coffinseas · 4 months
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Assorted Yi City crew keychain interest/preorder form is LIVE! Please read it carefully- I've tried to be as thorough as possible, but definitely shoot me a DM if you have any questions! (The form also has more images LOL)
If you want any of these little creatures in your home, please head over here! The form is open until the 3rd of July!
And please also help me spread this around! I would love for this to reach more people, so even if you aren't wanting one yourself, a reblog would really, really help 🥰 Thank you!
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coffinseas · 6 months
Xue Yang shook his head as if he were a dog, sending little droplets of water spraying everywhere— including on Song Zichen. Well, he was wet already, right? What was a little more?
He tried not to stare, firstly because he wasn't interested in such things, and second because he really wanted Song Zichen to not suddenly go back on his decision, but it was a little hard to look away from how the shirt now clung to his would-be roomie's skin. Man, this guy was kind of built!
He wouldn't have really been able to tell at a glance!
If the elevator ever did break, surely he'd have no trouble making his way to the third floor. Xue Yang felt a little twinge of envy for a moment or two before shaking his head and directing his attention elsewhere.
"Towels, I think I have those," he joked, stepping into the elevator once the doors were open.
Just a short ride up and he'd be (hopefully) sealing the deal regarding this arrangement. And if Song Zichen didn't like the state of the house (despite the fact he had cleaned), then he'd just promise, again, to tidy it up more before he brought his things over.
Lucky for Song Zichen it wouldn’t be too hard to find a job. He did have skills in finance and coding but he was much better in marketing and sales. Not so much a sales person, though. His cold demeanor usually put people off. If only they knew he was just awkward.
He was. a little more focused on the fact that his clothes were getting soaked rather than Xue Yang’s choice of job. By the time they got inside his shirt clung to his torso as well as he hair to his face. No way to dry his gloves at the moment, either.
Taking a glove off, he wiped the hair from his face.
“I don’t mind the stairs.” He said, a small frown on his lips. “I might need to borrow a towel, though.” Song Zichen’s voice seemed a bit sheepish. Not by much, though.
It wasn’t like the rain had been his fault.
Walking toward the elevator, he hit the button to call the elevator down. All the while ignoring the way the building’s a/c made his skin erupt in goosebumps due to being damp.
He couldn’t wait to be warm again.
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coffinseas · 6 months
Even if Mo Xuanyu began to cry while eating, Xue Yang wouldn't make a big fuss. He'd known hunger; it was something that bound them together even if nothing else did. Of course he'd know the relief of finally being fed.
"Hey, radishes and potatoes are a hell of a lot better than whatever I was gonna do before I found the garden," he chuckled. "If you're not completely sick of 'em, we can cook with 'em too."
As reluctant as he was to leave this town, and as low as he was on funds, he still felt like he should treat Mo Xuanyu to something better than what he had. He was about to suggest they get up and go get a big, solid meal, when his friend went and sneezed.
Was he sick? Or was it just the fucking dust and debris coating this town? But he kept his house clean...
Or tried to...
"You good?"
In a way, Mo Xuanyu was flirting with him. If only to express how much Xue Yang seemed to have matured. Even his personality seemed less reckless than before. He laughed a little awkwardly when his thinness was mentioned. It was no one’s fault but the Mo Estate and those living there but he wished he didn’t look so… half dead at that moment.
He gratefully took a few apple slices, eating them withiut thought. The taste of fruit alone almost made him tear up. He’d been eating scraps for years but he couldn’t keep crying when presented with actual food.
“Not necessarily. They made me keep the garden up and I was growing some radishes and potatoes. Nothing fancy.” He explained, thoughtlessly grabbing more to eat. It just tasted so good, the fresh fruit
He sneezed after a moment, covering his face with hiis sleeve. Mo Xuanyu was used to dusty places but a whole town? They had work to do and things to fix up it seemed. At least he had managed to swallow before sneezing, though.
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coffinseas · 6 months
Of course she'd take off the moment he tries to gross her out; he expected nothing less! However, despite this, her laughter takes him off guard. It's not enough to get him to stop moving, but it definitely reverberates within his chest and makes him wonder, if for but a moment, why the fuck things couldn't have always been like this.
But he knows the answer, too, and there's no use crying over spilled milk. No use wanting to change what could not be changed. There is only now.
And now is starting to seem pretty damn good, for once.
So he laughs, too.
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"Oh yeah? Think you can carry this hunk of pure muscle?"
