coco0melon · 3 months
✲Neptune and Where Do We Lose Ourselves✲
(Note: Neptune brings much insight, beauty and wonders as a placement. In this post I specifically talk about how can we disillude ourselves from harmful cycles and habits that can be exasperated by the energy or Neptune.)
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✲Neptune in the 1st, I lose myself in the perception of others.
✲Neptune in the 2nd, I love myself dreaming of wealth and comfort.
✲Neptune in the 3rd, I lose myself adopting the speech of others.
✲Neptune in the 4th, I lose myself in sentimental attachments.
✲Neptune in the 5th, I lose myself in the vices of life.
✲Neptune in the 6th, I lose myself fleeting in humdrum routines.
✲Neptune in the 7th, I lose myself trying to complete myself.
✲Neptune in the 8th, I lose myself searching for peace.
✲Neptune in the 9th, I lose myself in search of a purpose.
✲Neptune in the 10th, I lose myself chasing thunder.
✲Neptune in the 11th, I lose myself pleasing others.
✲Neptune in the 12th, I lose myself receding from the world.
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Trine: My fantasy is my reality
Sextile: Enabling my ego
Conjunction: Self idealization
Opposition: Gaslighting myself
Square: Self sabotage
Trine: Exaggerating my emotions
Sextile: Emotionally overbear others
Conjunction: Being an emotional sponge
Opposition: Numbing and detaching
Square: Hold silent resentment
Trine: Extend the truth
Sextile: Speak in others tongue
Conjunction: Fill in the blanks with assumptions
Opposition: Masking my emotions
Square: Falsify my reality to others
Trine: Obsess over my appearance
Sextile: Overindulging
Conjunction: Attaching myself to others
Opposition: Push away intimacy
Square: Reject change
Trine: Use substance to heighten my senses
Sextile: Being too passive and idle
Conjunction: Obsess over the mi'nute
Opposition: Reject endings and movement
Square: Putting myself through harms to feel thrill and emotional extremes
Trine: Absorb my loved ones
Sextile: Staying in habitual cycles
Conjunction: Assume my vision of the world is truth
Opposition: Rejecting reality
Square: Gatekeep my interests, philosophies and knowledge
✲To Saturn
Trine: Underestimate the consequences
Sextile: Escaping my responsibilities
Conjunction: Not being present when needed
Opposition: Keeping myself in a state of sadness
Square: Being dissatisfied with my own existence
Byee <3
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coco0melon · 4 months
Astro Notes: Degrees Edition°
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• The degree your Lilith is in can show where you refuse to comform to societal norms.
• People with Lilith in a Scorpio or Taurus degree might be rebellious with how they make money. Does not want to comform to societal norms when it comes to money. For example Pablo Escobar with his Lilith at 20° conjunct North Node.
• Eros at 2° shows that what people find sexy about you is your voice and lips.
• People with Mars at 8° or 20° attract the most toxic and intense men and people with Venus at those degrees attracts the same kind of women.
• People with a lot of Gemini degrees (3°, 15°, 27°) in their chart attract A LOT of gossip. If you have this please dont share too much with people. These people can be gossipers themselves too, especially with Lilith involved.
• Asteroid Fama(408) or MC in an Aquarius degree (11°, 23°) attract a lot of attention on the internet. Might become an influencer without trying.
• People with Moon or IC at 11° or 23° experienced some kind of detachement from their family, home or mother early in life. They can experience issues with bonding with others later in life because of this, can make them kinda cold(in worst case).
• People with Destinn at 10° or 22° were destined for fame.
• With Ascendant at 2° the first thing people look at might be your mouth or neck. Outstanding voice.
• Ascendant at 7° or 19° can give a nice butt and skin.
• If you have a child and their Mars, Nessus, Dejanira, Toro or Prey is in an Aquarius degree (11° or 23°) please make sure to check up on what they are doing on the internet. They might be bullied or they could be bullying others on the internet.
• Planets and asteroids at 10° and 22° should be looked into extra if you want power and fame. Idi Amins asteroid Uganda is at 10° and he was the president of Uganda (unfortunately). Kylie Jenner have Venus at 22° and a lot of people want to look like her, makes money bc of her beauty & makeup company.
• Mars at 10° or 22° have a lot of drive to succeed, very goal oriented and extremely driven (Barack Obama has it)
• Midheaven at 10° of 22° = Unforgettable
• Beyonce having Asc, Venus and Moon at 20° shows the power and influence she have over the public. A cult like following.
