cocopuffbutgayer · 22 days
I know my science sides been kinda dead but I was getting so frustrated trying to differentiate all artistes 'avians'
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...that's it, please use freely and don't feel the need to credit me, JUST USE.
It'll be fun to see arrests look at their avian OCS and going *That's you bud! See?*
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Adding this because I forgor
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cocopuffbutgayer · 6 months
I got sick and wrote an essay prt3
4.ornate box turtle(Terrapene ornata) The ornate box turtle is a small, land-dwelling NOT AQUATIC(meaning cant swim)turtle with a domed upper shell (carapace) and hinged lower shell (plastron) that allows it to close its lower shell. The carapace has a flattened appearance along the dorsal surface and normally dose not have ridges. The carapace is brown to nearly black with a lot of colorfull yellow lines radiating from the center of each scute (shell scale). A yellow stripe running along the midline of the carapace is often present. The plastron is ze darkish brown with bold light lines. Across the plastron, just above the center, it's flexible and that allows the front and rear of the lower shell to press up against the upper shell, enabling the head, tail, and all four limbs to be protected from harm. (Which is a rarer thing the the media would have you think, in my opinion it is a government conspiracy) The exposed skin is gray brown, with faint yellow or orange-yellow spots the chin and upper jaw are yellow or yellow green. There are normally 4 toes on each hind limb. Adult males are slightly smaller than females(again I get it! like slaay) and have a concave area in the center of their plastron, an enlarged and inward-facing first toe of the hind limbs, and red eyes.( Females do have yellow brown eyes usually).Ornate box turtles are considered a prairie species They will also live in open woodlands, rocky glades, and farm fields in former native prairie regions. In Missouri,(thank god) ornate box turtles are active between March and October During the hot, dry days of mid-to-late summer, these turtles are generally inactive but will appear in numbers after a heavy rain(smae honestly). They may use the shallow water and mud of prairie wetlands during the warmest parts of the summer. In winter they get out of the cold by burrowing down the deepness depends on where they are they also are known to live in/under bushes like berrie ones Ornate box turtles mostly eat insects, with grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, and caterpillars composing nearly 90 percent of their diet. Earthworms are often eaten, too, especially in the spring. Fruits such as mulberries, wild strawberries, and dogwood fruits are also a part of their diet.(adorable) They do actively hunt, grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and earthworms. Additionally, ornate box turtles will graze on low-growing vegetation, berries and even mushrooms. They are omnivores(not to be confused with being omnipotent but I could be wrong) I could not find a lot of information on the sounds they make (like any of them but still) they make hissing and chirping sounds but only hiss when under a large amount of stress. D:
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cocopuffbutgayer · 6 months
got sick and wrote a turtle essay prt2
3.red eared slider(Trachemys scripta elegan)The red-eared slider is a mid-sized aquatic turtle with a patch of red on each side of its head which is why it has its name sake. The carapace is olive brown with numerous black and yellow lines. The plastron is yellow, with each scute normally having a large darkish brown or black splotche. The exposed skin is dark green with narrow black and yellow lines. A wide red or orange stripe is present on each side of the head behind the eye. Older ones sometimes have an excess of black pigment that covers most of the yellow stripes on the shell and skin and the red stripe behind the eye. This condition is known as melanism and is associated with old males the king still be slayin. Adult upper shell length 5 to 8 inches, occasionally to 12 inches. Adult females have larger shells than adult males which it understandable. The red-eared slider occurs in a wide variety of aquatic habitats, but it prefers a mud bottom(much like soft shells), plenty of aquatic plants, and basking sites to sun bake! they tend to eat plants more as well but going deeper in the diet later. This turtle lives in both natural waters (including rivers, sloughs, and oxbow lakes) and human-made waters (such as ditches, ponds, and reservoirs). Red-eared sliders living in the Mississippi River prefer slow, muddy habitats they can hold breath for up to 30 minutes depending on age and size.Through most of Missouri, this turtle becomes active in March, and it remains active until mid-Octoberis it prefers slighty warm ish but around 50 degrees f°. A population of sliders studied in cooler climates in northeastern Missouri were up from late April to the middle of September.On sunny days, basking in the sun on logs or other objects projecting from the water begins in midmorning and generally lasts until midafternoon. Sometimes a log is covered with many basking sliders, ive personaly seen this and its so cute!At night, red-eared sliders will sleep while resting on the bottom or floating on the water's surface. They are often seen moving about on land, especially males moving between ponds and females searching for nesting sites. Individuals overwinter underwater buried in the mud or under a cut bank.Red-eared sliders eat a wide range of both aquatic plants and aquatic animals. Young individuals often consume more of a carnivorous diet, but as they age, their diet shifts to more plant foods. Foraging takes place in early morning and late afternoon.During the 13 or 17 year mass emergences of periodical cicadas, sliders and other turtles feed heavily on this available and abundant resource.red-eared sliders only attack vulnerable prey but are known to attack if any gets to close to their domain. They may be known to attack in groups? And It is possible that the carnivorous tendencies of adult red-eared sliders depends on their digestive bacteria which is interesting but it can very depending on what foods around. Apparently, one of the reasons that immature or juvenile red-eared sliders are predatory omnivores is because they don't have the gut microflora needed to digest plants and algae but that may be due to I need for prominent. There are several YouTube videos of violent red-eared sliders tearing apart large animals such as rodents and birds.Often these are turtles in artificial environments and confined spaces, which is... yesh why would you do that to em. The turtles are clearly conditioned to be aggressive, thats not amazing but that can be due to a lack of knowledge on raising them they eat more plants then animals normally so if you want these cute Lil guys do research. but they are know to be very ballsy when it comes to predators and are rascals. they can make sounds like a croaking, clicking, hissing and chirping they also wiggle their fingers to intimate predators and attract mates,(2nd is basically just males)silly little things!
