cleoirvine · 3 years
♡“It’s cold…” You pause for a moment, laying your head back on the grass, the dampness of early morning dew clinging to the back of your sweater.
“Come ‘ere, I’ll keep you warm.” Tendou says with a cheeky smile, opening the front of his jacket for you. You push him away with an open palm, watching him fall onto his back beside you. You return your eyes to the sky above riddled with stars. Clouds gathered in the east, a blur against the deepness of the atmosphere, a splotch on a royal blue backdrop.
“The moon is beautiful tonight, don’t you think?” He says with a sigh, hands outstretched above him.
“You can’t even see the moon though…”
Tendou lets out a laugh, loud and clear like church bells. It comes from deep within his chest, and he rolls over to face you as it begins to die down.
“Yeah you’re right.”
There’s a pause, and the two of you sit in silence. With your eyes trained on the galaxy painted so delicately above you, Tendou's own pupils trace the curve of your nose, the rise and fall of your chest with every breath. White puffs of air escape from the confines of your lungs, and he notices the dryness of your lips- chapped from the upcoming winter weather. Despite that, he wants to know what they would feel like beneath his fingertips- to outline the shape with the pads of his thumb.
In his head, he pictures it all. He closes his eyes and allows his imagination to wander, the dream of you playing like a movie reel in the forefront of his mind.
He pulls out a small tube of chapstick- strawberry, if he had remembered correctly, was your favorite flavor. He offers it to you, and as the container falls into view, you subconsciously rub at the callousness of your chapped lips.
“Want some? I don’t want your lips to crack and bleed.”
You hesitate, but nod with a smile, reaching for the tube in the palm of his hand. Tendou clasps his fingers around the chapstick, hands pulling back faster than you could blink, applying it swiftly to his own lips, before leaning in dangerously close to you.
“Do you still want it?”
There’s a pause, and for a moment, as your eyes dart between his lips and the chapstick still secured in his hand, he wonders if he has gone too far. Maybe he tested his limits, pushed his luck. Was wanting to be more than friends selfish of him? He was sure of it. He recalls the times where had watched an uncomfortable expression dance across your features- the ones he wanted nothing more than to spend hours admiring. Did you pity him? Maybe that’s what it was.
“Ahh, sorry, that was too much, huh-?”
He pulls back for a moment in the stammering pause that had created a gap between you. You grab him by his tie- (the one he reluctantly began to wear more often after you had complimented how nice he looked in his uniform. Your voice wouldn’t leave his head for weeks after-) and pull him back towards you. Chapped lips reach for his own, finding comfort in the position that he had never once thought he would find himself in. You chase a strawberry flavored high, the transfer of chapstick from his lips to your own leaving you hazy and disoriented. His hands, the nimble fingers that you had once brazenly compared against your own, slipped to the swells of your cheeks, tinged red with an embarrassing cherry blush.
He didn’t want you to pull away-not yet. But as you gasped for air, placing a hand across your erratically beating heart, Tendou smiled, hands never once leaving your face.
“Hey, you didn’t fall asleep right?” You poke at his sides, watching as he peeked up at you from behind the collar of his jacket.
“No, I’m just thinking.”
“You can do that when we get back to the dorms. It’s freezing out here.”
Tendou sits back up, and like a child, extends his palms towards you. You attempt to hoist him up, his lengthy arms slipping over the expanse of your shoulders as he cages you in his embrace. He’s careful to not place all of his weight on your frame, and for a split second, you think that the feeling of his arms around your own is nice. That thought is gone moments later as he pretends that his legs have given out, falling back to the ground and pulling you with him.
“You’re too old to be acting like this.” You say with a stern look. Your nose is stinging red from the wind, hands a starkey white beneath the street lamps.
“I don’t want you to go yet.” Tendou’s voice is quiet, syllables darting just above a whisper.
“Stay with me? For just a few more minutes. I’ll walk you back, I promise.”
You don’t want to give in, but in hindsight, you always do. You relax in his hold, and bury your face in the corner of his jacket.
Tendou runs his hands over the top of your head, and allows himself to imagine you once more. But you are not what he has perceived you as. The person in his dreams, the one who compares hand sizes and compliments him- the person who kisses him for the lingering taste of a strawberry lip balm, is nothing compared to the you who sits in the confines of his arms right now. And he wanted so badly to hold you like this for all of eternity, beneath a winter sky, jackets that are too thin, hands that lay too far apart, and a tube of strawberry chapstick that sits untouched in his front pocket.