• A lot of Cancer degrees(4, 16, 28°) in a famous persons chart will make them a household name.
• Ive seen Venus at a Scorpio degree(8, 20°) in a lot of the charts of the wives of the most powerful and prominent men in the world. These people almost always end up with someone with money or some kind of power.
• A lot of super models have their Ascendant of Mars at a Capricorn degree. (fame bc of their body/bone structure etc) Kate Moss have her rising at 22° and Naomi Campbell got her Mars at 22°
• Midheaven at 7° or 19° can make someone famous for their beauty or for being in a relationship with someone famous.
• Ive seen Nemesis(128) at 3° in the chart of someone where the sister was an enemy.
• Mars or Ascendant at 5° or 17° = stage presence!⭐️
• People who are into women and have their Juno or Venus at 8° or 20° be pulling the baddest of bitches.
• People with Juno or Venus at a Cancer degree (4, 16, 28°) can have very traditional values when it comes to relationships. Might like the whole ”Im the housewife & you the provider” kind of dynamic.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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coco0melon · 4 months
don’t let your originality get consumed by self doubt.
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coco0melon · 4 months
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coco0melon · 4 months
• Cold shower for 3 minutes
• Peppermint tea before bed
• Matcha > Coffee
• Daily walks
• Use a gua sha
• Get 8-9 hours of sleep
• 10 minutes of daily stretching
• Take a probiotic in the morning
• Wash hair brush 3-5 times a week
• Read more books
• Try breathwork
• Stop complaining
• Stop gossiping
• Eat mostly whole foods
• Cut out toxic people
• Switch to silk pillowcases
• Say 5 loving things to yourself in the mirror every morning
These are not difficult tasks. If they are difficult for you, you’re not spending enough time with yourself. Put your phone down and get your life together🫶🏻
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coco0melon · 5 months
A person's character is more important than their charm.
Integrity: They uphold moral principles and honesty.
Self-awareness: Their ability to recognize their emotions, thoughts, and values.
Kindness: Show empathy and consideration towards other people.
Vulnerability: Is open about weaknesses and emotions.
A sense of humor: They can find humor in situations and share joy.
Playfulness: They are fun and playful.
Accountability: They take responsibility for their actions and behavior.
Generosity: They willingly giving time, resources, or attention to others.
What else would you add?
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coco0melon · 5 months
—Neptune in the Houses part.1—
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Neptune in the first house:
It makes you a kind, generous and definitely empathetic person but also your sensitivity is often reached to a higher level than it normally should be. You might have identity crisis at times or are confused about your personality. Its sure to say that there is a dreamy, ethereal, photogenic, stylistic, feminine & soft beauty about you. You’re imaginative, kind, sensitive, sympathetic, reliable, charismatic & psychological. Because of ur great imagination, you might have musical or artistic abilities. You should be able to express yourself creatively in front of others. You’re an idealist who makes people feel like you truly understand them and you always follow your intuition. Most of the time you observe emotions and energies from other people around you. You might sometimes even mimic those emotions or personality traits just to “fit in”. Although this ability can make you seem attractive, appealing or magnetic. You don’t care what others think of you. Its likely that in social situations this placement will simply just go with the flow. Try to avoid “friends” or friend groups that will have a bad influence on you. Neptune in the 1st house individuals like helping others, they are highly intuitive but they also often choose to run away from problems bc of how afraid they’re to face the truth/reality. You may be forgetful or have a hard time remembering things. Planets in the 12th house may indicate feelings of loneliness. You may be very spiritual or have spiritual interests of any kind, for example meditating, yoga, photography or illusional art. Some people might think you have a unreasonable behaviour or that you have a complicated & chaotic personality. You could come off as detached or unavailable for some people but you know how to life in the present moment. You need a lot of time on your own.
Neptune in the second house:
You may experience wild dreams. You appreciate luxury and beautiful objects & make money by helping others. You can also boost your money manifestation powers and may find yourself attracting money easily. You have unrealistic needs and the relationships with you & money is quite complicated. The biggest problem for people with Neptune in the second house is that despite your deep intuition, you’re blind to financial problems in many areas. Money is not your first focus, and u could easily participate in financially stressful activities such as gambling. You can be selfless, but you can also be overly obsessed with material possessions and money. The purpose of life for people with Neptune in the second house is to grow as a person and help others do the same. You strive for personal perfection and want to take others on this journey. You may like eating Marine/sea animals bc of Poseidon’s influence in the 2nd. You like dreaming of pretty clothes, great food or anything associated with your material needs. Its hard for you to find motivation but once you found it, there is no one who can hold you back from doing what you want.
