clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
Best Friend Starters!
{Text}: Go to bed and stop texting me. This isn’t the intended use of emojis.
“Hey, I read about this super illegal thing and I think we should do it.” 
“Do you think foods have feelings? Maybe that gumball I dropped today was sad I didn’t eat him…”
“No, we can’t buy five hundred pugs.” 
“What do you mean I’m too loud? It’s not like I’m SHOUTING IN YOUR EAR!” 
“If I go down you’re coming with me! This is a mutual effort!” 
“I’m not picking your drunk ass up at three in the morning anymore.” 
“Stop coming into my house to sleep on my couch! Someday you’re going to find the door locked.” 
“Oof, get off! You’re too heavy!” 
“I honestly think you belong in a cell, but again, I guess we’d be cellmates.” 
“Now who the fuck took my skittles? It was you, wasn’t it, you smug little-” 
“Somehow I don’t think the teacher believed our story about the sword wielding elves breaking the window…” 
“I don’t care if you didn’t wanna share, it’s mine now!” 
“YOU ARE A DICK. Also I’m at your door, let me in.” 
“C’mon, smile… I’ll tickle you if I have to!” 
“You’re sad. Don’t lie to me. I see the pouty thing you do.” 
“Do you need me to kill someone for you?” 
“You can’t even reach me to hit me, shortie– OW!!” 
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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I had a horrible day, it required some marichat to lift my moral…
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
Can you do Marinette in 6A ((or A6 idk how the order is supposed to be))? Also, I superduper love your work!!
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@sweetprincessluck and I started talking about snakes for some reason while I was screen sharing, and some fancy snakes made it into the picture, so there they shall remain.  XD
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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“The... The kissing someone on New Years isn’t a real thing right? It’s just a silly thing people make up. I mean, not everyone is just kissing people on New Years.”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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“Wow... I can’t believe another year has almost come and gone. So much has changed in the past year, it’s hard to believe. It makes me kind of excited about what the next year is going to bring. I mean, I bet it’ll be another great year, but... I don’t know. So much can happen.”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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“It’s refreshing for it to be peaceful during this time of year. The snow is so beautiful and everyone seems so cozy and happy lately.” Admittedly it was boring, but she enjoyed being able to relax even though it had been a while since she had seen her partner. Perhaps he wasn’t around, vacation or something. “I wonder how long it’s going to be like this.... Forever I hope.”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
Marinette or Ladybug C5 please!!
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tfw someone says you look a lot like Ladybug
(please don’t send in any more requests at the moment, I already have a lot to do and I’ll open it back up once I finish ahh)
original expression meme
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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Hey, @whimsicalplum, I’m your secret santa gifter for the @mlsecretsanta.  I hope this is as romantic as you like lol
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
Another 100 Random RP Starters
- does include some swearing; feel free to edit when sending in an ask to fit character’s speech
“No. No, no, no. Don’t you dare try to pin the blame on me.”
“Did you even bother to think about the consequences?”
“Listen here you useless paperclip!”
“Meerkats are murderous little bastards.”
“For the record, I hate everything.”
“Do you even remember me?”
“Did you know the guy who wrote Sherlock Holmes may have killed a man?”
“I’m going to join NASA and fling myself into the sun.”
“I hope you know what you’re getting into.”
“Please don’t. Just… don’t.”
Keep reading
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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“I got a pair of knitting needles and crochet hooks over the holiday and I’m really looking forward to making new pieces of clothing. Oh and blankets. I saw a really pretty blanket online and I’d like to make it, but it’s a little complex. I should really start off small, but I have so many ideas already I just can’t wait!”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
He was only trying to check out Rob’s new friend. Wally hadn’t actually intended to meet her seeing as his bro had some weird complex about her getting hurt, but oops? Kid was better than bird brain seemed to think.
“Sorry,” he laughs amiably coming to a stop in front of her. “I wasn’t trying anything funny, promise.” he says, raising his hands in a vague gesture of surrender. “I’m on the same super team as Robin. He may have mentioned me. The extremely handsome one,” the speedster jokes, posing ridiculously. Gotta set her at ease somehow, right?
“And you’re Spots, right? Or was it Red? Well, can’t remember, but birdboy wasn’t lying about the cute part!”
Now that he was no longer a blur Ladybug got a look at him. That’s right, he was the yellow blur he had seen once before briefly. She wondered why he had come to Paris. Seemed like quite a ways if he really was indeed on the same side as Robin. After all, Robin wasn’t from Paris either.
“Hmm... Well, if you’re on the same team then I suppose I don’t have anything to worry about.” In theory, but that didn’t mean she was going to let her guard down just yet. Ladybug and Wonder Boy had their fights and arguments, who was to say that this boy wouldn’t be the same? 
“It’s Ladybug actually, but I’m sure your friend prefers Spots. I’m sorry but what was your name? You’re so fast I must have missed it.” She smiled, lacing her arms across her chest. His off hand comment caught her off guard, surprised to hear his comrade would say such a thing. “Aww how sweet, he talks about me? Here I thought he just liked to tease me. There something I can help you with? Or just taking in the sights?”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
the person I reblogged this from is a cute peach
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
<--- this blog wouldn’t mind some curious anons
Ask about anything!
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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“You’re right. It’s all breath-taking.” Munching on her biscuit snacks, she offered Marinette some. It was certainly something different from her old home, but she really enjoyed how much people got into the holidays. “Some things are similar, yes. We have many lights, sweets, and it’s more about celebrating happiness to everyone. Though on the eve, it was more about romantic couples. My parents were always a bit much on that day.”
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Marinette accepted one of the snacks, taking a bite of it as they continued walking. “I’d love to see it sometime. I bet it would be beautiful. On Christmas Eve I usually spend it with my parents myself. We play games together and bake treats. Are you going to go back home for the holidays or stay here?”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
@brokenbutterfly12 liked for a starter!
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"I love how beautiful the city is this time of year. The lights are so beautiful, they glitter in the night.” Marinette sighed softly as the two made their way down the streets. People often window shopped this time of year. The displays were always so beautiful and elaborate, just to bring extra customers in. “Is it anything like this back home for you Chou?”
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clumsyluckbug-blog · 8 years
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Starter Call ;;
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