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cleoirvine · 3 years
♡It was his arrogance. The way he spoke with a slight drawl, his words dripping with narcissism. It was how he walked, his back straight from years of holding himself upright, believing he was better than everyone else. Or maybe it was the way his eyes glistened with unbridled determination, the want, no, the need, to be the best. He was selfish, manipulative, and quite frankly, had his head shoved so far up his own ass that you-
“Maybe you should take a picture, it would last longer.”
Atsumu looked at you with a slight smirk, a volleyball tucked beneath his arm, a bag slung across his shoulder.
“Maybe you should try a different hair color, that way people won’t call you piss boy behind your back.” You said with a snort, averting your gaze elsewhere.
He had half a brain to spike that ball right at your face. But he simply rolled his eyes and brushed past you, making his way into the gym where the rest of his teammates sat stretching. Slipped between the clasp of your hands was a clipboard, the stats of each player displayed on clean even lines. Your notes took up the margins of the pages, your job as manager for the boys volleyball team becoming more of a hassle with every snarky comment that left the older twins mouth.
“If you’re going to be manager, then ya should at least pretend to make yourself useful.” Atsumu had said halfway into practice. As you passed around water bottles and reviewed upcoming plays, he had snatched the clipboard from beneath your elbow and dangled it above your head.
“Are you a 12 or something?” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. The blonde had grinned, a devilish smile laced with ill intent rolled over his features.
“Come on, manager. All ya gotta do is reach. Not up for a little fun?”
“Keep it. I have everything on there memorized anyways.”
But Atsumu was never one to give in easily. Golden boy, whether that name was a play on his hair color or not, was a powerhouse of a player; he was loved by many, adored by more, and envied by most. He was capable, and overwhelmingly diligent in his plays and his teasing mannerisms, and so what if his manager of all people didn’t give him the time of day? Why should he care that you were able to shut him down so easily, with the wave of your hand, the roll of your eyes, the quirk of your eyebrow. There were hundreds of other people who would love to be in your position. Thousands of people who would love to be acknowledged by someone like him.
“So ya wouldn’t mind if I ripped it up? Or maybe if I poured water all over it? How about that?”
Your movements were deliberate. The way you stood with one hip jutted out just slightly, the tilt of your head and the crease in your eyes to signify your annoyance. You tapped your foot on the hardwood floor of the gymnasium, the sound echoing off the walls around you. In your head, you weighed your options. 1) You could give in, beg him to hand back the clipboard, and return to your seat like a humiliated dog with its tail between its legs. No, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction. 2) You could get the coach involved. There’s no way Atsumu wouldn’t give it back then. But did you want to risk sounding like a cry baby? Like a snitch, even? 3) You could do the only reasonable thing you could think of- treat him like the child he is.
“I’m going to count to 5, Miya. And by the time I’m done, that clipboard better be back in my hands, or else.” You extended a hand, fingers firmly stuck together, face stoic and void of anything other than impatience. Like a mother with her toddler in a grocery store, you waited for him to stomp his feet and curl his hands into fists as he always did when he was embarrassed.
“Or else what?”
You paused. You hadn’t thought that far ahead. Atsumu sucked in a breath and gripped the notes a little tighter. He knew he had you cornered.
“Or else I’ll quit. And you can find yourself a new manager. How would your team feel, knowing that you’re the reason they no longer have me around?”
“Why should I care? Leave if ya want, no one’s stopping ya. Door’s wide open, sweetheart.”
You felt your heart beat erratically in your chest. Were you really going to quit over something as stupid as a clipboard? But if you stayed, Atsumu would win, would he not? Was winning and losing all that really mattered at the moment? No, your pride was on the line. Your dignity. Maybe, you had just as much of an ego as him. You couldn’t stand to see that smug look on his face for just one more second. You hated the way he laughed, as if he knew how much the bickering truly got to you. As if he could hear you physically swallow each time he called you sweetheart or when your shoulders brushed against each other on the way to practice. You feared the way his eyes watched your every movement, as if predicting and calculating exactly what you were going to do next.
But right now, Atsumu sat still, arm extended above both your heads, contemplating what exactly was going on inside your mind. Would you actually leave right now? Walk out that door, turn in your resignation letter and never return? He tried to picture it without you- the bus rides void of your terrible singing, the benches empty of your presence. You wouldn’t be there to comfort him after a loss, or praise him after a win-them, he thinks. The team, not just him. But god does he want it to be him. So bad. He knew you hated him. He knew you despised him down to the very atom. And maybe this was the only way he could get you to look at him, even if it was for only a second.
