Stick beside your man, Lucy 😤
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SUMMARY | This new man, the tall man with the icy somber eyes and expressionless mask, appeared above you, haloed in sunlight like an angel. By all accounts, he was a far more terrifying man than John or Mike or David, but you don’t see evil when you look at him, when his eyes meet yours for a brief second before looking away. No, not evil, but a familiar reflection, an unkind life that led to unkind circumstances and unkind decisions. You know the look well, it’s the same one you see in the mirror.
WARNINGS | 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT - this is slasher fan fiction with canon typical violence, mentions of blood, death, cannibalism and gore. if slasher fiction is not your cup of tea, please keep scrolling.
EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: vaginal fingering, male masturbation, oral sex - f receiving, unprotected p in v, size kink, choking, creampie, praise kink
OTHER WARNINGS: no use of y/n, dual pov, able bodied reader, reader being picked up/carried, virgin thomas hewitt, no skin masks, monsters in love. if i’ve missed any tags, please kindly let me know.
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Thomas hears a scream while he’s out in the barn. It cuts off so quickly he damn near thinks he imagined it but if he holds perfectly still and listens, listens, listens, there are noises that don’t belong. A grunt, a smack, a mumbled curse. Knife in hand, he ventures out in search of the source. 
Out on the road there’s a car, hood up and smoke billowing from the engine. A man has a woman pressed to the driver’s side door, forearm tight against her throat and a knife poised in front of her face. Red creeps into Thomas’ vision and his fingers begin to ache around the hilt of his own knife but just as he steps forward, something amazing happens.
The woman spits at the man’s face and in that brief moment of surprise, she brings her hands up and shoves the man back. He stumbles, falling to ground. The knife falls and she goes after it, lunging across the dirt and rocks. The man wraps a hand around her ankle, tugging her down and dragging her back as she screams, fingers digging into the dirt. She kicks, once, twice, the third time finally connecting with a painful crack to the man’s shin and sending him down to the ground again. She crawls away, grabbing the knife and scrambling to her feet. Thomas can see her chest heave with ragged breaths, skin glistening with sweat in the Texas heat. 
He’s not sure he’s ever seen anything more beautiful.
She approaches the man, the knife brandished in front of her. The man rolls onto his back, holds his hands up. A surrender. The woman doesn’t care. Her boot slams into his skull, a shout echoing in the vast emptiness of the road and fields. Thomas feels himself grow hard, pants tightening around his cock. He reaches down, adjusting himself.
The man is on his hands and knees now. Blood streaks his face and drips to the dirt, baptizing the land in violence. She kicks him between the shoulder blades, knocking him flat on his stomach, and stands over him with a leg on either side of his body. The breath catches in Thomas’ throat as she reaches down and tangles her fingers in the man’s hair, lifting his head. The man stares directly at Thomas and his lips move, a cry for help, but he doesn’t hear it. No, not when all his focus is on the way the woman leans close and drags the blade across the man’s neck and the skin splits, muscles and tendons ripping with the force of it and red, red, red spilling free. 
The man’s gaze grows empty and the woman loosens her grip, his head dropping to the ground. She drops to her knees, slams the knife into the man’s back over and over and over, roaring fiercely as she does. She’s covered in the red, red, red, clothes soaked through with it, skin stained and sticky. When she’s finished, she collapses on the ground beside the man, on her back, basking in the sun.
It’s then that Thomas approaches, his shadow falling over her, broad body blocking the sun. She blinks at him but doesn’t scream. Doesn’t run. 
Thomas holds a hand out to her.
To his surprise, she takes it.
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Your mind is somewhere in the clouds as you walk beside the lumbering giant that carries John or Mike or David over his shoulder like he weighs nothing, is nothing. The body bounces with each step and you find it almost comical, lips twitching as you fight a smile. Something simmers in your veins, more potent than the adrenaline of the fight or the relief that you won another day against life’s shitty hand. 
This new man, the tall man with the icy somber eyes and expressionless mask, appeared above you, haloed in sunlight like an angel. By all accounts, he was a far more terrifying man than John or Mike or David, but you don’t see evil when you look at him, when his eyes meet yours for a brief second before looking away. No, not evil, but a familiar reflection, an unkind life that led to unkind circumstances and unkind decisions. You know the look well, it’s the same one you see in the mirror.
A house appears on the horizon, a two story Victorian era farmhouse that must have been impressive once before falling into a state of disrepair. There’s a woman on the porch, arms crossed over her chest and a stern look on her face as she watches the two (or is it technically three?) of you approach. 
“Bring ‘im downstairs. I’ll tend to the girl,” she says. The man looks at you, hesitating to follow the command. You give him a nod, the slight dip of your chin enough for his shoulders to relax. His heavy footsteps rattle the dilapidated porch as he disappears inside the house.
The woman leads you to the kitchen and pulls a chair out from the rough wood table for you to take a seat. You watch as she wets a cloth before returning to your side. Cool water hits the hot skin of your face and the rough fabric drags away the dried blood. Her touch is surprisingly gentle.
“You do all that to the fella my boy was carryin’?” She asks.
“Yes,” you reply, voice cracking on the single word that claws at your vocal cords. 
“‘Atta girl.” She smiles. “I’ll get you some water.”
“Thank you.”
She sets a glass on the table and you don’t hesitate to reach for it, chugging down the cold water so quickly it makes your stomach turn. She wordlessly refills it for you, twice, before murmuring a gentle, “That’s enough now, you’ll turn your stomach sour if you keep it up.”
“What’s with this fuckin’ car out on the road?” A voice yells from outside the house. Through the window you catch a glimpse of a man in a Sherriff’s uniform, shotgun held loosely in his hand as he approaches the house. The woman stands, wiping her hands on her apron.
“You don’t say nothin’, alright? You let me handle Charlie,” she commands. You nod.
The man appears in the doorway, eyes immediately landing on you. His leery gaze traces you from head to toe and you fight back the shiver that threatens to race down your spine. Your gaze drops to the floor as he addresses the woman.
“What’s with the whore?” He spits. 
“She’s a guest.”
“A guest? This a bed ‘n breakfast all of a sudden?”
“Thomas brought her up here.” As if summoned by his name, the monster returns. He looms behind the other man, silent. There’s a bucket in his hand that he drops to the floor with a loud clang that makes you jump. The woman pats your shoulder. 
“Tommy boy is takin’ in strays now, huh? What’s next, he’ll find himself some dumpster baby and finish buildin’ a whole happy family?”
The monster, Thomas, grows tense. His shoulders lift and the muscles of his arms flex, his eyes narrowed on the man who’s giving him a shit-eating smile. 
“Tommy, honey, why don’t you bring your guest to one of the rooms upstairs?” The woman suggests. Thomas shoves past Charlie and into the kitchen and stands wordlessly by your side. She nudges your shoulder and you stand, following him as he stomps through the second door to the kitchen. 
Shouting starts up as you leave, the words muffled when the door swings shut behind you. Thomas leads you upstairs to the second floor, where the hallway dark and a thick layer of dust coats anything it can reach. With a grunt he opens a door at the end of the hall and stands aside to allow you through the doorway. 
The room is bare save for a small but tidy bed and dresser. Despite the dust in the hall, the room itself is surprisingly clean. You sit on the bed, testing the squeaky springs with your weight. You look up at the man.
“Your name is Thomas?” You ask. He nods, once, a sharp dip of his chin that has his dirty hair falling into his face. You tell him your name and his blue eyes blink back at you, the only acknowledgment you’ll get.
He lingers for a moment, eyes searching. It doesn’t feel gross, not like when Charlie leered at you downstairs. No, it’s more like he’s committing you to memory. You realize, then, that he’s not looking at you like a predator looks at prey.
He’s looking at you like you’re a prize.
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Thomas slams the cleaver down, the thud of it rhythmic, soothing. His thoughts keep straying to ones of you, upstairs in the kitchen with his mama. You’ve been here for two days now and he’s having a hard time concentrating on his chores knowing that you’re in the house, knowing that you’ve stuck around for God only knows what reason. It makes him antsy, suspicious. 
The door to the basement opens and he expects to hear Charlie’s boots stomping down the stairs but he’s surprised when you appear on the last step in an ill fitting dress that mama must have scrounged up for you. Thomas stands perfectly still as you look around the room. 
“This is what you do all day?” You ask. He nods. “That must be hard work.” Mama shouts your name from upstairs, making you jump. You give him a sheepish look. “I’m supposed to come tell you dinner’s ready.”
Thomas grunts, setting down the cleaver and wiping his hands on his apron. He washes up in the bloodstained sink, scrubbing at his fingers as best he can. You’re still on the stairs when he finishes, watching him. It makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up, the way you don’t look away, ashamed of your staring. 
You turn to climb the steps and he follows, a step below you. Your hips sway in front of him and he has visions of grabbing you by the hips, pulling you against his body so tightly you can’t leave, can’t leave, can’t leave. 
Mama is sitting at the table when you both emerge from the darkness, bowls of stew set out for each of you. Thomas sits down to mama’s left and you to her right, across the table from him. The two of you chat about the chores she’s assigned you and are they too much, honey? No, you tell her, you’re happy to help. Mama smiles at you and he knows what she’s thinking, that you’re sent from God himself, the perfect addition to the family. The daughter she never got to have, only the fucked up sons she was cursed and forsaken with. 
