cmmssuccess · 6 hours
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Asset Management Accreditation Options.
Asset management is vital for business success, requiring a standardized framework to maximize asset life and ROI, mitigate risks, ensure quality, and optimize costs.
In some cases, being accredited with a form of excellence in asset management has become essential for companies operating on the global stage.
Adopting a globally recognized series of international standards for asset management would be beneficial if your company:
Has high-value assets critical to operations.
Manages complex asset ecosystems requiring sophisticated oversight.
Faces significant risks associated with asset failure.
Has potential for substantial cost savings through optimized asset management.
Operates across multiple locations or countries.
Needs to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements.
In such cases, aligning with international standards provides a comprehensive benchmark for best practices in asset management.
If you are searching for ideas on where to look for guidance on increasing the level of asset management excellence at your company, there are three essential standards to embrace: ISO 55000:2014, ISO 55001:2014, and ISO 55002:2014.
These standards collectively make up the extensive framework for efficient asset management known as ISO 55000.
By giving asset management a structured approach, these standards enable organizations to align with wider international standards and apply best practices.
To obtain ISO 55000 certification, an organization must undergo a thorough evaluation procedure that certifies their dedication to sound asset management practices.
The main objectives of the ISO 55000 series of standards are continuous improvement, integration with current management systems, and risk assessment.
Implementing ISO 55000-compliant asset management systems can result in increased operational efficiency, lower risks, and better decision-making processes.
Effective asset management necessitates clear policies, strong leadership, and a commitment to continuous improvement throughout the asset lifecycle.
The transition from BSI PAS 55 to ISO 55000 represents a step forward in asset management standards, providing a more comprehensive and globally recognized framework.
Adopting ISO 55000 can help organizations optimize their asset management practices, resulting in increased operational efficiency, risk mitigation, and a competitive advantage in the global market.
The profession of asset management has advanced greatly as a result of other internationally recognized certifications like CAMA, IAM, AMP, and CRL as well.
To learn more, you can read my article in full via: Asset Management Accreditation Options - CMMS Success
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cmmssuccess · 3 days
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Selecting The Right CMMS For Your Business.
Investing in a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a substantial commitment for any organization.
A CMMS has the potential to significantly boost productivity and decrease costs by optimizing maintenance processes, reducing downtime, and enhancing operational efficiency.
The specific advantages a CMMS can provide are dependent on your organization's unique needs and objectives, as well as the systems and procedures you put in place to maximize its benefits.
Before acquiring a CMMS, it's crucial to conduct in-depth research to ensure the system is cost-effective, user-friendly, and capable of fulfilling both present and future needs.
An informed decision requires a meticulous selection process, where each potential CMMS is evaluated based on its features, scalability, compatibility with existing systems, and the level of vendor support.
The first step should be a thorough evaluation of your organization's maintenance management needs.
This involves identifying the specific challenges your organization encounters, the necessary functionalities, and the goals for implementing a CMMS.
The user experience is also vital, as a system that is intuitive and easy to use can significantly improve user adoption and productivity.
Consideration should also be given to the total cost of ownership, which includes not just the initial purchase price, but also ongoing expenses such as maintenance, training, and upgrades.
Over time, a quality CMMS should yield a robust return on investment by consistently enhancing performance and reducing operational costs.
Future-proofing your investment is another crucial consideration.
The ideal CMMS should be adaptable to evolving technological advancements and scalable to accommodate your organization's growth.
It should also incorporate robust data security features to safeguard sensitive information and ensure compliance with industry regulations.
Ultimately, the objective is to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals while maximizing the benefits of a CMMS.
Prioritizing comprehensive research and a systematic selection process will ensure that the CMMS you choose becomes a valuable asset to your organization.
The initial stages of CMMS selection are critical, and I believe the following seven key takeaways are important:
1. Thorough Research: Conduct extensive research to ensure the chosen CMMS is cost-effective, user-friendly, and meets both current and future requirements.
2. Business Needs: Start the selection process with a thorough analysis of your company’s maintenance management requirements.
3. Total Cost of Ownership: Consider both the initial purchase price and ongoing costs such as maintenance, training, and upgrades.
4. Future-Proofing: The ideal CMMS should be adaptable to changing technological advancements and scalable to support your company’s growth.
5. Business Process Mapping: Update and map business processes before selecting a CMMS to get a clear picture of current operations and identify inefficiencies.
