into the facility!"
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"I can make that happen, buddy! So just hold still..."
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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>[He grins and pulls out a scalpel, and a pair of strange tweezers.]
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>[He then approaches, hoping Bryce isn't scared off by the tools.]
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"God I don't wanna hear your perverted fantasies, real or not, buddy."
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"And however much I wanna just leave you alone, sadly there is an actual bit of damage I gotta fix here, so if you could just take your hand off your neck and give me a couple minutes, I'd be out in a jiffy!"
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"I mean, you want that thing reading your brain and stealing your memories out of there, right?"
>[It's hard to tell if he's exaggerating or not.]
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"Actually I want fuck nothing to do with you! I just wanna fix what I had done so I can forget you, because frankly, you're a fucking mess."
"I mean- you have all your memories back, but now you're worse off than you were beforehand, or hell, even worse than when you had your memories gone!"
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>[he chuckles.]
"You're a pathetic mess! What, stabbing, sleeping around, stealing hearts and throwing all your happiness and everything you've worked for away? You're textbook definition failure! Even if you started talking, nobody would bother to listen! It'd be the ramblings of a madman!"
"I just wanna clean up the little bit of the mess here that's mine, y'know?"
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>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"Ohhh? Wow, you're further gone than I thought!"
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"And actually? it's all of my business. Especially that. Because we both know what it is."
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>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"Ahaha, sure buddy! I believe you! Just like how I didn't mean to help you recover from your attempted suicide, I just accidentally told your silly little brother how to save you!"
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"Just like there's nothing really worth killing here, there's nothing worth keeping alive there."
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>[He gets a little closer.]
"Why you coverin your neck there, buddy?"
>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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"Ooh! You're a little antsy today. What, thought I was dead? Or did they tell you?"
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>[The man notes the obvious stab marks over his body.]
"I'm honestly surprised you're not dead right now."
>[He stands up straight, eyeing him further, including a glance at his neck, noting the partially healed scar tissue, and the stab marks nearby. Mentally, he makes the assumption that there's still the chip in there. Or at least the inner chip and the false veins.]
"Wonder if that's part of the issue here...?"
"Say, what have you been up to, old pal?"
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>[As Bryce is going about his daily business, someone enters unseen, wandering through the halls before casually waiting in the living room to be spotted by the owner of the home.]
>[Leaning against the still partially stained couch, the ever-so familiar, paler lookalike of Bryce stares at him as he enters the room, twirling what looks like keys at first glance, though they more strongly resemble hairpins.]
"Well, look at you. Doing any better than last I'd heard of you, buddy?"
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>[He chuckles, almost mockingly at the man's state.]
>[ @classified-coworker]
Goddamnit- WHAT!?
<[he glared at you. You can see stab marks all over his torso]
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You remind me if these two had a baby
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"Uh... what?"
"I can confirm my boss and some random stranger did not have me as their child."
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...is it bad to think ur hair looks greasy
"That is the wrong opinion."
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