coetuselementorum · 8 months
how does your muse get local news and updates on current events? are they up to date with all the latest goings-on or do they prefer to avoid it altogether?
[[ It really depends on... 'where' Jayden is. Usually if he is in a new world he'll try to abide by that worlds custom of news and updates to keep himself in the loop. But if he's in his personal world or traveling the stars, there's no real reason for him to keep up with much of anything so he doesn't really bother. It's not that he avoids it so much that, there's nothing to keep up with when you're frolicking the void. XD
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coetuselementorum · 8 months
how does your muse get local news and updates on current events? are they up to date with all the latest goings-on or do they prefer to avoid it altogether?
did your muse grow up with any particular television shows? do they have a favorite, or a memory tied to these shows?
how much effort does your muse put into their costume for halloween parties and other dress-up events? do they have any go-to costumes?
does your muse stay up to date with the latest fashion trends? describe their style. where do they typically buy their clothes?
who was their first celebrity crush?
what would your muse's bio say if they were on a dating app?
what kind of phone does your muse have, and how customized is it? does it have a basic case or something more unique? is the screen cracked? do they have a popsocket or other accessories on it?
who was the one family member your muse always looked up to, if any?
if your muse drives a car, have they personalized it in any way (bumper stickers, things hanging from the rearview mirror, etc.)?
if given a choice between having a night in or spending the night out on the town, which would they most likely choose and why?
what are your muse's favorite scents, and what do they associate them with?
what kind of shopper is your muse? are they a slow, methodical shopper, a list-maker, or a grab the items and go kind of person? how long do they usually spend getting their groceries? how long do they spend clothes shopping? do they use changing rooms?
if something bad happens, who will your muse call first?
what social cause is your muse most passionate about and why?
if your muse was made into an action figure, what would their five catchphrases be?
what are your muse's biggest fears, and what caused them?
what's the one thing your muse constantly does and wishes they could stop doing?
does your muse know how to fight? describe their fighting style. if someone was threatening them and about to attack, how would they respond?
will your muse eat at fast food restaurants? if they're on a time crunch, what type of food will they grab?
did your muse's parents pass down any quirks or habits that your muse now does? what are they?
does you muse like road trips, or would they prefer to fly in a plane?
what are their thoughts on roadside attractions and tourist traps? when visiting new cities, do they prefer to see the most popular sites, or pretend to be a local and blend in?
what does your muse's bedroom look like? is it cluttered or clean? do they use the overhead lighting, or use lamps and other things to provide a better ambience? do they make their bed every morning or leave it unmade?
is your muse a 'this is a really nice box, i should save it' kind of person, or do they tend to throw things out no matter what?
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
Send 🗡️ or ‘weapon’ for the sender to point a weapon at the receiver! 
-requested by anonymous -send “+reverse” for the receiver to point a weapon at sender -weapon type is up to sender, or receiver in the reverse scenario
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
//What's a fail-safe gift for your muse?
[[ Sweets. As much as Jayden loves making them, he loves people giving him some just as often. Bonus points if it's one he's never tried before, inspiring him to try and remake it from taste alone.
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
Headcanon/Development Questions
If asked today, would your muse say they were happy? How long have they been happy?
Your muse has to share something that’s hard for them to talk about. What is the biggest thing they don’t want to say aloud/admit? What makes it hard for them to say it?
Name one line in the sand your muse has. Tell us one way someone can go ‘too far’.
Is conflict something to be avoided at all costs, or does it sometimes have to happen?
Would your muse use the word ‘brave’, about themselves? Should they?
What’s one of the bravest things your muse has done? Did they consider it brave?
Your muse is trying to calm down/unwind after a long, bad day in a hotel room/out of state, away from family and friends and most of their things. What do they do?
What does kindness look like, to your muse?
Does your muse think an action has to be intentional and malicious, to be cruel?
What’s something they’ve mildly been afraid of before? Not a huge trauma, something small?
Can they leave their work at the door (disconnect from ‘work mode’ and enter ‘home mode’) or do they carry it with them wherever they go?
The last thing your muse has been annoyed about?
What’s something your muse has done, in canon or in a thread, that just makes you Love ThemTM?
What does your muse like about [character name]?
What is their pain tolerance like - and if it’s high, how did it get to be that way?
Would they stop to help if someone needed help, in the street?
What’s something about the way your muse ‘helps’ that might be different from how someone else would help? What in particular about their style of ‘help’ is different/unusual? 
If their neighbour was sick and asked them to do some small household task, does your muse do the household task and leave or do they Offer More?
What’s a fail-safe gift for your muse?
Tell us about a small, passing relationship your muse has with someone in their everyday life. Are they on a first name basis with their barista? What about the busdriver?
If your muse was evicted from their home with no warning, today, where would they go? What would they do?
How important are apologies, to your muse? Do they have to be aloud?
Name something your muse regrets. 
Do they take hard decisions as a dare? Does your muse think “kill this person or you’re [letting bad thing happen]” is a dare (Do It Or You’re A Coward)? If they do think it’s a dare, do they do it? 
What’s something your muse isn’t proud of, about themselves?
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
18: which of your muses has had the weirdest dream? what was it about? {{ I think the most bizarre dream probably goes to a character I have named Usagi Lunula. Thanks to their immense psychic power their dreams are very vivid. The weirdest went something like this. {{ Usagi found themselves in a tropic paradise, lovely sandy beaches, a glimmering sunset on the open ocean, places ot sit and drink and be merry and even a pool for those that didn't want to swim in the natural water. Usagi after a long time of enjoying it all decided to dive into the pool. But in doing so found themselves transported to a seemingly random place in the middle of the ocean. When they looked up to try and swim back, they were blocked by a glass ceiling. Looking down they saw nothing but darkness... until two yellow beady eyes blinked open, and rushed him! He didn't panic however, simply staring it back down in fervent bravery... and as it approached, it revealed itself to be two glowing goldfish crackers. The confusion of this sight shocked him awake.