6. Defining CMMS Needs: Define your requirements accurately to ensure the CMMS will support optimized processes and avoid selecting a CMMS that doesn’t fit the business model.
7. Vendor Evaluation: Consider the vendor’s track record, customer support, and roadmap for future developments when choosing a CMMS.
To learn more, you can read my article: Selecting The Right CMMS For Your Business - CMMS Success
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cmmssuccess · 3 days
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What Is A Maintenance Shutdown Event?
Maintenance shutdown events are planned halts in industrial operations to conduct essential maintenance that cannot be performed while the plant is running.
These shutdowns are crucial for ensuring long-term operational efficiency and safety, though they require significant investment and meticulous planning.
The planning involves developing a comprehensive shutdown plan to justify the production loss during the event.
Single-stream processes, which lack redundancy, typically necessitate shutdowns, while multi-stream processes allow for maintenance without halting operations.
Safety is paramount, requiring thorough process isolations to neutralize harmful energies and products.
The operations rundown plan details the sequence of activities, ensuring all isolations are tested and effective before maintenance begins.
Pre-shutdown preparations include organizing personnel, ensuring facilities and equipment are ready, and conducting pre-shutdown meetings to communicate hazards and responsibilities.
Effective planning and scheduling, involving a dedicated team, are essential to minimize risks and ensure smooth execution.
Post-shutdown reviews evaluate the success of the shutdown based on safety, completion of work, and adherence to budget and timelines.
The 7 Main Takeaways:
Importance of Shutdowns: Maintenance shutdowns are critical for ensuring long-term operational efficiency and safety in industrial facilities.
Planning and Scheduling: Effective planning and scheduling are paramount to the success of shutdowns, involving detailed coordination and risk assessments.
Safety Measures: Safety is a top priority, requiring thorough process isolations and neutralization of harmful energies and products.
Operations Rundown Plan: The operations rundown plan is crucial, detailing the sequence of activities and ensuring all isolations are tested and effective.
Pre-Shutdown Preparation: Pre-shutdown preparations, including organizing personnel and ensuring facilities and equipment are ready, are essential for a smooth start.
Team Involvement: A dedicated shutdown planning team, possibly including external experts, ensures comprehensive planning and minimizes risks.
Post-Shutdown Review: Post-shutdown reviews are critical for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the shutdown, focusing on safety, work completion, and adherence to budget and timelines.
To learn more, you might consider reading my article: What Is A Maintenance Shutdown - CMMS Success
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cmmssuccess · 4 days
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Get In Control Of Your Assets Using Bad Actor Defect Analysis (BADA), Taproot & Quality Software.
Gaining control over your assets will enable you to maximise their quality, availability, and dependability, which will result in the best possible costs, outputs, and productivity.
You can take control of your assets in a number of ways, but one of the most well-known is through efficient maintenance.
An "in control" maintenance department oversees optimal maintenance strategies developed for the entire operation in addition to fixing machines.
Being 'in control' requires planning, insight, and a thorough comprehension of the requirements of the entire operation.  Being able to accomplish this is dependent on two crucial actions, which are as follows:
Identifying any signs of defects as quickly as possible.
Using a comprehensive investigation technique to examine defects and then ensuring that a proactive maintenance strategy adjustment results.
A good way of doing this is to combine Bad Actor Defect Analysis (BADA) with Taproot Investigation techniques and quality software products.
BADA helps identify problematic equipment and processes, while Taproot investigations uncover root causes of issues.
The combined approach enables targeted solutions, predictive maintenance, and optimized resource allocation.
There are several steps involved with implementing this integrated method, including data collection, bad actor identification, and action plan development.
There are many benefits for taking on this approach, such as reduced downtime, cost savings, and enhanced safety.
There are a few quality software solutions can be adapted to support the BADA-Taproot process and then the best results will surely come from then combining these software tools with people expertise.
The 6 main takeaways for people wishing to learn more are:
The integration of BADA and Taproot techniques provides a comprehensive approach to identify, analyze, and address recurring maintenance issues.
Implementing the BADA-Taproot method can lead to significant improvements in asset reliability, cost reduction, safety performance, and overall operational efficiency.
The process involves systematic steps, including data collection, bad actor identification, root cause analysis, and action plan development.
Existing software solutions can be adapted to support and streamline the BADA-Taproot approach, enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency.
