claveriaspostsblog · 5 years
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Leonard Quemado Claveria, was born in Igbical Hamtic Antique. He had a award in the college as the member of International Agriculture exchange Association in Japan. After he graduated in college he goes to Japan to work. He working in the piggery. He almost two years in Japan. After two years he go home to antique, for a few months he goes to manila and looked for a job because there was nothing in the province.
Then after one year he going home to antique because he couldn’t do his job. He help to his father in the farm, sometimes he planted the vegetables in their field. He returned to manila and find the jobs. He work in the Mall of Asia as a sales boy in the cellphone. After five years he thought of doing a business here in Cavite because he was tired of looking a job and he wanted to rest. He started a business in 2018. Since his small business has gradually grown in his effort and perseverance because of his diligence, he bought two cars and now he had a two stores.
And also he bought a land in alapan and vista verde. Every December they also have a Christmas party and he gave them a money as a bunos in his staff at store. He was so kind person, he treated his staff for their birthday and he celebrated the party in his house. Leonard's work has provided his extensive exposure and experiences in agriculture and he developed in Japan. He doing work enjoy because for his it’s give a energy. He said when he woke up with new ideas everyday and with solutions to conquer the challenges that cropped up the day before.
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Our recent trip to Tanay Rizal at PALAYA NATURAL FARM, we spent a good three
days. PALAYA NATURAL FARM is about three (3) hours drive from Cavite to Tanay Rizal.
The drive was okay, but you'll have about 30 minutes of rough roads when you're near the
farm. We just went a long with the shaking of the car, and we laugh. Be warned that in
the PALAYA NATURAL FARM there is absolutely no phone or internet signal. That's why if
you're waiting for an important message or call it'll have to wait until you're back in
Cavite. And we're here. When we enter we saw the PALAYA NATURAL FARM has
plantations of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. You are immediately greeted with greenery
and fresh air.
There been impressed with this tall and fat tree with the swing. I think this is the first
time that I saw an actual Calamansi plant. The son of my uncle he became so curious
with the fruits, and vegetables growing all around. There is always something so relaxing
when you see a walking lined up with greens.
PALAYA NATURAL FARM main produce are dragon fruits. I showed how they have
cement blocks for the dragon fruit trees. The blocks are cut and are used like, so. This is
actually my first time to see a dragon fruits plantation. PALAYA NATURAL FARM doesn't
just grow produce. You could even book a night here for that your nature experience and
you can take pictures for your memorable places in this PALAYA NATURAL FARM. Rates
for the wooden huts and tents are very affordable. They had no air-conditioning needed. If
nipa huts are not your thing. You could go for the tents. The only drawback is that they
only here one restroom for all the guests. Hopefully in the future, they could install more.
There was another large tree that gives a nice shade with Its towering branches. The
tents and hunts still work even if it was sunny.
PALAYA NATURAL FARM had a cool breeze. There as a running stream behind the
mountains where you could swim or just made around. If you wish to take a bath in the
batis, don't worry the water is clean, and they made a make shift pool using rocks as
divider. I'm not sure through how “swimmable” the batis would be through if there are
more people of about 10 or 20. For lunch, we had the option of dining by the stream but
since there was a buffet. My uncle choose to go to PALAYA NATURAL FARM mess hall,
because many people had already purchased their goods. Still, we had fresh fruits and
meats to buy at a very cheap prices. We are certainly had a unique and enjoyable.
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Having a high-quality education is the basis for changing a society's trend toward a prosperous economy. Higher education is not just based on books or things learned in our schools. Although, among these key elements to having a good education, practical education based in our daily life to be still necessary. Education is strong if it is combined with the knowledge of formal studies in certain subjects and matters of life, and how to live well. Education is the way to a successful future for a nation. Without it, and if the citizens of a society do not have a solid and solid foundation of education, it will be difficult for them to achieve development.
It is only necessary to understand that education will lead them to their aspirations. The primary purpose of education is to have knowledge of things and information now, in the future, and in the future. It is mechanism by which one's thoughts, feelings, and interactions are formed. It is also the source of good and good events in our world and the changing environment. Education is necessary for our youth because it will be their weapon in the life of their future. Their youth is the state in which they direct their thoughts and feelings to the things they need in their old age.
Education is important because it enables a person to gain insights into his or her life, personality and community. It is shape of thoughts into a successful world that everyone needs to fully take advantage of the world and realize its goals. Young people should only get adequate education through their experience and formal programs available in schools. It will be their weapon, so, they can deal with things that will be their future. And since they are our hope, it is only righting that we give them all the education they need so that they can reach the dreams they want to achieve.
