clsullivan12-blog · 5 years
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Have you ever wondered how videos trend on YouTube? On YouTube, the list of trending videos is updated roughly every 15 minutes. With each update, videos may move up, down, or stay in the same position in the list. Can you imagine that? Trending helps viewers see what’s happening on YouTube and in the world. Trending aims to surface videos that a wide range of viewers would find interesting. #Youtube #videos #trending
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clsullivan12-blog · 5 years
Videos trending on YouTube
Have you ever wondered how videos trend on YouTube? On YouTube, the list of trending videos is updated roughly every 15 minutes. With each update, videos may move up, down, or stay in the same position in the list. Can you imagine that? Trending helps viewers see what’s happening on YouTube and in the world. Trending aims to surface videos that a wide range of viewers would find interesting. #Youtube #videos #trending
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clsullivan12-blog · 5 years
Video trending on YouTube
Have you ever wondered how videos trend on YouTube? On YouTube, the list of trending videos is updated roughly every 15 minutes. With each update, videos may move up, down, or stay in the same position in the list. Can you imagine that? Trending helps viewers see what’s happening on YouTube and in the world. Trending aims to surface videos that a wide range of viewers would find interesting. https://www.youtube.com/yts/img/yt_1200-vfl4C3T0K.png #Youtube #videos #trending
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clsullivan12-blog · 5 years
Measuring Social Media
Have you ever heard of Hootsuite? Hootsuite allows you to connect all your social media accounts together. I’ve had the opportunity of learning about Hootsuite. This website also has the allows you to measure your social media posts success through a feature called Hootsuite analysis. Want to measure your social media posts success? Then check out Hootsuite!   
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clsullivan12-blog · 5 years
Traditional media vs new media?
Traditional media tends to be a bit more expensive compared to new media.Traditional media also has the ability to reach a broad target audience, while new media allows businesses to target ads more specifically to consumers based on their age, gender, and marital status. For example, a retail business can focus on consumers in a current location and specific interest of that clientele. New media also allows businesses the ability to track what these consumers are doing and how they end up on your website. Marketing can be customized based on what is trending or has been trending. 
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More can be found at https://www.absolutemg.com/2014/12/23/traditional-media-balancing-effect/
Photo from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjghuDxgMzjAhUQbq0KHTbOBucQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.totalmedia.co.uk%2Finsights%2Ftrust-traditional-media%2F&psig=AOvVaw3u-lP2zkzMJZcQEj93OR70&ust=1564004292858769
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clsullivan12-blog · 5 years
5 tips to be professional online
Being a professional online can seem hard. Although, there is a saying “If you don't want your grandmother to see it, don't post it”. 
1. Privacy is real. The more content you blast onto the Internet, the more pieces of your personal life you're offering to complete strangers.
2. Prepare for employers. Studies show that the majority of HR managers perform Internet searches prior to interviewing job candidates
3. The internet never forgets.  If you post something questionable, you can bet that someday, someone will find it.
4. Establish your expertise.  As you work to manage your reputation, be active online in ways that reflect well on you as a professional.
5. Protect passwords and other information.  On the Web, protecting personal information is of utmost importance. If a malicious stranger has access to your accounts, a whole range of horrible events may happen.
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