He's taking the piss, of course. He just wants her to keep laughing. Whether he catches her or not, whether she turns around and kicks him in the stomach, or they get tired and decide to eat lunch, or finally get the water they're supposed to be getting, he wants this lighthearted atmosphere to break through the clouds of the fog.
She's fast, so he doesn't see himself actually catching her while she's in flight, but he's herding her towards the well all the same. When she reaches it, then he'll see.
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“Ah! Oh no! Little Shrimp is getting scary, somebody help!” Xue Yang flails his hands about and pretends to tremble. “Maybe you’re right, and I am going deaf. Let’s see.”
Shoving his finger into his ear, he pulls it back out and begins to chase A-Qing around with it, grinning from ear to ear.
“You wanna ride on my shoulders, huh? See if you can jump onto my back without me touching you, first!”
Goofing off like this, is it really okay? Does it matter when he’s having so much fun? Who is around to see them, anyway, and tell them that their new normal isn’t normal after all? If A-Qing minds, she’ll say something.
She’s never been one to hold… Ah, best not to think of that. She isn’t one to keep quiet, anyhow.
“And who’s this ‘Little Shrimp, huh?!’” She demands as he calls her so, but the moment he pulls his finger out of his ear, she knows what he’s going to do, and takes off instead; she’s used to his behaviour by now. She’s always been quick on her feet, too, so if it’s a chase he wants, he’ll sure get it!
“No way, no way, you keep your hands off me!” She cries as she runs, putting a little distance between them. “First you wanna string me up on my own damn pole, and now ya wanna do this?! Eugh!”
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Despite her words (and her little noise of disgust, but she won’t be saying she finds it so because she’ll never use that word around him again but it really is funny, too), there’s a laugh on the tip of her tongue all the same. It’s only hidden for a moment before it spills out of her, her delight filling the space between them both.
Of course, in that same moment, she thinks that maybe she should be more careful, worries that things could just suddenly go wrong because that’s how they did before, but…this isn’t the past. He’s the same Xue Yang she knew back then, true, but he’s also different, and so is she. They’re both the same and different and that’s okay because she doesn’t mind either way. It just means that, while parts of her mind still aren’t up to date, most of it is, and even with her worry she knows that, unless either of them gets hurt or something, things will be fine.
Besides, most of all, she wants this fun to last. So she flits her thoughts away, looks back over her shoulder at him, and grins.
“If you catch me, I’ll carry you on my shoulders!”
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coffinseas · 6 months
"Ha! Okay, okay!"
She really is too quick and clever for him. Always had been, in a sense. Maybe this time he'll be able to witness how things would play out, had he not done the things he'd done. Granted, he's got no intention of hurting her, none whatsoever, not even a little...
But that didn't mean things couldn't still go wrong. He wasn't even sure he could trust himself not to lose control, despite feeling better than he had in years.
Things he'd better keep to himself.
"Go looking for it? Was there ever anything to look for?" He asks her slyly, his brow raised in amusement. They both know she ate the candies, whether or not she fesses up to the crime. "Anyway. From now on, just ask."
It's his own way of promising things will be better now. That, if she wants him here, here he'll be. That if even if she goes off to find the daoshi, he'll remain in this house and not bar her entry. Maybe it's a hollow promise to her, a whole bunch of nothing. But it feels like she wants to stick around, and he's not going to turn her away.
The threat of losing teeth just gets him to laugh again, shaking his head at the mere idea. Hey, he'd like to see her try anyway... Could be payment enough, for this and a few other things.
"I'm gonna ignore that comment. Maybe I will get my creations to help me after all."
Snorting loudly, Xue Yang leans back in his seat, wearing a smug grin at the fact he's managed to rile her up yet again. It's all in good fun and they both know it; he wouldn't say such stupid things if it weren't to get a reaction out of her.
"Ah, it's called earning your keep! And you know, maybe if you hadn't been," he gestures to his eyes, "we would've taught you a thing or two."
Who is he kidding? He absolutely acted like she was in the way on several occasions, but that was because he was a little shit, but Xiao Xingchen? He would've been scandalized at the idea of making her do anything dealing with knives. The last time he could remember him asking A-Qing to boil water, as she said, was when he was injured.
A lifetime ago.
"And I might, if you stick around. Can't be doing everything around here, after all."
For her to have a grudge would be the natural response, yes, and he is honestly, on some level, surprised that she’s flowing so naturally into this ‘nothing ever happened’ scene they’ve got going on, but at the same time he’s… Grateful? Would that be the appropriate word to use here? Either way, if she wants to kick his shins in later, that would be fine.
He knows he won’t fight back. It’s only fair, and oh, how bittersweet it is that he’d be caring about what’s fair. 