“Is that what you want?” You ask, voice uncharacteristically quiet. Your eyes drop from his for just a second, and you feel yourself inching towards the door. Atsumu doesn’t even take a moment to think before replying.
“No. Not at all. I want you to stay right where you are.” His mind is yet to catch up with his mouth, and his hands are moving before he can process it. He tosses you the clipboard, and dips beneath the net to prepare for another practice round. It’s only moments later does his face begin to grow red from embarrassment, with the realization of his actions settling on him fully.
He waits for you outside the gym doors. Kita helps you put away any stray balls and stacks the chairs against the back wall for you, before making his way into the late afternoon. As you find yourself stepping out as well, Atsumu’s hand grips at the junction of your wrist, his touch light, desperate, far from his usual demanding demeanor. He pauses, scratching at the back of his neck and running his hands through his hair as he glances at your shoes merely inches apart.
“I’m sorry-about today. I got a little carried away.” His voice is small, and you can see the apples of his cheeks glow pink in the fading sunlight.
“It would really suck if ya quit on us. Not for me-but for the team, ya know.” The silence between you is deafening, and you feel your heart hammer against your rib cage as you watch him remove his hand from where it was positioned on your arm. The loss of touch has you chasing him back, gripping his hand tightly in your own, before entwining your fingers together.
“I’ll stay for you too- I-I’m staying for you, I mean.” He looks up at you then, eyes wide in shock, before they turn to amusement.
“Oh really? Good to know-” You retract your hand from his, moving to walk ahead of him up the street.
“Nevermind, I take it back.”
“Noooo where are ya going? We were making progress!” His hands slip around your sides as he twirls you back towards him, his grip on the front of your backpack straps keeping you secured in place.
“Does this mean you like me, manager?” He asks with a playful lilt to his voice.
“I mean I don’t hate you-”
“Aw come on, can’t ya just say it? For me?”
You pretend to act oblivious, struggling against his hold.
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about-”
“I like you, ya know.”
You stop then.
“I tease ya because I think your reactions are cute. Especially when you go from slightly annoyed to angry, cause then you look super hot-”
“Miya-!” “Astumu. Please call me Atsumu from now on.”
He releases his hands from around your bag, and turns you back towards the road. In front of you, you watch as it forks down the middle, Atsumu usually taking the right to get home. But as you hurry on, you feel his presence behind you. “Your house is that way.”
“I know, I’m walking ya home.” There’s a beat of silence before he speaks again.
“At least tell me you like me a little bit. Come on, it ain’t fair to leave a guy hanging-”
“And what if you’re lying. What if tomorrow you don’t feel the way you do now?”
Atsumu shook his head with a laugh.
“I liked you yesterday. And the day before that, and the day before that. Trust me, I can’t get rid of ya even if I tried. Not that I would want that, though.”
You stop, and in the dimness of a dying sun, you catch his stare, eyes holding yours with careful assurance.
“I like you, Atsumu.”
He moves quickly, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tight against his chest as your voice is muffled in his shirt.
“But I swear to god if you ever try that with me again-”
“We were having such a good moment, why’d ya have to go and say that!” there's a pout on his lips as he pulls away for just a moment.
“But you look really pretty right now, so I’ll forgive you.” You can’t help the smile that spills over your features. You clutch him close to you- the boy who’s overwhelming arrogance caught your attention. The boy who teased you too much, pushed not just the right buttons, but all your buttons, until his presence was nearly impossible to ignore. He was yours, and only yours. His image was shared with hundreds, but you were the only one who could hold him in such a way, the only one to see him crumble beneath your touch. He was yours, and yours only.
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cleoirvine · 3 years
♡“You’re legitimately huge…”
Tsukishima turns a bit in his seat, golden eyes settling on your own over the rim of his glasses.
“Excuse me?”
You wring your hands out, smoothing down the front of your uniform as an awkward smile makes its way onto your face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. It’s just like, well, your shoulders are… wide- I guess…”
He cocks a brow, fully turned now as he rests the side of his head on an open palm as you continue to ramble.
