codecarpenterbee · 3 years
If ever you are completely naked and want to feel even more naked, just put on some shoes.
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
the thing all sherlock holmes adaptations get wrong is making the guy an irredeemable asshole who treats everyone like shit . not only is it not reflective of the original stories they miss that “nice, smart, well mannered dude who snorts coke when he needs to think” is possibly the funniest character ever devised 
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
Remus: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
I’m new to tumblr but here’s some art I made off of “erase me” on Logan’s playlist because it made me emo 😔
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
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some fandom needs to hear this. but i just cANt remember which one ……
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
“I could fix him”; “I could make him worse!” Why??????? Why all this DIY???? I just wanna stand over his shoulder and see what he can possibly fuck up next
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
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a very random headcanon doodle
kinda funny to think that the sides have to watch whatever c!Thomas watches
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
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Join our subreddit and share a prompt to inspire hundreds of players’ next adventure ⚔️🧙‍♂️
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
anyone else feel like they missed about 85% of 2021
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
Fishy fish
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
You know a little detail I love in The Martian book? That Mark is obviously smart, but to different degrees depending on the subject.
He’s a mechanical engineer and a botanist. This makes him especially good at math, biology, food science, physics, and techy stuff that involves building things or taking stuff apart and making it do something else and general problem solving
He’s also generally good at chemistry. He knows that to make water he can breakdown hydrazine, but doesn’t think about the fact that it would cause the place to fill with hydrogen and almost blow up until it does. He also knows you exhale some oxygen each time you breathe, but doesn’t know how much.
He knows that solar panels are held at a 14 degree angle but doesn’t know why, and only knows the angle because he was in charge of setting them up
When he gets injured he doesn’t say what muscles, just that his back hurts. He fixes most of his muscle injuries with pain killers and warm baths while thinking about how the medic would have more detailed instructions
He has no idea how the pilot is so good at pilot stuff, and never differentiates different kinds of rocks like the geologist would
It’s just cool to have a smart character who is smart at things that make sense for their degrees and experience. So many characters get the Sherlock Holmes treatment where they’re good at whatever the plot needs, but in this case the book uses his blind spots as part of the plot. He knows enough chemistry to solve problems but not enough to anticipate the problems the chemistry would cause as well. It’s refreshing to have a book where what a character is bad at, or just not super good at, works with the story rather than just getting glossed over or having the character magically good at everything because if you know botany obviously you also know anatomy and geology and meteorology, etc
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
Everyone should know the international sign for Help Me. Let’s make this famous!!
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
tonight i am thinking abt: platonic/familial dukexiety
thank u very much
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
May I request Logan with torn jeans/paint stained clothes?
I have such an idea right now that I might have to make this into a full fledged illustration once I get some sleep. It's looking so good in my head, let's hope my skills can do it justice, stay tuned.
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codecarpenterbee · 3 years
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Idk why but here's some beans
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