coderacha · 4 months
the year so far 🫧
passed my senior thesis project! super happy with how it turned out
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studied angular 2 and tailwind css
made my personal portfolio using angular and tailwind css <3 (still too busy to finish it though)
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started an internship!!
got a free datacamp scholarship
learned qa automation using selenium
learned mochajs
learned sharepoint web development
learned node.js
developed a customer training registration system from scratch using node.js, sharepoint online, and bootstrap in two weeks!
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now i'm confused about what i really want to pursue as a career because i've been jumping from project to project, and language to language. i still enjoy ui/ux design and front-end development, but i also like back-end now! full-stack is really overwhelming and stressful but satisfying. i'm interested in automated testing too. i also like managing projects. so idk what i want right now but so far i've liked learning and experiencing everything!! aaaaaaaaaa
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coderacha · 6 months
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almost there (i think) 🫧
i've been really productive lately because the deadline is after christmas break,, i just wanna pass and graduate alr!! let my poor lower back rest for a while (plz)
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coderacha · 6 months
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today's progress 🫧
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coderacha · 6 months
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updates 🫧
almost done with this project! we just have to:
improve the recommendation algorithm
add the appropriate alerts for every action using JS
test for bugs!
conduct a survey TTTT
i just realized that's still kind of a lot,,
but after that, i'll only have my internship to worry about if we pass the final defense ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
i already have a list of companies i wanna intern in. also just started designing my portfolio. hope it all wrks out
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coderacha · 9 months
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project updates 🐸
i keep forgetting to post here. i recently had a lot of progress in a project ^^ this is a PWA and we're using python django (and it's required that we should integrate an AI feature too TT) i think i'm 75% done with the front-end but overall we're probably only 15%,,, i'm gonna try finishing my part this week so i could help with other tasks!
there's only three weeks left before the deadline </3 hope it all wrks out
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coderacha · 10 months
I wanna code with someone on the same project, but not just 1 but several small projects I've been building alone and it's great but I am feeling lonely and I just want to talk to someone about the same project, share the same frustrations, enthusiasm and we get to build something and talk over the solution, like a team, I can do it alone but i think i need something different. maybe a coding buddy
*tosses coin into a well*
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coderacha · 10 months
I created some themes for The Quiz App
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Thursday 31st August 2023
Hello Hiya! I wanted to share what I've done recently done to the open source project @leaveblackkbrosalone started! 😋
What I did was add themes! I added an autumn, frog and Christmas theme! It was a bit frustrating when at one point the theme wouldn't crossover to the other pages and I was stressed out for a good 30 mins... but all worth it because I love the themes! 🥰
That's all! Again, if you want to help out with our quiz app web app using the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript so if you want to work on a project with other people using those languages, checkout the repo! : LINK
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coderacha · 10 months
SQL Fundamentals #1: SQL a data definition language
Last year in college , I had the opportunity to dive deep into SQL. The course was made even more exciting by an amazing instructor . Fast forward to today, and I regularly use SQL in my backend development work with PHP. Today, I felt the need to refresh my SQL knowledge a bit, and that's why I've put together three posts aimed at helping beginners grasp the fundamentals of SQL.
Understanding Relational Databases
Let's Begin with the Basics: What Is a Database?
Simply put, a database is like a digital warehouse where you store large amounts of data. When you work on projects that involve data, you need a place to keep that data organized and accessible, and that's where databases come into play.
Exploring Different Types of Databases
When it comes to databases, there are two primary types to consider: relational and non-relational.
Relational Databases: Structured Like Tables
Think of a relational database as a collection of neatly organized tables, somewhat like rows and columns in an Excel spreadsheet. Each table represents a specific type of information, and these tables are interconnected through shared attributes. It's similar to a well-organized library catalog where you can find books by author, title, or genre.
Key Points:
Tables with rows and columns.
Data is neatly structured, much like a library catalog.
You use a structured query language (SQL) to interact with it.
Ideal for handling structured data with complex relationships.
Non-Relational Databases: Flexibility in Containers
Now, imagine a non-relational database as a collection of flexible containers, more like bins or boxes. Each container holds data, but they don't have to adhere to a fixed format. It's like managing a diverse collection of items in various boxes without strict rules. This flexibility is incredibly useful when dealing with unstructured or rapidly changing data, like social media posts or sensor readings.
Key Points:
Data can be stored in diverse formats.
There's no rigid structure; adaptability is the name of the game.
Non-relational databases (often called NoSQL databases) are commonly used.
Ideal for handling unstructured or dynamic data.
Now, Let's Dive into SQL:
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SQL is a :
Data Definition language ( what todays post is all about )
Data Manipulation language
Data Query language
Task: Building and Interacting with a Bookstore Database
Setting Up the Database
Our first step in creating a bookstore database is to establish it. You can achieve this with a straightforward SQL command:
SQL :Data Definition language
As the name suggests, this step is all about defining your tables. By the end of this phase, your database and the tables within it are created and ready for action.
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1 - Introducing the 'Books' Table
A bookstore is all about its collection of books, so our 'bookstoreDB' needs a place to store them. We'll call this place the 'books' table. Here's how you create it:
CREATE TABLE books ( -- Don't worry, we'll fill this in soon! );
Now, each book has its own set of unique details, including titles, authors, genres, publication years, and prices. These details will become the columns in our 'books' table, ensuring that every book can be fully described.
Now that we have the plan, let's create our 'books' table with all these attributes:
CREATE TABLE books ( title VARCHAR(40), author VARCHAR(40), genre VARCHAR(40), publishedYear DATE, price INT(10) );
With this structure in place, our bookstore database is ready to house a world of books.