“And you’re tall, even when you’re sitting. Which is kinda inconvenient for me since I can’t see the board but I guess it must be nice for you-being able to reach the tops of shelves and everything. And you can see really far since your head… is so high from...the ground…”
He pauses, allowing you to catch your breath as your eyes dart around the classroom. He notices the red of your cheeks, the blush that dusts across your nose and creeps up your neck. He recognizes the way you tuck your lip between your top and bottom teeth, how you twist the ring around your pointer finger, over and over. He lets out a breathy laugh, those golden eyes that light up with amusement as he watches you; strategic and patient.
“Is that all?” His voice is low, with a twinge of annoyance, but the small smile on his face says otherwise.
“Yeah, that’s it.”
He nods, eyes still trained on you, and for that moment, you wish that the ground would just swallow you whole.
“Your face is red, by the way.”
You scowl, placing a hand on either side of your face in an attempt to cool your cheeks that had began to throb under his watchful glance.
“You don’t have to point it out.”
He shrugs, taking the opportunity to turn back towards the front of the room.
“It’s cute. You’re cute.”
You swear you almost didn’t hear it, the whisper of an incomplete confession under his breath, as the bell rang and students shuffled to their desks. If you hadn’t caught the red that bloomed at the tip of his ears, you would have thought it was a dream, a hallucination. But Tsukishima covered his mouth with his hand, hoping to conceal the redness from the people around him, but more importantly, from you.
You tap him on the shoulder as the homeroom teacher scans over the rows of students, and for a moment you think he’s going to ignore you. But as you sit back, having already put in too much effort for an 8am class, a small piece of paper is slipped onto your desk. You watch Tsukishima’s hand retreat to his side as you look down, a ‘what?’ scribbled across an orange sticky note.
You write back, bumping his chair with your foot as you hand him the note under the table.
Through the lenses of his glasses, he begrudgingly looked over what you had written, attempting to stop the smirk that replaced his ever so stoic expression.
‘Your face is red, by the way.’
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cleoirvine · 3 years
Random Headcanons: Captains Addition
Just some quick hc's I was thinking about the other day. I will absolutely make more if anyone wants them:)
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I picture Daichi to be someone who is genuinely protective when in a relationship
The type of person to text you good morning on his way to school/ good night as he’s about to go to bed
If he’s at your house studying with you and you fall asleep he will put your phone on the charger so it doesn’t die
Walks you to class and carries your bag on top of his own
Definitely the type to put a hand on the small of your back when you’re walking in tight or crowded places
I don’t see him as someone who is especially physical in public, like I think he keeps his pda to a minimum
But he’s still a teenage boy so all things considered I do think he would get *clingy* from time to time
If he stays after school to practice and he can’t walk home with you/catch the train he will ask you to text him when you get home just to make sure you arrived safely
He has the best communication skills out of all the captains, and he is incredibly patient, so if he gets frustrated or angry I think his first plan of action would be to talk things out and see where it goes from there
Dates with him are usually pretty casual, but what you don’t see is him panicking the day before he invites you because he wants everything to be perfect
Like I hc him as someone who won’t show it, but he plans everything down to the last detail to make sure everything is in order before he leaves his house to meet you
Probably picks up flowers for you because his mom said something about how romantic that would be
Is much more responsible than the average high school student and will always remind you to eat, take your vitamins, get enough sleep, etc
Buys you orange juice and slips a vitamin c tablet into it before giving it to you
Volleyball is a priority for him, but his team and the relationships he makes are what matter the most. At the end of the day, I think he realizes that you win some and you lose some, and he would rather be in your arms while thinking of those losses, than moping around on his own.