Neptune in the third house:
You might easily be inspired. You might have the ability to see in the future or you feel like you can read people’s mind. You may want to live near a sea or the ocean. Having natal Neptune in third house can either mean you concentrate very deeply or cannot concentrate at all. These people have a spiritual, confusing or detached relationship with their siblings or their relatives. Its likely that you don‘t have a relationship with your neighbours, or you rarely see your siblings. In puberty you might daydream about your teacher(s) in class, believe me its not worth a try. Although you may dream of becoming a teacher or writer someday. But bc most of these individuals aren’t interested in school at all, they might even drop out of school if they want. You normally tend to see the best in others & love spending time with ur loved one’s. You’re a great communicator that likes to think deeply about things.
Neptune in the fourth house:
This placement could indicate that maybe you have a unstable household every day life. You might felt like your inner child isn’t complete or there was something missing in your childhood. If there are harsh aspects w Neptune then you could feel like you lack emotional safety or support from your parents. Its likely that you have a spiritual connection with one or both of ur parents. Maybe you can’t really remember of what ur childhood was like. Some individuals with this placement were adopted, lost their family as a kid or have one missing parent, thats why they often struggle with the past. You may feel like you don’t belong anywhere or feel lost of where your place is. You are likely to self-sacrifice for others, making it easy to manipulate you into doing so. Think about yourself first, then of others. One of your parents could be emotionally detached, somewhat frustrating, an alcoholic or a mystic for the whole family. At some point you might have caught yourself thinking; Why not run away from home? You always felt invisible or forgotten by your family & your family is very chaotic. As a kid you might have had imaginary friends, you always feared the dark and might had have insomnia at some point in ur life.
Neptune in the fifth house:
When it comes to love, you’re kinda like the hopeless romantic. This placement can indicate secret love affairs. You might have unique children in the future. You’re very charismatic and love anything related to drama and entertainment. Having other persona planets in this house means you enjoy being in the spotlight or drama. You’re a great storyteller and might have good acting abilities. You love children and do anything to make them happy, maybe you want to become the perfect parent you always dreamed of having. You love your partner unconditionally, search for a deep full connection but you can be naive in relationships and wear rose-tinted glasses (similar to Neptune in the 7th). Neptune is mostly about idealisation & in this case you might also idealise your partner. If Neptune is bad aspected with several planets then you might suffer from illusion or you can’t see things very clearly. You like watching movies a lot or playing video games related to science/fantasy fiction as a form of escaping your everyday life. You dream of a partner with artistic or musical abilities, someone who is creative or inspires you in general (especially if Juno falls into that house).
Neptune in the sixth house:
This is a more difficult placement because Neptune rules over Pisces and Virgo over the 6th house so its opposition. Meaning that Neptune doesn’t feel good in the 6th which is why you could have difficulty focusing on daily activities or your routine. It could as well be difficult for them to find a job. You might find it hard to find motivation to complete even your daily tasks. You’re an animal lover and at least have a cat or a dog. You’ve came to this earth to heal others and try to protect the world wherever you can. Neptune in the 6th house aren’t such fans of routine, they might rather be spontaneous instead of creating a to do list. Its common for them to be lazy and not clean their room (can’t be angry with u at this one). Maybe you don’t have such a strong immune system & that’s why you often get ill, you might have the rarest allergies. This placement can in worst cases lead to depression since their favourite thing to do is lay in bed all day & do nothing. You’re too busy being stuck in daydreams thats mostly the reason you can’t get your work done. You‘re prone to last minute canceling or “I’ll do it tomorrow”. You might also struggle from insomnia or panic attacks, so meditate daily or get some sleep. If you ever dreamed about getting the perfect body, don’t panic, I know you’re gonna make this. You just need the will to achieve your daily goals. The lesson you have to learn is that you should make sure to take enough care of yourself. It could also be difficult for you to show up at work on time and not too late.
