Differences betweeen Rogue of Mind and Seer of Mind? Trying to determine my own title and these are the two I'm torn between.
Rogue of Mind - Would start out wary and avoidant of their aspect (in this case, common sense? lmao) so they would probably be very reckless at first not the type of person to step back and think for themselves or others. Eventually they would both give and draw that thing out of other people, or ease into and accept that part of themselves (kind of like diet bards. not as destructively) Rogues are people that distribute their aspect evenly, so a Rogue of Mind would be the person to tell you how it is and think logically. Good, grounded, leader-like problem solves. Rogues are also hella charismatic and inclusive to other people. 
Seer of Mind - Seers are educated on their aspect to the point of complete smugness. A Seer of Mind would be a person that would know everything about logical decision and common sense and would be the person to make decisions for their friends. Seers are a LOT more confident in themselves and less humble about their own strengths, and they tend to talk and glorify their own aspect. Terezi is a Seer of Mind, though I don’t believe classpect really is about personality when making that decision; your personality can be different than your list of assigned traits. There can be a grumpy Seer of Mind or a composed, quiet Seer of Mind. Think more about how Terezi problem-solves and serves her friends, since that’s something you have to look into with er classpect.
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fuck it. im distracting myself from asks so here’s just me calling out every class
heirs: you have no idea what the fuck is going on, don’t you? everything is happening at once and you’re struggling to keep up, aren’t you? are you having problems with schoolwork? something in relation to your aspect? you feel constantly overwhelmed with everything, don’t you >w>
witches: are you being the overwhelming one. be honest. really be honest to me. you can be a bit much, right? it sucks to get angry but why are you taking it out on others
bards: how many people did you hurt and how are they doing? why are you still guilty about it, move on dawg. it was hard and i get you feel awful but the past is in the past.
princes: so like. “i hate everyone” applies to you, right? it’s like “i hate everyone except me, who i still hate but less” and i bet you want people to instantly like and agree with you anyway, don’t you.
thieves: why do you always think you’re right. have you even considered the people youre picking on are actually people,,,
rogues: holy shit do your fucking schoolwork
mages: you know youre not always fine despite how much you say you are? like why are you hiding it from your friends. please be honest with them about it. youre someone that breaks easily or has been broken already. please just talk to people.
seers: calm down and breathe holy shit. fix your SLEEP SCHEDULE
knights: i understand the self destructive self deprecation anger thing is a big part of your aesthetic, but it’s only harming the people around you. you’re all open to criticism when it hurts others but as soon as it’s about YOU, you get defensive. why is that.
pages: please just ask people for hugs theyre not going to psychically know you fucking need one. reach out and it’ll prevent more bad situations from happening in the future. you have the power to stop bad things from going down and even if you failed before, you don’t have to this time.
sylphs: do you really genuinely like yourself? be honest. is being the mom friend weighing on you too much? take some time and assess your own problems. you deserve it, you’ve done all you can. you’re not responsible for them. 
maids: grow a fucking spine
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seer/knight relationships are always the FUNNIEST SHIT EVER and they’re underrated. it’s literally a just wordy “damn bitch you live like this?” 
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most of my asks come from heart players asking me to analyze them (like 90% of my asks talk about the heart aspect in it) and is this because you really like being analyzed and having labels heart players. is it. admit it. 
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Trying to figure out my classpect, and I think I could be a Mage of Light (based on the key words/dichtomies in these charts: https://zules.com/titletest/classpects.png), but I’m not sure. How would you describe a Mage of Light’s personality & arc?
duuuude i know zules and the quiz so well that i can tell each question and what it entails, i used to have my entire friend group take it. that being said, zules together is not exactly,, ideal? for figuring out a classpect long-term, it’s good for getting a jist of what you want. that being said, i won’t do a super big mage of light analysis because it’s a more difficult classpect and i have little experiences with light players.
i think it’s very heavily ignored for a lot of people characterizing mages that not all of them are like sollux. meulin, for example, is a lot more upbeat despite her mage status. mages overall tend to be people who JUST have a negative relationship with their aspect despite knowing it all, and what this entails is more dependent on them.
a mage of light would be smart, but not in a very good way. if they know the ins and outs of light, they may be cursed with some kind of knowledge that haunts them, like the truth of a flawed system. maybe they’re higher on the system somehow and have seen the worst of it, or know something game-changing that they worry they can’t share. they have to keep a lot of these things to themselves.
