clumsytarot465 · 11 months
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My top 4 from that trends going around
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clumsytarot465 · 1 year
— jupiter in the houses 💫
⭐ jupiter 1st house you are unable to hide your emotions and have a very open, strong personality. you come across as friendly, fun, and sincere. your presence has a strong impact on those around you. you are seen as an extrovert, even if you think you aren’t. the way you act tends to appear very exaggerated, and you likely use a lot of gestures. you have a more optimistic and positive attitude on life; you don’t really let negative feelings easily take over you. you have faith that everything will work out for you
 💘 jupiter 2nd house you have the ability to chase your goals and achieve them. you have a strong sense of assurance that things will go your way. you are attracted to the finer things in life, which could result in you making unnecessary purchases. you take pleasure in shopping, giving gifts, and overspending. in spite of this, you probably choose not to worry too much because you know that money will always find its way back. you may come from a wealthy background, or you will work for it. nonetheless, you will gain more easily than others
⭐ jupiter 3rd house you are able to express yourself clearly. you have the ability to effortlessly attract people with your good storytelling skills. you have an endless amount of curiosity and ideas. not to mention, you are highly humorous and witty. because of your knowledge and communication skills, you may find many opportunities in these fields. you might even be skilled at public speaking. you easily learn things and can soak up many subjects. you are also very sociable and most often have good relations with your siblings and neighbors
💘 jupiter 4th house you could have enjoyed a pleasant, secure childhood filled with prosperity. perhaps your family raised you in a house with just enough space for you to roam around. throughout your early years, your relatives were very much present. your family may have been very generous and supportive of you. your parents could’ve encouraged you to expand your mind by passing their knowledge and morals on to you. you may be drawn towards history, cultures, or languages. you are mainly guided by your instinct
⭐ jupiter 5th house you are an extremely creative person and could have a lot of hobbies that you tend to overindulge in. you’re probably someone who loves learning about different cultures and languages. you have a strong inner child, and perhaps your parents could have supported you in pursuing creative activities. you could be considered the “life of the party” because of your fun-loving nature. you’re endowed with confidence, and you may feel like the spotlight is always on you. you never get bored as you have a lot of things to do
💘  jupiter 6th house you are blessed with a strong and healthy body, and if you do become sick, you’ll recover quickly. you usually have a high pain tolerance. speaking of health, you probably had the thought of becoming a vegan at some point. you could find jobs easily, and you often get along well with your coworkers. people just enjoy working with you. you have a helpful nature and will not hesitate to lend a hand. you love feeling productive and useful to others. you could also dream to have a lot of pets
⭐ jupiter 7th house your companions might think of you as someone who is bright and cheerful. your relationships could be very beneficial for you. you are drawn to well-educated people and those who come from different backgrounds than you. you may want a relationship with a lot of independence and freedom. you most likely possess a ton of knowledge and wisdom that you are eager to share. also, you have the ability to see and understand other people’s perspectives, which makes you an open-minded person. others could turn to you for advice
💘 jupiter 8th house this may indicate receiving an inheritance from a spouse or a family member. you might even meet a wealthy spouse. you can get into situations where people just randomly offer you things. you might find that psychology, taboos, and spirituality interest you. you have a keen sense of intuition and can easily tell when something’s wrong. you are able to read people and their motives. you are also fascinated by life-and-death topics. and because of your perceptive mind, you could be a researcher or investigator
⭐ jupiter 9th house you are an intellectual person who may be very interested in learning new languages and cultures. perhaps you speak more than two languages. this can also imply that you often travel and wish to broaden your horizons. you can find yourself drawn to foreign people, cultures, or ideas. you are wise and optimistic, with a visionary mind that is able to see the bigger picture. you like learning new things, and you might do well in higher education. you are also good at teaching others
💘 jupiter 10th house you may have a good reputation, and people just seem to naturally like you. you might find that others always listen to you and follow your lead, relying on you for guidance. you are seen as a spiritual person who has strong morals and principles. also, people think of you as someone social; you can have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. it is natural for you to be lucky in building your career since opportunities come your way. you may also want to work on your own and dislike being told what to do
⭐ jupiter 11th house you enjoy socializing and may spend a lot of time with your friends. you could also have a lot of long-term friends. you may seem to know a lot of people and have many connections. you tend to win others over easily because people tend to favor you a lot. others could see you as a natural leader since you have good cooperation skills and a helpful nature. you enjoy working on a team and could benefit from groups and partnerships. you could find friends who are loyal and will help you grow
💘 jupiter 12th house everything just seems to go your way, even if you don’t realize it. you could even feel protected; maybe you’ve experienced many dangerous situations but still managed to come out safe. you may have a very broad imagination and the ability to turn your ideas into reality. you have a tendency to feel alone, and you may like it this way. you could have a big interest in spirituality. you love digging deep into things, mainly about yourself. you have an endless curiosity about the hidden things in life. you could also have a lot of prophetic dreams
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clumsytarot465 · 1 year
Just got my reading and I just have to say how amazing it was! Resonated so much, you got every single thing right!!