Thomas feels something prod his knee beneath the table and he freezes. All of your attention is still focused on mama, your head propped in your hand and your elbow on the table, relaxed as can be. He thinks maybe he just imagined it but he feels it again and this time he jumps, rattling the dishes on the table and sloshing stew from its bowls.
“Thomas! What’s the matter with you?” Mama asks, patting at her dress with a napkin. “You just got us all wet.”
“Yeah, Thomas,” you chime in. “Got me all wet and messy.”
By the look on your face, he knows that you’re not talking about the soup. He’s got some dirty magazines he snuck into the house over the years, women with their legs spread and their hands tied, glistening pussies on full display or the one videotape that Charlie got him, where the woman is split open on a man’s cock, begging for more as the lewd, slick sounds of sex grow louder and louder. The thought of you like that, maybe even because of him, makes his cheeks burn. He grunts, an apology, and his mama waves a hand at you both.
“You better get changed outta that dress before it stains. Can’t be lettin’ one go to waste so quick,” she tells you. You nod, standing from the table and heading for the door. You pause, looking over your shoulder at him and give him a wink. Mama clears her throat, a stern expression on her face as she looks at him.
“And you, boy. Go get yourself cleaned up and brush your damn hair for once. I raised you better than that.”
She didn’t, not really, but he listens to her anyway, trudging back down to the basement to hose himself off and change his clothes. As he cleans up, he thinks about you, because when hasn’t he been since you appeared? His cock hardens and he tries to ignore it, tries to think of the Bible lessons mama loved to teach and how it’s a sin to touch himself but maybe God will forgive him, just this once? 
He wraps a hand around his thick length and squeezes, almost punishing himself. His head drops back and he stares at the ceiling, eyes wide as he tugs and pulls at his cock, slow at first then fast, fast, fast, fist flying with a tight grip until stars burst in his vision and warm come dribbles over his hand. His chest heaves as he catches his breath, blinking away the dark spots as his high fizzles out.
Thomas dries himself and gets dressed before lying down on the mattress in the corner to toss and turn until the sun rises.
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The next morning, Thomas doesn’t realize that you haven’t come down from your room until well into the afternoon. Mama’s gone to town and Charlie is off playing Sheriff so it’s just the two of you in the house. He debates whether he should check on you or leave you alone but ultimately the worry that something might be wrong pulls him upstairs and finds him knocking on your door, a quick tap of his knuckles to the wood.There’s no sound from the other side, no shout of fuck off like he’d get from Charlie or a quiet just a minute, sweetheart he’d hear from mama. Tentatively, he turns the handle and pushes the door open, just a crack, enough to peek inside.
You’re in bed, sprawled out on your back with the quilt kicked off to the floor. Your bare breasts draw his eye and he looks away quickly, shame clawing up his throat. The bed creaks as you shift, sleepy noises leaving your lips in the process, and panic races through his veins, worried that you might wake up and find him standing there, worried that it might be what sends you running, worried about what mama will say if you up and leave and it’s his fault, worried, worried, worried.
“Thomas?” You ask, voice raspy. He didn’t even realize that you were awake, stupid, stupid, stupid of him. He should have turned around and left, should have—
“Hey, it’s okay,” you murmur, sitting up. Thomas hesitates, eyes still fixed on the floor. You must notice because from the corner of his eye he notices the quilt get picked up and then you’re telling him, “I’m decent.”
He swallows around the rock lodged in his throat and looks up, meeting your gaze. You don’t look mad or disgusted or upset. You’re actually smiling at him, a hand held out in welcome. He doesn’t dare touch you, but he takes a step closer, body moving like a moth to a flame.
Your head tilts to the side, assessing him, eyes flaying him open and leaving him feeling more exposed than when someone catches him without the mask. You’re holding the quilt up over your chest but Thomas can still see the tantalizing curves of your shoulders, the long line of your neck with the flutter of your pulse beneath delicate skin. It makes his mouth go dry.
“You ever touch a woman, Tommy?” You ask. The question catches him so off guard that all he manages is a strangled noise. “Well? That a yes or a no?” He shakes his head. You smile, lowering the quilt just enough to expose the top curve of your breasts. 
“You wanna?” 
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Thomas’ eyes drop to your chest before quickly looking away. A flush creeps up his neck, staining what little of his cheeks you can see above the mask he wears. His hand flexes at his side, fingers curling open and shut. 
“It’s okay, you can look,” you say, gentle, gentle, gentle, like coaxing a scared animal. He looks at you again, blue eyes wide. “Come closer.”
He shuffles closer, looming over the bed, back so wide that he blocks the sun streaming through the window and casts a shadow over your body. You reach for his hand and he jerks away, as if on instinct. You pause, giving him a few seconds of reprieve, then reach for him again, keeping your eyes fixed on his face. Lightly, you touch his hand and when he doesn’t flinch, you grasp it more tightly. 
You guide his hand to your breast, settling his warm palm to your chest. He holds perfectly still for a moment and the restraint of it drives you insane, makes you bite your tongue so hard the taste of copper blooms across your tastebuds. Finally, he leans a little closer, fingers digging into your skin and making you gasp. He massages one breast, then the other, playing with the weight and feel of them in his large hands. You press your thighs together, cunt aching from the attention.
“That feels good,” you tell him, arching into his touch. The praise spurs him on, makes him more confident, and he starts to focus his attention on your nipples, pinching and twisting the sensitive buds. He’s surprisingly gentle despite his size and demeanor. 
You kick away the quilt from your legs, exposing the rest of your body to him. His eyes trail down your body, hands going still. He looks up, tilting his head, asking a question, looking for permission. You nod your head quickly and your heart races as a palm slides down, down, down, until he’s cupping your pussy over your panties. Your hips jump at the friction.
“Oh, fuck,” you whine. Thomas holds his hand still as you grind yourself against his palm. You reach your hands down, holding onto his forearm with a death grip. “Please, please, please!”
His fingers slip beneath the elastic of your panties and you both groan. He plays with the embarrassing amount of wetness, smearing it over your skin. You guide his hand the slightest bit upwards until the calloused pads of his fingers swipe over your clit.
“That’s it, Tommy,” you tell him. “Right there, right there.”
Dutifully, he continues to lavish you with attention, taking every direction beautifully. Slower, faster, harder, he adjusts to every suggestion and has you moaning and crying his name in desperation, but it’s not enough. You’re right there, so close, but you feel so empty, you just need—
“Inside?” You ask. He pauses, brows pinching together. “Put your fingers inside me.”
Slowly, slowly, slowly, he eases one thick finger into your drenched hole. Your head drops back at the sensation, at the relief, and begin to grind your hips again. He starts to see the pattern, moving his hand so that he’s working with your rhythm. You look up at his face and the concentration in his eyes leaves you breathless. All he wants is to do good, be good, make you feel good. 
Thomas presses another finger to your entrance, glancing at your face to make sure it’s okay. When you don’t say otherwise, he works both inside of you in tandem, the stretch making you groan. He curls them, exploring, skimming a spot inside of you that makes you cry out and dig your nails into his arm so hard that he grunts but doesn’t doesn’t pull away.
“I’m gonna come,” you tell him. “You’re doing so good, Tommy, oh my god.”
He’s panting, sweat dripping down his neck, muscles tight with his efforts to wrench an orgasm from you. The lethal combination of his fingers inside of you and his palm against your clit and the muffled noises sneaking past his mask have you tumbling over a precipice so high you worry you might never come down. Your cunt pulses around his fingers and you babble his name and an incoherent stream of praise as your release washes over you, wave after wave of it.
Thomas waits until your body collapses against the mattress and you’re gasping for breath before slowly removing his hand. He holds it up to his face, pink tongue darting out from the slit afforded for his mouth to taste your cum from his fingertips. He groans, his other hand reaching down to press tightly to the sizeable bulge in his pants. He thrusts against his palm once, twice, before going still, shoulders shaking.
A door slams downstairs. Luda Mae’s voice shouts for Thomas and he takes a step back, head whipping towards the door and eyes wide with panic. You scramble from the bed, grabbing your dress and pulling it on quickly so that you can rush out the room, shutting Thomas inside. You lean over the banister and see Luda Mae standing at the top of the basement stairs, hands on her hips.
“I think he went out to the barn,” you call down. She looks up at you.
“Why would he be out there?” She huffs. “And what are you still doin’ in your room? You look a mess.”
“Sorry, m’am. Had trouble sleeping last night.”
Your politeness softens her annoyance. “That’s okay, darlin’, you’re still learnin’ the ropes. I gotta go find Thomas, Charlie’s found some troublemakers.”
“If I see him first, I’ll let him know.” You nervously smooth your hands down your skirt. “What kind of trouble?”
“You don’t worry yourself about that. We’ll let the boys handle it, alright?”
“Yes, m’am.”
“Good girl,” she says. “I’ll be back.”
Luda Mae leaves through the front door and you return to your room. Thomas is standing where you left him, hands curled at his sides. 
“You hear all that?” You ask him. He nods. “What’s going to happen?”
He walks to the window, peeks through the curtain. His shoulders are tense. When he turns back to you, he sets his hands on your shoulders and steers you to the bed, pushing gently until you’re sitting, the springs squeaking beneath your weight. He cups your cheek with one hand and points around the room with the other.
