#learning to code
izicodes · 9 months
Wix Learn's Free Web Accessibility Certification | Resources ✨
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Hiya! 💗 Today, I stumbled upon an absolute gem that I wanted to share with all of you. If you're learning about web design and inclusivity as I am, this is something you might want to look into~!
Introducing the Web Accessibility Course by Wix Learn - a game-changer for anyone striving to create websites that cater to all users, regardless of impairments. This comprehensive course covers everything you need to know to build an inclusive online space that leaves no one behind. AND IT COMES WITH AN EXAM AND CERTIFICATE (all free too hehe).
In this course, you'll gain mastery over essential skills, including:
🌐 Creating Inclusive Sites: Learn the best practices to make your websites accessible to people with various impairments, ensuring equal access for everyone.
📚 Accessible Title Tags and Headings: Dive into the world of proper title tags and heading structures, making navigation a breeze for every visitor.
👁️‍🗨️ Crafting Alt Text and Alternative Media: Discover the art of writing meaningful alt text and incorporating alternative media, providing a seamless experience for those with visual challenges.
⚙️ Optimizing Navigation for Assisted Technology Users: Enhance site navigation for individuals relying on assisted technologies, making their browsing experience smooth and efficient.
💬 The Power of an Accessibility Statement: Learn to create a compelling accessibility statement, showcasing your dedication to inclusivity and informing visitors about your website's accessibility features.
They even have prep courses for the exam! 🤗✨
Here's the link to the course: LINK
Hope this helps someone out there, I will be trying it out and seeing how it goes! 👍🏾
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mr-abhishek-kumar · 6 months
Augmented assignment operators in python
Augmented assignment operators in Python combine addition and assignment in one statement. Instead of writing a = a + 1, you can write a += 1. This can make your code more concise and readable.
There are many augmented assignment operators in Python, including:
+= (addition)
-= (subtraction)
*= (multiplication)
/= (division)
//= (floor division)
%= (modulus)
**= (exponentiation)
&= (bitwise AND)
|= (bitwise OR)
^= (bitwise XOR)
<<= (bitwise left shift)
>>= (bitwise right shift)
Augmented assignment operators can be used with any Python variable, including numbers, strings, lists, and dictionaries.
Here are some examples of how to use augmented assignment operators in Python:
# Add 1 to the variable a a = 1 a += 1 # Subtract 2 from the variable b b = 10 b -= 2 # Multiply 3 by the variable c c = 5 c *= 3 # Divide 4 by the variable d d = 10 d /= 4 # Floor divide 5 by the variable e e = 10 e //= 5 # Take the modulus of 6 by the variable f f = 10 f %= 6 # Raise 7 to the power of 2 g = 7 g **= 2 # Perform a bitwise AND operation on the variables h and i h = 10 i = 5 h &= i # Perform a bitwise OR operation on the variables j and k j = 10 k = 5 j |= k # Perform a bitwise XOR operation on the variables l and m l = 10 m = 5 l ^= m # Perform a bitwise left shift on the variable n by 1 bit n = 10 n <<= 1 # Perform a bitwise right shift on the variable o by 1 bit o = 10 o >>= 1
Augmented assignment operators can be a powerful tool for writing concise and readable Python code. They can be used with any Python variable, and they can be used to perform a variety of arithmetic and bitwise operations.
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viowlettcodes · 6 months
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Kindred is 100% providing me with both distraction and motivation to get through the last hurdle of SheCodes basics.
Wish me luck!! I'm going to try and get as much done as possible tonight 🥰
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kindredcodes1 · 7 months
Self-paced learning
I've finally taken the first steps into Javascript, and I've been looking around at other courses that may help me with future employment. I'm not sure if a bootcamp is worth it, as a lot of it will teach me things I have already been learning by myself. Also, so many seem to focus on Python, whereas I would rather focus on C# and asp.net. I've seen a lot of job applications ask for C# but not Python...I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to learn both, but ultimately I would rather learn one that I would use more.
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codingcorgi · 10 days
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I am not dead just severely busy! Days 74-109. I have so much to talk about this time!
So at work (Can't show that due to NDA) I've been bug chasing, and ultimately having to restructure many classes and methods to make one function work as intended.
Then for my C# final I'm still working on my .Net Maui project I finished the journals implementation, and added the event reporting function. I added the events to the journal entry for the day. If there are no entries yet it makes one. I am going to be using the library of microcharts that were used in xamarin (before Xamarin got depreciated into .Net Maui) now it can be used for .Net Maui. I'll be capturing data gathered in the journals to display on graphs to track progress in sleep disorders. At a later time I'll be getting it set up to grab information from sleep tracking apps on mobile.
In C++ my final is to make a game. I am making an adventure game where you can explore a village. It has lore, Easter eggs, and fun imagery (it's a console game unfortunately can't do Unreal). I have to change the code a bit but it has been fun to code!