The combined method promotes a shift from reactive to proactive maintenance strategies, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
While software tools are valuable, the most effective implementation combines these tools with the expertise and judgment of experienced maintenance professionals.
To learn more, you could read my recent article:  Get In Control Of Your Assets - CMMS Success
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cmmssuccess · 6 days
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Defect Elimination Management And Bad Actor Analysis.
Maintaining asset integrity, maximising performance, and reaching peak production outcomes all depend on effective defect elimination management.
The difficulties of locating, comprehending, and resolving asset flaws will be examined in this article, with a focus on the significance of having a complete awareness of their nature, implications, and possible outcomes.
The significance of maintenance departments creating a framework for integrating defect elimination and bad actor analysis into their proactive maintenance strategies, enabling them to make more informed decisions, becomes clear when we delve into the subtleties of defect analysis.
Defects in an asset are characterised as flaws, inadequacies, or departures from standard operating characteristics or design specifications.
The kind of defect, where it is located on the assembly of the asset, and what happens when it exists determine how one defect impacts the performance of the asset as a whole.
For example, a minor corrosion patch on a panel that is readily replaceable and does not pose a structural risk to the asset overall is unlikely to have an adverse effect on the asset's longevity, performance, or safety.
Effective Defect Elimination Management is critical for maintaining asset integrity, optimizing performance, and achieving peak production results. It involves identifying, understanding, and addressing asset defects systematically.
Understanding asset defects requires accurate identification and comprehensive documentation in the CMMS, including risk assessments that evaluate both the consequence and likelihood of defects leading to failures.
Defect Elimination Management (DEM) is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional maintenance practices, focusing on root cause analysis and implementing long-term solutions to prevent defect recurrence.
"Bad Actors" in defect elimination refer to equipment, systems, or components that consistently underperform, require frequent maintenance, or cause repeated operational reliability or quality issues.
Advanced diagnostic tools and technologies, such as vibration analysis systems, infrared thermography, and AI-based analytics, have transformed the way asset defects are identified and managed.
Quality and timely repairs and clear business processes for managing defects are crucial, along with maintaining quality maintenance history data to provide valuable insights for future defect elimination processes.
To learn more, you can read my article via this link: Defect Elimination Management - CMMS Success
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cmmssuccess · 14 days
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Understanding The 5 Step Maintenance Systems Audit Process.
By methodically analysing practices, procedures, and performance metrics, these audits aim to find areas for improvement and make sure the maintenance department is working to its maximum capacity.
Validating compliance with established standards, identifying potential risks and inefficiencies, and developing practical recommendations to enhance overall performance are the main objectives of maintenance systems audits.
A comprehensive assessment of several factors, such as maintenance planning, scheduling, execution, and reporting, is part of the auditing process.
It also looks at how resources are allocated, how well departmental communications are done, and compliance with safety regulations.
By offering a transparent and impartial assessment, maintenance system audits assist organisations in setting priorities, making well-informed decisions, and putting best practices into action.
Analysing master data is a crucial step in the auditing procedure. All of the information required to maintain assets is contained in the master data, including equipment specs, asset hierarchies, maintenance strategies, bills of materials, asset criticality assessments, and maintenance vendor information.
Since accurate master data gives a complete picture of an asset's criticality, functional purpose, condition, and performance, it is crucial for making informed decisions.
Master data is the cornerstone of maintenance systems, supporting procurement, strategy formulation, work start, planning, scheduling, and maintenance work execution. It guarantees that the appropriate number of resources are available when needed and for the appropriate purposes.
Regular audits offer timely and useful insights into their capacity to continuously operate in the best interests of the business. Maintenance systems auditing is essential for boosting the productivity and efficacy of a company's maintenance department.
Below are just a few of the key points you will learn:
The 5-Step Maintenance Systems Auditing Process is a comprehensive approach to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of a company's maintenance department.
The primary goals of these audits are to validate compliance, identify risks and inefficiencies, and develop actionable recommendations for improvement.
The auditing process involves evaluating various aspects, including maintenance planning, scheduling, execution, reporting, resource allocation, safety protocols, and departmental communication.
Maintenance system audits help organizations make informed decisions, prioritize resources, and implement best practices.
Master data analysis is crucial in the auditing process, providing essential information about maintenance assets and serving as the foundation for various maintenance activities.
