coffeepcwered · 6 years
   Craig stood there for a moment before checking his phone quickly. He actually— couldn’t remember the name of the place, but he knew the hotel had been close by their destination. Skimming through his notes for work to find the name of the hotel making a perplexed face as he did, however, it wouldn’t take him long to find the name.
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       "The LaGare Hotel….“
   With that, he ensured Tweek was ready to go before heading off through the crowds of people that were more than likely doing the same thing as they were– trying to figure out where they’d be staying the night, or perhaps they were trying to find someone— who knew.
   As they waded through the people and finally made their way out, next was the fun part… a taxi. He put his hands out, trying to pull over a taxi to take them to their destination.
In response to his question, Craig got out his phone to look something up, and a part of Tweek that he tried to keep concealed panicked a little bit. All of this had been planned in advance, right? Craig knew where they were going? He hoped so, and sure enough, Craig did have the name of the place. That was good, that meant they probably had reservations and stuff.
With that, they took off - Tweek scurrying to keep up because it was moments like this that reminded him: Craig had much longer legs, and walked fast. This airport was busy, just like Newark had been, and he did his best not to think about it; with this environment, it was impossible not to bump into people, impossible not to lose track of where you were going. Eventually, took hold of Craig’s arm to avoid getting separated, walking with him out to find a taxi.
It was so sunny and warm here compared to home, and that made Tweek grin at the feeling of the sun against his skin.
“Oh man, uh... do, do you remember how to ask for directions?”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
“What?” Craig asked, visibly frustrated by his so-called best friend egging on the small group of supporters gathered on the ice. “Sorry, I didn’t- they’re just. Hmf-” 
He glanced upwards and motioned with his chin towards the branch adorned in the cursed bushel of embarrassment, now unable to make any kind of eye contact with his literal favourite person, Tweek, who deserved better than this. He instead glared daggers at Clyde and threw him a forceful middle finger. 
The problem with that was, due to his overuse of the bird in elementary and high school, most folks in town were pretty much desensitized to it. Clyde certainly had no problem doubling up and shooting two middle fingers back, contrasted comically with the kissy face he was currently making. 
“They’re just being assholes.” Shifting a little on the ice, Craig shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his blue parka, mustering up the courage to look at Tweek again despite the incessant and neverending hooting from behind them. 
Craig didn’t particularly want to kiss Tweek- well, no. Okay, that was bullshit. 
Craig absolutely did want to kiss Tweek, but he could use a little less peer pressure. These circumstances were less than ideal. 
“We should probably move.” 
“H-hey man, it’s cool, I-I know it’s kind of loud out here and...”
His expression shifted over from confused to concerned as he watched Craig stammer over what was bothering him. Why was he acting so weird? Like, a different weird than usual - they were both weird, but this was a different thing. Craig gestured to up above them, and Tweek followed his gaze to see just what everyone else was screeching about so they could just -
That made some sense. Tweek felt blush colour his own face before he could do anything substantial to try and hide it, so he elected to turn his back to their friends to hide, facing Craig a little more directly. This was... a lot, with everyone pointing - no wonder Craig wanted to get out of here. Most of him agreed, though there was a part of him that was adamant lingering here for one little kiss wouldn’t hurt anything. But that was probably weird, or at least one-sided.
“Uh... Yeah, you’re probably right...”
He didn’t though, not right away. Instead he hesitated there just a moment more, inadvertently dodging more teasing since Craig had his hand buried so deeply into his jacket pockets that any attempt to hold them would look ridiculous. He had been thinking about it - his balance on these skates was so bad, he could have hid behind needing help to stay upright.  But if they stood here any longer, this was likely going to get worse.
“I’m, uh... I don’t w-want to like... run into you or something. Here, just a minute,” He did his best to shuffle and try to change directions a little.
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
me: [vibrating slightly because I had too much caffeine] everything in the world is my fault
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
Feel like I’ve spent a lot of time in auto repair places these days. Feel free to shout at me if you’d like to talk about characters / plan threads while I’m stuck.
