daelnightbird · 1 year
Rusty Quill Gaming! In which:
Oscar Wilde gets punched in the dick by a goblin
Oscar Wilde dies twice (don't worry he gets better)
Oscar Wilde starts a QPR with a sad dwarf
His personality pretty much checks out though
Marie Curie is a lesbian girlboss
Nikola Tesla is like... A sad dilf
Albert Einstein is your weird drugged up great-uncle who you only see every two years but is extremely iconic
Thomas Edison... Is basically the same as he was irl. That is to say he sucks.
Franz Kafka is a funky evil necromancer
The guy who uncovered Tutankhamun's tomb has ADHD and is also a slightly incompetent gay burglar
There's this semi-famous Japanese philosopher but he's an evil brain in an orb.
Amelia Earhart is a gun-wielding steampunk gnome with an alcohol problem
Ada Lovelace is pretty normal and competent actually. Good for her.
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daelnightbird · 2 years
At this point I just want a buddy to platonically and violently flirt with
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daelnightbird · 2 years
RQ: "Are you still listening?"
Me, absolutely sobbing like a little bitch: "Yes I am, don't play"
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daelnightbird · 2 years
⚠️English translation further down!⚠️
Kurze Meinung. Es ist unglaublich wichtig für mich, Leute zu sehen, die ein explizites Coming Out haben. Man kann ja über Mikro-Labels denken was man möchte, aber Fakt ist, dass es Manchen derbe hilft.
Ja, ich bin ein Kind des Internets, ja, ich bin ein Kind der Fankultur. Und das hat mich wirklich viel gezwungen, mich als asexuelle nichtbinäre neurodivergente chronisch kranke Transperson üüüberall zwischen irgendwelchen Zeilen wiederzufinden, weil es nicht vorgesehen war, dass ich im geschriebenen Text überhaupt drin stecke. Weil meine Existenz zu kompliziert, zu langatmig, zu spezifisch, zu unwahrscheinlich, zu politisch ist. Und es tut so übertrieben gut, das mal nicht machen zu müssen, sondern jemanden wie eine Person des öffentlichen Lebens zu haben, die sich da hinstellt und sagt "Guckt mal Leute, ich gehör übrigens zu dieser spezifischen Gruppe zu der du auch gehörst. Ich bin wie du, und es ist okay das so in den Text zu schreiben. Ich gehöre nicht nur zwischen die Zeilen, und du musst da auch nicht bleiben."
Das heißt natürlich nicht, dass man sich outen oder Dinge preisgeben muss, nur weil man Person des öffentlichen Lebens ist. Wirklich keiner hat ein Anrecht, das zu verlangen. Aber wenn sich Leute sagen "Hey, mein Coming Out wär keine große Sache, das hat ja gar nicht die Berechtigung so an die große Glocke gehängt zu werden," doch. Häng es an die große Glocke und läute so oft wie du willst. Ich verspreche dir, da sind ein Haufen Leute die interessiert wer du bist und was du dazu sagen möchtest.
An opinion rq. It's so important for me to see people explicitly come out. You can say what you will about microlabels, have your opinion about them, but the fact is that they really help some people.
Yes, I'm a child of the internet, yes, I grew up in fan culture. And that forced me, as an asexual nonbinary neurodivergent chronically ill trans person, to always look for my existence between the lines, cause I was never meant to exist in the text as written. Because my existence is too complicated, too expansive, too specific, too improbable, too political. And it feels so amazing just not having to do that sometimes, but to have someone like a public figure take a stand and say "Ayo, I'm part of this same specific group as you are. I'm like you, and it's okay to write that into the text. I don't just belong in the space between the lines, and you don't have to stay there either."
Of course that doesn't mean you have to out yourself or reveal parts of yourself that you don't want to, just because you're a public figure. Absolutely no one has the right to demand anything like that from anyone. But if people think that "Hey, me coming out is unimportant, no one would even care if I announced it publicly," no it's not, and yes people would. Announce away, as much as you want. I promise you, there's a lot of people interested in who you are and that are willing to listen to you talk about it.
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"Closure is so last season," he says, having Barret Racket on speed dial
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"potential post Paris peril"
I'd say by now it's clear that it's a lot of definite post Paris peril
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"You see, the Ordinateurs, they developed the Rosetta Program"
Ah! It gets even more entangled!
"But you are quite right in that you did help to mitigate the disaster, so I suspect we could be able to just skimp on Mister Carter's expedition and possibly redirect the funds..."
Oh dear.
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"But you are quite right in that you did help to mitigate the disaster, so I suspect we could be able to just skimp on Mister Carter's expedition and possibly redirect the funds..."
Oh dear.
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daelnightbird · 2 years
Oh, look, it's Augusta Leigh!
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daelnightbird · 2 years
I've been well conditioned. Even within the first few episodes, when it has nothing to do with the grand scheme yet, whenever Alex speaks of One That Got Away I mentally jump to attention.
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"It's very difficult to get completely silent help these days"
Skip ahead to Paris, full of silent automaton servants
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"We do have quite a reasonable holiday package"
Proceeds not to catch a break for two years
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daelnightbird · 2 years
"For all the new listeners out there, cause you can't not be, cause its the first episode-"
Joke's on you Alexander J Newall I'm relistening to the podcast for the sixth time because a week between episodes is long, and life without constantly listening to your carefully curated misery is boring
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daelnightbird · 3 years
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daelnightbird · 3 years
I agree with Griffindoor Lucy and Hufflepuff Peter.
But Slytherin Edmund seems accurate, because of his unwavering determination. Even when watching the movies for the first time, my thoughts were that he's direct enough to get things done, always ready to fight for his family's honor. He doesn't take shit. And his mortal flaw could be seen as his ambition, which he partly develops because he always felt he stood in Peter's shadow specifically, but in the end he utilises and controls that ambition because he respects and loves Narnia and its traditions.
HOWEVER! Slytherin Susan also has a good point.
Susan IS smart. She IS witty and good with words. She DOES think ahead and play accordingly. Which, sure, Ravenclaw behavior.
But consider her cunning, a huge aspect of these mentioned traits. Consider her pride. She is very proud, willing to help her siblings, but very much less willing to accept help from the outside. She's ambitious. A queen in Narnia, and after that, mingling at dinner parties in America. And she has respect and understanding of traditions as well. She is the first to actually say out loud that it's her and Peter's time to go. Because that's how it is. And in her letter to Lucy, the one we get to see, she shows an incredible amount of acceptance that she won't ever go back. She remembers fondly, but she knows, those are the traditions. This is the way of things.
So, to sum it up, stop putting people in Slytherin for the exact wrong reasons. It's not the house of two-faced cutthroats.
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daelnightbird · 3 years
Thank you, I actively love you now!
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When I was younger, I used to imagine monsters running alongside the car. I decided to make stats (and a little sketch!) for them. 
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daelnightbird · 4 years
wall-e aus should be a way more common occurrence
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no one:
not a single soul:
me: hey what if… wall-e au…
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