Accurate and up-to-date master data is vital for making sound decisions and ensuring the right resources are available at the right time for the right reasons.
Regular maintenance systems audits are critical for increasing efficiency and effectiveness, providing timely insights into the department's ability to perform in the company's best interests.
To learn more, you can read my article in full via this link.
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cmmssuccess · 3 months
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Effective Maintenance Work Scheduling Process & Your CMMS.
Ensuring the proper and efficient maintenance of all facilities and equipment is a crucial part of running a heavy industrial, high-risk business.
If maintenance tasks are carefully planned, scheduled, and approved by a review team prior to being assigned to your maintenance team, they will be safer and more efficient. Naturally, not all maintenance can be arranged in advance, since malfunctions do happen.
Better production planning is made possible by an effective maintenance schedule, which guarantees that maintenance tasks are finished during prearranged downtime intervals. This allows businesses to allocate resources more wisely.
Creating an approved list of tasks for the maintenance crew to finish over a predetermined amount of time is the process of scheduling maintenance work.
A select group of important business stakeholders approve the schedule, which is typically the last stage of the work scheduling process.
The list of tasks that need to be scheduled should only contain work orders that are fully planned.   This guarantees that all labour, specialised tools, equipment, and other resources like scaffolding, access platforms, cranes, elevated work platforms, and scissor lifts are verified during the scheduling approval process.
A typical compliance objective is for the maintenance team to finish 85% or more of the work in its entirety and in accordance with specifications; the likelihood of this happening increases with the quality of the approved work schedule.
To learn more and read this article in full, here is the link
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cmmssuccess · 5 months
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Discover Asset Management Framework.
My website's 'Asset Management Framework' page is a comprehensive resource for individuals and businesses looking to optimize their asset management strategies.  This page contains a wealth of information and insights that will help you manage your assets more effectively.
Although I am sure you understand that effective asset management is critical for businesses to thrive in today's competitive landscape, no one is expected to know or remember everything, so seeking assistance online is perfectly acceptable.
That is why I have worked hard to ensure that my Asset Management Framework pages cover all aspects, from planning and acquisition to operation and disposal.
Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this page will give you the information and tools you need to succeed.
What are the Benefits of a quality Asset Management Framework?
By reading my ‘Asset Management Framework’ page, you will:
Gain a deep understanding of asset management best practices
Learn how to optimize your asset lifecycle
Discover strategies to reduce maintenance costs and increase efficiency
Enhance your decision-making process with data-driven insights
Improve asset reliability and minimize downtime
Streamline your maintenance operations
But that is not all! CMMS Success has a large number of pages and Blog articles that cover various aspects of asset management and asset management software. My website contains a wealth of useful information, including maintenance strategies and software solutions, as well as industry trends and my case studies.
Unlock the Answers You've Been Searching For!
If you've been struggling to find answers to your asset management questions, CMMS Success is the answer. My asset management oriented website is intended to address your concerns and offer practical solutions.
With my user-friendly interface and intuitive features, you can easily navigate our content and find the information you require. I understand that each business is unique, which is why my website serves a diverse range of industries and sectors.
Take a look Today!
Don't let your asset management challenges hold you back any longer. Have a read today and unlock the power of asset management with CMMS Success. 
Remember, knowledge is power, and by investing in your asset management skills, you're investing in the future success of your business.
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cmmssuccess · 5 months
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Discover the Key to Effective Maintenance Strategies with CMMS Success.
Unlock the Power of a quality Maintenance Strategies today!
Are you struggling to optimize your maintenance operations? Do you find it challenging to manage your assets effectively? Look no further! CMMS Success is here to provide you with the ultimate solution.
Why CMMS Success?
At CMMS Success, I understand the importance of a well-defined maintenance strategy. My website offers a comprehensive range of resources, including informative pages and insightful blog articles, to help you overcome your maintenance hurdles.
What Sets the CMMS Success Website Apart?
My asset management software-oriented website is benefited by my 31 years of experience in this area.  I’ve carefully designed my website to cater to the needs of maintenance and engineering professionals, just like you. Whether you're a maintenance manager, maintenance supervisor, maintenance engineer or asset reliability coordinator, CMMS Success has the tools and knowledge to assist you in achieving the level of success you deserve.
The Top 5 Benefits of Exploring My Maintenance Strategy Page
Uncover Effective Maintenance Techniques: My maintenance strategy page delves into proven techniques that will help you optimize your operations. Discover the latest industry trends and best practices to enhance your maintenance efficiency.