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
“If you’re in here Matthew you can go fuck yourself.” [MARSHSUCKS - let's hunt some ghosts]
//:: This Meme [ 🗲 ]Buzzfeed Unsolved Starters
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He jumped as the other boy’s voice echoed, panning the camera he held all around the room they were currently standing in to try and catch… he wasn’t sure. Movement, anything really. No matter how many of these inconclusive investigations he did, his heart still jumped up into his throat with every little sound he heard, every little movement he thought he saw. This probably counted as some sort of self-torture, but the possibility of potentially getting proof made it seem worth it… at least, at the start anyway.
“Dude, don’t make him kill us! How, how would you like it if someone just came into your house and started talking shit?”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
@coffeepcwered gets a starter from an awkward boyfriend—
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      “Come on Tweek, you are lagging behind!”
  Finally getting off the plane, Craig stretched out his legs and tried to get the blood flowing back to them. It was the first time he was able to take a friend on a business trip to get some pictures for a magazine he was working for. Their place of choice? Rome, Italy. The smell was— somehow different, but then again, they were still sort of in the airport. Craig turned to his head slowly, trying to keep track of Tweek with a few of the bag he hands either slung of his arm or being wheeled behind him.
      “The hotel shouldn’t be too far off.”
A very frazzled looking Tweek trailed after Craig as he walked, suitcase handle in one hand, English-to-Italian dictionary in the other. That twelve hour flight really had felt like twelve hours, but that was probably just because he had been afraid that the plane would have a problem and crash, so he had slept very little. Everything seemed so colourful and unfamiliar, but he knew that was at least partially because he had never really flown anywhere before, let alone to somewhere so far away.
Craig, of course, was probably the only person on the planet that could have convinced him to go on a trip like this. Definitely scary, but also admittedly exciting. Craig travelled a fair bit for work, but this was really the first time he’d had the opportunity to go too. After checking (again) to make sure he still had his passport and mobile, he ran to catch up - keen on staying close in such a busy place.
“What, uh... what is it called?”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
Lights Out
“I can’t see a thing.”
“Where are you?”
“What did I just step on?”
“I just stepped in something.”
“Is this a bad time to mention I’m afraid of the dark?”
“Hey, it’s just me!”
“There must be some candles around here or something.”
“Did you bring a flashlight?”
“Where is that light switch?”
“I can’t find the door.”
“Where are my keys?”
“See, this is why you don’t keep sharp objects laying around.”
“Did you hear that?”
“Calm down. I’m sure the lights will come back on in a minute.”
“This place just got ten times scarier.”
“I don’t like the dark!”
“Turn the lights back on!”
“What’s wrong, scared of the dark?”
“This isn’t funny!”
“Try not to break anything.”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“Stop jumping at every little noise.”
“Nothing’s changed, it’s just dark.”
“Guess it’s an early bedtime.”
“Something sharp just went right through my foot!”
“Did you forget to pay the electric bill?”
“It could be hours before they fix the powerlines.”
“So what do we do now?”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“We can ride this out, no harm done.”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
MORE RANDOM BUZZFEED UNSOLVED STARTERS.  strong language & dark themes present. change names/pronouns as required.
“ we’re gonna see a thousands ghosts tonight. ”
“ maybe there was something else going on with him. ”
“ i feel like maybe he ate some moldy bread or something. ”
“ that’s what happened to those people in france. ”
“ you gotta be fond of wind. ”
“ you gotta love squeaky shoes. ”
“ down to the vaults we go. ”
“ it’s definitely something. ”
“ we have different ideas of things that are definitely something. ”
“ not even a little bit of concern on his face. ”
“ you’re an idiot. ”
“ i did get spiderwebs in my hair. ”
“ you look ridiculous with that cobweb in your hair. ”
“ you just tasted history. ”
“ i can’t see the top of my head. ”
“ no one can see the top of your head except god. ”
“ the fancy boy stairs. ”
“ we’re fancy boys. ”
“ a couple of american schmucks. ”
“ we’re both dipshits. ” 
“ i’m one of the stupidest people to ever walk the earth and i made it up your staircase. ”
“ and he’s even dumber than me. ”
“ yes, i’m dumber than him. ”
“ you son of a bitch. ”
“ it’s a weird one. ”
“ i’m jim on the office and i believe in ghosts. ”
“ that’s a — that’s what heads are. ”
“ we call ourselves hole butts. ”
“ all hail the obelisk. ”
“ this sounds like a nightmare. ”
“ a hundred years before now two royal jackasses sat in this spot, and uh carelessly talked about history. ”
“ you look like you have the biggest i have ever seen. ”
“ this is like a thimble on an apple. ”
“ who chopped a nun’s head off? ”
“ it’s just never a good sign when you give yourself a nickname. ”
“ they really knew how to make spooky doors back then. ”
“ so you’ve resorted to orbs now? ”
“ enjoy that juicy orb. ”
“ i’m gonna enjoy this juicy orb. ”
“ you’ve got orbs in your brain! ”
“ if you’re in here matthew you can go fuck yourself. ”
“ you’ll be happy to know that the boys are gone. ”
“ colchester castle has been conquered by the ghouligans. ”
“ that’s us. we’re the ghouligans. ”
“ i’m into that. ”
“ you’re off the team. ”
“ i am the team. ”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
Paeris + Johnny Zest > Craig + Tweek
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
Someone needs some sleep starters
“Your eyebags have eyebags!”
