cocoa-puffsy · 4 years
In case u needed something to make ur day better
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cocoa-puffsy · 4 years
Happy Christmas Music Monday! Here’s Nat King Cole singing “The Christmas Song”
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cocoa-puffsy · 4 years
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Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Fantasia (1940)
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cocoa-puffsy · 4 years
:/ i wish “bad guy” by billie eilish came out 7 years ago :(
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Owl City’s “Peppermint Winter”
I rip off the wrapping and tear through the box
‘Til I end up with 45 new pairs of socks
This peppermint winter is so sugar sweet
I don’t need a taste to believe
What’s December without Christmas Eve?
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Owl City’s “Peppermint Winter”
I twirl through the driveway with angelic grace
‘Til I slip on the sidewalk and fall on my face
This peppermint winter is so sugar sweet
I don’t need a taste to believe
What’s December without Christmas Eve?
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Please enjoy this terrible joke I made featuring London graffiti
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Hot hot hot hot chocolate
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
🎄❄️🎶🌟☃️🦌🎅✨ Mood ✨🎅🦌☃️🌟🎶❄️🎄
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Two of my favourite things, now mashed together. This is fantastic, thank you for creating this.
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bioshock + my immortal
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Goose, you got a small honk. It’s the size of this garden bell except way smaller. And guess what? Here’s what my honk sounds like:
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im making a calout post on my twitter dot com
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
Bob’s Autotuned Sneeze
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
I’ve come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog’s a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife! That’s right, he took his hedgehog-fuckin’ quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was “this big,” and I said “that’s disgusting,” so I’m making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Shadow the Hedgehog, you’ve got a small dick, It’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here’s what my dong looks like! That’s right, baby, tall points, no quills, no pillows — look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife, so guess what, I’m gonna fuck the Earth! That’s right, this is what you get: my SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I’m not gonna piss on the Earth, I’m gonna go higher!! I’m pissing ON THE MOON! How do you like that, Obama?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!! You have twenty-three hours before the piss drrrrroplllllllets hit the fucking Earth! Now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
These cutiepies are now married and to this day I still stan both of them you have no idea how happy this makes me they’re so wonderful I would die for them thank you for your time
Are you using my high heels?
… nooooooo…
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
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you know who it is
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cocoa-puffsy · 5 years
This boy. He is a good boy. I love this boy. Such a good boy. 💕☺️
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My Betazoid OC, Hiset, in the cadet uniform. Ain’t he a cutie?
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