He seeks comfort in the most odd ways, like lifting your hand and placing it on top of his head
Or sticking his hands in the front pockets of your sweatshirts
Overall I think Daichi is a sweetheart, and that would show through while dating
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Bruhhhh this boy is so mf whiney
Like he will complain about everything that is surface level, but if something is truly bothering him he will keep it pent up
Part of the reason why his past relationships didn’t work is because he didn’t know how to balance volleyball and an s/o and always prioritized one (ahem, volleyball) over the other
So if he asks you out or vice versa, you need to be ready to give him unconditional support
Regardless, Oikawa is someone who is caring by instinct. I think that after becoming captain, be began to realize that it was better to lead his team on equal footing, so he took notice of any and everything
He applies this technique while dating, and sometimes has to remember that you’re not a volleyball opponent, you’re his s/o
He strikes me as the type of person to hold the door for you and then right as you’re about to reach the handle, will let it slam closed in your face while laughing from behind the glass
If you’re shorter than him, he will make fun of your height
If you’re taller than him, he will make fun of your height
You don’t win either way
I think he likes receiving confessions on the outside, but deep down he knows that these girls don’t really want anything special from him, and that bothers him to an extent
He’s still a teenage boy with a massive ego though, and while confessions may be one way to stroke it, I think he would want something genuine and passionate
I think he would also be the type of person to walk you home and then realize half a mile in that he got the both of you lost cause he was rambling about aliens or something
Definitely listens to true crime/supernatural podcasts
Probably has a Buzzfeed Unsolved addiction and watches Shane and Ryan in between study breaks
He is someone who has a lot of drive, and would want someone who is equally if not more hardworking than him
Would ask you to baby sit with him
Unlike Daichi you’re gonna be the one plugging his phone in at night so it doesn’t die
Will fall asleep on top of you if you don’t move every once in awhile, so be prepared to hold it if you’ve gotta use the bathroom
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Kuroo is a menace in the best way possible
He is so sly and he loves to tease you to the point where it can be almost unbearable
But he definitely knows where and when to draw the line, and on the off chance he does cross it, he apologizes almost immediately
I think Kuroo in a relationship would be really playful and laid back
He’s not someone who takes things too seriously, and is extremely intuitive and knows how to match other people's vibes/wave lengths
But when you first start dating it’s going to be awkward asf let's be real
He probably trys to warm up to you with some chemistry pick up line that flies right over your head
And while you sit there and laugh awkwardly while you question everything you’ve been taught in school up until now
Kuroo is attempting to recover from such a disastrous fail
But if you do understand the pun, and shoot him one back that is equally as intelligent, he will get all red in the face and will hide his blushing cheeks behind his hands
Either way, he’s going to be flustered
Kuroo is someone who can pick up on other people's emotions pretty well, and is quite observant, which comes in handy when dating
Will ask you what’s wrong before you even realize you’re upset
Brings you little cartons of milk or coffee and drops them off on your desk before school if he thinks you’ll be tired when you arrive
Despite his boisterous attitude, Kuroo is like *smart smart* ok he knows his stuff
He probably doesn’t even study he most likely just pays attention in school and takes really good notes and then right before a quiz he looks them over once
He makes up songs in his head to help him memorize important information, whether for school or for volleyball
Will 100% attempt to introduce you to Kenma
But if the blonde doesn’t like you then he will drop you
Jokes jokes (kind of) but I think it’s important for Kuroo that his best friend kind of likes you, or else it would be really awkward among the three of you
He will carry a hair tie on his wrist for you if you need it
If you’re bigger than him he will steal your sweatshirts, regardless of what’s on it.
I can imagine him studying with you one night and leaving with a hoodie, and rolling up to practice with like Sailor Moon plastered on the front of it
Really gives zero fucks
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cleoirvine · 3 years
♡ “Let me at least hold your bag.”
Oikawa was persistent. Whether it was on the court or in the classroom, he was the type of person to never take no for an answer.
He moved through life with an air about him; he was never avoidant of the girls who clawed their way towards him, kind, with that same glowing smile plastered across his face as he rejected them one after the other. He was demanding of his team mates, pushing himself and those around him to limits that shouldn’t-no, couldn’t, be reached.
You turned to him, holding that blank stare that he had grown accustomed to within the past few months.
“Don’t you have volleyball practice or something?” You retort, moving around him as you headed for the school’s front gate.
“No, practice was canceled for today. I figured I could walk you home.”
He was giddy, jumping at the opportunity to spend some time with you alone, just this once.
“Do you always just assume that girls want to walk home with you?” Oikawa paused before falling in step beside you as you hurried towards the cross walk.
“Come on, there’s no need to play hard to get anymore. I’m already here, I mean, look at me!” Oikawa, with an arrogant smirk, alluded to himself in the late afternoon air. You stopped entirely, turning to look at him as you did so. With your bag tucked securely over your shoulder, you gripped the straps until your knuckles turned white. You weren’t sure what it was- whether it be the beating of your heart, the blush that threatened to expose the nervousness in your every step-all you knew was that you wanted it to stop. You wanted to go back, redo the afternoon. Maybe if you had left class earlier, you would be home by now. Maybe if practice hadn’t been “canceled”, then Oikawa wouldn’t be trying so hard to walk beside you, hands grabbing at the straps of your bag.
“Will you ever give up?” You had asked then, and watched as his face contorted into uncertainty, then assurance.
