cloudless-dawn · 6 years
the great beyond
mystery in devotion
mystic leanings
to all that worship
seek out divinity in the mundane
trials by lightning
wither thou goest
wherever you go
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cloudless-dawn · 6 years
last night i wanted to feel important / so i capitalized myself / but today i feel small inside / and “i” want to reflect it
days roll into nights roll into weeks and months and years / and the only upper cases / are the gods and names / ...names are still negotiable.
i don’t make note of her going to her class / or him going to the store / or their adventures through the internet / and i should be the same
(i feel too small for anything else)
and so i hoard my Emphasis / for when it’s truly needed / an extra layer of meaning / cloaked in my insecurities
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cloudless-dawn · 6 years
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cloudless-dawn · 6 years
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cloudless-dawn · 6 years
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What is the threshold to say that you’re suffering? / At what point can I say, “Yes, I am in misery” / without the underlying knowledge that / someone is going through something worse? / Pain is so subjective in its comparisons. / I can’t think if I have the lightest of headaches, / but I can work through most anything else / without people even realizing I may collapse. / I don’t understand how to power through nausea, / but I’ve walked to work when I can hardly see / because of the whiteout from dizzying anemia. / Is that suffering? Is that hardship? Am I just weak? / My manager told me he had a “herniated disk” / in his spine (naming a vertebra that doesn’t exist). / Is he suffering? (Is he honest?) Is he entitled / to having me do his labor, since his back hurts? / I don’t know. Everything I’ve learned is meaningless / if there’s no context to understand the experience.
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cloudless-dawn · 6 years
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What makes a man? / Strong man, hard man, tough man, buff man. / What makes a man? / Strong type, silent type, dark type, “my” type. / What makes a man? / Too much brawn and not enough brains. / What makes a man? / Weak heart and strong wrists. / Strong heart and weak wrists? / What makes a “man”? / Hair falls on his shoulder. Hers? / His? / What “makes” a man? / Football and basketball and that first sip of beer. / Video games and confessions and soda? / Putting on Mom’s perfume, / Because it smells better? / Crayons give way to Legos give way to engineering. / Dolls give way to flowers give way to fashionista? / Truth or Dare to video games to techie? / Hacker? / Slacker? / Does it matter? / “What makes a man”? / What makes a girl? / What makes a difference in the world? / What makes a man?
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cloudless-dawn · 6 years
Shall you see me in the day
when morning light hits my wings
and the quiet is broken by my song?
Will you look for me at night
when shadows hide my talons
and the world is vast and dangerous?
If you watch me at dawn’s first light,
will you see my feathers
or whatever makes you strong?
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
thank you so much! it's gorgeous
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a shuddering gasp of crisp winter air
and nostalgic longing for things never there
a snowflake’s taste upon the tongue
the scent of spring before it comes
angel’s imprints on the earth
cocoa beside a warming hearth
what is this ghost of emotions gone?
it seems almost like a song.
– @risimi
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
a shuddering gasp of crisp winter air
and nostalgic longing for things never there
a snowflake's taste upon the tongue
the scent of spring before it comes
angel's imprints on the earth
cocoa beside a warming hearth
what is this ghost of emotions gone?
it seems almost like a song.
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
i love it so much thank you @monsterlets
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walking on clouds and weaving through raindrops
i am everything inside my head
there is a time and a place for everything
is there?
the universe is vast and i cannot fathom it
my lungs breathe in stardust and my heart beats away from my body
sunshine is spun inside your eyes
the ticking of the clock is far from here
we are in ourselves
we are infinite within our minds
– @risimi
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
i'm hollow but solid and on the edge of despair
there's a grounded euphoria just out of reach
i'm wistful for nothing in particular
i'm not sure what this is
but i have an empty heart full of mist
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
people people people rushing pushing prevaricating stringing Life along on battered limbs humans crowds the great unwashed waiting hoping praying Death comes swiftly on severed wings the masses the majority the bourgeoisie paying working metastasizing fattening each other for a slaughter
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
so i think something people don't seem to really get i don't think in favors, yeah? but other people do and i make it my business to understand the way each person thinks you don't ask for favors from someone who thinks in them (much like you never thank the fae) but it's alright to ask for one from someone who thinks in equivalence — the difference being that favors don't have defined value and are therefore much easier to abuse people don't seem to understand that i don't think in favors, i think in other people's perception
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
you know i never truly wondered why my brain went too fast for my hands i must be smart, that the synapses within my brain reach their destination quicker than those fired through my nervous system oh yes, tremble before the intellect of one who does not comprehend comparative distance what fools must we all be, to take such comfort in nonsensical appeasement perhaps the fool who admits it is the wisest of us all
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
There is joy and hope in death As nothing within life But all our souls decide what's left After years of strife And what we see and do is known By all who care to hear So all the seeds of love we've sown Leave no room for fear
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
you do you. do all you can do. but emotions are not choices, and i am tired. there may be rage under my emptiness, but i am so tired. i will try, when i can feel again.
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cloudless-dawn · 7 years
I'm tired of hatred It serves no purpose for me It makes me mean and sharp and a n g r y And exhausted and hollow and sad I'm tired of the frustration Of my tongue tied indignation Hate makes it harder for me to fix The thing that I loathe If you can wield your hatred well I will follow the torch you hold But I am empty aching tired And cannot light the fire myself
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