Regardless, all this deep philosophical nonsense is going to put a damper on their conversation if he gets lost in it. It’s best he stay focused on what he truly cares about, which is actually enjoying himself for the first time in so long.
“‘Course I do! It’s not an allowance, it’s payment for goods and services,” he says with complete sincerity, making a mock grab for her bowl again. “After all, technically speaking, who is taking who’s food here?”
He knows her to be smart enough to pick out when he’s joking, to not have that instinct to second guess herself. She’s good at reading people. Good at reading him, most of all. He’s not nearly as skilled at picking up on things as he thinks, but he’s fairly confident he can get a read on her too, now. 
“To be fair, you did steal my candy when you could’ve just asked,” he begins, offering a shrug and an innocent side-eye away from her, only to burst out laughing before he can fit in another bite. “Oh yeah? You gonna knock out my teeth and make me get spares?”
The thought amuses him, like he really wants to see her try. Again, he won’t fight back, but he is curious to see just how much bodily harm she could get away with if she just went all out on him. 
(There is a brief moment in which he entertains the notion of seriously training her to fight, no holds barred.)
“Hmm,” he lets his spoon dangle from his mouth for a moment as he processes her words, letting it rest within his emptying bowl once he decides to respond. “I should, but I always end up buying other things first, and don’t have any money left over for it. Should just consider making my own, with the help of my creepy creations.”
Maybe he shouldn’t be joking about such a thing. Maybe he’s getting a little too comfortable. Regardless, there are no creepy things lurking about, and if there are, they’re certainly not there because of him this time, but it’s not as fun to say that, is it? 
He’s sticking to his promise not to wallow until she’s gone again. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be racing her to finish his food. If they get stomachaches from this, she’ll just need to stay for longer. Oh well! A little stomachache never killed anyone.
That’s what he hopes, anyhow. If he actually leads her to getting hurt within the hour of seeing her again, he can’t promise he won’t do something drastic.
He taps his bowl triumphantly the moment it’s empty, leaning back in his seat with a wide grin and a satisfied smile. He’s going to act like he won, even if he didn’t. 
“Aah… Looks like you owe me a meal,” he jokes. Absolutely nothing of meal-owing, or any rules and conditions, had been brought up at all. “Hope you’ve learned how to cook!”
There is, admittedly, a small part of her, too, that is just as shocked as he is (or would be, if she knew) about the whole thing, but there’s also a part of her that isn’t surprised at all. Unsurprised for herself as well as for him. And really, if it means the two of them can act how they once were—actually, maybe even better than they were once were—then she’s willing to keep on. There’s a part of her that feels like he almost wants for her to keep up with it, even if he’s not admitting to it (or just straight up wouldn’t).
It’s not like she can blame him, as she wouldn’t either if the roles were reversed, but even if he did, she wouldn’t mind. She wants to keep up with this, this act of avoiding their past, as for her, it’s less thinking of it as nothing ever happened and more things happened, but it’s not something that I’m mad about anymore. That surely counted for something, as she feels it does.
(She resists the urge to sigh; she knows there’s a chance that it could all come up. She knows that. But, if nothing else, she just hopes that moment doesn’t come for a good while yet.)
She can’t help but to scoff at his words as she has before; he really is such a scoundrel! A no good, bad-mannered, absolute scoundrel! 
“It’s not the bad kind of taking if you gave it to me!” She shoots back at him, petulant, as she points her spoon at him. “And you offered to give it to me, and you know that when you offer something, you say up-front if you expect payment. What a sly trick, it really is, but I won’t fall for it; you’ll get nothing outta me!”
As much as she’s speaking just as much in a bad-manner as she’d been accusing him of being in her head, she’s still not serious at all. She knows he’s not being serious, so there’s little reason to get worked up. If she had more than a few coins, she might be willing to part with some of them, but she wants to save them. Just in case things turn for the worse.
“‘Could have asked,’ you say, yet every time I might have tried, you’d surely hold it above my head and not let me grab it.” She recalls with a harrumph, growing ever-more stubborn. “Besides, what’s the fun in asking? It’s a better game if you go looking for it.”
Half the time he wouldn’t have found anything, surely, as she ate the candy instead of just hiding it, but he doesn’t have to know that. And if he does, she doesn’t have to admit to it.
She can’t help but to laugh alongside him at her own words, proud of the fact that she’s managed to cause it again. It’s when he laughs that she feels like there’s a chance for them to…perhaps not heal, but for sure get along. She’s not sure what he wants out of everything, but she’s positive that getting along is close enough. It’s one of those things where he’s not making it obvious that that’s what he wants, but rather, it’s one of the things she just can tell. 
