clearlyclueless · 4 hours
"You can't ship that!"
lol what are you gonna do, climb inside my mind and shut off the imagination switch?
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clearlyclueless · 6 hours
Died 2020
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Born 2024
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Welcome back Final Control Room
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clearlyclueless · 6 hours
Died 2020
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Born 2024
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Welcome back Final Control Room
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clearlyclueless · 6 hours
Also this fan-art is based on the theory I made here, so please read this before checking out the fan-art below!
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You beg MePhone to say he's lying. That you're real, that you were never supposed to win, that your conquest to save everyone from themselves hasn't been anything short of the only lie bigger than your continued existence. You try to think back to who you used to be and you can't, it hurts so much, she's dead and it's your fault, you knew you were unsalvageable but you didn't know it permeated so far into your being. The gilded cage you lost the key to. You feel yourself crack again and you pray it'll be quick but no, you just sit there, broken, crying, screaming. A winner forced into the role of the villain, the liar, the freakshow.
The only grace you can hope for is that if you go completely insane, maybe you'll finally be more like her again.
You stare at her. You see every day you had fun with her back in the first season, when things were simple and the world felt like it actually made sense. When you weren't burdened by the knowledge of what you really are. You can't help but laugh- why should you be so surprised? You were only ever meant to take the shape of the vessel you were given, who cared if it was a physical one or not? You think back to every day you saw her in the corner of your eye, watching you prance around in the hotel you stole from her. In the life you stole from her. She missed that and she missed them but she definitely did not miss you. You wouldn't even be surprised if she hates you, and the worst part is she has every right to. MePhone wanted you to be the villain, the person everyone hates, but things went wrong and she was forced to take that role instead. But now the truth is out. Her last good deed was saving you from yourself. You're still the villain.
And somehow you're the most surprised of them all.
The joy of being an artist and a theorist is that sometimes I get such a cool idea I can express it in both ways.
Yes, this is a sequel to my Netflix Trip picture with Knife and Suitcase, this time featuring our season one finalists OJ and Taco and Kikuo's Hole-Dwelling! (Originally it was Puppet Loosely Strung by The Correspondents but Hole-Dwelling actually goes INSANE with the theory.) It's based on the theory that I had posted of last, which (and I might go back to the original post to add this) I have now given an official title: The Misremembered Lanes Theory! Or AU, if this gets deconfirmed. You never know! But yeah, it is named after the Season 1 finale.
Just like last time, the models were done in Blockbench, this one was a lot harder because I had to wrangle with stuff like OJ's transparency, trying to pick the right face/expression for Taco- there was a version of this image where Taco had just gone. Completely mad/feral, but it didn't look as good as I wanted it to...but, I think I finally got around to a fun result in the end. Speaking of fun facts, my favorite little design thing I did for this: OJ and Taco's strings are colored like each other! Puppets literally and helplessly ensnared in each other's role. :)
Plus I already have an idea of who I might do a piece of next, so that'll be fun! So I hope you all enjoy this piece as much as you did the last piece and the theory itself, all fan-art is appreciated, and thank you for reading this far!
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clearlyclueless · 6 hours
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And in that moment of realization of complete and utter helplessness and realization, you feel almost weightless. It's a thought that now consumes every other, unable to even dedicate enough will to look at your fellow finalist. You can't tell if you don't feel real or if the world around you no longer does.
You fear that it may be both.
You want to say something. You want to scream, you just want to make some noise that isn't the ringing overwhelming your senses. You're frozen, frozen by what he says, frozen by what you can't answer with. You had parents, right? You had a life before the show, you know you did. You have to have. But why is it all just noise? Why does it hurt? You try to reach for her.
You don't know if there's a "you" to try and reach for a "her".
Soooo I may have gotten a bit silly after The Reality of the Situation, and essentially what started as "Hey, The Click as an album really fits Inanimate Insanity II" turned into "It would be really funny if they pulled Netflix Trip for the II2 17 trailer" turned into "I could be really funny".
Also, while I have been making low-poly OSC art with Blockbench for a while, this is the first time I'll have actually done like- the faces, limbs, and outlines in Blockbench. Frankly I think I did amazing for a first time.
So, here's Knife and Suitcase in a situation! Because while most of the II community/OSC put on shirts that read "Barely Survived II16" or "Did Not Survive II16", I put on a shirt that simply read "THRIVING" in BIG BOLD LETTERS so everyone KNOWS it's MINE!
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clearlyclueless · 6 hours
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Alright Inanimate Insanity fandom, I got an art prompt for y'all. And uh, I don't know if I really need to do this by now but just to cover my bases, once again: Inanimate Insanity II 16 spoilers below.
I was looking at a thread of unhinged Pearl and Marina quotes from Splatoon 2 and I found this ol' classic.
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I want someone to recreate this, but for a Knife and Suitcase Splatfest. You can make Pearl and Marina whoever from II or just make them OSC versions of themselves, both are on the table.
I'd do it but frankly I'm not up to the level of creating whole-ass scenery and stuff for my Blockbench models. Maybe I could make the TV and some models for whoever I'd make Pearl and Marina but that's about it. (I might try my hand at it later if I really get the urge anyway.)
But yeah, I just think it'd be funny. Make them blankly stare off in the second, make them have silent existential crises, make them have LOUD existential crises, don't do the second image at all and just do the first image, it's free reign, baby.
Just have fun with it!
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
taco/mic angst
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
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whatve im not drawing anything serious todya
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
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ok im getting the hang of it
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
// ii2 16 spoilers
Mind in the Program
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
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clearlyclueless · 7 hours
are you free tonight
i woul do anything to be free
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clearlyclueless · 14 hours
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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clearlyclueless · 14 hours
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clearlyclueless · 16 hours
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“Trouble Brewing”, by Gary Larson
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clearlyclueless · 16 hours
Friend: Dude wtf why did you put glitter in my coffee I was going to drink that?
Me: aesthetic
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