“Just tired Prawn. And thinking maybe I’ve just let my life pass me by.. Too skittish to let myself start a family of any kind... I mean, there’s definitely merit to living for yourself but.. I dunno..”
He tore himself from the arm he had collected, quirking an eyebrow at his friend. He seemed a little… disponant. But maybe prawn was just taking it the wrong way; being a janitor wasnt exactly glamorous. “… you ok?”
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“Hell if I know.. I’m gonna go hit up the roof for a little,  then I’ll deal with this.” He sighed, already getting out his rolling papers.
@teufortsquidman replied to your post:“…Why..”
“….why not?”
“A Medic drew on the walls and then threw body parts and blood all down the hallways.. I really didn’t want to deal with this today.”
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@teufortsquidman replied to your post:“…Why..”
“….why not?”
“A Medic drew on the walls and then threw body parts and blood all down the hallways.. I really didn’t want to deal with this today.”
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“I’m actually a pacifist? So nn.. yeah.. I can clean up after you guys but I just can’t bring myself to kill someone unless I absolutely half to. There’s a lot of pain in this world already, I don’t want to add to it.”
“Jaaaaaa. Vell if you vant to get blown up und vhat not on zhe battlefield you should apply for a mercenary job.” At the mention of blood Tie got an idea. “Oh ja too bad for zhat.”
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“Eh.. I’ll figure it out. It’s not like they pay me like they pay you guys. I’m a janitor after all.” He shrugged and sighed, getting his bucket and sponge from his cart and heading over to the defaced wall. “Pity it’s not like blood. I can just dissolve that shit off a surface with acid.”
“Oooh. Zhat is too bad.” Tie was doing his best to keep a straight face.
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“Not if I don’t want my pay cut for not doing my job.. My funds are kinda bare because I was gone so long so I can’t really afford to slack off.”
“Tsk. Vell shame on whoever did zhat. Pfff. You can not just leave zhe drawings zhere?”
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“Hell if I know. Now I have to clean it up. I was hoping for a little slack from when I got back to my trip but I should have known some people around here can’t help but make my job harder.”
“Okay, rumor has it someone’s been drawing on the damn walls while I’ve been away.”
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“Okay, rumor has it someone’s been drawing on the damn walls while I’ve been away.”
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“Aw shit. Evaluations? Already?”
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Tom turned, smiling as he put out his cigarette when saw she had the twins with her.
“Miss Honey, hey..” He sighed, rubbing his neck. “I went home for a bit. Reconnected with my brother recently so I went home to spend some time with him and my nieces. I know it was short notice but I needed it.”
The janitor was out having a smoke on the roof now that the air was warm from spring weather. He smoked weed less and tobacco more these days, though he was beginning to wonder if it was affecting his mood. Maybe he should switch back.
The redhead leaned over the edge of the roof, watching anyone below him, though not paying attention to anyone who might come up on the roof from the door. He was usually left alone anyway.
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The janitor was out having a smoke on the roof now that the air was warm from spring weather. He smoked weed less and tobacco more these days, though he was beginning to wonder if it was affecting his mood. Maybe he should switch back.
The redhead leaned over the edge of the roof, watching anyone below him, though not paying attention to anyone who might come up on the roof from the door. He was usually left alone anyway.
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The janitor was smiling down at a picture of himself with two teen girls hugging him and beaming, a soft look on his face. He missed his nieces already. They’d gotten so big since he’d last seen them.
“...Man.. what am I doing with my life.. John’s living the dream, why couldn’t I have had that..”
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Breaking jar of pickles on floor.
“...Dude, why..”
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What do you think it would take to CORRUPT my character?
Or if my character is a villain, what do you think it would take to REDEEM them?
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Send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character.
(anons welcome)
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“Well, it’s good you got some time off then. I know I sure needed it. This place can drain you sometimes.” He nodded, fidgeting with his keys. The man still looked tired, but seemed to be doing alright. His usually energy and bounce were less noticeable thank usual however.
“It was good to be with family though. My nieces have gotten so big, I feel like.. I’ve missed a lot of their growth. And when you can’t have kids, family’s really all you have..” He paused. “Sorry, just been overthinking a lot of stuff lately.”
“Hh… might have been… in same boat… as you…” he spoke as he unpacked; indeed his vacation was absolutely needed. Maybe still it was a little too short. “But yes… tropical places… Hawaii actually. Went to… see… friends from home… again. Missed them… was… very healthful… to go back for time.” His destructive impulses had calmed significantly and he felt more at ease with his self, though he still did feel a bit randy due to the influence of the mating season.
The things he unpacked varied in levels of bizarreness, ranging from a mixed variety of spices and herbs to a bundle of fresh fish to strange runes ascribed on top of the skull of a bird. He tried not to give them any more emphasis by hiding any of it though; they were just things.
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