Resolve Lingering Questions: If you've been struggling to find answers to your maintenance-related questions, my website is the perfect resource. We provide expert insights and practical solutions to address your most pressing concerns.
Boost Asset Performance: Learn how to maximize the lifespan and performance of your assets through effective maintenance strategies. My page offers valuable tips and guidance to help you achieve long-term asset reliability.
Streamline Workflows: Simplify your maintenance processes and streamline workflows with the help of my asset management software recommendations. Discover cutting-edge tools that can revolutionize your maintenance operations.
Stay Ahead of the Curve: With my constantly updated website pages and blog articles, you'll always be at the forefront of industry knowledge. Keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and strategies to stay ahead of your competitors.
Take a look Today!
Don't let your maintenance challenges hold you back any longer. Visit my maintenance strategy page at www.cmmssuccess.com/maintenance-strategy and unlock the potential for success. Start implementing effective maintenance strategies and witness the transformation in your operations.
Be the first one on your street to benefit from CMMS Success and take the first step towards optimizing your maintenance department today.
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cmmssuccess · 5 months
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Asset Management Software: Implementation and Training.
Discover the game-changing benefits of CMMS training and implementation in our comprehensive guide. https://www.cmmssuccess.com/cmms-training-and-implementation/
Whether you're a business owner, facility manager, or maintenance professional, now is the time to transform your operations and optimize asset performance.  You can contact me by phone, email, or through the website; the choice is yours.
So, are you tired of dealing with asset management software training issues and constantly searching for answers to seemingly insurmountable questions? Look no further; my CMMS training and implementation materials will give you the answers you're looking for. 
I have a wealth of knowledge that will benefit you from my 31 years of experience in asset management and CMMS.  The good news for internet users is that I've made it freely available on my website.
Having your users full trained and skilled is a must if your business goals include:
Streamline your maintenance processes
Optimize asset performance
Increase equipment uptime
Reduce maintenance costs
Improve overall productivity
My expertly crafted content explains everything you need to know about successfully implementing your CMMS. I can help you with everything from choosing the right software to implementing it and/or training your team.
I can assist you in unlocking the hidden power of your CMMS.  Imagine having a well-built CMMS that allows you to easily track and manage all of your assets. With a quality CMMS implementation, you can say goodbye to manual spreadsheets, missed maintenance tasks, and the constant fear of equipment failure. 
My website content delves into the step-by-step process of CMMS implementation, providing you with useful insights and practical tips to ensure a smooth transition. From defining your goals to data migration and system integration, I’ll walk you through each step, allowing you to make informed decisions along the way.
You need Quality CMMS Training for Optimal Results.
Installing and Implementing a CMMS is only half the battle. To fully realize its potential, ensure that your team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. My training content delves deeply into the world of CMMS training, providing guidance on:
Creating a training plan tailored to your organization
Training your staff on CMMS functionalities
Developing maintenance best practices
Monitoring and evaluating training effectiveness
By investing in comprehensive CMMS training, you empower your team to utilize the software to its fullest potential, driving efficiency and productivity throughout your organization. 
Here is the link – find out for yourself today:
Don't pass up this opportunity to improve your operations, lower costs, and increase your bottom line. Provide your team with the knowledge and tools it needs to succeed in today's competitive environment.
Remember that effective asset management is critical to long-term success. Begin your journey towards increased efficiency and profitability today!
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cmmssuccess · 6 months
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Discover the Power of Asset Management with CMMS Success.
Isn’t it time you unlocked the full potential of your company?
Are you ready to take control of your assets and maximize your financial success? Look no further than CMMS Success, the ultimate resource for asset management systems solutions.
Whether you're a business owner, a facility manager, or simply someone looking to optimize your personal assets, our website is your one-stop destination for all things asset management and CMMS.
Why Read the CMMS Success Website?
At CMMS Success, I’ve been working in this space for over 30 years and I understand the challenges you face when it comes to managing your assets effectively.
That's why I’ve created a comprehensive collection of Website Pages and Blog Articles that are tailored to provide you with the answers you've been searching for.
By reading my website content, you'll gain access to valuable insights and strategies that should hopefully help you in multiple areas:
Optimize your asset utilization.
Reduce downtime and improve productivity.