“Hmm,” she hums in mock-thought, hesitating to sell the idea that she’s thinking harder about her response than she really is. “I think I’d take that as payment; call that a payment for goods and services.”
The joke is, perhaps, a bit too on the nose, but she’s sure he’ll let it slide. Surely he can tell when she’s joking and not. Besides, she’s not sure she could knock anything out, anyway—she could probably cause a black eye or two with little effort, but hurting him enough to knock out teeth? And it’s less a matter a strength and more a lack of will to do that, too, so there’s that. 
“Bad with money, it’s somehow not surprising.” She muses to herself as she continues to hear him out, tapping her fingers on the table. “But it’d be way more work to make it yourself, wouldn’t it? If your ‘creations’ can help, maybe they can just make it all themselves.”
Because why do all the work yourself when others can do it for you? Besides, he at least knows about the thing that brought the creepy things around, so she feels there’s not really anything she has to worry about. She doubts it’d be of much of one, anyway, even if she did know they weren’t around because of him. She decides not to give much more thought to it, though, because she sees how little food he has left—she refuses to lose here, so she’s got to get a move-on with her own!
It’s a bit hard to say who’s won in the end, though; she’s fairly sure they finish at the same time, with him tapping his spoon against his bowl and her all but throwing it in, a triumphant laugh leaving her as she does. It’s quickly cut off, though, at his exclamation; first the “payment”, and now he wants a meal out of her?! Once again, Xue Yang proves himself a scoundrel of the highest degree!
“And why would I cook anything for you when I’ve never cooked in this house at all?” She argues with him, not even bothering to point out how they definitely didn’t discuss that. And how, again, it’s hard to say who even won. “You and Daozhang, you’d barely let me even boil water! You’d think I had no skills at all, with the way you two took over the kitchen. Always so rude to me, it really was; you ought to just teach me, maybe I’d cook something for you then.”
It’s not that she can’t cook, in some way—with constantly being on the streets, never really in a home, she had to learn how to cook things over an open flame pretty early on, for the times when she wasn’t given food—but whatever manages to let her stay here in the coffin-home alongside him, then she’s willing to try to use it. 
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coffinseas · 8 months
🔪next month i'll reply to.. the two outstanding things i have lol.
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coffinseas · 8 months
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as well as being xiao xingchen's birthday, it's a full moon tonight - the quiet moon! so @sugarapplebaby and i decided to collab on another piece set in the threads that bind us fic verse! they did the linework, and i did the coloring, and turning it into a gif sadly reduced the quality a bit haha but it was an absolute pleasure to work on this 🌕💗 we came up with the idea for this fic together, so it was extra special to create this together!
i think xingchen deserves all the full moons in the world, don't you?
[ID: a gif cycling through two scenes depicting modern yi city characters from behind, gazing up at the full moon. in one scene, xiao xingchen, song lan, a-qing and xue yang are depicted as teenagers and young adults. a-qing is to the very left, beside xiao xingchen, who is beside song lan, who has his arm around him and is also patting xue yang's head to the right. in the other scene, the same characters are depicted as children and are now accompanied by baoshan sanren. xue yang is to the very left this time, next to a-qing, with xiao xingchen pointing up at the moon while seated in baoshan sanren's lap, and with song lan at the right end. baoshan sanren has her arms around all of them. the scene is bathed in blue. /end ID]
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coffinseas · 8 months
modern AU xue yang having a bunch of different part time jobs. go to get your laptop repaired, he's there. go to buy a drink, he's there. animal shelter? there, covered in scratches.
somehow always wherever you go. you don't know if he's keeping an eye on you out of protectiveness or just being creepy.
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coffinseas · 8 months
modern AU xue yang having a bunch of different part time jobs. go to get your laptop repaired, he's there. go to buy a drink, he's there. animal shelter? there, covered in scratches.
somehow always wherever you go. you don't know if he's keeping an eye on you out of protectiveness or just being creepy.
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coffinseas · 8 months
🔪hopefully i'll be doing more writing this year, so maybe i'll get back into the groove of this blog
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coffinseas · 10 months
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coffinseas · 10 months
Countdown Poll!
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coffinseas · 1 year
so maybe you were just a kid. not that it matters now
some brief distressing images+blood: it is xue yang's life, after all
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coffinseas · 1 year
🔪temp icon change :3c
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coffinseas · 1 year
Eating you like tanghulu
-u know who
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coffinseas · 1 year
Xue Yang wouldn't waste time asking things like how and why this particular shadow from his past was here. Those questions had simple surface answers, didn't they?
