code-grumpy · 5 years
MBTI and defense mechanisms.
SUBMISSION by lexwrites
MBTI and defense mechanisms: My reason behind this submission is solely a projection (or I should say, a depiction) of defense mechanisms (defending oneself psychically) as a function of inferior cognitive function, and therefore types by extrapolation. This is NOT a representation of the inferior functions / types per se. Some defense mechanisms, and what they mean: 1. Denial: denying uncomfortable reality; pursuing pleasurable instincts instead. 2. Regression: revert back to an earlier, more easier behavior; tendency to self destruct, childish. 3. Repression: completely forget the experience.  4. Displacement: transfer emotions from source of the frustration to someone or something else entirely.  5. Projection: projecting feelings (often of insecurity, shame etc) on to somebody else. 6. Reaction formation: behave opposite to how you truly feel.  7. Intellectualisation: to remove the ‘emotional self’ from the equation.  8. Rationalization: making excuses for (bad) behaviours.  9. Sublimation: to convert inadequacies, unfulfilled desires etc into productive endeavors.  Defense mechanisms and types coping with extreme stress (in the grip): ExTJ: inferior Fi (ENTJ, ESTJ):  Sublimation. “Sad? *scoffs* I’m not sad, that’s ridiculous.” Compensates feelings of despair by controlling what they can. Overachiever. Works hard, feeds personal anguish into work, profitable pursuits. Choose not to think about their feelings.  INxJ: inferior Se (INTJ, INFJ):  Denial. “I will continue to do mind-numbing activities like binge-watch tv series or over-eat; it’s best to pretend nothing is happening. This too shall pass. What do you mean I have a problem?  There’s no problem; just the next best thing.” ENXP: inferior Si (ENFP, ENTP):  Repression. “Trauma? What trauma? No, I don’t remember it being that bad. Are you sure you’re remembering it right?” *puts themselves in the same position time and time again*  IxTP: Inferior Fe (INTP, ISTP):  Regression. Temper tantrums, touchy, tendency to be egotistical. “I’m wrong? No, you are stupid.” Obsessed with image, irate when not given credit for their work. Snobbish. “I only associate with people of my kind.” Child-like. Also, reaction formation: passive aggressive, manipulative. “Ugh, she looks terrible.” *actually envious of her* Gossips. Hate your colleague? Be very nice to him.  ESxP: inferior Ni (ESTP, ESFP): Rationalisation. “What’s the point? Anything I do will only end the way I see it: badly. Nothing works. I can sense my impending doom. Excuses? No, it’s not my fault, really. It’s just how it was supposed to be. Yes, I’m going to sit here. Yes, I’ll do nothing. At this juncture, what is left?” IxFP: inferior Te (INFP, ISFP):  Displacement. “Shut up. Don’t tell me what to do.” *Hurls paperweight at the wall* Becomes obsessed with logical fallacies. “What an imbecile.” Can become calloused, totally unmindful of others’ opinions and emotions. “Move. Bitch.” ExFJ: inferior Ti (ENFJ, ESFJ): Intellectualisation. “Why? Why is this happening? Why me? What’s the point? There is an explanation. There has to be. I’ll figure this out.” ISxJ: inferior Ne (ISTJ, ISFJ):  Projection. “No, that is an incredibly stupid idea, it won’t work. Let’s be realistic, it’s never been done before. Do you know why? It sucks. You suck. Try it? Don’t be naive. Do you understand how utterly irresponsible your idea is?“  Disclaimer: 1.  I am not claiming that these are the only types that use it. E.g.: ENTJs may use denial, INFPs may use repression, et cetera. Also, a type may (more likely scenario) use a variety of mechanisms at once. A likely combination (for a given type, based on preference) is - intellectualisation (“The reasoning behind this crisis is…”), rationalization (“Call me an arsehole, but I’m just being objective when I’m doing this…”), and displacement (*screaming at the unfortunate guy that accidentally ‘stepped on your toes’*: mostly a loved one, completely isolated from the source of the crisis.) 2. I am not claiming that these types have to use this.  E.g.: An inferior Fi might not use sublimation at all. It might use intellectualisation as a result of emotional-numbing. An inferior Ti might use the same intellectualisation in a much more cutthroat manner. An inferior Ti could use denial because logically speaking, nothing is working, so might as well stop worrying and start pretending the problem doesn’t exist.  3. Also, with varying positions in the stack, different mechanisms may occur. This is usually how the defense mechanisms manifest. E.g.: ENTJs. Te (mild stress): use intellectualisation. (“Okay, this is the problem.”) When Ni is bypassed (continued stress) and Te-Se loop is initiated, they might go into sublimation (“I don’t care about the meaning / purpose. All that matters is results.” Deadlines, money, promotions.) And when the threat consumes them: grip is engaged. Sublimation may continue. (“I’m so fragile, I’m surprised people don’t see it. Good, at least it’s working. Keep at it.” *works harder and harder, each attempt more feeble than the last*) From here, it could go anywhere, based on individual / the situation / both. 4. The same type might use the same defense mechanisms in various positions.
E.g.: A Te-dom may use the same sublimation mechanism as an inferior Fi but for different reasons. Te might be aware of its short-comings and balance it (“I am terrible at memory tasks. But I show good analytical thinking:  I’ll play to my strengths and study physics instead of the social sciences.”) An inferior Fi might show escapism from its feelings just to stop wallowing in it (which, obviously, will get worse until the mechanism stops working altogether).  I can think of multiple combinations, none more preferable, each as predictive as the individual. The submission was merely a starting point, as operations are to arithmetic. With time, one learns, builds, advances. As one of my initial attempts at properly dissecting functions other than my own, my perspective might tint them. You have been warned.  Good day.
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code-grumpy · 5 years
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when you meet someone new  
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code-grumpy · 6 years
Ti: But we're right, who the fuck cares if they're offended. They don't care if we're offended! Plus we're RIGHT! Why can't you just tell them how wrong they are, you idiot?! Why must I care about their sensitivities?
Fe: You gotta.
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code-grumpy · 6 years
INTP... check ☑️
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code-grumpy · 6 years
Well... 🤐
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code-grumpy · 6 years
INFX... rumors that upon hearing Lana, INFP or INFJ want to die.
Born to Die intensifies...
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code-grumpy · 6 years
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code-grumpy · 6 years
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code-grumpy · 6 years
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code-grumpy · 6 years
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code-grumpy · 6 years
Absolutely true.
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code-grumpy · 6 years
INFX: You are awesome.
INTP: I did not understand.
INFX: I'm saying you're really cool.
INTP: You're speaking words, but they do not make much sense.
INFX: You're fun and funny!
INTP: What this means?
INFX *angry cute*: ACCEPT MY CHEERS!
INTP *embarrassed*: NOOOOOT!
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code-grumpy · 6 years
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code-grumpy · 6 years
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Especially true for INFJ.
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code-grumpy · 6 years
*INTP brings brownies to robotics meeting*
INFP:  These brownies are amazing!  Are they homemade? 
INTP:  No, they are from a box
ENTP:  Seriously, though.  What brownie mix do you buy?  Is it a special kind?
INTP:  I got it on sale at the dollar store.  I don’t understand how you guys think these are so good.  I do nothing special with them and they are from a cheap box mix.  
ENTP:  Do you alter the ingredients amounts at all?  Do you put extra eggs in?
INTP:  No, I follow the directions completely.  
ENTP:  So you don’t alter anything at all?  You don’t add any secret ingredients?
INTP:  Nothing.  
INFP:  I know, it’s because you made them with love!!! 
INTP:  *looks around at all the members* …No, that’s definitely not it…
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