“You want me to stay in here?”
He nods.
“What if you need help?”
He shakes his head. He won’t need help.
“Okay. You better get down there.”
He nods again. Leaning down, he presses his forehead to yours, an approximation of a kiss. You smile at him when he pulls away. He lingers for a brief second longer before tugging open the door and disappearing from the room.
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Trouble is heralded by the arrival of Uncle Charlie. You watch through the window as his cop car pulls up in the yard and he gets out, spitting curses you can’t hear. He waves a shotgun in the air, firing off a warning shot that makes you jump. You know Thomas told you to stay in your room but curiosity gets the better of you and you head downstairs.
Luda Mae is in the kitchen, sat at the table with a cup of tea. A piercing scream filters through the open window as she takes a tiny sip from her cup. 
“You need somethin’, dear?” She asks, unperturbed by the interruption. You shake your head.
“No, m’am. Just came to ask if you needed help with dinner.”
“No, no, that’s alright. I got it covered.” Another sip. “Could you get the laundry from the line?”
It’s then that you realize she’s testing you. Earlier she told you to let the men handle it, but she wants to see where your loyalties lie. Thomas told you to stay put, to stay safe, but she’s sending you out to join the wolves because she knows, she knows, she knows that you’re just like them. 
She just needs proof.
You smile. “Of course.”
On your way out of the kitchen, you slip a knife from the butcher block.
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One of the men that Charlie dragged home writhes in pain, one leg bent at an unnatural angle. His friend takes off at run, pace as fast as his injured ankle will allow. They’re the last two that need to be dealt with. Thomas raises his chainsaw in the air, ready to end the animal’s suffering, but movement from the corner of his eye makes him pause.
The back door to the house opens and you stroll out into the yard, looking around frantically with a frightened expression. Thomas feels a rush of anger that you didn’t listen to him, didn’t stay up in your room, didn’t stay inside. The anger quickly turns to fear when he sees the other man, the one he intended to deal with later, rushes toward you. You take off, running across the field toward the barn.
Thomas cuts the gas, tosses the chainsaw aside. The muffled whimpers from the man on the ground piss him off and with one, two, three strikes of the heel of his boot, he silences him for good. He heads for the barn, red in his vision with every step. If the other man lays a single finger on you, Thomas will keep him alive but begging for death.
“Come on, we gotta get out of here,” a male voice shouts. “They’re goin’ to kill us!”
Thomas throws open the barn doors, the wood shaking with the force of it. You’re turned away from him and the first thing he notices is the knife held in a tight fist behind your back. The man stumbles to the ground, trying to scramble back from you as Thomas comes closer.
“No. We’re going to kill you,” you tell him. You spring forward, jumping on the man with a feral scream that sounds like music to Thomas’ ears. Your arms swing up, up, up and then slam down, down, down, burying your knife into the man’s chest over and over and over.
Thomas can’t wait anymore. He approaches you from behind and wraps an arm around your waist, lifting you away from the mangled body. You struggle in his hold and he hauls you over to a work bench, swiping the tools to the ground with his other arm and setting you on the surface.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you say immediately, head shaking side to side. “I just wanted to help, I just—“
Your rapid apologies morph into a choked off moan when he lifts your legs, wrapping them around his hips, grinding his painfully hard cock against you. He buries his face into your neck, licking at the blood that stains your perfect skin, the taste of salt and copper opening a pit of hunger in his belly that could never be filled by food.
“Tommy,” you whimper, head dropping back. He licks and bites at all the skin he can find and when he runs out, he drops to his knees and begins anew on the muscles of your legs. 
He pushes the fabric of your dress up, bunching it around your waist to expose your pussy, still covered by the same panties you wore earlier when he made you come on his fingers. Wrapping his fist in the elastic, he pulls until it snaps under the pressure, fabric falling away and leaving you completely bare. 
Thomas pushes your thighs apart, spreading you open. He leans closer, biting at the soft flesh of your thigh, a little harder than he should. The tiny indents his teeth make in your skin are proof that this isn’t some dream. You’re flesh and blood, just like him.
Just for him.
His mouth waters as he nears your cunt, the earlier memory of your taste making that hunger grow to near starvation. His tongue slides over the slick flesh, exploring the dips and folds that taste so sweet it hits him like a sugar high, like when he’d steal a handful of candy from the corner store and eat it all at once, afraid of getting caught.
There’s a quiet thump and Thomas looks up to find that you’ve collapsed onto the table. Hands reach down and your fingers tangle in his hair, pulling on the strands. He remembers the spot that he rubbed with his fingers and searches for it with his tongue, knowing he’s found it when your thighs press against his ears and you moan his name like you did in your room.
“Oh, god! Just like that, Tommy,” you say, holding his head in place. “So good, so fucking good.”
He licks and sucks and grazes his teeth against you to his heart’s content and you writhe beneath him, bucking up against his face so fiercely he has to hold you down with an arm across your lower belly. He grows braver, dipping his tongue into the warmth of your cunt and drinking you from the source until you’re shaking. When he pulls away, he’s awed by the mess he’s made of you, your lips puffy and skin slick and shiny from your cum. He uses his thumbs to spread you apart, admiring the way your hole clenches around nothing.
Thomas stands, unsure of what to do next. You sit up from the table, expression dazed. Tear tracks stain your cheeks and a brief strike of worry hits him. Did he hurt you? Was that too much? Are you—
“Come closer,” you whisper. His thoughts go silent as he obeys. You reach up, cupping his face, hands trailing down to the strap of his apron. You lift it over his head and drops down, hanging limply. 
Your arms wrap around his thick middle, working the knot of strings loose behind his back. It falls to the floor in a heap now and he stares at it, pulse racing as your hands roam to his chest. His breath stutters as your touch traces lower, lower, lower, until your palm presses against his cock and his mouth drops open at the pleasure of it, so different from when he touches himself or ruts his hips into the mattress. He can feel the heat of your skin even through the thick fabric of his pants.
You’re popping the button and dragging down the zipper, wrapping a soft hand around his cock and pulling it free. Thomas groans, loud and rough, as you slide your hand up, thumb swiping over the clear fluid gathered at the very tip. 
You tug on his cock, hard enough that he stumbles forward, pressing closer. You look up at him as you rub the flushed head through your wetness and his shoulders shake at the sensation. You feel so good, so warm, he just wants to—
You notch him at your entrance and on instinct he thrusts forward the slightest bit, just enough that the fat tip of him sinks into tight heat. You gasp, eyes going wide and he’s once again struck with the fear that he could be hurting you, maybe he’s too big, too much of a monster, but when he tries to pull away you’re grabbing his shirt in a tight fist.
“Don’t you dare,” you hiss. “Keep going.”
Thomas obeys, just as he always does, pushing his hips closer, shoving his cock deeper, deeper, deeper. He watches his length disappear, your body stretching to accommodate his size. You look beautiful, with the tears that gather in your eyes and the blood smeared on your chest and the way your thighs shake with the effort to take him, that his chest aches, that last thread of control keeping him slow and steady snapping like his hips as he buries himself inside of you, completely and thoroughly.
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You’ve never been this full before. You fall back on the rough wood of the work bench with a gasp, stars in your vision as your body adjusts to the sheer size of the man, the thick length of him splitting you open and leaving you breathless. He leans forward, the angle changing and tears spilling from your eyes as you stare up at the hulking monster above you.
“So big,” you gasp. “God, you’re so fucking big.”
His cock twitches inside of you and you moan, back arching off the bench. He feels so good, even through the burning stretch. You give a tentative wiggle of your hips and his eyelids flutter, a moan escaping him. When the pain eases into a dull ache, you lift a shaky hand to his face, settling your palm against the cool leather of his mask.
“I want you to fuck me, Tommy,” you tell him. “I want you to ruin me.”
His pupils grow impossibly wider and a shadow falls across his features, his demeanor changing in the blink of an eye. Gone is the man who was worried he would hurt you and in his place is the ravenous beast that matches the one clawing at you from the inside, just beneath your ribs where your chest aches with need. He draws his hips back until the tip is barely inside of you before thrusting forward. Your mouth opens, a scream ripping from your lungs but it’s cut short when a large hand wraps around your throat and squeezes. 
Thomas is a man possessed, pounding into your body like it’s nothing more than a toy for his pleasure, filling your pussy to the limit with each stroke. The hand on your throat holds your body steady and he uses his other arm to lift one of your legs, then the other, your thighs pressed to his thick belly and your ankles by his ears. His moans mix with the lewd sound of skin against skin, a soundtrack of hedonism that you want to listen to on repeat until God calls you for judgment and sends you straight to Hell.
Your orgasm is quick to build, a pressure in your tummy that grows tighter and tighter until it bursts, all your muscles going taut with the force of it. Thomas roars, hands gripping your hips and holding you impaled on his cock as he floods your pussy with his release. You feel untethered, like you’re floating, and it’s not until you’re squinting into the Texas sun that you realize you are floating. Thomas is carrying you through the field, back to the main house, one arm supporting your back and other under your knees, holding you close to his chest.
Luda Mae is on the porch when he reaches the door, hands on her hips. He pauses and her keen gaze assesses you both. Finally, she smiles.
“Get yourselves cleaned up. Dinner is almost ready,” she says. 