the mage of light may strongly lack emotional intelligence or empathy for others, and may even have little understanding of how to handle their own emotions. they’re incredibly smart and attention-seeking, and most likely more aggressive than the average light player, as mages tend to be more nihilistic when it comes to their aspect, even if they aren’t in other ways. they want eyes on them, but there’s things they’d rather keep hidden, unlike a seer of light who has no qualms with being honest about it.
mages are also prophets in some way. maybe a mage of light, knowing these secrets, can also tell when it’s going to fail everyone, and it’s painful information for them to know. so if you’re a mage of light, there are game-changing secrets that you know are going to be destructive and painful. (seers would seek it out but you’d already know as you’re active class) if you’re being honest about it, nobody’s listening.
maybe if you’re trying to tell people, you’ll be called annoying, or a know-it-all, and it’s going to be a futile effort. it bothers you and makes you feel bitter. (this can usually be applied to people with strong political opinions who live in a family that disagrees with them, though that can also be applied to few other aspects such as life or blood.)
your arc is about avoiding this impending change, like outing this secret in a way that will make people listen. you’re a knowing class and also a changing class in a more active way, and if you let everyone know before the bad things happen, you might be able to fix it in a way that prevents hurt. of course this may be something long-term and more about a role in a story, but that’s still how a mage would function. 
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happy 4/13 day for everyone who isnt a s**r
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difference between a prince of doom and bard of doom?
both ghost life, but ultimately the bard matures into their aspect and the prince does not.
princes despise their aspect and bards avoid them. a prince of doom would hate the idea of limits, structure, and authority. they would be adamant about being completely free from society, not shackled by the leadership of people they don’t care about. their arc wouldn’t be about accepting doom, it would be destruction within moderation. it would be them realizing when there’s an overabundance and finding a balance, like getting rid of vice leaderships or corrupt governments instead of destroying everything that keeps society in order.
a bard of doom would be someone more passively ghosting life. they would have very similar traits; the energy, the dislike of systems, the more free-spirit. they would most likely be a lot more avoidant of doom than hating of it. there would be a part of themselves that they would have to accept, and once they finally do so, they destroy *with* their aspect. they use doom to destroy things for the benefit of others. a bard goes into their aspect hard and has to learn how to control that part of themselves. there’s extra steps to a bard arc in comparison to a prince, and they have to embrace their aspect unlike a prince. they wouldn’t ghost life forever.
also; princes would be more negative people. bards are honestly just kind of feral.
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Heyo !! Could I ask about a friendship between a heir of heart and a witch of rage? I'm the heir and my best friend of nearly 4 years now is the witch and I wanna know how close we are to our stereotype :00
i would actually assume very positive! heirs and witches are both more naturally energetic and would get along with their energy alone (however rage would make a witch more ... passionate) and rage and heart are aspects that can get along quite well because heart is about self-expression and rage more about truth. it opens the door for a lot of communication and emotions, even if the witch of rage might be kind of... paranoid sometimes, so it’s something to look out for.
however, there may be an issue with arguments and fights. the heir of heart is completely driven by their own feelings, while a witch of rage is more paranoid and can be explosively angry when driven to be. it brings a lot of potential for some tougher situations when there’s not enough communication, so as long as everyone’s honest with their own feelings it might be easier. try to avoid going behind each other’s back, or draw someone more level-headed into the friendship to make sure shit doesnt go wrong.
overall witches have more lively personalities and the witch of rage would most likely be the more “dominant” person in the friendship with more powerful opinions. because of a witch’s more active personality they may also have a tendency to initiate activities, while an heir of heart would inspire them to be more direct and bring out their softer side quite easily, and they might find a way to express themselves more easily around the heir. 
overall; has the potential to be super positive and good with communication, but in tougher situations both might have difficulties keeping their emotions under control and can act more impulsively. 
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mind personality and if underemotionalness is a part of it (or feeling underemotional
mind people mostly pride themselves on self-control, so i feel like underemotionalness isnt, it’s just a difficulty to properly display and be honest about their emotions. in comparison to heart (who likes to overshare) mindbound would have difficulty being vulnerable and would usually prefer to keep it to themselves, or disregard their emotions completely in favor of what they personally see as the best. i dont think theyre underemotional, just kind of repressed, depending on the mindbound. 
though to me our mind representation was kind of... muddled and hard for me to figure out, but dirk was ghosting it, and i feel like that might say a lot. 
