clownmajesty · 3 years
3rd day, here we go. abt my parents. hmm, i love them they r the best, ig. sometimes, i do feel annoyed by their act. their strict rules, mostly i hate. mama itu orang cukup disiplin dan tegas. bukan perfeksionis, cuma phobic aja sama beberapa hal yang melenceng dari prinsipnya. papa? papa itu simbol dari sebuah liberal tapi mengekang. ga sekritis mama, ga seperhatian mama, but i know. he always watching us. me, and my brothers.
my parents. we do picnic sometimes, hanya sebatas muter-muter memutari bantul, kota kecil, tempat lahir kami, more than enough to makes us feel like the happiest person in this world. i do hate them, a little bit and a little bit time, but i love them more than i hate them.
kalau mama itu jarum panjang yang selalu memastikan nggak ada menit yang terlewatkan, maka papa adalah jarum yang lebih panjang lagi, si penghitung detik. aku, adik, dan adikku lagi, kami lah jarum pendeknya. mengikuti kalian berdua, tetapi tanpa frekuensi kehadiran kalian berdua, kami pun tetap bisa berdiri tegak walau membuat orang lain linglung, 'ini pukul delapan lebih berapa menit dan detik, ya?'
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clownmajesty · 3 years
Kamu tahu, bukan?
kecerdasan bukanlah hal main-main
meski kepastian jawaban dari rumus limit fungsi tak bisa ku dapat, lima bahasa asing 'kan ku jadikan samudra
Kamu tahu, bukan?
kepintaran merupakan impian setiap insan
imajiner dan dalam-dalamnya, menjadi syarat utama dalam setiap mimpi-mimpi hampanya
tak ada peluh yang menetes, sebatas deretan gigi putih yang muncul kala pertanyaan 'mau kuliah dimana?' itu lahir.
'UGM atau mungkin, Undip, Bu!'
Bodoh, Kamu!
Tak ada peluh dan lubang hati, tak ada pula balutan jas abu abu dan biru tua!
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clownmajesty · 3 years
"Mama, aku anak pintar, bukan?"
"Iya, Sayang. Kamu sungguh pintar!"
"Mama, aku anak cantik, bukan?"
"Kamu bidadari kecil mama, pasti cantik, dong!"
"Mama, aku anak baik-baik, 'kan?"
"Hush! Kamu itu ibarat malaikat surga versi bumi! Cantik dan baik! Sempurna sekali bagi mama!"
"Mama, kenapa berbohong?"
"Mama, kata Papa, Mama bahkan tidak bisa melihatku."
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clownmajesty · 3 years
kamu bukan lagi sang ia,
mu tak lagi kutunggu-tunggu
kamu bukan lagi sang ia,
keluh kesahmu, tak lagi menjadi pusat sumber dopamine ku B E R A S A L
kamu bukan lagi sang ia,
namamu tak lagi ku e-l-u-e-l-u-k-a-n di hadapan dunia
kamu tak lagi menjadi sang ia,
sebab sedari awal, kerusakan kita tak pernah sembuh jika dipersatukan
—23.25 p.m.'s thought
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clownmajesty · 3 years
this is the 2nd dayyyy yeaa? okay, so i'll write some stuffs abt my crush. my dog dog doggggg crush. he's a human. and ummmm, he's, i mean, his name's rebel. AHAHSHKAMD, sorry, im a little overreact abt this. so, i met him when i was a roleplayer. he was a good guy, but a little bit cold. WELL, he is my ex ?? but he's also my crush. I KNOW ITS HARD TO EXPLAIN BUT THIS IS THE FACTTTT. i still love him like an idiot lolll. his 'gimana hari ini? ada cerita apa hari ini?' or his 'selamat pagi tuan putri', memang kampungan, pasaran, but i cant compare him with anyone else. however, he betrayed me. yesss, that 'now u bring her around, just to shut me down, show her off like she's a new trophy' and 'there's no damn way that u could fall in love with somebody that quickly' is real. i cant still even imagine it. imagine how he left me without any reason, and suddenly changed his bio with another girl's name. i haven't felt that yet. my name was never on that place. after all, i was just his 'tuan putri sebelumnya'
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clownmajesty · 3 years
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JJ vs police authority
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clownmajesty · 3 years
Twt is full of offended Darkling Stans and for what??? Saying Leigh is milking him for money??? ARE YOU DUMB??? Just because YOU romanticised him does NOT make him any less of a VILLAIN. And Leigh has been very clear on that front. He has always been a villain. He should've stayed dead in a ditch. In case ya'll delude yourself saying 'he did it all for Ravka' 'for his country' 'to save his people' 🥺
Let me remind you of a few things he also did:
Allowed Genya into being exploited by the King, when she was a faithful ally and he was in a position to protect her.
Made Genya befriend and then betray Alina. When Genya did help her one friend escape she was punished. He let his demons loose on her. On a girl who had given up everything, her soul and body to the cause. He didn't kill her, he made sure she loved the rest of her life in regret.
Where are the people who said he did everything to protect Grisha? Genya was Grisha too.
What he did to Nikolai.
Nikolai's intelligence was his greatest weapon, his cunning, and the Darkling took that away from him. His very humanity, his mind, his control over his own self.
Last but definitely not the least. What he did to his own mother. The woman who gave birth to him, the woman who would rather destroy villages than have him come to any harm. The woman who made him into the super powerful Darkling ™ that he is today.
He turned his own mom blind, remember that.
This character was never meant to be redeemed, to have a love story or a fairytale happy ending.
What he did to Ravka, people very conveniently forget that he CREATED THE FOLD. It would not exist of not for the Darkling, Ravka would not be the miserable, crumbling nation if it was not for him.
And I didn't even bother to include the things he did to Alina because that deserves a whole post of its own. And if I seriously need to explain why that ship is not canon and shoul never be- I'll legit go nuts
He is not a Cassandra Clare-esque misunderstood-bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold male lead. He is a Villain, a cunning, purpose driven, dangerous VILLAN. Admire him as one, stop romanticising him.
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clownmajesty · 3 years
the fact that nikolai thought “because i am greedy for the sight of you” in response to zoya saying “you have barely looked at me”.  i can’t express how much this contrast hit me. he wants to look at her so much that he does not do it at all. because he knows he would not be able to stop, because he knows he cannot, and the longing to look at her is so unbereable that he can’t stand it, like she is the sun and is shining to bright to stand to stare at her, and the only thing he can do to bear this desire is to run from it. because he would spend his life drinking in the sight of her, and she’s there in pain because he won’t meet her eyes. and he cannot tell her this, but he can tell her he sees her suffering and he can try to make amend. and he does.  “i am looking at you now” i will never stop shedding all my tears on this paragraph
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clownmajesty · 3 years
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clownmajesty · 3 years
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hehe, a little plan that i hope will work properly
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clownmajesty · 3 years
okayy, so the first thing that i have to write on my 1st day is all about my best friend.
here we go, then. i have a girl. NO, I MEAN LIKE, A GIRL-FRIEND. she's so adorable and cute and beautiful and pretty and sexy and smart and clever AND EVERYTHING. she's feli. i guess, everyone loves her too just like what i do. why?? she's so perfect and kind, but also a masterpiece at broke someone else's heart at the same time. once, she was told me that i treated her like a piece of junk. BUT I DONT! like, wth?!! well, but after all, we do a start over lol. i should thank to my dump ass ex, bcz of his action — he betrayed and dumped me for another girl — feli was comeback for me. she always there. and never leave. i cant even imagine how to stop loving her, its just like, why would i?
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clownmajesty · 3 years
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clownmajesty · 3 years
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i'll start on August, 23th 2021
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