Wordlessly, Thomas brings you inside and down to the basement, where does exactly as he’s told.
Just as he always does.
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I'm not sure if you are familiar with the "mating press" position, but the little horny voice inside my head says that Tommy would absolutely love it. Just imagine reader having her legs on his shoulders while he pins her down to the bed because he needed to let off steam. Of course, this is completely consensual! Reader is willingly helping her husband out like the sweet housewife she is <3 Would you be up to write something like that? Sorry for being so disgustingly horny about him... (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
Omg i love this request!! HAPPY 1K MY BEAUTIES!!!
Mating press with Tommy <3
Warnings: unprotected sex, SIZE KINK OML (I'm sorry I couldn't help myself) pnv, afab reader, he cums inside because he's a loving husband, overall just porn with a little plot
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It was a sunny day, the warm Texan breeze on your shoulders as you washed dishes from breakfast. A hefty pile of dishes, Tommy was not a small man to feed. As the warm water eroded the bacon grease from your castiron, you heard some stomping from the yard. You smile, you can imagine how he was looking at that very moment; his mask covering half of his sweaty face, hair stuck to his forehead, shoulders wide and casting a big shadow over whatever he was blocking. His tall frame was delicious, his arms, his hands that held the majority of your torso already made you hot on the back of your neck.
Lost in a trance of your thoughts, you feel the warm water over your hands' sudden absence. You don't need to turn your head to identify the reason. You can already hear his little huffs behind his mask and his big meaty hands pawing at your hips.
“I missed you, Tommy.” You turn and raise your arms to place your hands on his broad chest. His fingers fidget with the red trim of your sundress, one of his favorites. “You like my dress honey? I like this one too, I wear it to ensure you stay grateful for this pretty little wife you got.” You giggle and cover his hands with your own, but only manage to shade a finger or two. 
“I made you pie again Tommy, peach crumble! It's right on the counter. Lemme cut you a slice.” You smile warmly before turning to walk to the countertop to your right, but you don't manage. Tommys' hands are glued to your hips, keeping you grounded like a statue on the floor. “You don't want pie, baby?” You ask, sweetly of course. You knew Tommy wasn’t focused on your pie right now, you knew from the second you heard his feet shuffling outside that he had some steam he needed to release, and you’d be damned before you said you didn't want him to take it out on you.
You look up at his lust-filled eyes and reach to untie his sweaty mask. You didn't like that he always felt he had to cover himself up, but you understood it brought more comfort to his everyday life. As the mask fell, you could hear his shaky breaths practically calling for you. You got up on your tiptoes and pursed your lips, so he reciprocated, bending his head downward and capturing you in a warm, desperate kiss.
His hands on your hips lifted your body off of the ground, unconsciously, making your face line up with his. You wrap your legs around his waist, not making it all the way, but you were stable as his hands moved down to cup your ass. You whimper into his mouth, grinding your little hips against his big tummy, and running your fingers through his messy hair.
He lets out a single huff before turning on his heels and taking you to the bedroom. After storming through the doorway, he tosses your body onto your’ neatly made bed and begins to undress. You take his cue and do the same, unzipping your flowy dress and slipping off your white panties. Leaning back in your bed, you take in Tommys' body, how the veins in his hands bulge as he unbuttons his shirt, and how tight his pants look on his thick thighs.
Once he's fully bare, he slowly stalks around the bed, looking you up and down like a piece of meat he’s longing to devour. Suddenly, he yanks you down by the ankles, making you lay flat on the bed. He pushes himself to his knees at the end of the bed, settled between your now parted legs. He shuffles forward a bit, then pulls you by the knees until your legs wrap around his hips. 
He bends forward, towering over your frame. He takes your legs and pulls your feet over each one of his shoulders. Your thighs are pressed to your stomach as he settles an arm on both sides of your head. His hair falls around your face, and you reach up to kiss his pretty pink lips. You feel his girth slipping over your slit, and you reach your hand down to press his throbbing cock to your little bud. He groans at the touch of your hand and you begin to rock your hips back and forth, covering his length with your slick.
Not long after, he begins to rock his hips against yours in tandem. His forehead touches yours and you can feel his warm breaths covering your face. On one of his slower thrusts, the tip of his cock caught on the rim of your hole, making you take a sharp breath in. Tommy looks at you to make sure you’re okay, then slowly slides his fat member into you without warning.
“Tommy! Jesus, baby slow down.” You whimper out. The intrusion makes your lips quiver and hands grip the sheets, so he takes your arms in one of his hands and moves them to wrap around his neck, immediately latching onto his hair. As he settles his hefty body on top of yours, his tummy pressing down tightly on yours, he pushes even further forward, trying to get as deep as possible.
Your moans turn into choked-out groans as he slowly pounds into you. Your toes curling and heels digging into his damp back. He lets out deep groans and uses his hand to wipe hair from your face. He cups your cheek and kisses you, a distraction from the ache of your stretched hole, struggling to accept his large cock. 
His thrusts pick up in pace, and he buries his face into your neck. His hands slide down to grip your hips, and he maneuvers your body to slam down on his cock in time with his thrusts. In a state of complete cock-drunk bliss, you struggle to let out a whine as you feel your peak approaching. Rolling your eyes back, you grip his hair between your fingers and give it a little tug, before feeling the warmth of your orgasm explode through your body in ripples of pleasure.
Your back arches and your legs shake, the feeling of your pussy clenching over his length makes him whimper, and his thrusts become fast and shallow. You whine at the feeling of him abusing your overstimulated warmth, and Tommy leans down to bury his face in your breasts and grips your hips almost bruisingly in his hands, quickly reaching his orgasm himself. 
He wraps his arms around your back and pulls you as close to him as possible before letting out one more deep thrust and filling you to the brim with his seed. He groans and flips over on his back, taking you with him. You lay over his body, feeling his cock softening inside you as his spend drips out. You both catch your breath and relax, his hands rubbing gently over your back. 
You close your eyes and let the cool air of night take you both to sleep.
feel free to leave requests! (get FILTHY.) <3
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Is he a little shit? Yes
Do I still love him? Absolutely
150 notes · View notes
yes man loves tame impala
615 notes · View notes
The House Brothers
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I’ve dug pretty much everyone and I couldn’t find a SINGLE fanart of Anthony House and Robert so I figured why not do it myself
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my Love is increasing! my Love is increasing!
142 notes · View notes
This interaction is so canon
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I think fallout new vegas awoke something in me gang...
924 notes · View notes
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El original :33
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169 notes · View notes
Compass (Norm Maclean x OC) - VII
“I take the longest path if it’s safer and I have no qualms about hiding, Norm-boy. Some call it cowardly, I call it cautious. The Wastes are dangerous enough for a hunter alone, no need for unnecessary risks.” She raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need to fight like others to be a fighter. You’re out here, ain’t you? That’s fighter enough for me.”
AO3 | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VIII
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Words: 4.551
Warnings: Talk about Wasteland Typical Violence. Talk about near-death experience.
Norm knew last night that he was in trouble. He just had underestimated how much, because as day broke and they were on the road again, he had a true notion of it. And it didn’t look good for him.
“So�� Goose escaped from slavery. And Mika?” He asked at certain point in the morning, trying to distract his mind and eyes from that God-damned deep red-pinkish hue covering Marigold’s lips.
Lipstick. In the damned Wasteland.
Ever since his hormones started acting out in his teenage years, there was always something about a woman wearing it that called to him – and most of the ones still in the Vault had a hue so tame compared to that one.
He didn’t even know when she had applied it, just that it had been a shock. And the shade fit so well with her golden-brown skin, highlighting her lips in an almost impossible way to ignore, especially when she gave the extra-trouble cheeky grin.
How the hell was he supposed to deal with that?
“He never actually told us.”
Oh finally something that actually distracted his mind.
“Nope. Catarina found him… Twelve years ago, when she was coming back from Filly.” Marigold’s voice softened, eyes lost in the horizon. “He was wandering the desert, covered in blood. It wasn’t his.”
“How did she know that?”
Marigold looked at him, lips in a line – damn it, Norm, focus.
“He only had his boots on him. There were scars, but no fresh wounds. He was also dehydrated and pretty clearly suffering from sunstroke. After he recovered and we started to understand his signs, he just… Fit in with our routine. Didn’t ask for anything, even after he started helping in the ranch. At first mostly kept to himself, but was really good at helping Goose with Moth, then the twins and later Lily.” She raised her rifle with a smile. “And our guns have never been better. We don’t know from where he came or what happened before that day, but at this point we don’t care. He’s my brother, one of us. That’s all that matters.”
Norm blinked then nodded, crossing his arms. He couldn’t deny the “one of us”: it had been easy to see that Mika fit well in the family. That he was trusted.
At least there were no lies, just a lack of knowledge. This, he could understand.
“Why the signs? Does he have hearing loss?”
“Nope. Actually the better hearing of all of us, always knows when a gun is weird just by the sound. He just really hates to talk. Knife.”
Norm groaned in frustration, but crouched down and took the knife. Marigold looked at him, critical, and pursed her lips.
“Again, but keep your eyes on me from now on, don’t look down. You need to always be certain of where everything and everyone is.”
Norm sighed, but did it: sheathed the knife, then took it back, staring at Marigold the whole time, watching the critical look, the frowned eyebrows, the stern curve of her God-damned lips and that damned lipstick more than he… Hoped to – it would be a fat lie if he said he didn’t want to look.
