cogitxtio · 3 days
Nothing at all.
Apparently i got completely smashed last night from the wine Ling gave me.
Did i say anything embarrassing while i was drunk?
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cogitxtio · 4 days
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cogitxtio · 4 days
Alright. Stay hydrated, don't get too "lost in the sauce" or whatever it is you kids are saying these days.
Hey Doctor, just wanted to thank you for keeping the rest of the RO squad and i all alive during these dangerous expeditions.
It's my pleasure. What is a commander with nobody to command, after all? I do care about you five quite a bit.
...Unrelatedly, how much have you had to drink?
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cogitxtio · 4 days
Hey Doctor, just wanted to thank you for keeping the rest of the RO squad and i all alive during these dangerous expeditions.
It's my pleasure. What is a commander with nobody to command, after all? I do care about you five quite a bit.
...Unrelatedly, how much have you had to drink?
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cogitxtio · 4 days
(( not to break the veil too much, but i wanted to let you guys know that i've spent two hours scouring the exported arknights assets for the script and images they use to generate the doctor's dialogue choices in-game, to mostly no avail. i think it's packed up nicely in a lua script i don't know how to parse.
we're dedicated to immersion here at cogitxtio dot tumblr dot com. ))
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cogitxtio · 5 days
She introduced it to us herself - it's one of her favorite hobbies.
You should track her down and offer to play a game sometime; I think the two of you would get along.
now way they got Columbua's favorite pastime on the landship
at least I saw someone with a baseball bat earlier they could've just been using it as a weapon which is also very possible but I hope they actually play here
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cogitxtio · 8 days
#like i know im pretty clueless when it comes to originium arts but like
Good news: it's not arts. Bad news: I don't know how she does it either.
Rhodes Island is wild man you think you've seen it all but then you look at some randomly placed painting and there's someone just chilling inside
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cogitxtio · 8 days
Hey Doctor, how's LGBT rights on Rhodes Island?
I haven't hired a single straight person since we set sail. Every inhibitor you've ever taken is gay.
...Just kidding, but it is true that our employees run the gamut of essentially every demographic marker you could list off. We consort with gods and avert international crises practically once a week - there's bigger problems for us to focus on than identity politics.
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cogitxtio · 13 days
I did hear about that from Ela. She had quite a bit to say on the pointlessness of the entire thing.
... There's something about money which tends to make one uniquely short-sighted, which is a dangerous state indeed in any field dealing primarily with conceptual novelty. We saw it in action in Trimounts already, but it's thrown into especially sharp relief against the backdrop of fine art, in which the entire purpose of every creation is to communicate an idea. "I have money, so therefore my idea is more valuable than your idea, and I don't have to listen to you even if you might have something important to say." ... Ironically, in treating the art he collected as a vehicle of symbolism and a tool for wounding others' wallets, rather than the work of ideation it truly is, Reynell fell into the exact sort of mentality he was attempting to spite.
It seems he came around in the end, but I wish it hadn't taken the involvement of an entire well-trained paramilitary strike team to pull his head out from halfway up his colon.
It's okay, Doctor. There's a guy selling NFTs in Dossoles, that's worse than any possible warcrimes you may have committed.
...Alright, that's pretty true. I might have done some pretty terrible things at one point or another, but at least I'm not leaning into late-stage capitalism. Or an idiot. Or an idiot leaning into late-stage capitalism.
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cogitxtio · 14 days
Someone from HR saw Doc clutching both my hands tenderly to his chest and telling me, with great sincerity, "Doctor. I'm so glad we found you." It's now recorded in his operator file as an audio snippet of some significance. ...I didn't have the heart to tell them that all I'd done was correctly pronounce "croissant."
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cogitxtio · 14 days
It's okay, Doctor. There's a guy selling NFTs in Dossoles, that's worse than any possible warcrimes you may have committed.
...Alright, that's pretty true. I might have done some pretty terrible things at one point or another, but at least I'm not leaning into late-stage capitalism. Or an idiot. Or an idiot leaning into late-stage capitalism.
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cogitxtio · 15 days
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(( sketchbook work doodle. dokutah is having a bad day. ))
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cogitxtio · 15 days
Not again.
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cogitxtio · 15 days
Just try to remember that your childhood idol may, at any time, be returning from a terribly exhausting mission. Relatedly, the glamour also wears off somewhat once you've seen them passed out facedown on the couch in the rec room after getting far too drunk outside of working hours.
If none of that works for you, repeated harassment gets you an HR summons.
question for any Rhodes Islanders
how do you manage the fact that some of your coworkers are actually just straight up celebrities? like you could turn a corner and just. bam. your childhood idol is just there
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cogitxtio · 17 days
Now that Shu is around, it's better than it's ever been. Have a nice lunch.
good news: I can walk again and my oripathy has been stabilized
bad news: I am not permitted to leave the landship until it comes to a complete stop, additionally my affiliation means I'm on thin freaking ice with sweep
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cogitxtio · 18 days
Hahaha! Ah.
what's "gaviallic kinetic anesthesia"
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cogitxtio · 21 days
I do, yes. It's less a strategic decision than a scheduling change, to save you from having to worry about a time limit on top of everything else and to keep Kroos from thinking she can get away with something like this scot-free. If nobody comes to help extricate you over the entire weekend, we have bigger problems, anyways.
I swapped you off the active mission docket for tomorrow, just in case. You'll be taking Kroos's previous spot on Monday. Enjoy your weekend. -Doctor (@cogitxtio)
I'm gonna assume you have a plan for me to cover the other ranged operators, because i absolutely don't have the arts training for casting nor the training with a bow.
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