clineler0-blog · 12 years
Leading 5 Celebrity Females who are Breast Cancer Survivors
Cancer is a deadly disease that does not favor anyone as it attacks all races, genders and even different status. They are many women who have been victims of the disease but have found a way to overcome it. They are many people who have been in the lame light that suffered the condition and they got the treatment necessary to aid for quick recovery. This is why most of the low earning people end up dying from the disease as they cannot access the treatment.
One of them is a woman known as Sheryl Crow; she is a musician who had a condition that made her get the condition. Her case was that of a mammogram that was detected in her breast and it was cancerous and hence making it hard for her. Her career was sort of put on hold because of her condition as she was a singer and it was hard to blend in with her normalcy.
Thanks to her illness a research project was conducted by the congress. This research was petitioned by her and was looking in to the possible links between the environmental factors and breast cancer.
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Eldie Falco is yet another woman who was in the battle of fighting with the disease. This is because she decided that she was going to make it on her own and keep it to herself. This was a hard thing to do but she did manage. She did that as she did not want to be a burden to her friend and family as well. In the end she had to involve them due to the procedure that was needed for her to get adequate treatment.
The other woman is Cynthia Nixon; she is also another who did not want her disease let out public. She was the famous actress from the famous TV series ?Sex and the City?. This was one of the reason is why she wanted to keep it to herself. She had to avoid the media until the last stages of her treatment.
Another thing that drove us to writing this is for inspirational purposes too. There are people in the world that have lost hope completely and seem to have no hope of ever recovering. This is because they have no money for surgery or rather treatment. This is why people should have breast cancer charities and breast cancer support. These are meant for cancer patients that have lost hope of ever recovering.
Elizabeth Edwards who is a wife of John Edwards, a presidential candidate, at some point in her life she fell victim of breast cancer. A large lump showed up on her right breast after she had missed her mammogram in four years.
She was not able to battle through the disease as it got to the worse stage where it attached other parts of the body. This is such a huge tragedy as she had gone through the process of chemotherapy and hence it was a long journey for her.
Another brave woman is Kylie Minogue; she has become a motivation speaker after her battle with the condition. She makes it clear that women should not assume anything including their instincts. This is because it was a personal experience for her where she was diagnosed but the results were negative yet she felt like she had a problem. She gave it a second thought and after the second diagnose it was found that she had the cancerous disease and she started undergoing treatment.
The most important thing that one should learn from such an experience of overcoming and battling such a disease is inspiration. The struggles inspire one to become a better person and make sure that they spread the word to other women as well.
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