You are just an amazing tarot reader! Keep doing your thing and I wish you all the best things the universe can offer you!! 🙏🏻❤️
Omg! I just saw this. Thank you so much for your kind words I’m really glad you liked your reading! Sorry it took me so long to answer this 💕💕💕🥰
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clumsytarot465 · 1 year
Hello my fellow people ^.^ I’m currently offering readings for 80$ if anyone is wanting one. It can be about anything except; health related issues, past life (that’s expert level in my opinion lol).
I’ll provide 1 tarot deck (typically. Depending on the reading), and a few oracle cards that you’ll be drawn to. I will send a pic through message along with asking your favorite number.
Feel free to hit me up here or my Instagram ClumsyGirl465, which is also my main page here lol
I look forward to doing your reading and connecting with anyone who is open 🥰
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
Hi! Could I have a reading about my career / finances? Is pursuing art going to be successful? I’m a Libra and my name is Michelle
Hello love ! I can definitely do you’re reading once I return from my vacation 🥰
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
My name is capriate
Can I have a free reading pls 🙏
Where do you see me in a year from now, like will my hardwork pay off?
Thank you ❤️
Hello love! I’d love to do your reading, I’m currently on vacation so once I get back home I’ll get on it 🥰
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
Hi… I would love to participate in your tarot reading. I will really appreciate if I can get one. :)
Sun. & Moon- Libra
Rising- Gemini
Question- Who will fall in love first between me and my future husband?
Of course you can have a reading ! I’m currently on vacation so I’ll be able to get to it once I’m back 💕💕💕💕
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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Hello my fellow witches! My names Jessica and I’m offering free and or paid readings!
If you want paid it’ll in tale; tarot deck and as many as 3 oracle decks or more. I could include other forms of divination from bibliomancy, shufflemancy and or pendulum.
Free readings will include 1 tarot deck and 2 oracle decks.
I will like to add though;
I’m not the best with pendulum, shufflemancy. But I will do my best if you request it for the paid reading.
I will NOT do readings in regards to anything you would and should ask a actual doctor.
If I don’t feel comfortable or unable to do a reading, you’re welcome to ask something for something different.
Tips are really appreciated, they help be able to get more decks to use in readings and if you liked what I read a follow is awesome, along with a shoutout to help grow my page.
