cloudninepillows · 6 years
Up On The Mountain Pt. 2
Well, it took a lot to get me to come back to writing this. Honestly it was the fact that two complete strangers liked my first post that encouraged me to write another one. Which only proves my constant need for reassurance and gratification. But lets just pretend we didnt know this about me. This part is a bit ramble-y, as is a lot of my writing. But i feel it gives a good insight into Hunter’s mindset. Back to Arthur next time. 
An eerie silence filled the crisp mountain air, unnaturally still in a way that only snow can inspire. The frantic movements of only a few minutes ago jarringly cut short. Hunter knew she had loosed the arrow, and she had tumbled backwards over the dead bison's massive corpse. Falling as she watched her homemade shaft strike deep into the stranger's chest. Knocking him backwards and into the snow. 'Caution.' Hunter warned herself. First listening, ears that had grown so accustomed to the sounds of nature would surely pick up any noises this Man would make. Only shallow breaths, limbs weren't moving, as far as she could tell. Running through her options she considered the situation in a matter of seconds. He was clearly from off her mountain. She would know if settlers had come up into her snow scape. He had firearms, a rifle at least, and probably a pistol somewhere. He was larger then her, probably 75 pounds bigger. But he was also injured. An arrow to the chest could cause a man to bleed out in a few minutes... depending on where she hit him. She trusted her aim.. But she had also fallen backwards, that could have thrown off her shot. No choice.. she would have to move and check. Carefully.. ever so carefully, She slid her arms around, The snow crunched ever so slightly, and she winced. Finally getting into a position where she could peek over the shelter of the bison body. 'Thats a lot of red', She stared at the man on the ground. The arrow wasnt anywhere to be seen in his body, instead it had landed out on the frozen waters of the lake. She could see the smear of red it had left as it rolled on the slick surface. Slowly standing up, she held her bow at the ready, another arrow notched. Moving around the bison, she approached the stranger. Squinting at his face as he lay on his back in the snow. Her arrow had gone through his right shoulder. Passing straight through. At such a short distance between them it wasnt a surprise. Chewing on her inner lip she stared at the man who had come up her mountain. Scruffy brown stubble covering his face and jaw. His skin was pale, no doubt from the blood loss, as it stained the snow. Squinting with annoyance she watched the cloud of breath that escaped her lungs. 'Two choices. Kill him. That might be a mercy to him, and yourself. Save him. Which might bring a whole heap of trouble down...' Setting her shoulders and squaring her stance she pulled her bow string back. Aiming for the man's closed eye. Just release the bow, and this problem would go away. She could collect the bison and be on her way. She stood like that for a long time. It seemed like days passed as she stared down at the stranger infront of her, wrestling with the pragmatism that had kept her alive for nearly 10 years on her mountain. Her arm started to shake, holding the string taught was making her muscles scream. Finally, with an annoyed click of her tongue she relaxed her stance. Releasing the tension on the string and tucking the arrow back in her quiver. "Best not make me regret this.." Her voice was cracked and whispery from disuse. Her mouth felt weird around the words, and it honestly stunned her that she knew how to form them at all anymore.  Bending down hastily she grabbed the stranger's lasso from his belt, tieing his hands together as a safety precaution. She set about packing both sides of his wound with snow. Grunting as she had to lift his heavy upper body up just to smack some snow on it. The first time he groaned she practically lept into a nearby tree. Heart beating like the mad thing she surely was to be taking such a risk. But he had only made a noise, and seemed content to stay mostly unconscious. There was nothing left to do but whistle for her horses, and drag this sorry sack back to her cabin.
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cloudninepillows · 6 years
Up On The Mountain Pt. 1
After being out of writing for so long, a self imposed exile to the lands of non-creativity.. i have to say it was a relief to churn anything out of these old fingers of mine. Lets see how i feel about it in a few days time while stewing in self loathing. 