“Will you go out with me?” He retorted, hands tucked behind his back as he leaned into you a bit. His face was closer than before, and you could make out the faint smell of his cologne.
“If I say yes will you leave me alone?”
Oikawa contemplated this for a moment. He shook his head, leaning in even closer than before.
“Probably not. But it’s not like you’d mind, right?” You shoved him away, your face threatening to show the embarrassing effect he had on you as your mind grew clouded with him. You continued onward, but extended your bag out towards him-an olive branch of sorts.
“You can hold my bag until the first junction. But then you’ve really gotta go back to practice.”
You watched as the tips of his ears turned red, his eyes darting between the book bag in your hand that he began to reach out for, and your eyes that had been set upon his own.
“What-wait, how’d you know I was lying?”
Oikawa threw the bag over his shoulder, and you bumped him lightly as you walked.
“I can just tell. You’re not very good at it, ya know.”
And for a second, he swore he saw a bit of a smile flash across your face.
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cleoirvine · 3 years
♡ Kenma doesn’t like to share.
He doesn’t like when people hover over his shoulders while he’s playing games on his phone. He doesn’t like when people tease him or laugh too loudly in his ear. He doesn’t like to play volleyball, but he does it anyway, because you like it.
He doesn’t mind when you watch him play, fingers moving quickly across the screen as you sit idly by, breath hot on his neck. He doesn’t mind when you laugh just a bit too loud, catching glances from other people in the halls. He doesn’t mind coming out of practice sweaty and aching, muscles strained and limbs sore, if it means he gets to see you waiting outside those gym doors, a smile that makes his heart beat a little too fast for his liking, etched across your face.
Kenma hates that you make him want to share; his video games, his lunches, his jackets, his thoughts and worries. He hates that he doesn’t mind the things you do, all the little habits he grew to love, despite how he hated when everyone else did them. And when you knock shoulders with him on the walk to the train station, he hates how he so desperately wants to grab your hand and intertwine your fingers with his.
And when he grew too tired, too worn out, too overwhelmed with the world around him, he hated that you seemed to be the only person who gave him the space to recoup, when he wanted nothing more than to be stuck in your arms with your scent wrapped around him.
And yet, when he came back, ready to start over, a new day with a new chance to start again, he knew that you would be there waiting each and every time.
And so, as practice came to and, and the early summer sky faded from an orange to a deep blue, he headed out those gym doors, expectant and waiting to see your face, the smile he grew to love, that made his heart beat just a little too fast. He tried to play it off, still on an adrenaline high from practice, but deep down he knew that you were the only one to make him feel this way.
You clutched your bag close to you, standing and dusting the dirt off the back of your legs.
“Ready to go?” You asked, pointing a thumb over your shoulder. He nodded, making his way up the street with you by his side.
The air around you was quiet, the sound of Kenma’s breathing being enough for you. And as you dipped inside the train station, ready to head your separate ways, he grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers between yours. A blush stained red rose from his neck, as he attempted to look anywhere but at you.
“Don’t go,” He began.
“Not yet.”
With that same stupid smile, the one that made his mind fuzzy and his palms clammy, you gripped him a little tighter, and you stood there together, listening to the sound of the evening grow dark, as the world moved about around you.
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cleoirvine · 3 years
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Hi and welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by:)
My names Mack, and I write short stories, drabbles, etc, so please feel free to leave a request in my inbox! If you are unsure of anything, please refer to my *Rules and Guidelines* which I will link here: ♡
I hope this is a place where you can read and relax with some of your favorite characters. Comments and feedback are always welcome!!
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cleoirvine · 3 years
*Rules and Guidelines*
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my work:) I currently do have a few boundaries when it comes to writing, and I just want to make them clear before you make a request:
♡I currently only write for Haikyuu, although I will branch out in the future.
♡I do not write NSFW as most of the characters are minors, and while I am aware that aging a character up is completely and totally valid, and some works may include that, I personally do not feel comfortable writing it.
♡If you have a specific request, please include gender pronouns if necessary! I want to make my writing as inclusive as possible, so do not be afraid to ask/correct me if something is off.
♡If you are referring to a prompt list, please be specific! Prompt List Name/ Name of character/Number prompt is a good way to leave a request:)
♡ Please clarify what type of request you are making, whether it be an hc or a drabble of sorts, I want to be sure I make every request as perfect as possible for you all:)
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