clyffes · 6 years
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clyffes · 6 years
“I missed you too,” She said softly as she looked at Clyffe. “Did you get taller,” She joked, a smile coming to her face easily. It might have been one of the first ones she didn’t have to force. “Um it feels good,” She said, pushing her hair behind her ear. “I’m just ready to hand over my profiles and relax until they need me,” She joked. “But I’m fine,” Being around Clyffe always lifted her spirits. He was just an easy going guy. “Cool as in ice queens or actually fun. This is going to be interesting. Men and women fighting over the suitress,”
“I think I grew a couple of centimeters,” he joked. “Both actually! I excited to see what comes of the show this year. I mean, I hope no one gets hurt,” He said with a serious tone for a moment. “Do you have anyone that you think is going to win? I know who I’m rooting for, but I’m going to keep the name locked up,” he said with a wink. “If you need any shots I’m your guy. I’ve been practicing stealth shots, and not to toot my own horn, but I’ve leveled up.” He made a tooting motion. 
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clyffes · 6 years
Long hours was something she was use to since working on Everlasting. It was late now and the cameras were still rolling. She had went to craft services to grab a snack, needing a pick me up. When she was walking back, She didn’t expect to see Clyffe right away. She gave him a small smile, remembering how she had invited him to her wedding. She didn’t do it out of spite but he was one of her exes that she was close to. She considered him a friend. She gave him a wave back as she made her way back over to him. “Hey,” She said before moving in for a hug. “Long time no see,” She said as she looked up at him.
He hugged her back tightly. “I’ve honestly really missed you,” he said. Clyffe smiled brightly pushing the past to the back of his mind. He wanted her to have a good first day. “How does it feel to be back? Are you excited?” He stopped himself before he bombarded her with questions; something that he had been working on. One of the things that he’d been teased about his entire life was that was like a dog with how easily his attention was stolen or how eager he was at times. “I’m excited, we seem to have a lot of cool people this year!”
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clyffes · 6 years
          He had heard that she was coming back to work on the show, and he had told his close friends that he wasn’t nervous. At the time, he meant it. He was happy that she had moved on (or so he said). After seeing her being left at the altar, he felt the longing to be there for her. Despite their relationship, he missed being her friend. He didn’t know what to say to her. He tried to put himself in her shoes, and if he was honest, there was nothing that anyone could say to make the situation better. When he spotted her he flashed her a smile and gave her a small wave. He was dressed in his usual casual clothing and silently felt he was wearing something a bit more put together. He wanted to show that he had grown up in their time apart. 
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clyffes · 6 years
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As much as she enjoyed the clothes chosen for her, the dark dress that generously brought out her beautiful neck, she HATED that they made her put her hair up. Personally, she liked to let her long hair down, it brought her confidence. But they wouldn’t change their mind, insisting that she looked much better in that way. She doubted that, but agreed anyway – at least she got to paint her lips in familiar vivid red shade. Chanel wasn’t FEELING the party, but she hoped that after a few drinks she would start to relax and feel more like herself again. The was still all new to her, and she didn’t like this sense of nervous discomfort.
Her slender fingers wrapped around a glass of champagne, smiling at a person whose gaze seemed to linger on her for a little longer than just an usual glance. “Well, gorgeous, would you like to JOIN me?” the brunette hummed, raising her glass to welcome them there.  
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          Clyffe had been filming the area, getting footage of the contestants mingling. It seemed like with each passing year the contestants were altered more to the producer’s liking; not allowing the contestant’s individuality to shine. He had been working the cameras for years, so he had seen just how controlling the show was. Despite this, Radclyffe thought that the overall storylines were pretty interesting. Plus, the producers had said that the constants all wanted something, that none of them honestly wanted love. From what he had witnessed that seemed to be true. He stopped on a woman who was wearing a beautiful shade of red lipstick. When she noticed him lingering, he cleared his throat a bit awkwardly. “Oh, no thanks. I’m on the job, and there are eyes everywhere. Sorry, I didn’t mean to stay on you too long. It’s just that shade of red is a really nice touch. Did they pick that out or did you?” he asked genuinely curious. 
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clyffes · 6 years
“Champagne?” Scarlett smiled as she held the glass out gently for the person beside her.  “To be honest, alcohol might be the only way I’ll be able to get through this thing without missing the Ocean back home. Also- I need your honest opinion on this dress,” the brunette sighed as she took a small step back and gestured to the revealing Sapphire Blue dress she’d been given earlier that day. “I feel like a beauty queen. And not the good kind.” the woman’s hazel eyes danced over the other occupants in the room and shrugged.
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          Clyffe looked up from the camera and gave her an encouraging smile. “Unfortunately I can’t really drink on the job,” he said. He looked over her dress and then at the other people in the room. “I think that you are very beautiful. Though, I may be a bit biased. If anyone mentions the Ocean I immediately like you. I love to go surfing, and just sit on the beach.” Clyffe was a kind soul who enjoyed talking to people. He knew that the first day of filming was a bit nerve-racking so he always did his best to help the contestants feel at home. 
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clyffes · 6 years
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━━ was that DEREK THELER? no, that was just RADCLYFFE ANDREWSON, a DEMISEXUAL CISMALE from DULUTH, MINNESOTA. HE is a TWENTY-NINE year old CAMERA OPERATOR at everlasting and is known as THE INNOCENT. pronoun is known to be AGREEABLE, KIND & DEFENDER OF THE WEAK but also CHILDISH, OVERCRITICAL & SOCIALLY AWKWARD. i hope that he can create the best season yet!
                                            basics tag | wanted plots (00/05) | stats
You can read his background + intro here!
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clyffes · 6 years
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
bold which habits your muse has
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