His breath puffed out in great steaming clouds, floating up into the skies to join their greater cousins in the sky. shit it was cold. it even bit through his heavy jacket. he should just pack up his camp and go home. Poor Blaze had been muttering and grumbling in his horsey way ever since they came up this mountain. But the map had said that damn legendary bison was up by this lake. For whatever god forsaken reason, he knew not. The Sun was rising, reflecting off the snow in dazzling sparks of light. Sound was somehow both muffled and crisper up here. He could hear the snow sliding off the branch 50 feet away, but the crunch of hoof beats were barely audible. So he twitched when he saw the bison seemingly appear out of nowhere. Right on the shore of Lake Isabella, the waters mostly frozen over. Arthur jerked his rifle off his back and scrambled into position behind a snow bank. hoping like hell he wasnt making too much noise. This damned creature should fetch a good price at the trappers, not to mention some finer cold weather clothing. Steadying his hand, he inhaled deeply, staring through his sights at the great white beast. 'Never fire on full lungs'.. He started to exhale and pull the trigger. An Arrow seemed to sprout from the Bison's eye. Blood spurting into the cold clear air. An angry bellow, pained moan and then silence. Arthur watched all this through his scope, Mouth pursed in mild shock and trepidation. He hadnt heard nor saw anyone nearby. Hunkering down in the snow even deeper, glad he hadnt set a fire, no smoke to give himself away. He could feel the kindling anger start to burn in his chest as he stared through his scopes at the now dead bison. He had trekked up here for days just to nab this prize, and he wouldn't just let it be taken away from him. Minutes that felt like years passed, his scopes stayed trained on carcass. Finally, after what seemed like an eon had passed he happened to catch movement from the top most of the trees near the lake shore. swinging his rifle scopes to train on the figure slowly climbing its way down the high limbs. A big floppy hat hid the stranger's face from his sights. Furs and leathers bulked up the figure, so gender and build were difficult to predict. But confidence in his own body, in his own abilities had carried him this far in life.Bursting forth from his snow bank, He all but charged across the frozen lake. Strange echoes of his footfalls sounding through the frozen crust and echoing in the water below. "Hey! Hey! Stop right there! That's my game right there! I--" As he ran, he shouted. Gruff voice breaking the sacred silence of the mountain. The figure spun, Bow slinging off their shoulder in a smooth motion, arrow notched and string pulled. Even as he barreled forward, he watched as the figured stepped back, forgetting the bison behind them. He caught a flash of Blue eyes as the figure tumbled backwards, the notched arrow loosed and flying towards him. Leaving him with only just enough time to think 'Shit' before it struck him in the chest.
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cloudninepillows · 6 years
Character Reference Sheet for RDR2 fic
Verse: Red Dead Redemption 2
Full Name: Morgan Helena Green
Nickname/Alias: Hunter, Miss Green
Gender: Female
Gender Role: While she identifies as female, she has more masculine tendencies. 
Orientation: It doesnt have much of a role in the story. but shes totally Bi.
Real Age: 28
Birthday: February 3,  1871
Deathday: 1899
Immediate Family: Mother (Ruth Green) Father (deceased)                                
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Pear shaped body, wider hips with a more narrow upper body. 
Height: 5′8″
Birthmarks/scars: Multiple scars across her hands and forearms, along with various scars striping up and down her back. 
Distinguishing Features: Crooked nose from a bad break. Missing the last two fingers (ring and pinkie) on her right hand.
Health: Fairly healthy with no serious vices. 
Senses: She has an eagle eye and can track prey for miles. Having such a keen eye also helps with her aim resulting in her being a crack shot. 
Handicaps: I mean missing two fingers aint easy, but in the grand scheme of things, no not really. 
Phobias: Intimacy, along with being confined. 
Mental Disorders: PTSD (undiagnosed and unknown at this time period)
Style: Hunter/Trapper in the mountains. Theres no real use for fancy dress clothes up in the snow and woods. 
Mode of Dress: Utilitarian. If it has no use, she has no reason to wear it. Either storage, or warmth. Boots that will keep her feet protected and prevent her ankles from rolling. Pants that allow her body to move quickly and silently. Shirts that dont restrict her movement at all. Outerwear that can withstand heavy snows and bitter winds. 
Grooming: She keeps herself clean, but doesnt really care about appearance. The cleanliness is mostly out of habit and personal preference then anything. 
Posture: She has the sort of presence that can either scream “HERE I AM!!”  or fade so far out of your mind you forget shes even there. It depends on the situation. And her posture reflects that. 
Gait: Her center of gravity is low, with a slinking walk that has helped her survive successfully in the wild for many years. 
Habits and Mannerisms: She chews the inside of her lip
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cloudninepillows · 6 years
Introductory mumbojumbo
I’ve been on tumblr for years and years, but never really posted anything original or anything that i’ve created. Mostly just lurking and reblogging things i like. So this is an attempt to force myself to post stories i’ve made up, wither they be orginal stories, or fanfic about a book or game. Grammar isnt my biggest concern. originality can be learned. This is for me, if others want to join in thats great. but this is for myself. Its permission to be creative again, and just have fun.  
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