Minimize maintenance costs and losses.
Extend the lifespan of your assets.
Streamline your asset tracking and management processes.
Whether you're looking for tips on preventive maintenance, ideas on selecting the right asset management software, or some friendly advice on implementing effective asset tracking systems, CMMS Success has got you covered.
Discover the Power of Effective Asset Management.
The Asset Management Systems content on the CMMS Success Website is designed to solve most of the Asset Management Systems questions that have been keeping you up at night.
I delve into the intricacies of asset management and related systems & processes.  I provide you with practical solutions and expert advice that you may have been struggling to find elsewhere.
With the CMMS Success website, you'll discover very very useful information on:
Effectively track and manage your assets
Implement preventive maintenance strategies
Optimize asset performance and reliability
Reduce equipment downtime and repair costs
Make informed decisions based on real-time data
My content is not just informative; it's high quality and potentially actionable.
I provide plenty of quality asset management information to help you apply best practices in your business.
Take the First Step Towards Financial Success Today.
Are you now ready to unlock the full potential of your assets?
Visit CMMS Success today and explore my wealth of asset management systems resources.
Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, my content is tailored to meet at least most of your needs and help you achieve your asset management goals.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your asset management strategies. So please join me to start your journey towards CMMS Success via this link.
Here’s a taste of what you can expect to find:
The Asset Management Process.
Maintenance Software.
CMMS Training and Implementation.
Fiix Software for Truck Owner/Operators.
Permit To Work Software.
Spreadsheet Solutions.
Maintenance Strategy.
Maintenance Manual.
Planning & Scheduling.
Truck Maintenance Management.
Highway Truck Asset Management Plan.
The Hidden Costs of Tyre Maintenance.
The Blog – Better CMMS Tips and Tricks.
Maintenance Analysis Dashboards.
Quality Master Data Management.
Computers Powering Australia.
Computerized Maintenance Management Systems.
Will AI Make Asset Management Better?
Planning Maintenance Using SAP.
Get the most out of your Assets.
Your boss needs solutions not problems.
Asset Management Training for Planners.
Cyber Security for CMMS development companies.
Insurance for software development companies.
Generic Equipment Servicing Information.
Ensuring CMMS quality Work Orders.
List of SAP r3 Transactions.
Thinking about planning a Shutdown?
Establish Change Management Systems.
Reliability & Maintenance Strategies.
Maintenance Systems Audit part 1.
Maintenance Systems Audit Part 2.
Maintenance Systems Audit Part 3a.
Maintenance Systems Audit Part 3b.
Maintenance Systems Audit Part 4.
Early detection & Correction of asset defects.
Reflect software for shire councils.
30 Years of MDG15 – NSW Mining Industry.
Improving Your CMMS Using the Broken Window Theory.
Analysing Maintenance Performance.
Execute & Complete Maintenance Work.
Remember, your assets are the key to your business success.
Invest in them wisely with your time, resources and money to watch your company’s future flourish!
I first published this article on LinkedIn 12/02/24.
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cmmssuccess · 1 year
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cmmssuccess · 1 year
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Can the Broken Windows Theory be applied to your CMMS?
The "Broken Windows Theory" is a well-known approach to preventing criminal behaviour. It implies that our behaviour can and will be influenced by the environment in which we live or work. If we choose to ignore or tolerate a minor issue, it can eventually become something we can live with, and similar situations will hardly bother us.
We'll become aware of a few more minor issues down the road, and whilst we might notice them at first, if we choose to ignore or put up with them, we end up training our brains to become more and more tolerant of increasing amounts of crappy stuff going on around us.
Unfortunately, we frequently find ourselves growing very tolerant of numerous significant issues that exist all around us. We just end up writing it all off mentally, saying, "Well folks, that's just the way it is". Everything may appear to be in order to us, but how might things appear to someone on the outside? When it comes to our workplace, we may not always be aware of how poorly we are actually performing, until we have a visitor (sometimes this might be an auditor) from a very different industry or background than our own.   Our eyes are then wide open and it’s all a bit of a shock.
When someone from outside our company says our workplace is a disaster, we often take it personally. However, we shouldn't feel this way; perhaps this is a good thing and an opportunity for us to reclaim control of our environment and eliminate the things that are dragging us down.