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
“Hello multiverse! It’s been a... cold... hour... not a good play on hot minute i guess. Anyway point is I’ve been absent and I apologize. But I’mma try to get back in the swing of it and see what happens. Look forward to shuffling my way back in. Have a good one everybody~!”
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
q’s for a multimuse! 
which of your muses is the pickiest eater?
do any of your muses have dietary allergies?
what is your process for creating a new muse?
how do your decide on an FC for a new muse?
which of your muses needs / wants a hug the most?
which of your muses has the most unique comfort food?
do any of your muses have issues remembering things?
do you ship any of your muses with some of your others?
which of your muses tends to be the group “mom friend”?
have any of your muses ever experienced sleep paralysis? 
which of your muses do you tend to have muse for the most?
which of your muses has the most unsteady sleep schedule?
which of your muses would you consider to be the best cook?
which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why?
do any of your muses have trouble falling asleep / staying asleep?
which of your muses is most likely to walk into a sliding glass door?
which of your muses do you think would be good friends if they met?
which of your muses has had the weirdest dream? what was it about?
which of your muses has the funniest story from childhood? what is it?
which of your muses would you trust LEAST with the ability to teleport?
which of your muses tends to get attached to people / things the fastest?
which of your muses has / would have the most complicated coffee order?
which of your muses is most likely to believe in ghosts? which is the least?
which of your muses would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? 
which of your muses has / would have the silliest ringtone? what would it be?
which of your muses would be labelled  “most likely to succeed” in a yearbook?
which of your muses has the best / most attuned gut instinct? do they listen to it?
which of your muses has had the most character growth since you started writing them?
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
⚠️ Will "bite" if necessary
"I mean, I might be a canine but I'd rather not sink my teeth into anything that's not considered food..."
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
⚠️ Warning: Will feed you too many pastries
"Too many? Now that's just crazy talk. Never too many goods!"
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
Send “⚠️” plus a warning label for my muse.
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Warning”)
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
[[ I guess i'd say comfort for Jayden? He's big on trying to help others and help them be happy. or exploratory type where its him learning new things about other people and their world and expanding on himself by doing so. If that answers right. ~
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
munday asks!!!
at what age did you start RPing?
do you RP anywhere else, other than tumblr?
on what platform did you start RPing?
what made you choose this muse?
is there any other muse in this fandom you RP?
is there any other muse in this fandom you’d like to RP?
is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life? 
did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
would you be interested into playing a crossover? if yes, do you have any limits?
would you be interested into playing with doubles? 
what do you think about AUs?
what do you think about OCs?
what do you think about roleplaying with personals?
what do you think about roleplaying with anons?
what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together?
what was your first muse?
did you ever play a muse for more than a year?
do you have ship bias?
what’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? (except Bad Illegal And Gross Stuff, of course)
what do you think of your muse’s popular fandom ship?
what do you think of your muse’s canon ship, if they have one?
would you play a OC x canon ship?
would you play a crossover ship?
do you play smut? do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”?
are you multiship?
are you interested into poly relationships for your muse?
is your muse canon divergent in any way?
what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
do you regularly play crack?
do you regularly do dash commentaries?
what are your thoughts on dash commentary?
what are your thoughts on reblog karma?
if you aren’t a native english speaker, do you play in your first language too?
do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
do you feel different to your muse in any way?
what’s the best inspiration for your muse?
what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
[ OBLIGATORY FREE SPACE!!! Ask anything you’d like! ]
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coetuselementorum · 2 years
“Tonight seems like another night I may need some popcorn.”
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coetuselementorum · 3 years
//Battle hammer
==> A hammer roughly the size of the intended wielder; a staff made of opalized wood with metal handles in several locations, and a small but dense counterweight that resembled an orb in a dragon's claw on the end opposite the hammer head. Said hammer head was double sided, both faces sporting a star like pattern with intricate runes carved in the void spaces the star didn't take up. The sides of the barrel-shape equally carved and woven with interesting patterns and drawings. Jay struggled for a moment to lift it, but once he had it in his grasp the many runes glowed and rippled down the shaft, and suddenly he could swing it with ease. Each motion leaving behind a tail, much like a comet. Hitting the ground with a mighty overhead swing caused a burst of air and stardust to swirl around the area, glowing as it fell like soft snow. He finally set it back down and let out a heaving breath. "Not used to the big ones, sorry about that.~"
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coetuselementorum · 3 years
A whip
==> To most individuals, a whip would be a mid-range weapon consisting of rope or chain with something harsh at the end to hit some poor fool with. Jayden is little exception, save for the fact that the opalized wooden handle and the star-shaped piece of what might be some kind of metal aren't actually tied together by wood or chain. Instead, what looks like a 'river of stardust' connects the two pieces. Running one's hand against it, it almost feels like a silk or very fine cloth, yet refuses to tear or rip. Jayden picks it up and waves it a bit, the starry strand glistening in the motions. With a crack of the tool, the weapon extended dramatically; easily tripling in size from its resting state and hitting a training dummy with enough force to crater it. As the tip of the whip bounced off, it glowed with a heavy white light and let out a burst of energy, causing it to recoil back to Jayden swiftly while further damaging the target. He then set it back down. "I call it the Nebula.~" He chimed to his inquirer.
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