She nodded for him to sheath the knife again and kept walking.
Norm was looking forward to their lunch stop. They had passed some of the plants Goose’s notes described, and Marigold hadn’t objected to stopping to gather them, even at the consequence of slowing them down. She had helped him, cutting and digging where needed, correcting if he made a mistake.
Marigold may not have the deepness of Goose’s knowledge, but knew enough how to differentiate similar looking leaves, flowers, fruits and roots, keeping Norm from mixing up beneficial and poisonous ones.
As a result, he had a bunch of things on his coat’s pocket, and he wanted to store and organize it all better.
Marigold’s hand blocked and stopped him. Norm looked at her, and she touched her nose then made a sign for silence with that hand, the other taking her rifle. Frowning, Norm raised his head slightly, sniffling…
A slight sugary smell in the air, easy to miss if not actively searching something.
Marigold poked his shoulder and pointed down. She was scratching the point of her boot at the sand, and he saw what looked like a line of holes, a slight shimmering along it, almost as if the sand was wet. Just a few more steps and they would’ve stepped right in the middle of it.
He looked the path ahead, and it seemed clear of more of those tracks. To one side, a line of bushes and tall dried grass cut his view, but to the other he noticed a tall pile of rubble, the tracks circling it. Marigold climbed the pile up, steps silent, and looked around.
Norm also looked around from his position, and after almost a minute Marigold sighed and relaxed, crouching, hunting rifle relaxed, and beckoned him over.
She offered her arm as support, whispering, and Norm perched on a lower level of the ruble, not letting go of her arm. It was tall enough for him to see: giant ants in the distance, scampering quickly around a portion of the desert, carrying… Something, it was hard to see.
“They’re bigger than I thought.” He whispered, still watching, noticing the differences in sizes and bodies.
“No, these are actually bigger than the ones we have in the desert around the ranch. More black too. I also can’t see an entrance to their tunnels. Either not around here or hidden.”
“What’s worse?”
Marigold chuckled at that, mirthless.
“Both. They are fast and sneaky, so if it’s hidden you only notice when they’re upon you. I also heard of some tunnels extending for miles underground, so not around here can just mean we will stumble into it later, but I really hope not. C’mon.”
Norm got down with her help, and she stopped beside him.
“What’s the plan?” he accompanied her and imitated how Marigold carefully stepped over the tracks, not disturbing the damp sand.
“Pay attention for tracks and don’t disturb them. Less likely for the ants to get our scent and follow. Postpone lunch until I’m sure we ain’t at risk of being found by a pack of them. Not recommended to hunt them alone or without preparation.”
They kept walking, paying extra attention to the path and stepping over tracks. Marigold explained that the shimmering was a substance called “ant nectar”. It was a culinary ingredient, but when pure it had chem effects, usually used by heavy workers to improve their performance, at the risk of addiction.
At certain points the tracks were so dense that they could only skirt around and try to find a clearer path. Marigold kept a hand on his shoulder the whole time, the other around the rifle’s butt, head turning this and that way and avoiding thick bushes and big piles of rubble. Clearly doing her best to make sure no giant ant would get the jump on them.
They were in the middle of the afternoon and it had been almost an hour since the last track they had found. The walk had been tense, and Norm felt his stomach tied in knots as they stopped briefly, not even sitting down, and barely able to nibble on the piece of dried radstag she shared with him.
“You think we’re in the clear now?”
“Possible. I still hope to find a place with all four walls and no broken windows for the night. And no basements. Better not to take risks.” Norm nodded. “Did we stray too much from what we planned?”
Norm pulled up the map, adding their location as “ant tunnels in the proximities”, and frowning at what he saw.
“Not exactly, but we did got turned around enough that we moved more south than we wanted and now are closer to those denser and taller ruins you pointed.”
“Aw, fuck, really?” Marigold looked over his shoulder, then took the binoculars from her backpack and squinted through them at the horizon. “Shit. Yeah, there’s some tall buildings over there. Fuck.”
“Skirt around them or cross the middle?” Norm looked up at Marigold, and she started to nibble on her lower lip, eyes still on the horizon, hands automatically storing the binoculars back – apparently they could cost a small fortune, so she preferred to not flaunt them around.
She stayed like that almost a whole minute and Norm had to consciously look at something else – damn lipstick.
“It will depend.”
“Where there’s rubble blocking the path and radiation.” Marigold bit into the dried meat and looked at the map again, chewing.
Norm did the same, his eyes tracing the expanse of apparently empty land surrounding the ruins.
“Why not go through the desert around?” Marigold sighed.
“I normally would in a heartbeat, but what we just went through indicates extensive underground ant tunnels. For all I know we would stumble into more giant ants or even fall into the tunnels.”
He looked at the markers close to the ranch’s location.
“And it’s not like your hunting routes back home, where you’re already familiar with the tunnels and their entrances.”
“Pretty much. Right now, either we cross the ruins or skirt very close to them.”
Norm nodded and let his arm fall, nodding for Marigold to guide the way.
Night was starting to fall when they stumbled into what looked like an old road store still standing, door swinging in the wind, lock broken. There was still some good distance to the ruins, and Norm hadn’t objected when Marigold said that it was better to take a look at them with sunlight.
She went ahead, hunting rifle in position as she stopped under the doorway, Norm some steps behind with the knife in hands. There was a skittering sound and a shot.
Silence again, and it remained for long moments, eventually broke by Marigold reloading her gun.
“Fucking radroaches. At least just one. C’mon, Norm-boy, it’s clear.”
The store was small, and someone had already gone through the trouble of barring windows and the back door with wood in the past. An improvised mattress was behind the counter, a layer of dust over it. Empty tin cans and soda bottles were scattered amidst metal shelves. Marigold easily moved one metal shelve to keep the door closed, after throwing the radroach out – no way to light a fire and cook it.
Norm was actually thankful for that.
Just then the both of them finally sat for the day, a unified groan as they used the excuse of a mattress as seat, and just sat for five whole minutes in silence, using each other’s shoulder as support.
“You think there’ll be giant ants after the ruins?” Norm managed to ask when Marigold lighted her oil lantern.
“Fuck, I really hope not. Catarina and Sarah never mentioned them, so I’m praying they are exclusive to this side and the two of them just use another path.”
Norm straightened his neck, staring as Marigold searched her backpack.
“Who’s Sarah?”
“Catarina’s wife.” Marigold didn’t even look up.
Norm blinked at the back of her head, opened his mouth… Then closed it again.
He couldn’t say why he was surprised. Marigold had three parents, all married between themselves. One of her siblings had two wives. Why two women married to each other was such a shock after this?
“A-ha! I knew I still had some!”
She pulled two cans from her pack, manually welded just like the ones she had sold Ma June, holding them like a prize.
“What’s that?” he asked just as she opened one and handed it to him alongside a fork.
“Cooked Brahmin with tato sauce. It’s even better when hot, but after sidestepping giant ants, it’s just what we need.” Marigold was already opening her own can and digging in, back against the wall.
Norm smelled it cautiously, and it was actually pleasant. The color also wasn’t that weird.
The meat was soft, and it made him remember Salisbury Steak. It was well seasoned, and together with the sauce – thick and red and melting on the tongue –, it was actually… Quite good, after all the insects he had eaten.
“You mentioned Brahmin before. Two headed, right?”
“Exactly. Basically what cows became. The meat is not easy to come by around these parts, fewer creators after Shady Sands was bombed, and most use them only as pack animals, so it can get really expensive.”
That explained the similar taste.
“Goose that made?”
“Hm-hm. It’s not something we usually eat, caps go all into materials for the ranch, but the whores in Filly pitched in for Moth’s last birthday.” She commented, turning the can to get the last dregs of the sauce.
Aaall right, that sounded interesting, but how did he ask details without sounding outright weird? He knew what whores were, sure, but it was really just used to refer to surface people or an insult in the Vault at this point – one that he had seen used only once, in a very heated argument about if someone had actually cheated or not that he had overhead when working in the kitchens; it had been the most fun he had ever had in that job.
Why would the ones that were presumably actually working with sex spend so much on Moth?
His silence must’ve lasted too long, because Marigold looked at him, cleaning a bit of sauce from the corners of her lips – damn it, Norm, focus.
“No whores in the Vault.”
“Nope.” He finally said, not going into all the other minor things, and taking another bite from the Brahmin meat. “But I know the meaning. Just… Curious about why they did it.”
“Goose’s natural meds helps them a lot. When they get sick, problems with pregnancies, avoid pregnancies and so on, they always end up in the ranch, and she charges only enough to cover materials, never more, even if they want to pay more.”
“But she couldn’t deny a gift for her son.” Marigold grinned and made finger guns.
Norm kept slowly eating, absentmindedly watching Marigold clean the can – sand and an old rag, then a clean rag dampened with unpurified water – and store it away. Nothing wasted. Ingenious.
Probably some days earlier he would be shocked at all that – someone helping whores without charging too much, the whores wanting to repay in some way and so on. The Vault didn’t paint them in a kind light, mixing them in with all the other savages unable to think and make their own informed decisions.
Probably the key thing was that at some point, in that short time since leaving Vault 33, he didn’t thought of the people in the surface as savages anymore.