I might have a contract role coming up for another game studio, so that's exciting.
My plans for the next few days is to get some functionality on the statistics tab in my Maui app, and get my C++ project more put together. At work I'm waiting on the senior dev to plan out how to fix the massive problem we have.
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deepdive002 · 5 months
Code Blog, Project 001 Understanding Unicode
Day 02
Mostly I was setting up my environment today.
I got a very simple c program running on one of my servers when I realized I would need a better way to step through my code.
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The code compiles and runs but more advanced debugging it could be a challenge.
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I could get better at using tmux and find a command line debugger.
I could develop my C code in Visual Studio as a C++ project, upload the final files to my server and then figure out any incompatibilities.
I could Google for a C language IDE that can run on Windows.
Today's Path Forward:
I’m going to explore the third option today and see how things go.
I’m trying out a program called CLion
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I got CLion installed, activated the free trial and got it to SSH into my server.
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The current problem I'm stuck on is that I can't get it to read from standard in. I don't know if this feature exists in CLion.
I tried dumping the source file as a text sample into stdin. I did it as a Program argument. This probably isn't the way CLion expects things. When I ran the debugger the code doesn't seem to be reading anything.
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Another issue I'm thinking of is that the debugging features seem to be just a GUI for GDB.
I will probably have to get good with GDB anyway. I may be better off just using a tmux terminal with GDB in one of the panes. I'm not sure which solution (tmux or CLion) to explore.
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I may work on this some more today. I'll see where I'm at tomorrow.
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bleucodes · 10 months
Hi I am Suki. I am 21 y/o and from India. I just graduated with a computer science degree and am preparing for higher studies. Making this studyblr so I can become more consistent.
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alisheaburgess · 11 months
My Coding Certification Half-Sprint: Day 1/7...It Begins!
I have been seduced by learning once again!
I have one month access to an entire collection of video courses (a huge library). They come with CERTIFICATES!!!! This is both a dream and a nightmare for me. So many options is too many options! 😂😅
I want to learn it all...and I keep trying to do it! HELP!
I started out just casually looking for game design courses. Then I found UX, then UI...then a BUNCH of other things...
And now I have found coding. Something I didn't know I wanted, nay...needed!
I am going to try and record my goals for courses and understanding what I want and need next here... I am getting way too overwhelmed with all the options available. (help, I'm a baby in a candy shop!)
My goals for today:
Finish the "Career Essentials in Soft Dev" and take the test...it makes sense
At least 1 HTML course (2+ hours long each)
Finish the Accessibility course for UX (another 2hrs)
Stare down the CSS course so it gets intimidated and doesn't know that its beefy 5hrs is scary...(at least 5 mins, reapply as needed)
Finish the Figma video that I keep starting and get distracted in...poor video
Recheck job listings to make sure that the things I'm learning together make sense... "Can I sell the employee/freelancer that I'm building?" 😅😂🤣
I think that's plenty for today... If I do more I do more... I'm just finishing up the UX training and only starting the Dev stuff. 👀 wish me luck and uh...focus lol
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brownbuttercookies · 25 days
what up folks, if i’m gonna learn coding would you recommend python or c#? or something else? i’ve been doing the app brilliant for a few days, wondering if there’s a better way to start from scratch. reasons for learning are to a) get a better job and b) maybe tinker around with writing simple programs.
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just-a-girl-0001 · 25 days
JavaScript is such a silly lang
okay so, IDK how many of yall are dorks who like learning coding langs like me, but JS has a funny lil quirk I just wanted to talk about (IDK for sure if other langs do this too, but if they do notify me meow meow) anywho, JS has a lil thing known as [truthy] and [falsy]
and it's for when something is [kinda] true and when something is [kinda] false
so like... when we use things like Conditionals [if, and, or, ect] we kinda wanna be looking for boolean values right? [true] and [false]
but lets say we got a variable, that doesn't have a strictly true or false value!
lets say we make a variable like this
let IAmAVariable = 'I am a string'
and then we made a line of code where we used a conditional like this:
if (IAmAVariable) {console.log(IAmAVariable)} else {console.log('it was falsy lol!'}
it would interpret IAmAVariable as a boolean value of [true] instead of it as a string value! and then it would print "I am a string" to the console!
but that's an example of [truthy]
an example of [falsy] would be a string that looks like '' or this ""
if we did the same line of code as before the if statement would interpret the value as the boolean value of [false] and then print to the console: it was falsy lol!
am I silly for thinking this is silly? I know it's useful very useful but the wording for it, sure is funny :3
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izicodes · 1 year
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Thursday 16th March 2023
I am proud to say that I have officially completed my apprenticeship with a Pass grade! I am done done done done!!! I told my manager Tracey and she said "Well, now you're an actual Junior Software Developer! No longer in training!" and I am so happy! 💻💗
I told my Dad, Mum, my fiancé, my sisters and my uncle and they're all super happy! Do you know what that means? Gifts!!! Hehe!