“Simple birthday is the one more year has been successfully completed”
We all know that birthday is one of the happiest events of our lives. One person's birthday is held once a year. This is the best gift the Lord has given us. And for our young people, these are the happiest and most troubling events in our lives. There is a meal, a song, a dance and a drink that the
young people are celebrating their birthday with. This day is my 18th birthday so I wake up early and went to church by myself. When I got home the door and windows were locked. When I opened the door, I was surprised at the surprise of my friend and classmates that it was a day, I will never forget in my life. I cried for their surprise at me and I'm very happy with what they did to surprise me. My parents also enjoyed what my classmates did. After we all eat, my were watching and Arvie song happy birthday for me. My cousins ​​then stood up to give me his gift to. As I accepted their gifts, my friend she had prepared a message for me. As she walked over to me and spoke her message to me I was moved to tear because of the two of us.
When she handed me his gift she told me to open it, so, I opened it. Before my birthday I thank my classmates and especially my friends who made me so happy. Before my classmates came home, I gave them even a small dish and so on, so that they could have something to eat for their brother or father. My friend brought her home because we were still singing. Before she came home I also brought him food,and we took him with me to their house. Before the day ended, I told my parents how unexpected things were and how grateful I was for the time, money and effort that they’ve spent for my birthday. I had no idea that it would be one of the most memorable moments in my life and how simple yet eventful it is. If someone looks through it, the celebration would be normal, simple, and nothing special; but, for me, it would be something that I will be always thankful for and a moment that I would acknowledge God’s grace through our family.
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My reaction to Vanissa Iligan Personal Narrative are; It was a typical essay that a student will make. But because it is personal and it was by the first person point of view it was easy to interpret and can easily understand by the readers. Also it can be that entertaining as it came from personal experiences, that the first person shared to all the readers. The emotions and feelings as easily interpreted because we can understand the essay easily as the writer wrote each words specifically so we the readers can’t have a hard time to understand the information inside of the body of essay. Since Personal narrative also narrates us the personal experience of the writer we can also somehow indentify what kind of person the writer is as he or she describe or write down the way how he or she deal in that particular encounter of her personal narrative.
Lets moved on now in the whole paragraph and what is written on it. The paragraph are well arranged. The writer used of grammar are all correct she have no misspelled words and she write the information detailed by detailed. Also I can understand easily the whole context and I never get bored while reading it maybe because the writer wrote it really well and I can understand each sentenced clearly. Also the emotions showed in the essay is easy to interprets and I can feel those emotions too each sentence. All in all the Personal Narrative really conveys the information well and we can understand it easily and we can also feel what kind of emotions that the writer has upon constructing their personal essay.
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My name is Flordeliza Claveria Oliveros. I was born in Bongbongan Hamtic Antique. I started school when I was six year old. When I am grade two I stopped studying for two months because I took care of my sister daughter. In the morning she brought on me in the house of her husband in Bugasong Antique. After two months I go home to continue my studies. As I entered our room I was ashamed because I had not been to school for so long. After my class my teacher talked to me because of my absentism. I told him why I hadn’t been to school for so long. When I was in high school I see the hard work of my parents for our needs in school. What I do after my class I helped to water the vegetables in the field, so my parents are taking up our needs for projects in school and etc.
When I was in grade eight my sister Corazon is a very sweet and kind, she would do anything for me. But my younger sister Cristine and me fight like cat and dog. Sometimes when no one was around, Corazon would come up to me and she would bite my toes for no reason. I still love her but only because she is my sister. When I’m grade nine I decided to joining as a part of children of mary (COM) in our church. Every sunday I attend the mass and after that I went to the grotto of Mama Mary and prayed. During the children of mary (COM) had a activity in church I join and participate.
When I was in grade ten my brother entered the seminary because of financial constraints. When my brother seminarian come home and he asked for his allowance to my mother. My mother have no money that day, so my mother do was borrowed the money of my auntie for the allowance of my brother. A few weeks my mother talked to me to stop studying because my father couldn’t work because he was older and he want rest. In evening I thought of what my mother said. In the morning I heard to my auntie my cousin had come home from Manila and he was looking for a cashier in his store. I thought of him I want to work for my family. In two days later my cousin said he want to work in his store. So I stop for one year because lack of financial. Until now I still working to my cousin store, as a working student because I want to finish my studies.