Whores gifted expensive meat for a boy’s birthday because his mom was always helping them. Yeah. It made sense.
Norm gave Marigold an incredulous look, his train of thought interrupted. She gave him the extra trouble cheeky grin.
“I’m eating.”
“Don’t care, the Wasteland don’t care. Now knife.” Grin still in place.
Norm rolled his eyes, left the fork inside the can and stretched to get the knife.
He looked towards his boot, and then her hand was around his wrist, twisting his hand away.
“Ouch.” It didn’t hurt, but it startled him.
“What I told earlier?” No cheeky grin, but also not a judgmental or scolding look.
“Don’t look away from you.” He answered and Marigold nodded.
Balancing the can on one hand, eyes on hers – and not on her lips and how the half-light deepened the color –, he extended his hand.
He avoided her hand before he reached the knife, but she managed to stop him from actually taking it out.
“Good. You know why?”
Norm scrambled to try and actually think about whatever the hell she was trying to teach. Fighting was Lucy’s hobby and strength, his was…Video Games. Discovering things.
“Before… I… Didn’t reach the knife.”
“I have done it now. And you need to keep me from taking it out.”
“Exactly.” She let go of him and nodded for him to keep eating. “It was about to become a fight for control of the knife, with one of my hands busy with keeping you from using it.”
“Marigold, I think it’s pretty clear you could’ve taken the knife from me easily.”
She frowned heavily at that, lips a straight line; it was the most serious Norm had actually seen her.
“Don’t ever underestimate yourself when you’re trying to keep yourself alive.”
That made Norm took her him again, almost as if it was the first day he was seeing her.
The scars had just become a part of her, and most of the time he barely noticed them now, but they were there. As were the others, covered by her clothes. Someone or something had put them there. Had gotten close enough, despite how good of a shot she was.
“You’re talking from personal experience, aren’t you?”
Marigold watched his frown, distinctly worried. Fuck. He was perceptive and then some. It would do him good in the Wastes and with less savory folk, but, fuck, that wasn’t something she enjoyed talking about.
But she needed to.
“Yep. While we do our best, the Wasteland is not safe and survival ain’t easy.”
Norm opened his mouth, but closed it again without saying anything.
“Go righty ahead, ask away.” She waved him on.
“It’s just… You don’t really need to talk about it or whatever if you don’t want to, Marigold.”
Aw fuck, this man was just too sweet. The women in his Vault were insane for letting him slip away – well, more for her, for as long as they traveled together.
She sighed and let her body settle more in place, giving him a wry smile.
“Thanks for the worry, but I can deal with some discomfort if it helps you understand and survive.”
He pressed his lips in a line, his stare searching, then nodded, finishing his food; Marigold took the can and cleaned it, letting him gather his thoughts.
“… You’re not talking only about mutated animals.” It wasn’t a question. She still answered.
“No. Do you want details?”
There was a long pause; she looked up, and Norm nodded, face set with that determined look she had glimpsed in other moments. Still looked good on him.
Marigold couldn’t avoid scratching her nape before starting.
Norm bent his legs and hugged them loosely, watching as Marigold focused on the oil lantern instead of him, the shadows along the burn scar towards him all angles and divots.
“I can’t tell for certain how old I was the first time I killed someone. But I know it was through the barrel of a gun, I was keeping watch in the ranch, and it was a raider. That was easy, they taught me well how to shoot and the distance… It’s just easier to do it when they are barreling and shooting at you and you have a gun and the higher ground.” A shrug, a sigh and she crossed her arms, a leg stretching in the dusty sandy floor. “Then I was seventeen and Ma started to let me go hunting alone.”
“Was it scary, hunting alone?” Norm managed to ask, his mind swimming with even more thoughts. If she was leaving her home to hunt alone at seventeen… She should be barely more than a kid the first time she killed someone.
Meanwhile in his Vault, at seventeen they were all worried with keeping track of their close relatives so they could avoid sleeping with them or whatever. Still important, but… The perspective and worries were just so different.
“Not much. I knew the routes and the desert and its animals. Ma wasn’t wrong on calling me a ‘child of the desert’. Anyway, I was a scrawny teen. Not great thing. Tall, all right, but I struggled to drag a radstag carcass towards home. Nowadays I can actually carry one on my shoulders for some good time.”
He tried not to think on how strong she actually was, because the sight of the radstags was still fresh in his mind and she talked as if carrying one was easy.
“So you didn’t just pop up from the sand all tall and muscled.” Norm let his eyes drag up and down Marigold, doing his best to ignore the heat he felt rising up his neck. With what he could see, a scrawny Marigold was something hard to imagine.
That made her laugh, not overtly high or long, but… Genuine.
“I wish, things would’ve been easier.” She finally said, voice quieter.
“How so?”
She looked at him, face almost blank, a hand at her nape.
“I was out alone when a Bounty Hunter got the jump on me. Really big guy, think Moose to more, metal armor, a ripper on his belt and hand on it. You haven’t seen them yet, but they are fucking nasty, chainsaw-like. Only really useful to cut something off or cause pain. The moment I saw that, I knew that he would kill me, no matter what, and would enjoy prolonging it.”
Norm remembered the scar on her shoulder. He didn’t like where that was going.
He still kept listening, attentive, unconsciously hugging his legs tighter.
“He started asking about this bounty of his. Promised that he wouldn’t kill me if I just helped him.” At this point Marigold rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Motherfucker didn’t even bother pretending the words were true, his hand never left the weapon. Then he showed me a drawing of the bounty, and it was Goose.”
Norm dry-swallowed. That explained the “avoid Bounty Hunters”.
“Because some motherfucker out there still thinks of her as property. I did my best to distract him before trying to get the ripper and use on him, I was too close to use my rifle except to butt him.” Marigold grimaced, scratching at the scar on her nose. “He was onto me and managed to break my nose before getting himself the ripper and coming at me with it. The fight was nasty and he almost cut my arm off before I managed to get the ripper and cut his head.”
“How did you… He almost cut your arm, I saw the scar, you should be bleeding heavily.”
“I managed to find a stimpak in his things and jabbed my arm, but then I blacked out. Woke up at home. Dad and Moose found me before the animals.” She raised the arm that had the scar, flexing her fingers. “Ma pulled some favors to get more stimpaks and some more heavy meds to help me not lose any movement.”
“That bad?”
“Does it hurt?”
“Ehh, sometimes it pops and if it gets too cold, yeah, it can hurt some, but that’s it. Anyway. After that, Dad made everyone train hand to hand combat a lot more than before. That, plus some of his other training, helping carrying the carcass of big animals and so on, really made me put on the muscles.” Marigold shrugged.
Norm nodded at that, her words of “not underestimate yourself” making a lot more sense: Moose was big, the Bounty Hunter was bigger… And she had survived.
Still, he couldn’t help remember how the attack in the Vault had gone and he had frozen and then hidden. He wasn’t certain he would be able to fight the same way like her. Like Lucy had done when Monty showed his true colors.
He wasn’t a fighter. It was easy to sneak around and hack into terminals and discover things if there wasn’t a crazed raider breathing down his neck.
“Norm-boy.” He looked up at her, and Marigold had a knowing look.
“What’re you thinking?”
He thought about lying, about deflecting… But after what she had just told, it seemed unfair.
“That I’m not a fighter.”
Marigold nodded, something in it sagely.
“Fair enough. What you think is my greatest asset?”
Norm immediately opened his mouth to say “your ability with your hunting rifle”… And stopped. She only had shot once since they had met. She was deviously good with it, sure, but it wasn’t what she had actually been doing most of these days.
Not even the night they had meet.
“Your knowledge, about the desert and animals in it and so on.”
She gave an extra trouble cheeky grin and flexed her arms – oh damn it, he was trying not to stare.
“Certain it’s not these babies?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s your knowledge about giant ants and so on that saved us today.” Norm managed, coughing to try and hide his embarrassment.
Marigold’s grin became an actual smile, that sweet, pretty one he had seen when she talked about Goose’s arrival, arms lowering.
“There you have it. Fighting doesn’t depend purely on strength or agility or whatever, it’s about everything and anything and how you use it. Catarina can’t punch to save her life without breaking her fingers, Goose is the worst shot ever, Moose walks around as if trying to kick a hole in the ground, Regina can’t take a fucking paper cut without crying, Mika needs his beauty sleep or he’s pretty much useless and a pain in the ass.”
“And your parents?”
“Are you crazy? If I start on them, Ma will pop up from the ground to pinch me again.”
“Ah, the old ‘speaking of the devil’.” Norm chuckled, shaking his head. “You conveniently left yourself out of the list.”
“Oh, I thought it was clear.”
“It isn’t, Marigold.”
“I take the longest path if it’s safer and I have no qualms about hiding, Norm-boy. Some call it cowardly, I call it cautious. The Wastes are dangerous enough for a hunter alone, no need for unnecessary risks.” She raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need to fight like others to be a fighter. You’re out here, ain’t you? That’s fighter enough for me.”
Norm tried to remember if he had used “coward” when talking about the attack. He could only remember about the hiding part. His throat tightened, and he forced himself to take a sip of water. When he looked at Marigold again, she was smiling.
“Thanks.” She nodded, and he spied the hour on his Pip-Boy. They were at it longer than he thought. “Watch tonight?”
