coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Is your maturity level advanced this year❓🙂
If yes, keep learning, growing, and impact more lives next year‼️😊💪
If not yet, worry not because you have still time grow next year‼️😊 Keep learning and moving forward.
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Moving more open-mindedly and stronger emotionally onward...
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Genuine friends/people will always lend a hand to you especially during your down moments to comfort and uplift you mentally and emotionally. They are treasures worthy to keep.
However, the greatest friend that you can ever find in the midst of your stormy life moments who is capable of giving you ultimate strength and comfort mentally, emotionally and most of all spiritually, is only our dearest LORD JESUS❗HE never change. HE fixes the hearts of the broken and lighten up the loads of the burdened. HE is the same yesterday, today and forever. HE is an everlasting treasure exceedingly worthy of all praise, thanksgiving and glory‼️ People might betray you, but not HIM. ❤
Take note my friends. 😍
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Absolute PEACE of mind, heart and soul comes from GOD who is the source of ultimate LOVE, HOPE, JOY and HAPPINESS. HE is the PRINCE of PEACE❗😇
For us to be really at peace, we need to have a healthy connection with GOD in order to have a healthy life mentally, emotionally, and most of all spiritually. It is a daily task that requires great perseverance and all out sincerity.
Be healthy mentally, emotionally and spiritually everyone❗
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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There are things and circumstances that we can't control. However, the way we learn on how to accept and respond quickly and positively to those events, thinking always on the brighter ways forward, is a great mental and emotional power deep within ourselves.
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Let it be, don't overthink. Don't stress yourself on things you can't control. Stay at peace.
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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True beauty resides from deep inside. ❤ Having a pretty face is just a bonus.
Let us all strive to become pleasing deep inside not for the people around us, but for GOD. 😊
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Life is full of daily battles. You need to win first your mind, then your emotions, before winning the external ones. 🙂
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Life becomes truly amazing when we find out the whole truth that we have been missing all the years of our lives, start building and strengthening our faith, begin backtracking and counting all the blessings (physical, material & financial, and most of all spiritual) that GOD has given unto us, start acknowledging HIM in everything that we do, becoming more grateful to HIM in every circumstance, more selfless and lowly, knowing that we are all passersby in the temporary world.
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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GOD has gone to the end of the earth to make sure that HIS people (those who serve HIM faithfully) will always know that, no matter what, HE has got them covered. HE will keep them at rest, HE will strengthen them, and HE will see them through the tough times.
In everything you do, every trial that you face, and in every challenge, that comes your way, you should know that you have no reason to fret or worry if GOD is really with you and you live in the whole truth.
Are you still searching for the whole truth or don't know yet if you're already in the whole truth❓ Ask it directly and wholeheartedly from GOD, [and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)]
Praise the LORD❗🙏🏼🙌
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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[See & Read, James 3:13-18]
Worldly wisdom encourages us to be selfish and greedy, and to put our own interests before the needs of others. GODly wisdom, on the other hand, leads to peace, mercy, and sincerity.
PEACEMAKERS are those people who are committed to living peacefully in full confidence that GOD is providing for them. They are believers who know GOD is meeting every need, giving many good gifts. Such people don't feel the need to fight against others for what they need.
The truly wise, understanding person is one whose faith in GOD leads to selfless good works. Wise people live in the humility of wisdom, setting themselves aside to serve others. Earthly attitudes are driven by envy for what others have, and an ambition to take it. The result is disorder and evil instead of the peace, gentleness, and mercy that follow from living by GOD's wisdom.
Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS: for they shall be called the children of GOD.
[Matthew 5:9]
Praise the LORD‼️🙏🏼🙌😇
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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LIVE a MEANINGFUL LIFE...be satisfied. The key to live the most meaningful life here on earth is pleasing GOD all the days of our lives.
Be real but don't be arrogant and set aside always a room for improvement and considerations.
Be open-minded because nobody is perfect. Accept change wholeheartedly because it is the only constant thing in this planet.
Stay humble in spite of your educational attainment, achievements, position in the sociery, and possessions in life. Remember that you don't own everything in this life and everything is only temporary in this world.
Touch and impact the lives of others by showing kindness and sharing goodness towards them.
Spread LOVE, not HATE. ❤
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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You can overcome life's challenges and obstacles when you fully entrust everything to GOD, keep sharpening your faith and giving thanks for everything so that you can go straight and keep moving regardless of the circumstance that you will face along the way. 😇
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Please GOD, not the people around you. GOD lasts, people pass. 🙌
Put your trust in GOD, not in the ability of the people around you. GOD directs, people weakens. 🙏🏼
Put your hope in GOD, not in the promises of the people around you. GOD fulfills, people fails. 😇
By doing so, you will never lose yourself in the course of time. Therefore, don't be afraid to lose people in your life. 🙂 People just come and go my friend. 😊
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Do always what is right...regardless how unpopular it is in this present time. 😊 It is tough to do but it will really make sense in the long run for yourself, your family, your friends, the people around you and the generation after you. 😊
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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Have faith in GOD❗
Be strong in the LORD❗
Be more grateful and prayerful❗🙏🏼
Leave all your battles, worries, and problems to HIM‼️😇
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coach-engrvince · 2 years
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My dear friends, if you meet people like this please...KILL THEM with KINDNESS and GENUINE SMILE with LOVE❗😊❤
DON'T HATE THEM because they're already used to it. DO GOOD TO THEM and PRAY FOR THEM. LET GOD intervene, in everything GIVE THANKS to HIM.
In the process, you will become stronger emotionally and mentally while making an impact of kindness to those people. 🙂😊
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