(heartbound take vulnerability as a sign of strength, so it wouldnt be surprising if mindbound took vulnerability as a sign of weakness)
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*digs up that knight analysis i said on discord*
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*digs up that knight analysis i said on discord*
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Hey shitass can you overanalyze prince of hope as well, I'd like to find out what the hell I am doing with my life
lol eridan
(big analysis under the cut)
i think the biggest positive trait of a prince of hope would be the fact that they are most completely grounded in reality. in many ways they would be skeptical and more prone to atheism, and usually would be more into fact above fiction; which is completely fine! the problem is that they tend to ... ruin it for others, and can be incredibly negative.
also, realistic =/= logical. that needs to be said about them; as they’re ghosting rage, in good words they might be extremely instinctively or emotionally driven, just as a lot of princes tend to be depending on aspect. they can easily be very jealous or angry when people have other ideals than them, and will openly be disrespectful to religious/”hopeful” people a lot of the time, to the point of genuine aggression.
in a lot of ways, a prince of hope CAN be very prideful, specifically with their own beliefs. princes have a tendency to hate themselves, but still think they’re better than everyone else, because they’re “right” and other people are blind to it. and that, of course, is a major flaw; destroy within moderation. let people have fun with their beliefs. let people enjoy things. laughing in their face when their hopes and dreams are crushed only wrecks relationships and leads people to believing youre an asshole.
these people are the smug atheist types, honestly. they act more cynical and outwardly depressed, and will always tell you that your hopes and optimism is wrong, while being self-aware enough to point out how they’re bad, too.
self-awareness isn’t always a shield, because you’re ghosting rage and being truthful to yourself. but are you making an effort to change? are you using this to guilt-trip and manipulate? look a little deeper and think about how berating yourself emotionally effects you and the others around you; and if you realize people are trying to reach out and help, let them. the more you say things, the more you realize theyre true. and smarter people will take you pointing out your own flaws as a red flag. be careful.
a lot of the time, people WANT to help you, and people WANT to be optimistic. just because your beliefs on how the world works doesnt align with theirs doesnt mean they’re deserving of pain. you aren’t either. accept help and find people that share your values, while also being completely open to new ones.
prince of hope’s values as a friend; they tend to be very fun to interact with when you catch them in a good mood. they at least try to be very logical and solve issues while detaching their own emotions, and in a lot of ways are capable of telling you when your optimism gets you too far. a fully developed prince of hope can point excessive amounts of the aspect they despise, and that’s what makes them so useful; they may work as a balance to your hope, and can stop you when youre lost in your own head for too long.
not to mention, if youre correct about it, these people can be WONDERFUL communicators. even if theyre difficult to connect to emotionally, as long as youre blunt with each other, it’s very easy to convey what you need from each other and set boundaries. it just depends on a lot of factors and the current spot theyre in when it comes to their personal growth. they want you to be honest. be honest. 
things to watch out for when youre befriending one; you really, really need to be blunt with princes. not that theyre socially or emotionally inept; just that if you dont sugarcoat things with them, they won’t be able to completely process and take you to heart. if youre subtle and try to ease them into criticism, they may ignore it completely, or not understand what youre trying to convey sometimes. and if they continue to ignore it when you ARE, that’s not the type of person you want to surround yourself with. it’s an issue ive seen in a lot of princes, so that’s my main advice; if theyre not going to mind you or your boundaries or troubles, theyre not healthy for you.
they may lack empathy in a lot of situations. that’s something to expect; they’re not the kind of person to guide you through a very emotional situation, so you may need to communicate it in a way they can understand. be kind, but know that sometimes you need to step outside of your own boundaries to be more forward with them, because they won’t get subtlety like you will. communication is easier if youre clear about it. in fact, they may value that honesty, considering that theyre ghosting rage. 
if you dont loudly communicate your boundaries as soon as they prod at them, they will continue that behavior. that is a social cue they WILL have problems with because they lack the same sense of morality that others may have. if you allow them to constantly berate you as a joke the first time, they’ll constantly berate you as a joke repeatedly and be confused when you shut them down later down the line, for example. if you dont like it, DONT let them do it the first time.
