clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
okay, so, bless my glorious girlfriend for calming me down. sorry for the drama. i could never bring myself to delete my tumblr completely, so if you want to keep up with me, drop me an ask. tomorrow i will create a new personal blog and a fandom blog. let me know which urls you'd like! i'm going to wind up deleting over here, though, but not for a week or so.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
please dont cry. do whats best for you. maybe some things just need to be forgotten, and maybe the first step is to get rid of this tumblr blog and start fresh, maybe take a break from the internet and all of this to just clear your mind and memory of this. Or maybe you dont have to delete it. all you have to do is just stop going onto it, and forget tumblr even exists. It will be hard for you, i understand, but please be strong
here's a fun fact.about two or so weeks ago, i made a new tumblr account in a different fandom under a different name.i now have more followers over there than i do here and have interacted with them minimally, yes, but also more than i've done over here in the year+ i've had this.logic says i make a sideblog to keep the stuff i really like and just get rid of this monster.at this point, it's better for me to stop talking because it all probably seems incredibly childish.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
i hate this blog so much. just being here makes me upset.
but there are 6,400 posts here full of my thoughts and feelings and thing that i liked and part of me wants it to just go away forever and the other part wants to pretend that all of this never happened.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
ill miss you. but do whats for the best. goodbye, i guess, if you are going.
this blog is too stressful
this fandom is too stressful
it's not fun anymore. i haven't made any friends. it's just...
even in this huge group of outcasts, i never felt like i belonged.
thank you, though. message me off anon and maybe we could work something out?
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
i think it's time for me to delete this blog
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
yeah this blog is pretty much over. i didn't make any friends here, and it didn't strengthen any of my previous relationships. my fandoms embarrass me, and i have neither the talent nor vocabulary to participate myself.
so there you go.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
she and i have different love languages
i love you is the way she endears herself to me so completely. her laugh, her voice, her unabashed enthusiasm. how nothing she does could ever get on my nerves. when she takes the time to message me first. the way she sounds when she echoes my words back.
i love you is how embarrassed she gets when i say it point blank. how words and messages dissolve into lengthy phrasing on one end and keyboard smashing on the other. how i have to reassure her that, yes, i do mean every word i say. every. last. one.
i love you is how it takes me a minute to understand what she's trying to say. the understanding that some things are just lost in translation. how that little sentence, that gesture, her simple presence, are all her ways of showing affection. it's how, although i don't always get it, it's just imbued with everything her that i can't not adore her even more.
i love you is the understanding when the translation centers shut down. when i'm having a bad day and demand she speaks in my language. when i get angry when she's not fluent.
i love you is trusting her. it's knowing that, even if she doesn't say it the same way, she feels it in her heart.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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Our next guest artist is the wonderful paperseverywhere!
I was genuinely the happiest little shit, when she asked me to join for a question, because as you can see, she’s awesome and talented - so basically everything I’m not, now go and take a good look at her art, if you haven’t done yet.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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For the full Oscar-nominated Disney short, watch it here. 
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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Ushio… would it be all right if I stayed with you? I’ve been a bad daddy for many years but I’ll do my best from now on. So, would it be all right if I stayed with you? 
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
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egderp, egderp, let down your lame ass hood.
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clockwork-majyyks · 12 years
8 Ways To Say I Love You by R. McKinley
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