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coco0melon · 5 months
🔮 CONGRATULATIONS ✨🍾🎓 YOU have been crowned MOST… | 2023... |
turkey 🦃 spirit
right `fter Cow 🐄🐂🐄
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coco0melon · 5 months
CLONE WARS: battle of the heroes - a Fan Animation
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coco0melon · 8 months
every time I successfully resist a self-destructive urge, I am so proud of myself. I can literally feel my synapses rewiring to create healthier habits or whatever
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coco0melon · 8 months
Tarot Birth Cards
Today, the post will be different. Instead of talking about astrology, I will focus on tarot cards. Especifically, in the mayor arcanas that influence us from our birthday and throughout our lives. Each one of us has, usually, two mayor arcanas and those cards have an especific meaning so, taking into account what I've learned and my intuition, I will try to describe as best as possible the themes that will sorround you according to your birth cards.
As always, take this with a grain of salt since this is made just for fun, I hope it resonates with you and please don't copy or share this post without giving credits.
How to calculate your birth cards:
Write down the numbers of your birth day
Example: 27/10/2022
2. Add all the numbers together until there's only a single digit. In other words, calculate your life path number.
Example: 2+7+1+0+2+0+2+2 = 16 = 1+6 =7
3. Based on the result of your number, it will give you 2 mayor arcanas that will influence you throughout your life. Down here is the list according to the number:
1-The Magician, The Wheel and The Sun.
2-The High Priestess, Justice and Judgment.
3-The Empress, The Hanged Man and The World.
4-The Emperor and Death.
5-The Hierophant and Temperance.
6-The Lovers and The Devil.
7-The Chariot and The Tower.
8-Strengh and The Star.
9-The Hermit and The Moon.
Note: for those who have master numbers (11, 22, 33) as life paths, just add those numbers until you have a single digit.
The Magician, The Wheel and The Sun.
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You were born with the powerful gift of manifestation (this ability comes naturally to you), of building something meaningful or big from scratch, a bright and contagious personalty along with the ability to live through the constant cycles of life with relative ease. Just like the number 1 in numerology, you are natural leaders that wants to take the reins of your own destiny. With thar charismatic energy, it's not a surprise that people admire you or feel brighter when you are around. With The Wheel as one of your cards, I have no doubt that you have an important life path along with lessons ahead of you in order for you to ascend. That path can not be always easy, after all...the wheels of life always changes. We move through good cycles and bad cycles. This can be one of the challenges because, if we experience bad luck, we tend to think that what we are doing is bad or you are not good enough. That's not true. But, and this is important to remember, not everything that we manifest are good for us, for our soul evolution. So that's a hard lesson that possibly come too with these cards. Be careful what you manifest. You won't now until it's too late if what you manifested is good for you or if it's going to affect negatively to other people. Sometimes, the NO of the universe is a way of protecting us or to tell us that something needs to change (like to take a different aproach). That's another hard lesson to digest, but trust that everything has it's process and that the universe and guides knows better mostly of the time.
2. The High Priestess, Justice and Judgment.
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You were born with a highly intuitive nature and a strong sence of justice that possibly comes from lifetimes of experiences. That sence of justice lies in recognizing what attitude is good or bad or what is fair or not. You observe the world or a situation, you learn from the situation as a whole, you connect with your higher self and then you are able to make a judgement that is both fair and hard (if that makes sence) since, in many cases, the truth hurts. You tend to be right in almost all the cases that you see. The obstacles I see with these cards is that maybe you will be questioned a lot in regards of your sence of justice and intuition. These questions can come either from other people or through especific situations, but it will create a personal battle whithin you in regards of these topics too. For example: Was I right to tell him/her abot this even though it hurted him/her? Was my intuition right about this? Did I make right by telling what I felt was correct? Maybe you could question yourself alot about the world too. We all know these laws are injust, why do they make such a horrible decision? These questions are complex by nature, because it makes us question some abstract concepts that doesn't have a unique answer. For example: the good and bad. We all know war, in general, is bad. It kills people and afect thousand of beings that doesnt have anything to do with that conflict. And that is unfair. But many (maybe not so much in these years) see war as an opportunity to defend themself and their interest. Is that ok? I don't have the answer for that. We all see justice and the truth through different lents. But, in conclusion, I hope you were able to understand the general idea of what I wanted to say.