And what a coincidence my 21st birthday is in 4 days so extra gifts AND work are taking me out for my birthday so extra happy day!! ✨
However, even though I finished the apprenticeship, I'm obviously not an expert so I will be continuing studying on my own. I still feel like "Oh I know some stuff but I'm not 100% confident in the rest" so will continue trying new things, building random projects and just go from there!
Thanks to everyone who helped me here and externally! 💗💗
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mr-abhishek-kumar · 6 months
Lists in python
Lists in Python are a type of sequence data type. They are mutable, meaning that they can be changed after they are created. Lists can store elements of any type, including strings, integers, floats, and even other lists.
Lists are represented by square brackets ([]) and contain elements separated by commas. For example, the following code creates a list of strings:
my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
Lists can be accessed using indices, which start at 0. For example, the following code prints the first element of the list my_list:
Lists can also be sliced, which allows you to extract a subset of the list. For example, the following code prints a slice of the list my_list that contains the first two elements:
['apple', 'banana']
Lists can be modified by adding, removing, or changing elements. For example, the following code adds an element to the end of the list my_list:
The following code removes the first element of the list my_list:
The following code changes the second element of the list my_list:
my_list[1] = "pear"
Lists can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as storing data, iterating over data, and performing data analysis.
Here are some examples of how to use lists in Python:
# Create a list of numbers numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Print the list print(numbers) # Add an element to the list numbers.append(6) # Remove an element from the list numbers.pop(0) # Sort the list numbers.sort() # Reverse the list numbers.reverse() # Iterate over the list for number in numbers:   print(numbers)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [3, 4, 5, 6] [6, 5, 4, 3] 3 4 5 6
Lists are a powerful tool for working with collections of data in Python. They can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as storing data, iterating over data, and performing data analysis.
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viowlettcodes · 7 months
Programming basics
So I've been learning about some of the programming basics recently, e.g. Functions, Data types, Operators, Control Flow, Loops I just want to say, the codeblr community on here is one of the most friendly, welcoming communities I have ever come across. Thank you all for being so supportive to new learners. Especially those that are mature students returning to study!! Thank you all for sharing your resources and making it an accessible thing to help everyone learn, you are all so so SO awesome.
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kindredcodes1 · 7 months
Masterschool enrolment...
So I've taken a risk, and I've enrolled with Masterschool for Software Engineering. It begins in January and I have to pay tuition fees once I get a job, which is definitely something I can do. I certainly couldn't afford it straight up, so I'm happy that I can pay once I get a job. Unfortunately it does revolve around Python, however I think I should be able to transfer what I learn to other object-orientated programming. Wish me luck!! Until then, I'll continue my learning with SheCodes and Udemy...
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codingcorgi · 2 months
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Days 50-62 of coding everyday for a year! I'm not dead!
I have worked on C# and C++ so much in the last days of development. I haven't posted because I've been so busy with school. I'm on the president's honor roll so I'm working hard to maintain that. I have been working on setting up my .Net Maui application that I'll be using as my C# project final. I'm also going to be doing my C++ midterm this coming week.
I'll be working on getting my project started. Studying for my midterm, and learning as I go.
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nickycodes · 4 days
hi! i wanna make my own code from scratch, for my PT, and I was wondering what would you suggest i start with
I'm glad you asked! I also started coding because I wanted to make my own PT, and I did not know anything about coding at that time. I somehow got myself into where I am now, which I'm not complaining at all hehe.
I didn't take classes or officially learn anything about HTML and CSS at first, but I edited a lot of other coder's works, just observing how the codes work and playing around with changing some styling. Sometimes learning the basics before starting is great, but in this case, I got myself into coding by jumping right into the middle.
After kinda understanding how to make codes work, I used two apps Enki and Mimo to actually 'learn' something, which turned out were things I already knew how to do from editing and playing with other coders' works, the apps helped me understand coding more in an organized way though, even if it didn't improve my skill.
I do recommend going through some websites or learning apps so you can get familiar with the general rules, how certain tags work, what's their default setting and styling, and how to change them etc. HTML and CSS are pretty easy because most of the time it's just English.
Don't be discouraged if your first creation was bad. My first code did not work at all and I didn't even know what went wrong at the time. It takes time and practice to work out a good code. Make something easy in the beginning, and even if it doesn't work you can always delete it and start again on a fresh tab.
When you have some basic skills, you can start to learn fancier stuff. Even now there are many things I can't do with my current skill, and I am still learning as I go.
Ooh that was longer than expected hahaha. Hope that helps, and have fun!
- Nick
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