If minor issues are not allowed to fester for any longer than necessary and everything around us is kept neat and orderly, people will begin to feel a strong sense of pride in their surroundings. This encourages people to feel a sense of ownership over their personal domain, whether it is their home or workplace.
What are your thoughts?
To watch my YouTube Video on this subject, https://youtu.be/8IOWBXdnSUc
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cmmssuccess · 1 year
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It can be challenging to prevent your assets from developing defects due to wear and tear, contamination, vibration, lubrication problems, corrosion, erosion, or age.
However, there are steps you can take to:
1.       Lessen the likelihood that defects will occur
2.       Reduce and even eliminate any possible consequences
3.       Quickly spot instances of out-of-spec operation & then implement the necessary corrective action(s).
Naturally, the aim is to maximise productivity, lessen the negative effects these circumstances will have on your business, and avoid unnecessary costs from affecting your bottom line.
Spend the time and money on training your staff in defect detection to:
1.       Raise awareness & help them understand the importance of early defect detection,
2.       Teach them all the various ways defects can be detected &
3.       Teach them how to properly initiate the correction of any discovered defects.
One of the most crucial things you could ever do is to train all of your employees on what to look out for when they are walking around your company.   Start by explaining to your staff what a defect might feel, sound, look, or smell like.
Knowing when something is defective, out of tolerance, or not performing to specification and what the appropriate response is to detecting such defects is critical to ensuring safety and business success, whether people are operating, monitoring, or simply walking past equipment.
To watch my latest video on this topic, https://youtu.be/Idk9kERGb-8
To read my recent Blog Article on this topic, https://www.cmmssuccess.com/early-detection-of-asset-defects/
Either way, I hope you are able to take something away from this info
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cmmssuccess · 1 year
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For my mind, Reflect software is like one of those amazing optical illusions in which something appears small from the outside but is actually enormous on the inside.
If you work for a shire council, road construction/maintenance company, small quarry, earth-moving or civil contracting company, or any company that maintains Footpaths, Walking Tracks, Cycle-ways, Golf Courses, Parks, Nature Reserves, Tree Plantations, Graffiti, Vandalism, Noxious Weed control, Storm Water Systems, Water recycling, Sewerage Systems, Rural Airports, Car Park Structures, Rest Areas, Caravan Parks, Boat Ramps, Sporting Facilities, then Reflect software might be for you.
Reflect software is widely regarded in asset inspection and maintenance for roads and highways management and its growing popularity in Australia is certainly impressive.
Reflect can be used to plan, record, and analyse maintenance activities for any type of asset and it is simple to use and loaded with features.
To watch my latest video about Reflect Software, visit: https://youtu.be/ci71x48NmGg
If you would like to read my review article on Reflect Software, here’s the link: https://www.cmmssuccess.com/reflect-software-for-shire-councils/
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cmmssuccess · 1 year
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The Australian state of NSW has approximately 40 active coal mines, and the central West of NSW has mines that produce molybdenum, tungsten, copper, gold, niobium, and phosphate. You may be surprised to learn that NSW is Australia's second largest gold producing state.
In all mines in New South Wales, mobile and transportable equipment must be designed, manufactured, and used in accordance with Mine Design Guideline 15 (MDG15).
Mine Design Guidelines established an industry standard for engineering requirements and equipment that was suitable for the coal mining sector in NSW.
MDG15 is a great illustration of how business and government can work together to accomplish a common objective.
MDG15 has had some incredibly worthwhile goals since its inception, and we celebrated its 30th anniversary in NSW last year, in 2022. These objectives centre on reducing, and ideally eliminating, previously intolerably high rates of accidents involving individuals using and maintaining mobile equipment, mobile equipment fires, and unplanned movements of mobile equipment.
As part of the process by which regulators are updating and revising MDGs, Mine Design Guidelines (MDG) will gradually be phased out in favour of Technical Reference Guides (TRG).
To learn more, you can watch one of my latest you tube videos: https://youtu.be/1F-aUhzJQQY
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cmmssuccess · 1 year
An effective production plan defines all performance targets, process inputs, processing configurations/setups, output/customer requirements, and serves as the foundation for any schedules that your organisation may have.
Material deliveries, maintenance strategies, resource leveling, and overhead inventory holdings should all be tailored to ensure that the prescribed production steps and any process/asset management related dependencies are protected.
A well-designed production plan enables businesses to deliver products on time, in full, to specification, through quality processes, and at a lower cost.
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