cognaccanhac · 18 days
sometimes it’s weird seeing the way people talk about israel, especially on tumblr — unorganized and just my own train of thought, coming from my own reaction to the way i see people discussing these matters on tumblr
the constant denial of the existence of israel as a state doesn’t really make much sense to me because like it or not, it *is* there. i can understand why the jews were placed there — where do you put a whole bunch of people that clearly aren’t safe where they’ve been previously that no one wants? back in their homeland i guess. doesn’t really make it great, especially not when you’re displacing people
logically speaking palestinians and people who are jewish by ethnicity are … from the same place geographically. as far as i know, at least
personally i don’t really think characterizing hamas as ‘freedom fighters’ or whatever the fuck is okay. i, personally, am not a big fan of islamist jihad! nor am i okay with some of their rhetoric! or the things they have done! i would agree with the characterization of hamas as a terrorist group!
however! i think benjamin netanyahu desperately needs to be put in prison! i genuinely feel that there are a whole lot more people that want peace over there than people believe, and while i can’t directly corroborate that, the people i know who have gone to israel/palestine have directly witnessed efforts to bring the groups together. id like to hope that that sentiment is much stronger than people internationally realize.
going back though, bibi has literally zero morals. he’s worsening and prolonging this war because the second it’s over, he’s probably headed to jail. innocent people are dying because of how power hungry he is. this man has moved further and further right, alining himself with the ultra orthodox israelis in order to stay in power, and as someone who’s really not a fan of religious extremism in any way, shape, or form, i *loathe* the ultra orthodox. netanyahu is an evil, evil, EVIL man. this war is on him. hell, october 7th is on him. what hamas did on that day was evil — without a doubt. but they could have done something to prevent it.
no one innocent deserves to die, and i don’t think the funding of israel, and more specifically, bibi, makes sense. however, whether you like it or not, israel does exist. those people have been placed there — what point is there to saying things like ‘isnotreal’ or ‘israhelli’ or whatever else? at this point, a lot of the people there were born after the establishment of israel. are they to blame for what the british did? what do you do with them if israel just… doesn’t exist? or you can say ‘it never existed!!’ which like. i feel like that’s kinda just a conversation stopper. it exists as an entity at the very least lol
anyways, i’m no genius, nor do i claim to omniscience. if anyone comes across this and agrees or disagrees, feel free to say whatever you’d like to me — but id rather you not automatically brand me a zionist or talk to me as if i’m evil, i have no interest in a conversation that’s going to get nowhere. if you have information you think ive missed or that might be relevant, feel free to comment it or smth. always willing to learn more.
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cognaccanhac · 18 days
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jeno at icn today!!
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cognaccanhac · 1 month
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cognaccanhac · 1 month
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Day 1 and they are already not beating them strip show allegations.
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cognaccanhac · 1 month
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cognaccanhac · 1 month
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cognaccanhac · 1 month
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
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MARK LEE / ISTJ @ TDS3 (240503)
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
note: am v aware i have horrible taste lol
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
current things i find incredibly attractive
- this one gif i gotta find again and rb of a jaemin fancam for smoothie and wow his shoulders and that SINGLE VEIN THAT POPS UP holy shit.
- mark lee freestyling to tints im usually not like this w mark but i just watched that video again and was reminded that … wow
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
sometimes i worry he dislikes me or is made uncomfortable by me because of something that happened with one of my close friends making him a bit uncomfortable even though that happened completely independently of me
but he apparently decided to just stand and talk with me for like a while even though he needed to go sleep ?? so i guess he doesn’t like,, strongly dislike me ???
i think the people i have crushes on say something about me
and by that i mean that it feels like they’re almost always unattainable LOL. i don’t generally crush on people particularly often.
i haven’t really dated much — and i shouldn’t have dated either of the people that i did end up dating. its not that i didn’t end up liking them — but i think i was just so unbelievably insecure and so unused to being shown attention that i convinced myself i liked them more than i did. so i’ve tried to be a lot more careful about noticing if i like someone.
what makes this whole thing worse is that i don’t have the balls to ever tell someone i like them, for so many reasons. and i’ve only ever been able to like one person at a time — if i like them, i really, *really* like them. i’ve never understood how people just casually like people — props to them because i wish i was like that.
but honestly — i don’t want people to make fun of me for liking someone, or for liking someone out of my league, or for me not being pretty enough or skinny enough or whatever enough for whoever i like. or sometimes it’s that i don’t want to be too much — too loud or too nerdy or too overenthusiastic or too smart or idk what else. i don’t want anyone to think i’m crazy or weird or obsessed with someone. i don’t want to burden someone or make them uncomfortable. and i don’t want to lose a friend, if they’re a friend (i don’t even KNOW if the person i like right now considers me a friend, i can’t read him at all and it makes me so awkward around him)
all this to say i really hate liking people. i guess the comforting thing is that i know it’ll pass eventually - i got over it the last few times i liked people. my instinct is to say that this time it’s worse for a lot of reasons — but i really can’t tell, and i’m sure i thought the other times were all worse than the previous.
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
i think the people i have crushes on say something about me
and by that i mean that it feels like they’re almost always unattainable LOL. i don’t generally crush on people particularly often.
i haven’t really dated much — and i shouldn’t have dated either of the people that i did end up dating. its not that i didn’t end up liking them — but i think i was just so unbelievably insecure and so unused to being shown attention that i convinced myself i liked them more than i did. so i’ve tried to be a lot more careful about noticing if i like someone.
what makes this whole thing worse is that i don’t have the balls to ever tell someone i like them, for so many reasons. and i’ve only ever been able to like one person at a time — if i like them, i really, *really* like them. i’ve never understood how people just casually like people — props to them because i wish i was like that.
but honestly — i don’t want people to make fun of me for liking someone, or for liking someone out of my league, or for me not being pretty enough or skinny enough or whatever enough for whoever i like. or sometimes it’s that i don’t want to be too much — too loud or too nerdy or too overenthusiastic or too smart or idk what else. i don’t want anyone to think i’m crazy or weird or obsessed with someone. i don’t want to burden someone or make them uncomfortable. and i don’t want to lose a friend, if they’re a friend (i don’t even KNOW if the person i like right now considers me a friend, i can’t read him at all and it makes me so awkward around him)
all this to say i really hate liking people. i guess the comforting thing is that i know it’ll pass eventually - i got over it the last few times i liked people. my instinct is to say that this time it’s worse for a lot of reasons — but i really can’t tell, and i’m sure i thought the other times were all worse than the previous.
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
some songs i’ve been listening to lately:
1. we can’t be friends (wait for your love) - ariana grande
2. creatures in heaven - glass animals
3. you are in love - taylor swift
4. supercut - lorde
5. logical - olivia rodrigo
6. selfish - apro ft. bibi, colde
7. fragile - apro ft. youra, pH-1
8. ‘cause you have to - lany
9. the exit - conan gray
10. to you - seventeen
11. sun&moon - nct 127
12. love - kendrick lamar ft. zacari
13. shut up my moms calling - hotel ugly
14. peach eyes - wave to earth
15. ghost in the machine - sza ft. phoebe bridgers
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cognaccanhac · 2 months
i’m not wholly certain why i’m making this blog, but i think i’m tired of feeling as though i can’t tell people things or being too scared of it. the wonders of the modern world, i guess
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