2 - Making Changes to the Table
Sometimes, you might need to modify a table you've created in your database. Whether it's correcting an error during table creation, renaming the table, or adding/removing columns, these changes are made using the 'ALTER TABLE' command.
For instance, if you want to rename your 'books' table:
ALTER TABLE books RENAME TO books_table;
If you want to add a new column:
ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN description VARCHAR(100);
Or, if you need to delete a column:
3 - Dropping the Table
Finally, if you ever want to remove a table you've created in your database, you can do so using the 'DROP TABLE' command:
To keep this post concise, our next post will delve into the second step, which involves data manipulation. Once our bookstore database is up and running with its tables, we'll explore how to modify and enrich it with new information and data. Stay tuned ...
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coderacha · 10 months
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today's progress!
i was able to figure out why the model wasn't working. i was training it for object detection tasks while my dataset is meant for instance segmentation TT it works now!!! just needs more improvement
there are so many resources available online, but they're all confusing, especially when u're a total beginner. i think i'm starting to get the hang of it, though! (hopefully)
here's another silly mistake i made today that made me panic:
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i finished making this sidebar more than a week ago and hadn't touched it ever since. when i opened it today, the sidebar and header wouldn't appear.
i spent a good 15 minutes figuring out what i did wrong, but the only problem was that i forgot to run it through localhost,,, i felt so bad when it wouldn't work lmao
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coderacha · 10 months
feeling less overwhelmed and more excited about my computer vision project now ☆_☆
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coderacha · 10 months
Made my first proper React.js project
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Wednesday 30th August 2023
After reminiscing over my old blog's name (froggiecoding) I decided to get up and start learning some React and made a to-do app! Also learnt how to use Netlify for the first time - wow, I know~!
I had fun, it's just like how Django was like but I think a bit simpler to understand! This is the bare basics but it's good I started from somewhere!
Was thinking of adding more to the site but the only think I want to do is add saving the items to local storage! Then I'm done and onto the next project!
Also double happy I started and finished the project in one sitting, only spent around 2.5 hours on it, just cause it's pretty basic! 😉🐸✨👍🏾
Link to the project: LINK
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coderacha · 10 months
music webapp: knob component
today i put together a general purpose knob/dial component for controlling different parameters!
the sound it makes is actually a recording of me twisting a knob on my MS20 lol.
when creating a knob component, you can specify the minimum and maximum values, and it will calculate the number of degrees from the furthest left (min value) and furthest right (max value) points on the knob. if the range between your min and max is 10 or greater, the area you can rotate between will cover the 'full' 280 degrees. that's the max.
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this component will be used to control things like the ADSR, waveform, etc in the synth machine view!
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coderacha · 10 months
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i have no idea what i'm doing!
learning computer vision concepts on your own is overwhelming, and it's even more overwhelming to figure out how to apply those concepts to train a model and prepare your own data from scratch.
context: the public university i go to expects the students to self-study topics like AI, machine learning, and data science, without the professors teaching anything TT
i am losing my mind
based on what i've watched on youtube and understood from articles i've read, i think i have to do the following:
data collection (in my case, images)
data annotation (to label the features)
image augmentation (to increase the diversity of my dataset)
image manipulation (to normalize the images in my dataset)
split the training, validation, and test sets
choose a model for object detection (YOLOv4?)
training the model using my custom dataset
evaluate the trained model's performance
so far, i've collected enough images to start annotation. i might use labelbox for that. i'm still not sure if i'm doing things right 🥹
if anyone has any tips for me or if you can suggest references (textbooks or articles) that i can use, that would be very helpful!
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coderacha · 10 months
Debug Help | Resources ✨
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coderacha · 10 months
Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates and Badges | Resources ✨
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Did I share this already? Doesn't hurt to share this again hehe but oh my goodness me! 😖💗 Huge huge list of free certificates you can look at and see ones you want to do!
Certificates from Google, LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft, Harvard, Standford, Open University, FreeCodeCamp, Digital Marketing and FutureLearn and more! [LINK]
Link to the full list: LINK
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coderacha · 2 years
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Brugty font designed by Prioritype Co
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coderacha · 2 years
i want to make a neocities so bad but i dont know where to start :(( any advice? i love ur website!!
hiii! thank you im so happy you visited and liked it <3 so like 2 months ago i was in the same spot as you - no idea how to code, but the idea of a personal website thrilled me so much!
i basically spent a few weeks browsing sites on neocities, noting down what delighted me, what i would personally like to have on my own website, etc.
after that i searched furiously for coding tutorials and making a personal website (around this time i was also making a portfolio website, so i had a couple of links saved). here are some
pages github
w3schools! free html and css and lots of other language tutorials
https://sadgrl.online — a TON of resources 🌟
neocities learn page (HTML, CSS, JS, and lots more! + a cute interactive cat tutorial) 🍰
codetheweb - tutorials
codeacademy — free coding tutorials
freecodecamp — all free coding tutorials
a bunch of resources
i started with neocities' learn page, which has a really quick intro to HTML and CSS. after that, i bookmarked a ton of posts on sadgrl.online's website, because she's super big on neocities and has sooo many helpful beginner tutorials.
after that i basically got an HTML boilerplate from eggramen and just started going from there! you can just directly upload your website files to neocities (make sure your folders are constructed the same way!) once you have an account.
basically tldr: grab a boilerplate HTML template from anywhere, make a neocities account, and start fiddling with it right away! google everything you don't know or don't understand. good luck 💖⚙️
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