“Busted lock, so yes. Take the mattress, I’ll go first.” She got up and sat on the counter, legs crossed and hunting rifle over her thighs.
It had taken some time for Norm to lie down, properly storing the plants he had collected. Marigold had remained tense the whole time, expecting more questions, but none came.
And then he was asleep.
Marigold relaxed and watched, a wry smile at how all curled up in the mattress he was, then made a mental note to get a blanket for him if they stumbled into a trader.
Then a sigh of relief left her. One that she had been holding the whole talk.
Thank God he hadn’t asked how exactly she had distracted the Bounty Hunter.
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happy pride month cus yoy know you gay and stuff
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prompt: construction worker ghost and his elementary school teacher neighbour who made the poor decision to start feeding him (nsfw, 2k) [based on this old ask] [on ao3 here]
They say not to feed wild animals. 
It makes them grow soft, lazy. Alters their behaviour. Takes an animal previously capable of finding its own food dependent on humans for sustenance. Makes them lose their natural fear of humans and nearly always results in an increase in human-wildlife conflicts as they start to seek out people. It’s a known fact. You can’t go to a park without seeing it plastered on posters in the bathroom and on the sides of the vending machines under the gazebos where you purchase your post-hike iced tea and veggie roll to eat on a nearby bench. 
You know this. So you really don’t know what possessed you to leave a cooler full of sandwiches on your neighbour’s doormat before turning in for the night. 
He wakes up preternaturally early and leaves every morning around four-thirty or five o’clock on the dot. Sometimes in the fog of sleep, you wake to hear the door to the apartment beside yours crack open and slam shut, and then the sound of lumbering footsteps down the hall towards the staircase before that door opens and slams shut too. 
He never comes home before four o’clock at the earliest. That’s around when you come home from work as well, meaning that you sometimes catch him at the door, him covered in grime and reeking of old sweat while you come flouncing down the hall in whatever colourful dress you’d donned that morning, inevitably paint-splattered by the end of the day. Always something appropriate to wear at an elementary school but colourful enough to keep the kids’ eyes and attention on you. 
You’ve caught his name in half-whispered conversations with the property manager, but aside from that, all you know about Simon Riley is that he works in construction. He certainly looks the part: big, calloused hands with blunt, dirt-caked nails and cut up fingers, knuckles always swollen and thick. Body all strength and brawn. Hard hat tucked under his armpit and decorated with countless stickers from old job sites, the same way his forearm is covered in tattoos. 
You’ve even passed by his current job site once or twice—some new condo complex going up by the canal that’s forced you and hundreds of other commuters to leave an extra thirty minutes early to account for the road closures. You pointedly don’t bring that up in conversation though. That would just be rude. 
At least it would be something to talk about though.
It’s not like the two of you talk. You’re not close by any means. Though you moved in a few months ago, you haven’t had much luck mustering up the confidence to squeak out more than a hi to him in passing. When he grunts back something approximating a hello, it’s all you can do not to break your key in the lock when you hurry into your apartment and slam the door shut behind you, heart beating frantically in your chest. 
It’s humiliating. You’re a grown woman and you’ve talked to plenty of men before. You’ve dated plenty of men before. Just because this one speaks in monosyllables and stares at you with an intensity that makes your stomach churn and your palms grow sweaty doesn’t change anything. Just because this one is built like a redwood with wrists thick enough that you’d need both hands to wrap around doesn’t make him any different than any other person.
And yet, when Simon asks you for your name on a rainy June afternoon after you’ve come in after him for a change only to find him sifting through letters at the mailbox, you garble out something that sounds nothing like your name before scurrying up the stairs to your flat.
It’s humiliating. It’s humid outside and your dress is sticking to all the wrong places (namely, your nipples and the inside of your thighs when the skirt swishes between your legs with each stride) and now you’ve made an ass of yourself in front of the only hot guy in your building. There are serial arsonists with more charm than you. 
So maybe the sandwiches are an apology letter or an olive branch. Or maybe it just makes your heart race to think of Simon opening up the cooler and finding four wax paper-wrapped sandwiches tucked neatly over ice packs. 
All you know is that when you step out of your apartment the next morning, the cooler is empty on your doormat, the lid propped open. He must have taken them with him. 
You smile. A job well done. Apology served fresh, with cucumber slices in the middle. 
The problem starts when you don’t leave him another cooler full of sandwiches on his doormat the next day. 
You didn’t consider that he might think you’d make it a habit. Perhaps that’s partially on you for not leaving a note on the cooler the first time to explain that it was just a one-off; just a way to apologize for being less than chipper around him. But instead of shrugging it off, you come home after a long day to find him standing right outside your apartment, arms crossed over his chest, thick biceps straining against his sweat-stained shirt. 
“Open the door,” Simon commands, nostrils flaring as he glares down at you. He jerks his head towards your door when you just frown, not following. “Been starving here waiting for you to show up.”
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. You’re at a loss for words, never mind that your whole job involves talking. He leaves you speechless though. 
Simon doesn’t move when you step close enough to unlock the door. You try to keep your body angled away so as not to brush up against him, but it’s inevitable. He doesn’t move when the door opens either, forcing you to squeeze by him. 
He goes straight to the kitchen and drags a chair out, letting it scrape across the floor like men always do before taking a seat. You follow after him nervously, apprehensive at having a man in your space. Not just a man, but Simon Riley. It feels sacrilege—not like he has no right being in your space, but you can’t imagine him here, sitting at your tiny dining room table like he comes over for dinner every Sunday. 
When he catches you standing under the archway to the kitchen just staring at him, he barks, “Well?”
That has you scurrying over to the fridge to pull out the cold cuts and pickled red onions. There’s a loaf of bread already on the counter, the bag twisted and tucked underneath because you had to leave in a rush this morning. You don’t know half of what you pile on the sandwiches, but whatever you serve him must satisfy him because Simon digs in with gusto, finishing the plate off in only a few bites while you wash the cutlery in the sink. You watch him out of the corner of your eye the whole while.
He leaves not too long after that, only a light warning for you to not miss tomorrow’s lunch before heading back over to his own apartment. You don’t even get a word in edgewise. 
It becomes something of a routine after that and not one you have any control over. Every night before bed, you leave him a cooler full of sandwiches and other things like cut up fruit or slices of cheese on his doormat, and every afternoon you rock up to him waiting on your doorstep, demanding to be let in. 
He takes to giving you a wet kiss before he leaves, all tongue and his fingers curled around the nape of your neck, holding you in place. When you try to cover his mouth with your hand, he nips at your fingers until you move them and let him slip you some tongue. 
The day you make him a casserole for supper, he bends you over the back of your couch and eats you out. Simon eats like a man starving, glutting himself on the wetness between your legs, licking even over the furl of your asshole and chuckling under his breath when you squeal and flail, your toes just brushing against the floor. 
In the aftermath, you sit panting in his lap while he eats. He gets up only briefly to get the bowl of strawberries and cream you left chilling in the fridge before lifting you up and putting you right back in his lap. You stare bleary-eyed when he holds a finger covered in cream up to your lips.
“Clean me up, pet,” he says, then watches you with half-lidded eyes while you lick his finger clean. 
He makes you suck his fingers too, to keep things even. He does it when you’re angled half off the bed, thick digits stuffed down your throat until your eyes leak big, fat tears that he licks away, hungry for those too. The man is always hungry, always keen to fill his belly. 
The arrangement continues on long enough to become normal, even routine. Simon shows up at your door every day after work waiting to be fed, and then makes you come a couple times before he leaves, a little thank you to repay you for the food. He never really says all that much when he comes around, not a conversationalist of a man. His preference is to eat, fuck, and leave, which you’re happy to accommodate, still too tongue-tied yourself to broach a real conversation. 
That’s all before he starts helping himself to your bed for a quick nap after a big supper. Then for naps that turn into a full night’s sleep, snoring like a chainsaw under the covers with you tucked under his arm, naked breasts pressed against his side, keeping you awake most of the night until you pass out somewhere around one A.M. 
Just as you suspected, Simon gets up at around four or five to be at the jobsite on time, but at your place, he gets up a bit earlier to help himself to breakfast. He doesn't even bother waking you up, just turns you over onto your tummy and spreads your legs before sinking his dick into where you're still stretched out from the night before. If you wake up or squirm, he just leans down and murmurs, “S'alright, pet…just need a pick me up before work. Go back to sleep, you’re okay,” and ruts between your thighs until he comes inside you and leaves you all wet in bed with one last messy kiss to your temple. 
The door slams shut on his way out. 
Because you feed him, he keeps coming back. The workday passes in a blur: attendance, a spelling test, recess, maths in the afternoon, and then you’re driving home in the same daze that has you slamming on the brakes before rear ending an old woman who stopped two cars behind the truck at the redlight ahead. 
You’re home earlier than him for a change, so you unlock the door quickly while there’s still a chance to avoid him. No such luck. When Simon turns up, he pounds on the door until you let him in. And you do. 
It’s a wonder you haven’t come apart at the seams, horny and pent up after this morning. You were too sleepy to come after all, rode hard and put away wet. Still, you flit nervously around the apartment, looking everywhere but at him. 