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This movie “Coach Carter” was from 2005 by Paramount pictures and it is directed by Thomas Carter. It was based on a true story, in which he was a head basketball coach of Richmond High School, California, Ken Carter made the headlines in 1999 for benching 15 players of his undefeated team due to a very bad academic performances. This action is known as the lockout, but this kind of action was very criticised by the Richmond High School, the players’ parents, the city, and media commentators. Ken Carter was maintained that his athletes must take their studies a seriously, so they could get an access to college and other opportunities later on thier life and the community opinions eventually was changed when they're started to see his reason, and after that he was praised for his determined emphasis on prioritising these good values for his players.
As much dismayed by the poor attitudes of his players as well as their have a very bad performances on the court, Carter sets about to changed both. He was an immediately imposes a strict regime typified in written contracts that he was included stipulations for respectful behavior, a dress code and good grades as requisites to being allowed to participated. These initial resistance from the boys is a soonest dispelled as the team under Carter’s tutelage becomes a undefeated competitor in the games. However, when the overconfident team’s behavior begins to stray and Carter learns that too many of players are doing poorly in their class, he was takes immediate in action. Carter was cancels all the team activities and he was locked the court until the team shows acceptable academics improvements. Carter was fights to keeping his methods, to determined to show the boys that they're need to rely on more than sports for their futures.
You should not only see this kind movie because of the basketball, that is just a bonus you get, but you should see this film if you like to see this films about people who make a differences. Ken Carter was makes a difference to some of a poor players without hope in their lifes. The team was starts out whit no hope or dream about getting in to college and the team was got no unity. All these things was plus many more are Ken Carter trying to change. So if you like to see youngsters with a poor life getting a new chance in life, you should differently see this movie. This movie was could sound kind of boring, but its actually not. This movie has a many lot of moving moments and inspirational speeches and scenes. It's not only moving moments, there are also an action in it, on the basketball court, but also in their life.
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Joshua Oliveros. He is my cousin, he is loving, kind, helpful, hardworking, considerate and above all godly. I remember him whenever I was sad because he was always the first to approach me when I had a problem. He was my friend because when I was sad and when I had a problem, he first approached me so what he was doing to me was going to make me happy until my problems disappeared. He was a simple man and preferred simplicity and above all, from his clothes, food, etc. His simplicity.
He does not like things that are complicated or confusing. He was honest. He always maintained her family's trust in his and the people connected with him. He is an emotional person and sometimes he thinks too much about the little things in his life or the lives of his loved one. He doesn't talk very much unless there is something special to one or close to him. He is a pragmatic person, and he believes in right actions. He is a philosophical man and sometimes he wants to counsel people when they do something wrong. He loves to travel to new places, and feel different cultures. He is a family man. Family was the most important part of his life, and it came Foremost. His favorite shows are movies and TV series. She wants to hang out with her friends. He was a positive person, but he looked on both sides positively and negatively because you never knew what was coming.
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As a Senior High student, it wasn't easy for me. Lots of trials came, there was the right to give up because I was struggling. Because of this I am content with myself, I fight for the beauty of my future. And giving up on this I never did, I continued my life as a student, even though it was very difficult for me to make and succeed. Since I surrender I know I have no purpose in life.
Now that I am a Senior High, I hope my family can finish school and someday find a good job as I relive the hardships and perseverance of my family's experience knowing that I can only afford to spend time with them. What a great day to go to school. Life indeed is not that easy. The moment we get out and face the real world, we need to be strong and determined to be able to survive. There would be a lot of challenges that we never get to understand yet until we get to experience it ourselves. So, I am really grateful enough that I was able to gain all the knowledge and strength during my senior year and finally decided the path that I want to take in college.
A lot of people change, chill, on and off in worship, sometimes we can't avoid that, because we're just human, we make mistakes, we're not all perfect, like me, I'm Florence Oliveros actually I'm not active in the church. this is about my faith in lord, I know I am superficial because I just barely managed to keep up with god, so yeah, as a youth I can't avoid being in love, hurt and broken heart, poor for me to go to church that time, because it was so heartbreaking for me to have an ex boyfriend who is my churchmate then my best friend who is still my rival. I also don't know why we broke up, maybe it's my fault because I have a bad attitude, every time I see them talking, together, laughing, when they're happy I'm sad, I can't explain how they feel, sometimes I just want to get away , so I don't see them that way, yes it hurts but I have just thinking about broken love life, you are going to dramatize that is wrong, and that should not be my prayer then, one time I decided not to go to church because I would see them, I would only feel sad, about a month ago I went crazy and didn't go to church, for no good reason I'm laughing right now, since they came to my house saying hello, asking why I didn't go to church, my answer was "Do not know" that came to my mind. I didn't explain it until they asked me in person, but it was a joke that I probably didn't care because I was jealous.