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
Hey lovelies! Just wanted to do a quick post and say if anyone is wanting a reading I’m definitely open. Tips are always welcome to help out a fellow witch. So if you it ahhh me you know I’d curious or wanting one definitely hit me up here or on my Instagram
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
Low Energy Witchcraft
I'm neurodivergent and i experience really intense burnout. I get to a point where I struggle to even get out of bed, take my meds, remember to drink water, let alone practice. But, when I want to practice i have a list of things i can usually do. Everyone's experiences with burn out/low energy are different so this list may not apply to you, and that's okay. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't and i hope you enjoy my silly little list :)
create a playlist and infuse it with an intention. eg, a money spell playlist filled with songs about wealth.
draw sigils with soap when in the shower. (you can also use a wet wipe if you can't shower)
found some juice? give it a little shake and use the ingredients as a spell.
have food that has grains as ingredients? wow! an abundance spell!
the classic add intention to your tea and coffee.
bind your hair. for me with is as simple as putting my hair in a ponytail.
watch a witchy video. while not technically practising witchcraft, sometimes all you need is to sit back and relax to connect with your practice.
when I have a decent amount of energy I'll grab a large pillar candle and carve sigils into it. I use it as a long-term spell; all I have to do to activate it is light the candle. I like to light one of these spell candles when I'm having a bad day.
if you're religious, pray. Even if you're lying in bed. Even if you haven't showered in a week. If it makes you happy and you can, do it
burn some insence! it smells good, you don't have to really worry about forgetting about it, it's good for cleansing. it's great!
take a nap with some crystals. any restorative crystals or calming crystals work great! just make sure that they aren't geodes or roughs. i'd hate for you to hurt yourself while sleeping.
if you don't have any crystals for your nap, set an intention instead. please let yourself rest.
It's important to remember that you're allowed to take breaks from your craft. If you're forcing yourself to practice when you have no energy because "that's what a good witch would do!" then you're probably going to make your situation worse. it's a great way to fall out of love with witchcraft. give yourself some grace. rest is infinitely more important than 1 full moon, 1 new moon, or missing your daily/weekly/monthly cleanse. You aren't a bad person if you don't pull your morning tarot card or check the astrology forecast for today. and you aren't a bad person if you miss your daily prayer. take care of yourself. your health is WAY more important than your craft. Go get a drink of water and take care of yourself <3
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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¸,ø¤º°`𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮 ?`°º¤ø,¸
All the pictures are from Pinterest. If you like this post, do reblog. Just liking a post on Tumblr, does not help the post. And it's kind of disappointing, doing all this work with nothing to show for it.
Thank you.
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𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓲
The scenario will likely happen on someone's birthday or after a long hectic time at work. There will be a candle light dinner on the beach, with romantic lighting. For a very tiny portion of people here, there will also be violins playing in the background. It could be live or just a recorded version. After dinner, you will be having cute, little desserts. It will a be peaceful date and a chance to bond again. It can be Oriental or sea food cuisine.
Anther scenario will be you both cooking and dancing in the kitchen together. It will start with a mainstream pop song playing in the background. You will use a wooden spatula and try to sing the song, your partner will laugh and join you.
Someone in this relationship will have a soft, loving,motherly energy. They will be fierce and protective over their loved ones.
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𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓲
You have a confident and attractive energy. If you don't feel too good right now, then just know that your confidence will definately grow.
You guys will be having a lot of game nights. It could be pictionary, board games, card games or lazer tag/darts. Mostly it will be between you both, and a few with a group of friends.
You both will be best-friends, with a comfortable and non-judgemental relationship. You would be able to tell your deepest thoughts and fears without being apprehensive of their reaction. Reminds me a little bit of Barney and Robin from How I met your mother. In the sense, how similar they are and can understand each other.
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𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓲𝓲𝓲
Sweet, loving and intimate relationship. You will know each other's thoughts like your own. You both will be transparent to one another.
A little 18+ message, the scenario that will come true will be related to your physical consummation of the relationship. The sex will be slow and errotic. This might be right after you both express your love for each other. A lot of looking in the eyes, and crying. This can be because of just how good the sex is or because of the vulnerable moment.
Another scenario will be when you come late home from work. You will be exhausted and your partner will pamper you. Massage, a bath, scented candles. The adoration and dedication towards you is palpable. You both will be deep in love.
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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You are everything to me 🐱💛🧡🤎
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clumsytarot465 · 2 years
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