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cocopuffbutgayer · 6 months
I got sick and wrote an essay prt 1
(Sources missouri wild life, Wikipedia and dum stuff I randomly know this is nor a real essay 💅🔥✨️)1.Alligator snapping turtles(Macrochelys temminckii)They are very large with sharp scutes and sharp beaks. the plastron and beaks looks a lot like water logged wood as a way of hiding from prey there found exclusively in the United States, from northern Florida to eastern Texas and as far north as Iowa. They are basicly all aquatic. tend to stay submerged and motionless for so long that algae begins to grow on their shells!(not to be confused with shell rot) They can go 50 minutes before needing to surface for air, these turtles almost never come on land(not counting females when laying eggs). River systems, lakes, and wetland are their main habitats.Their tongue allows them to catch prey they have a small red and or pinklishes tongue and wiggle it To attract an unsuspecting victim,(dun dun dun) this turtle will lay on the bottom of the riverbed and open his jaws. A fish that gets tricked by the turtle’s tongue(womp womp) will swim right into the range of the hungry predator’s beaks.they can also actively search for prey by tasting chemicals in the water that are indicative of a particular species(way cool). This way, even when their prey is hiding in the sediment, they can still sense them very very cool(thats two verys). Some myths claim that alligator snapping turtles are known to attack people, but this isn’t the case(how rude). But with a bite force of 1,000 pounds, their powerful jaws can snap through they can (depending on the size) bite off you hole hand but don't attempt to hurt humans unless provoked, so dont try to hold them unless your trained they do start off small but grow gigantic so unless you have a lot of food practice and thick gloves i would not keep them as a house pet(but fr dont get them as pets unless you research and know a lot)plants are 1/3 diet but mostly smaller reptiles fish and insect anything they can catch I have no clue if they are able to make sound I looked for like twenty minutes :( 2.spiny soft shelled turtel (Apalone spinifera)The eastern spiny softshell mainly inhabits large rivers and streams, but it also lives in lakes, large ponds, and even roadside and irrigation ditches.(it likes mud a lot) It is most common in tributaries and closed side channels of the Mississippi River. This species can tolerate a variety of bottom substrates, including mud, sand, or gravel.The eastern spiny softshell is active between late March and October.it is very aggressive(rabid Lil guys).Daily activity includes foraging for food in early morning, basking in the sun like on logs or along the bank,(it can breathe above air and in water)and resting in shallow water with the shell covered by mud or sand like the true kings and queens they are. There is a short period of feeding during the afternoon and evening that may extend into the night. They mostly sleep in mud but trees and stumps.Spiny softshells have a habit of floating near the surface in deep water but will quickly dive to safety with the slightest disturbance.To escape the cold temperatures of winter, this species will bury itself in a few inches of mud or sand at the bottom of a river, lake, exetra starting in October or November. A study of turtles on the Osage River in St. Clair County showed that they mainly ate crayfish and aquatic insects with an occasional fish. This turtle is not a threat to Missouri’s game fish populations.They often lie buried in mud, sand, and shallow water. By extending the head and neck so that the snout just breaks the surface, they can breathe in a snorkel-like manner. All softshells are mainly carnivorous. They actively search for and pursue prey or capture it by ambush so they literally pop off...then kill things I mean who hasn't They quote "eat anything that can fit in their mouth" they make clicking chips and hisses and if given the chance would bite off your knee caps
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