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(note; i dont always have to do full analysis! you can ask me specific questions if you want, or just about the relationships between two classes or two aspects)
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About page of blood personality and way of managing relationships and why you have a small pp <3
(big analysis under the cut)
the first thing to note about pages of blood is that they dont lack friendship (in most cases, it varies from page of blood to page of blood); they lack communication. a big part of blood is that they tend to believe healthy communication is the key once fully developed, and due to the nature of pages, they will be unable to express their needs in the beginning and speak about what makes them uncomfortable. they won’t have clear boundaries despite desperately wanting them, and will experience a general disconnect from their friends for this reason. they can even put themselves in abusive, harmful situations due to being unable to say no. 
though in a lot of ways they’ll be in PURSUIT of their aspect, and for this reason a page of blood would constantly seek emotional intimacy. as the nature of every blood player, they can be extremely high-maintenance at drive on positive reinforcement. they’re unsure of themselves, and tend to be extremely emotionally-driven, sometimes to the point of a lack of common sense. they may be too impulsive to make rational decisions, sometimes.
because they lack leadership, they may be kind of a doormat in the beginning, and they may be ignored and never looked to when it comes to larger decisions unless they speak up for themselves (which has been established that they usually don’t do that.) a MAJOR stepping stone in a page of blood’s development is independence, confidence, and learning to communicate your wants and needs to your friends.
you’re not going to be noticed for the wonderful person you are unless you let yourself be noticed. you’re not perfect but you’ve sculpted yourself into the best version of yourself you can be, and there is NOTHING wrong with showing it off. you’re not inadequate and overly prideful for doing so. it’s something a lot of blood players grapple with as they improve themselves, and its completely fine to be worried about it.
you are NOT a burden for wanting friends, attention, and love. you are NOT a burden for having your squicks, triggers, and boundaries. people are not going to mind your boundaries unless you state them. be aggressive. be angry. there’s nothing wrong with it unless you hurt people in the process.
pages of blood’s values as a friend; they tend to be very insightful people with a lot of empathy. they’re not natural leaders until they grow into themselves, but they may able to sit down and help comfort you when youre in emotional distress. they’re good shoulders to lean on as long as you’re not excessive about it. mind their boundaries. they look for emotional intimacy and might feel a disconnect when you don’t give it to them, so theyre good to be personal and vulnerable with.
things to watch out for when befriending one; no matter what you do, ALWAYS ask for consent before acting. that goes for a lot of pages; they’re not going to be able to communicate shit so easily because they dont have the stubbornness and aggressiveness about their boundaries in comparison to other blood players. before you touch them or meet up with them or invite them to something or do something for them, ALWAYS ask them “is this okay?” before doing so. tell them what youre going to do before you do it.
ask for their emotions in tense situations, and don’t judge them when they communicate with you, even if it seems unreasonable or they seem over-sensitive. it’s not always so easy with them, and when they realize theyre not too prideful for communicating their boundaries and can be comfortable with telling you their feelings, it’ll be easier to surprise them and do things for them because they can tell you when something is wrong or when they want to back out.
until theyre more comfortable try not to keep secrets from them or surprise them, though. try not to do the “we need to talk” kind of thing when they mess up, instead try the “we need to talk about ___.” they can be super anxious about that kind of thing !!! be direct with them, but not too harsh. they may not know what theyre doing wrong otherwise!
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Enlighten this friendship-fueled page of blood
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watch me just use this blog to talk about the blood aspect for a long-ass time because this is just me calling myself out LMAO
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hi yes heres the premise
Hi. yes. i am your local knight of blood and i really fucking like classpect analysis; specifically in regards to relationships, arcs, personalities, etc etc. so instead of talking about powers and session roles, this is a place where i talk to you SPECIFICALLY about FUN RELATIONSHIP SHIT . this is all because im a self-indulgent blood player who loves the shit out of going “lol this is why you suck because this your classpect”
which also means i will do relationship analysis between two classpects (leave moon out of it preferably LMAO) and will give u pointers and shit. i’ll try to be semi-active here but dont expect perfection LMAO
(i will not be doing master classes here)
classes i am VERY good with; knights, princes, bards, seers, rogues, heirs
classes i may struggle with: thieves, witches, maids, sylphs, pages
aspects i am very good with: blood, breath, heart, life, rage, hope, doom
aspects i may struggle with: space, time, mind, void, light
submit an ask if you want my non-existent gospel .
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