How? Song Zichen was a living corpse, most likely doomed to roam the earth for years to come. He hadn't just woken up again one day after death like him; he'd never truly died at all.
Why? To look for him, most likely. To look for answers, maybe, seeing as he was alone. Not that Xue Yang expected the two souls he'd left this place with would suddenly reform and gain some sort of body, but he was back somehow, wasn't he?
Song Zichen would never come back to this place if it weren't for something like that. He was free from Xue Yang's control, something he'd been too distracted to prevent back then. Looking at it with fresh eyes, this was a good thing, of course — but it was also pretty bad.
It meant he could strike Xue Yang down without issue if he were to find him. Sure, he deserved to meet such a fate, but he didn't want to. Not until he figured out why the fuck he'd been put back in this place to begin with.
He moved as silently as he could, familiar already with slinking in the fog, and kept a wide berth between himself and the man surely searching for him, if the way he stopped by the stall was anything to go by. Dammit! He hadn't thought he'd ever need to hide himself again, yet trouble had come knocking...
His eyes widened as a thought, small and hushed, came to rest on his shoulder. If there was a chance Song Zichen remembered all those years they spent together, then he most likely knew exactly how he moved in the fog, too.
Xue Yang wasn’t sure why the old woman insisted on him putting up a market stall when no one came around, and most likely never would come around, these parts. As if putting it near the entrance of the town would make any difference! The fog was thick and bothersome, fog that had only reappeared when he had, and the land was marked as cursed as a result; nobody would come here willingly.
And besides, who would want to buy talismans from a place like this? They would surely only bring bad luck— yet the old bat had said it would give him something to do, and had insisted he leave her alone for a while and busy himself with this instead.
Said it would drive more commerce if he advertised her shop, too.
What was wrong with how they’d been doing it before? Why did people have to come here, instead of him delivering the goods to any nearby towns? Surely she was just having him do this to laugh at him later. Get back at him for… Well, everything, really.
And yet, despite all these thoughts, he saw someone move within the fog. Taken utterly by surprise, he would’ve laughed if he hadn’t thought it was most likely because they were lost, and he was about to call out to them…
When the fog dispersed enough to give him a glimpse of who they were.
Breath caught in his throat as his heartbeat spiked, he stepped away from the comically placed stall and let the swirling gray engulf him.
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  ⚍☯⚎ In his solitary travels through the martial world he’d caught rumors of an old soul he’d thought long dead. A phantom that took more from him than even the plague that ate through his homeland and orphaned him at a young age. Even after such a tragedy he’d had the privilege of becoming an integral member of Baixue Temple, and in his later life meeting a man he’d come to know deep down as his soul mate. It was this man and this temple that had been taken from him, but the fiend hadn’t even the courtesy to take his own life as well, leaving him instead an empty husk doomed to wander the world without tongue or purpose. 
  But contrary to his intentions, Song Zichen had found himself a purpose — the little qiankun pouch tucked safely in the chest of his robes containing the pieces of shattered soul he’d managed to collect before they dissipated. He would find a way to reunite them if it was the last thing he did on this mortal coil.
  It was because of this that he chased the rumors toward the one who saw to their destruction. He never would have thought it would lead him back to this place — the place, it seemed, that his enemy had never left since last they met. 
  He located the small cart from the description but found it void of proprietor, tucking his lacquered fly whisk beneath his arm and reaching his free hand out to sweep across the surface, checking for dust. It had been used recently. He sneered a little to himself, casting his gaze around the hazy place, finding he could not see well at all in the rolling mist. Still, his grip on his sword never faltered, ready to strike out at a moment’s notice as step by step he continued down the path in search of the one he sought. 
  That this man may not be Xue Yang at all was a voice that tickled at the back of his mind, but these days shreds of hope drove him like an incurable madness — he would have his answers. ⚍☯⚎
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coffinseas · 1 year
Dash Game | List Your Top 10 Favorite Movies Of All Time
ahh i'm no good at favorites lists and i forget a lot, so these are some favorites + some i always show people who haven't seen them!
Summer Wars
The Babadook
Sorry To Bother You
Princess Mononoke
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Tron + Tron Legacy (package deal LOL)
Blade Runner
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Bonus: School of Rock, my most watched movie because my dad loves it so much and I think it's genuinely one of the most fun movies ever
Animation bonus: the Spider-verse movies. i am so serious, the hype is 100% warranted!
Tagged by : @multeasers
Tagging : whoever sees this YOU ARE TAGGED
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