codeways · 8 years
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codeways · 8 years
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Javascript vs. Ruby: Reversing a String
Ruby is a programming language that’s “programmer friendly” and a bit more concise to read than Javascript.
Both have reverse methods, but with JS you’ll need to split the string before reversing since the split method only works on arrays and not strings.  In Ruby, you can just simply apply the reverse method on the string and it’ll reverse it. 
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codeways · 8 years
I have no idea.
I guess the main course is to try to refine my JS skills/knowledge. Getting more well versed with AJAX and JSON is a priority.
Been asking people about recursion and the majority says it isn’t worth the hassle unless its a must, which had me questioning why Fullstack and other bootcamps are so high in teaching it. Maybe it has to do something with farming students to become junior developers for these giant tech companies to be grinding through miles of code to recursive-ify them.  In light of getting rejected from Fullstack, I decided to also take up Ruby (again) to prep myself for other bootcamps (ie Flatiron). Currently going through Flatiron’s “Learn-Co” intro to Ruby online course which moves pretty fast and has you doing methods and loops early on without much practice.  The only thing that bugged me about the Fullstack process was that it took over a month from doing the first code challenge to getting a final decision which really hampered me in figuring out what to do next. 
Been looking at Anyone Can Learn To Code but it doesn’t look ideal in terms of teaching pace (its part time) but the “guaranteed” mentor program post-completion of course sounds pretty enticing.
Think I’ll be posting to this more often with me going through the motions of algorithms or programs I’ve been making. 
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codeways · 8 years
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think I need a motivation session with DJ Khaled
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codeways · 8 years
trying to get my feet wet with APIs or learning how to use them.
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codeways · 8 years
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alright, this one kind of irks me.
from the test cases they gave for the challenges, I was able to get them to work, maybe my code wasn’t efficient enough. essentially they want me to become an actual programmer before I can get into their school. another thing is that if I can’t get past the second attempt at applying, I can’t apply again.  I’m already waiting for my rejection letter from Fullstack 
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codeways · 8 years
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Just gotta keep trying.
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codeways · 9 years
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solution breakdown for the “Mutations” Bonfire on Free Code Camp.
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codeways · 9 years
A week before DBC started, I decided to withdraw from my cohort. I felt that the curriculum (from what I’ve heard) didn’t really fit what I wanted to learn. They’re mostly leaning on Ruby and I’ve gotten so used to Javascript (and hearing how its the future) that I wanted to try to a different school. Withdrawing meant I also saw the “real” side of the biz and got terrible customer support when I tried to withdraw. Only when I mentioned about having difficulty submitting my credit card info they responded to me promptly (20 minutes vs. a week and a half). Its kind of ridiculous that I emailed a few accounts multiple times and no one reached back to me. 
Its unfortunate that they had bad service, I took night sessions there and it seemed the people there really wanted you to succeed. From some of the reviews from past alumni and some online, it seemed like a great fit for me, but the customer service definitely put a sour taste in my mouth. 
So setting my sights now on Fullstack, which is a bit more expensive and much more difficult to get into. I took their Jumpstart course and I learned a lot and it helped me focus and reinforce the idea that I can’t casually stroll through the material. 
I’ve been leaning on a bevy of resources, mostly Codecademy and Free Code Camp, and a few books. 
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codeways · 9 years
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codeways · 9 years
starting up...
Got an email the day before, confirming my cohort start date (11/9/15).
The first 9 weeks of DBC is known as Phase 0, which is mostly remote work from home. 
80% of it will be paired programing, and probably 10% solo material.
In the mean time, I’m redoing a bunch of material, not sure which ones I’ll lean on, but I’ll list them as I go on. Going to try to document how well I’m absorbing the material to try to make myself a more efficient learner. 
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codeways · 9 years
Got Into DBC
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The next day, they gave me the okay to schedule my interview. I picked the very next week with an interviewer in the NYC area. 
I had my doubts that I would be ready for the coding challenge, but I spent the entire week trying to absorb as much basic Ruby as I could. I used the Ruby track on Codecademy and went all the way up to the “Refactoring” lesson.
Tried to use other resources like Youtube videos, and other Intro to Ruby books (like The Well-Grounded Rubyist and the “pick axe” book).
The interview was a (some-what strictly) timed, 45 minute via Skype deal. I set mine for 7:30 EST so I’d have enough time to review the material after I got home from work (5:30-ish)  PRE-INTERVIEW (2 MINS) Before the interview actually started, my interviewer introduced me to another DBC alumni who’d be sitting in for my interview. During this time, she answered my questions regarding her overall experience, and why she choose DBC over other Code Camps she was mulling over. Wasn’t sure if this was a regular thing or a training thing, as I haven’t read about this in other alumi’s DBC interview accounts.  INTRODUCTIONS (2 MINS) Mostly just formalities, introductions, and letting me know how the interview process would go. 
GETTING TO KNOW YOU (10 - 15 MINS) This is where I’d talk about myself, how I heard about DBC, and past coding experience. In addition to reading up on Ruby, we were required to watch their “Engineering Empathy” video, which would be touched upon during the interview.  I was asked for what my thoughts were on the principle and what “empathy” meant to me. I did take away a few points, but not a lot since I do enjoy collaborating with others often and like to be open to ideas.  Thought the interview went well, but I was a little tired from work, so I went on long rambles and repeated myself a few times. 
QUESTIONS (5 MINS) There was time set aside for me to ask interviewer questions about DBC (he’s a DBC alumni himself). I’m terrible at coming up with questions to ask (ironically someone who has a degree in journalism), so this didn’t take up much time. 
LOGICAL PUZZLE (10 - 15 MINS) The interviewer gave me a lengthy and weird logical problem which was to see how I tackled problems and my thinking patterns. It stumped me, but I kept talking it out and working the problem out on paper. The interviewer gave me a hint and worked it out with me to help coax out the answer. Didn’t solve it within the allotted time but I was able to email him 10 mins after the interview concluded with the answer.   CODE CHALLENGE (15 MINS) The main part that everyone is antsy for. Surprisingly this was the easiest part of the interview, and after doing the three problems I’d go as far to say I was “over-prepared” (I use that loosely) for the challenge.  All three involved Ruby and they got more complex than the other.  If you’re a student applying to DBC, doing the Codecademy lesson, doing some Hacker Rank challenges, and practice, practice, practice the basics of Ruby, you’ll breeze through the challenges. But your miles may vary, as you could get totally different problems that could be way harder than what I got. 
END The interviewer let me know the interview session was over, and filled me on what happens next. They say that DBC would respond within 24 hours, but I got my email 2 hours after the interview saying I got in. The decision could fall on the interviewer (or interviewers in my case) based on the notes he took. 
This post was written 2 days after the interview and acceptance letter, but it still feels weird getting in so quickly (and easily). 
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codeways · 9 years
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first steps.
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codeways · 9 years
still trying to figure out how to use thee. 
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codeways · 9 years
Start of my documentation of my “journey” to learning how to code and be a programmer. 
The goal is to become a full stack dev.
Currently wadding the waters of JavaScript
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