3. The Empress, The Hanged Man and The World.
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With these cards, you carry a very femenine and nurturing energy for sure. You are able to connect easily with the rest of the world because there's an empathic energy whithin you that helps you to understand how others feel or see the rest of the world. You're emphatic with every being that exists (being that animals, plants and humans) and so creative too since the divine femenine energy is the one that creates through her imaginative, intuitive and nurturing side. The difficulties I see with these cards relates to how other people will see yourself. You could be easily admired by others with your caring heart, but others will not or they won't understand your personality or the things you do. Others will try to take advantage of this caring energy, willingly or unwillingly, and it will be a conflict for you to learn that you also need time on your own to recover and bring self-love, especially if you see someone who needs your energy. In these cases, you must remember this. Just like the earth (with The World card) you also need to move through cycles. The earth provides a few months of abundance to us so we all can eat and the animals/plants can reproduce, and the other months she recovers her energy so she can bring enough energy to the next cycle. She puts priorities with each cycle. She provides to half of the world while she rest in the other half and vice versa.
4. The Emperor and Death.
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On the contrary to the last pile, you are gifted with a powerful masculine energy. An energy that provides you with movement, action and the courage to pursue whatever you feel you need to go after. That power allows you also to move forward through different obstacles and lessons in life, no matter how hard, painful or traumatic they are. In the eyes of others, you carry an almost royalty energy with you, that's why many respect you or even feel intimidated by you just like the representation of the Death card. But there will be obstacles and lessons surrounding power, transformation and your divine masculine energy. On one hand, you will encounter situations and people who will want to eliminate the driven, passionate and powerful energy from you. They will try to block you, through different schemes, from reaching your divine masculine power. For those of you who lost their passions and energy due to others, I will tell you that no one, no matter how badly they behaved with you, can take away your power. You are more capable and powerfull than what they think you are. I support you and tell you that you are perfectly capable of using these lessons as a transformation to reach the higher power that you posses inside of you. On the other hand, if you tend to missuse your powers, you will encounter situations that will try to humble you.
5. The Hierophant and Temperance.
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With The Hierophant and Temperance as your birth cards, you were born with these gifts: responsability, leadership, good team-player traits, hard-working, studious, knowleadgeable, comunicative, good teacher or coacher and so on. You were a very good student in school and/or university. If not, at the veary least you were very responsable and hard working with an eager expression to learn more. In life, I can see you working with larger companies or any buisness in general that requieres a team. Something that's coming out now in my mind is that you want either to make something meaningful to others through your work or you want your work to be meaningful to you. To fulfill you emotionally or spiritually just like the picture of the angel exchanging the liquid of one cup to the other. Maybe you really enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. The difficulties and challenges that these cards brings are complex to me for some reson. Like I can't pin point what are those challenges. Perphaps one of those resides is that maybe, with your hard working energy, you need to balance the ammount of effort you put in your work so you won't overburn yourself even though you enjoy it (this is kind of complex since most of us can't come directly to our bosses and say "I'm sorry but the ammount of work you gave me is just too much". A similar thing can be said when you have a team work project and some of them give the minimum effort or less). Another thing is learning to follow your beliefs (The Hierophant is represented by a Pope) even though many will question it. If you want to have a traditional job, find it. If you want a traditional marriage and role in life (meaning that, if you're a man you want to be the provider while the woman takes charge of the children and vice versa), you can do that. As long as you don't force it into other people and communicate your needs healthily, who cares is somebody else thinks you are so conservative or outdated to the actual times?
6. The Lovers and The Devil.
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This is a little similar to the number 3 pile. Those of you who have this cards, you are an incredible and loving person. You either, or tend to give unconditional love to everyone even though many of them treat you as shit or abuse of your kindness with possesiveness, blackmail or other things, or you act with love even in the most hardest situations. I have the feeling that you are someone who really values love and want to find someone who will bring it to you someday. Do you believe in soulmes, twin flames or karmics? The lessons for those who have both cards are this: to recognize what truly is unconditional love. I feel that many of you will face karmic connections surrounding this topic, because, since many of you belives that, despite how badly someone treates you, they can still change with care and love, you will have to realize that you can't change people. No matter how much you feel about them, they are certain actions that doesnt resonates with those that we call unconditional love. Treat you as an object is not unconditional love. Insulting you daily or getting mad at you daily it's not either. Hitting you it's definetly not. Even though I believe than akin souls can help others to change for the better (I've seen it), they must choose to heal and change for themselves first before aproaching you and having a relationship with you. You just can't be with someone who doesnt want to put the same effort as you. And it is ok to say no or put boundaries with someone who doesnt respect you (this doesn't have to be romantic per se, it can be friends or family too) because, if you allow them to do it, you wouln't be loving yourself first. And that is another huge lesson with these cards.