“How long have you been awake?”
“I haven’t slept in a week.”
“Dude go to sleep”
“Is there a reason why you can’t sleep?”
“I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately.”
“Don’t you dare sing me a lullaby.”
“Sleep is for the weak.”
“Well you’re weak from lack of sleep so it’s time you sleep.”
“Please.. go to sleep.”
“Would it help if I lay down with you?”
“I’ve been up all night working on this…”
“Did you start having nightmares again? Is that why you haven’t been sleeping.”
“Don’t worry I slept for two hours.”
“That’s not enough sleep!”
“I’m tired…”
“Do you think… that pigeons have feelings..?”
“Shut up and go to sleep!”
“Can’t sleep either?”
“Sleep is something fake created by the government so I won’t be doing it.”
“I did get sleep! Like… a week ago.”
“_ has been keeping me awake.”
“I just want to get a good night’s sleep for once.”
“I don’t have time for sleeping.”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
@tuckersucks​ :: From Here [ 🗲 ]
“ I said - ”
A combination of Craig waving him over and nearly losing his balance made the question he’d already asked twice die in his throat; moving out of the group was probably a good idea, if he wanted to ask this properly. He wobbled across the last bit of ice to where Craig had stopped - away from the rest of their noisy friends so that he could speak without shouting. It was beyond obvious, at least to himself, that he hadn’t been taken out skating much in his earlier life; he usually had to work when his friends did stuff like this. But now, they were alone (kind of) and he had the opportunity to ask what he’d been trying to ask.
“I said, uh... my parents just sent me a text - th-they decided that this weekend would be a good one to leave on a surprise holiday. Would it be cool if I... Craig? What’s wrong?” 
He glanced back and forth between Craig and their friends, trying to figure out what they were all pointing at.
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
Sharing a Bed Sentence Starters
“If you tell me one more pun, I’m shoving you off of this bed.”
“Quit hogging the blanket.”
“You pushed me out of bed in your sleep.”
“I woke up in the middle of the night without any blankets and your foot digging into my spine.”
“You said the cutest thing in your sleep last night.”
“You say the scariest stuff in your sleep.”
“When I have a bad dream, just listening to you breathe calms me down.”
“Your feet are freezing.”
“The dog takes up more of the bed than I do.”
“It’s lonely without you in the bed.”
“I’m not kidding, you really do snore.”
“Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Apparently you’re a sleepwalker.”
“I don’t think we need anymore stuffed animals in the bed.”
“Can you make the bed today?”
“If you have a nightmare, I’m going to be right here for you.”
“I miss sleeping with you.”
“I love cuddling with you first thing in the morning.”
“You’re so beautiful when you’re just waking up.”
“Where are you going? It’s late.”
“Please come back to bed.”
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
My muse is stuck in bed (with either an injury or an illness), send “ 🛌” for your muse to keep them company.
Or send “ 🛌+ reverse” for the opposite! 
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Bed Rest”)
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coffeepcwered · 6 years
::// Disgruntled Rabbit Sounds
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!!! I am not dead! Just a v.busy teacher / DM / creature.
But, I am a little lost here in terms of what I owe and what I don’t. If you would be so kind, could you:
IM / Dis//cord message me if we had a thing going that you want to keep, so I can find it
Like this post if you’d like to do a new thing in the near future, I will come visit you to plan something!
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