clonescubed · 28 minutes
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clonescubed · 17 hours
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So fun fact, Spit the Cricket might be the oldest character [along with Astro the Anteater LOL] I have since I’m pretty sure I’ve had him at LEAST since early middle school. I’m in college now LOL. I wish I had old cringe art to show of him.
Spit is a loud mouthed and confident individual, but for as much as he likes to yap, mock, and taunt, no body can really say that they know much about him.
He’s great at collecting information as a result and it’s why Clutch hired him to work with the muscle, Snot the Cockroach on odd jobs. Between the two, there is a clear favorite in Spit with what he can bring to the table.
He enjoys toying with Snot, who has a massive crush that Spit does reciprocate, but doesn’t want to ruin their work relationship despite already having a married couple banter.
Literally just changed some colors a teensy bit and his eye color so it’s Snot’s green. They’re MADE for each other.
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clonescubed · 20 hours
I love Mirror but it’s so funny that he’s so far the most popular ref post yet. 😭 I’m assuming that it’s cause of the Shadow x Sonic Generations trailer?? And him being a Shadow Android lol.
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clonescubed · 22 hours
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For every rendered piece I do, there’s a low quality doodle that goes along with it. Seriously, if I don’t post the doodle then just ask for it because it’s guaranteed to exist
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clonescubed · 2 days
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Sometimes you have a dumb idea that you let run wild and that’s how you end up with such a stupid character. I love him to death, here’s Snot the Cockroach.
He’s got a whole tough guy act going where he pretends like he’s got super thick skin and while he probably can and will punch someone through a wall. He’s actually very sensitive and will cry himself to sleep later if you make fun of him.
Snot works for Clutch the Opossum as muscle for his more strenuous schemes and works with Spit the Cricket to cause problems for Clutch’s competitors.
Snot has a very obvious crush on Spit that is reciprocated but the two blockheads are unable to figure it out.
Okay so I kind of messed it up, but Snot initially had more actual cockroach colors but I had made an edit to the colors on another layer. I merged the newer color layer to make the ref and accidentally made it permanent lol.
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clonescubed · 2 days
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More doodles from the day lolll.
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clonescubed · 3 days
Starline, you would have loved Pride Month. You had so much of it. 💔
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clonescubed · 3 days
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Some sketches that I’ve done recently! I love using calligraphy pens for art.
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clonescubed · 4 days
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I had a vision a few months back and here she is, Platinum the Secretary Bird!
She keeps her cards VERY close to her chest which makes her near impossible to read as she plays the eager, appeasing, and highly competent assistant to Eggman incredibly well. But when he’s not around, she just looks sad or bored.
One of the few things that brings her clear joy is Obsidian the Badger, who she dotes on heavily and refers to as her baby. Though, there are parts that she doesn’t tell them as she was apart of the process that made them into a cyborg with Eggman; it was the only way she could save them.
She doesn’t seem content with working under Eggman, but she does little to resist it and has gotten enough of his trust to leave her operating an otherwise offline base of his with Obsidian to keep her company and eventually another Eggman cyborg.
Uh, she got WAY less edgy than she was initially, but kept a lot of her original personality.
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clonescubed · 5 days
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One of my more new ocs that’s actually from earlier this year, it’s Obsidian the Badger!
They’re a very happy-go-lucky, plucky, and well meaning kid and absolutely ADORES their mom, Platinum. They’re kind, but often can get a little ahead of themself and find themself in trouble with Platinum’s sometimes overbearing nature.
Obsidian understands that they were made into what is functionally a cyborg by Eggman, but has little recollection of their life before. Platinum takes care of any of their mechanical issues with her tech knowledge and her knowing how to make a mean grilled cheese and batch of onion rings.
They are a bit lonely with no one other than Platinum to keep them company in the expansive base that the two call home.
Since they’ve only existed for like 5 months, I didn’t have to change much of their design. Some small marking and hair changes but that’s it.
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clonescubed · 6 days
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Mirror the Shadow Android or more accurately the boyfailure lol.
If you thought Shadow was angsty then oh BOY, you’re in luck. Mirror is perpetually angry at the world and isn’t shy about letting his frustration be known.
He isn’t necessarily the first Shadow Android to develop its own personality, but he certainly has the strongest personality out of the 4 that it has been observed in.
And by far the strongest, though not on par with Shadow or any organic individual. But he is able to take a lick or three.
Literally nothing changed but his gloves and shoes. What was he wearing? Socks?
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clonescubed · 6 days
If so, what is it?
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clonescubed · 7 days
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Lily the Skunk! The ultimate babygirl of babygirls.
Seemingly always on edge, Lily is often startled by others approaching her as she wants nothing more than to blend into her surroundings and be ignored.
She feels much more at home at the gardening center that she works at, tending to the flowers by herself with the occasional customer. That or wrapped up in a book in her own small garden at her actual home.
She is very self conscious about being a skunk and drenches herself in perfume and cologne even though she never does reek. Though without her gardening gloves, her touch does cause flowers to wilt.
I realized that I had a good number of purple Sonic ocs that are all kind of the same purple so I decided to make Lily more inspired by the Stargazer Lily in terms of color. [I wanted more pink ocs since the only other one is Titania.]
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clonescubed · 7 days
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clonescubed · 8 days
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Anddddd we have saved the best for last with the bountyhunter throuple! Here is Strike the Deer.
He’s confident and a bit arrogant, but fortunately for him, he’s got the charisma to make others believe it. Though, he always seems to be in trouble with his flirting not deterred by most things.
While he can’t recall how or when he got them, he has the ability to create and control Chaos Energy, which he uses in his line of work for both long distance and short combat. Even if it pains her to say it, Gummy would admit that he’s quite formidable.
He adores his two girlfriends very much and will prattle on and on about them if given the chance in spite of his womanizer persona for work.
I don’t think a lot has been changed from his old design, but there were MANY tweaks.
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clonescubed · 8 days
Guys, I need you to look at this ad.
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clonescubed · 9 days
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And next is Astro! I felt that maybe I should keep her and her partners together when posting so expect Strike tomorrow.
Astro the Anteater is a very quiet and analytical individual, with little interest in making friends or dawdling around. She suffers from retrograde amnesia. Her inability to stay put might be the reason that she always seems to be lost, though she moves as if she knows where she has to be.
Despite her outward coldness, she does love her two partners, Gummy the Axolotl and Strike the Deer, and often accompanies one, the other, or both as they hunt their marks. Sometimes she will insert herself if they need her and her ability to manipulate light to end fights.
She is seemingly naturally nocturnal, but begrudgingly wakes up in the morning to contribute to society with sporadic naps if possible. She prefers the night because can look at the stars that she’s convinced call out to her.
She has barely changed in her design since the last time I drew her. Only some minor color and pant type changes but most obviously is a slightly different body type.
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