7. The Chariot and The Tower.
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For those who have the number 7 as the results, you were gifted in this lifetime with the ability to move forward despite the conflicts or tower moments we experience. In our spiritual evolution through multiple incarnations, we build some fundations, belief, ways of living (tower) based on our experiences. But, just like any new human construction, before anything can be used, there must be some tests to check the bases, the infrastructure and all that staff. If our building has weak or innapropiate stones, the most dangerous result will be the colapsing of the tower. That´s why there are going to be obstacules and tests in our journey. Because we must check how stable or strong our tower is. If the stones we used are good enough or if we must replace some of them for better ones. And you all can do it. You know why? Because you also have the Chariot. A powerful figure riding a chariot and guiding to horses (white and black). Our human and spiritual side, our good and bad side, our logical and emotional side. We all can move forward with our Chariot to build a strong fundation, a strong legacy, just like it can be seen in the Rider Tarot, in which there is a city behind the man in the chariot.
8. Strength and The Star.
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In this life, you were granted the gift of resistance, spiritual knowledge, inspiration, beliefs, and, obviously, strength. A woman is embracing a lion, considered one of the most powerful animals since many centuries ago. Even in the literary tradition, the most powerfull warriors were portreyed as someone who were able to tame, fight or kill a lion. Those who were not able to do that, were considerer cowards. This was the case of the Cantar de Mio Cid. Now, the lion can be interpretated as the sign of Leo in astrology (ruled by the sun), so it can clearly indicates that you are someone who holds strongly to their likes, beliefs, dreams, ambitions and so on. One of the main obstacles or troubles I see with this cards is that you will encounter many situatios in which your strengh will be tested. Maybe you will face setbacks, delays, rejections or any type of situation that will make you question your worth, the worth of your dreams or if your wasting your time pursuing something that seems impossible to achieve. That's not impossible and you are capable of doing it, just keep believing in it. If it's meant for you, it will reach you. Just don't forget to go with the flow like the figure in The Star card, which is throwing the water of his/her cup into the waters of a river while the stars shine above him/her. That is also a lesson that you are meant to learn. In order for your manifestation to arrive, you must loose a little bit the grip of control and let the universe take charge of it. Like I've said, what is meant for you will find the way towards you.
9. The Hermit and The Moon.
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For those whose numbers ended in the number 9, these cards signals either a very old soul, or at least someone who is not afraid to be on solitude to meditate of different topics in life. Thia ability allows you to connect with the higher wisdom. With The Moon card, it also shows someone who is very much conected to his/her emotional or imaginative side. Memories, feelings and the past can be something that you really think about when you are alone. One of the conflicts that these cards gives to those who have it is, in my opinion, being to much on solitude or lost in their emotions/imagination. Being able to connect with the self is an essential part of our journey. It allows us to discover, through our memories and feelings, part of our esence as well as connect with the world, but, being so lost in a hermit state can produce us to loose contact with reality. Yes, sometimes the real world sucks and we prefer to imagine something better in our minds or just feels scary (especially to those who had bad experiences in the past), but being so much on your own will prevent you to create real experiences. To connect with real people who are worth meeting. Another problem could be that you carry wisdom whithin you, but you are afraid to share it with the world since you could believe that they are just fantasies or some result of your imagination and that's just not true. You have real wisdom. Never feel fear towards that topic because you know things and those are equally valid and worth listening to as well as the wisdom of any other person.
Wow...hahahaha. This post took me longer than I expected, but I hope it resonated with some of you.
I send you love and light to all of you.
Tower Girl Anon
Credits to the owner of the pictures: Ferol Humphrey and Dreamstime.
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coco0melon · 8 months
#thekaymeraki #believe #Stepin
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coco0melon · 8 months
the page is turning. let's take a look at the next chapter for you...
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coco0melon · 9 months
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coco0melon · 11 months
🗓 1st-31st (( Numerology ))
What Your 🎂 Birthday 🎉 Says About You!!!
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coco0melon · 11 months
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Show yourself what you like about you.
attack your resistance--your great, great apprehension. it cannot keep you where you're at.
only you decide whether or not you want it to ctrl or decide for you.
only you can decide to take back ~who~ you are.
Love 📝
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coco0melon · 1 year
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