No choice, I miss the sermon because sometimes I see them, I don’t know the topic, sometimes I just pray, ask why I feel like this? So my younger sister Flordeliza explained that they were just friends and they were close to me, boy was just helping us get back together, and more explanation. So I was enlightened, there was even a cry, because they had missed me in serving GOD, and my music ministry seems to have neglected me, so I kept thinking about what they said if I stayed focus in a man who once loved me and lost me, I will lose to the LORD, for it is said that the LORD'S only love is changing and that I have forgotten, that there is still love for me and that they are many. So I asked if there was still a chance to change my perspective and return to my ministry, and their answer to every body needs a CHANCE TO CHANGE, and to give my ex back, actually I should give it to him. because I had a lot of bad thoughts about her so I did. I prayed that my anguish would be gone because of that past, all was well and thanks to the LORD, for I suspect that he had corrected me.
I am Flordeliza Claveria Oliveros and I am a person of many personalities, traits, and identities. Many ways, that I recognize myself, in fact, are the ways to bestow who I am. My Identity is just something I can fully give. My little brother, who is so kind to me is the only one who understands me every time I have a problem or not when I'm sad he wants me to be happy. My parents, will do everything for their children. I was humanities and social sciences because I wanted to be a teacher someday. I can say that I am a responsible person and a hard working student.
I have a friends because I like to communicate with other people and get to know new interesting individuals. I enjoying my time at school because it is really nice to study, with your friends and they ready to help you when you didn't know the assignment or project. I'm a enthusiastic person and I think this is a strong point of mine. My friend saying that I'm a very funny and a good friend. As soonest as I meet a new people who are happy to meet me, I feel comfortable with them. I believe that friendship is the most important values in our life. We can exchanged a new ideas, find a many interesting things about each other and a experience in a new things. I appreciated friendship and people who surround me.
To meet a new people who support all my efforts to grow up and develop my skills not only in the subjects but also in my hobbies gives me a lot of energy. Many of those friends who surround me now I meet a guy on the street while doing my hobby. I’m was inlove with photographer guy , so the thing I love doing so much became even more enjoying. I was decided to take beautiful pictures of accidental people and share these photos with them through Facebook. I feel the happiness inside seeing how they are happy to looking at the pictures where they are walking or sitting somewhere in the park. In this way, Monica became my best friend and we both believe that we meant to meet because she studies the same classes and we have similar life goals.
Self Obituary
Flordeliza Claveria Oliveros, was 19th year’s old. The seventh daughter of Ma. Cora C. Oliveros and Nelson B. Oliveros. She was born in Bongbongan Hamtic Antique. She started school when she was six year old. When she was in grade two she stopped studying for two months because she was took care of my sister daughter. In the morning her sister was brought on her in Bugasong Antique. After two months she go home to continue her studies. As she entered in their room she was ashamed because she had not been to school for so long. After her class, her teacher talked to her because of her absentism. She told him why she hadn’t been to school for so long. When she was in high school she, see the hard work of her parents for their needs in school. What she do after her class she helped to water the vegetables in their field, so her parents are taking up their needs for projects in school and etc.
When she was in grade eight her sister Corazon is a very sweet and kind, she would do anything for her. But her younger sister Cristine and her was fight like cat and dog. Sometimes when no one was around, Corazon would come up to her and she would bite her toes for no reason. She still love her sister but only because she is her sister. When she was in grade nine she was decided to joining as a part of children of mary (COM) in their church. Every sunday she was attend the mass and after that she went to the grotto of Mama Mary and prayed. During the children of mary (COM) had a activity in church she was joining and participating.
When she was in grade ten her brother was entered the seminary because of financial constraints. When her brother seminarian come home and he asked for his allowance to her mother. Her mother have no money that day, so her mother will do was borrowed the money of her auntie for the allowance of her brother. A few weeks her mother talked to her to stop studying because her father couldn’t work because he was older and he want rest. In evening she thought of what her mother said. In the morning she heard to her auntie, her cousin had come home from Manila and he was looking for a cashier in his store. She thought of him she want to work for her family. In two days later her cousin said he want to work in his store. So she was stop for one year because lack of financial. Until now she still working to her cousin store, as a working student because she want to finish my studies. She will become a teacher someday.
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