He always smells rich after working all day in the sun, like sweat and dirt. It's not a particularly nice smell, but it still kind of gets you going. He goes for a shower and then collapses on the couch after, beckoning you over to you crawl into his lap and grind yourself on his thigh because he knows of course. Simon can probably smell it on you, the ache. He shushes you when you whine about it, big hands fitting around your hips and pressing you down until your clit rubs deliciously against the muscle of his thigh and your head goes cloudy, cheek mushed against the pillow of his chest. 
When you come, Simon tips your chin up with his knuckle and murmurs, “Knickers off, love. Haven’t got my fill.”
He feeds you your own slick from his fingers when he kneels on the floor in front of the couch, your legs draped over his shoulders. Your fingers scratch helplessly over shorn blond hair, buzzed almost to the scalp. It’s prickly under your fingertips. 
Simon’s a messy eater. Your slick dribbles down his lips and glistens on his chin. It makes the blood roar under your skin, feverishly hot. 
“Please, Simon,” you whine, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “It hurts.”
You feel his lips quirk up against the folds of your pussy, the flat of his tongue running up the seam and flicking over your clit. He chuckles when your hips jerk. “Greedy aren’t you, pet? Didn’t even say thank you for getting on my knees.”
“You didn’t make me come!”
His voice borders on mocking when he coos, “Poor little thing. It’s gonna be a lot longer ‘til she gets to come if you don’t say thank you.”
Your brain goes staticy, fingers twitching on his scalp. His words echo back in your head. It’s rubbish, is what it is. All this time and he’s never said thank you once for the countless meals you’ve fed him. Indignation bubbles up in you, rising to the surface like fat on the cream, and you raise a hand to rub the tears from your eyes, a harsh rebuke on the tip of your tongue.
The protest dies on your lips when he meets your gaze. It’s hungrier than anything you’ve ever seen. Whatever animal lives under his skin stares back at you with black eyes, drool leaking from its jowls. It’s mindless, intent only on slaking its hunger. Filling its empty belly. And it is not afraid of you anymore. It knows you’ll feed it until it’s full. It knows you won’t let it go hungry anymore. 
So, always leery of the bigger animal in the room, you mumble out a chest-thick, “Thank you,” and shiver when he grins. 
There’s a reason they tell you not to feed strays. They often come back for more.
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karl is NOT allowed in public unsupervised
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my fav evil, computer mans
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Conjugal Visit
Captain Boomerang/F!Reader, 2.2K words
AN: I can't remember what inspired this, but it's just a cute, fluffy, smutty thing I've been working on between request and uni work.
Plot: Digger is rewarded for saving the entire world with a 1 hour conjugal visit. It's not much, but it will do. Rating: 18+
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CWs: None really, its just fluffy smut! Very mild angst, swearing, unprotected sex, p in v sex, cunnilingus, woman on top.
Please remember: You are a super star!
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He’s been sending you origami unicorns and gibberish-filled letters about his good behaviour for months, but the promised conjugal visit never came, at least not until after he’d saved Metropolis, and, well, the whole world, maybe even the universe from an alien invasion. 
When his figure popped up on the news, you’d know it was him straight away, even despite his zipping around like a bonafide speedster. 
Later, when Lois Lane showed clearer footage, had confirmed it was him your heart had thrum with pride. You’d told anyone who would listen “That’s my man! That’s my Digger, out saving the world!” You’d even texted articles to your family, to prove he wasn’t the layabout felon they’d always complained about. They didn’t need to know that he was part of some kind of suicide mission, only out there because the government considered his criminal(-ly cute) ass expendable. No, as far as you were concerned, he was a hero, who would save the world, and come home to your loving arms when he was done. At least that’s what you told yourself to help you sleep at night. 
The positivity paid off though. When Digger and his teammates had saved the freakin’ world, his leader, Waller had graciously offered him a few years of his impossibly long sentence and a whopping 3 hours with you. It was considerably less than standard but you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Digger, however, was. His complaining had reduced his reward time to just one hour, and you were determined to make the most of it. 
As you approach the door, you eyed the various trays shelved next to it. Each one filled with different sizes and brands of condoms, all of which were too small for Digger, and you weren’t allowed to bring your own. Every finger and toe was crossed that the morning-after pill you’d pre-purchased would be enough. 
A straight-faced guard opens the door for you, you thank him as you step inside, disappointed to be the first one here. An ancient off-white plastic analogue clock on the wall loudly counts down each missed second as you wait for him, brushing your hair out with your fingers, sucking your teeth to make sure there are no remnants of breakfast stuck between them. When the door finally opens once more you have your skirt hiked up to your waist as you fiddle with your underwear. It wasn’t the comfiest, but it was Digger's favourite. 
Your efforts don’t go unnoticed, your jailbird boyfriend’s eyes are bulging as he takes in your form for the first time in too long. Your heart races as you do the same to him, suddenly feeling both coy and unstable as you examine the way his uniform hangs from his lean body. God you can’t wait to get those off him. 
From the excited look on his face, he was having similar thoughts about your outfit. You release the hem of your skirt, but before the fabric can even flutter back against your skin, Digger has you in his arms, using all his muscle to lift you up high by your thighs, head nuzzled against your stomach as he spins you around. 
“I’ve missed ya so much, you’ve got no idea. I can’t believe you’re really here. The real you, not just your pictures stuck above me bed.” He blurts all the things he’s wanted to say but couldn’t convey until now. “I stare at you every night, been dreamin’ bout this moment.” 
“I missed you too baby. Now kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!” You jiggle your weight until he begins to lower you. 
“Don’t have to tell me.” He chuckles, situating you at hip height, putting your faces in closer proximity, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist, as you lock lips with him. He tastes like mouthwash, which was not unwelcome, but strange. Certainly different to the stale beer you were accustomed to. Regardless, Digger didn’t miss a beat, slipping his tongue into your mouth and kissing you with so much enthusiasm it made you miss him again already. 
The way he smiles into your kiss nearly makes you pull away to giggle. The way his calloused fingers tickle your skin as he snakes a hand up to cup your ass does make you throw your head back and laugh out loud. 
“That tickles! Stop!” 
“Nah, I’ve missed this sound too much.” He doesn’t stop, now deliberately tickling both your hips as you begin weakly hitting his shoulder. “You know what else I’ve missed the sound of?” 
You squeal as he releases you all at once, throwing your body onto the bed.
You sit up on the bed, arms crossed as you wait for him to stop laughing at you. The bed itself is old, the springs of the mattress creak under every move, and the comforter is itchy as hell, but it will have to do. 
“I should be mad at you for that, but I’ll forgive you this once 'cause I missed you so much.” Leaning back, you spread your legs, revealing your underwear and offering him a come-hither look. 
He looks like a fox in a henhouse, pointy grin, big eyes, and it makes your pussy tingle with excitement. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you, Love, but I sure as shit am lucky.” His shirt and trousers are gone before he lands above you. Long fingers lock onto you, clumsily helping you undress until all that’s left is Diggers crew socks. He never takes them off for sex, ‘extra grip for when I’m givin’ it to ya real hard’, so you don’t bother trying to get them off him. 
“Digger, you’re a hero!” You argue between sloppy kisses. “Even if you weren’t, you still deserve good things.” 
“Yeah…” For a moment he looks at you, really looks at you, without the lust or the laughter. It might have felt scrutinising if you thought for a second that he knew what that word meant. “But you loved me before, an’ I really didn't deserve you then.” 
Before you can respond he’s slinking down your body, fingers pushing against your entrance and making you squirm. 
“You’re so wet already, you miss being all filled up by your old man aye? Bet you’ve been feeling so empty. I’m sorry I got me-self locked up. Sorry I left you so high and dry.” He slips one finger in, cupping your pussy, pressing down on your clit with his thumb. He hadn’t always known your body so well, but you’d spent so many nights wrapped up in each other that it was second nature now. 
“Don’t…” you try to speak between deep breaths. “Don’t be sorry, make it up to me.” 
No need to ask twice, in seconds he sucking on your clit and slipping a second finger inside. His crooked nose nestled against your pelvis area, mutton shops scratchy between your thigh as he begins to lap at your core. When he skims your sweet spot at just the right angle you whimper, tugging at his russet hair, which in turn causes him to let out a deep moan that reverberates against you. 
You whine and squirm against the wobbly bed as he continues, the fire in your belly building as duel licking and fucking pushes you closer to the edge. He hits that hot spot inside, and you instinctively wrap your legs around his head. With your orgasm in sight, Digger picks up his pace, slipping in a third finger as he concentrates his efforts on your clit. 
Reflexively, your back arches and your toes curl as your orgasm hits. Your hips roll, searching for more friction and Digger uses his free hand to press on your stomach, holding you in place until you come back down. 
“Ah, crikey. You taste just as sweet as I remember.” He comments as he comes back up, face gleaming with a mix of cum and saliva. “I missed that.” 
Before you can respond he places a wet kiss on your belly button. “An’ I missed this.”
Your sternum. “An’ this.”
“An’ definitely these.” He cups both of your breasts as he lowers himself and begins to rub his face between your cleavage. Green eyes peer up at you full of cheek when you grip his hair and tilt his head to look at you. “What?”
“We're on a time constraint, you wanna spend it all in there?” He purses his lips playfully, looking back and forth between you and your boobs as he pretends to consider the question. 
“I could die happy here.” To emphasise his point, he burrows between them once more before conceding. His cock bobs from side to side as he sits back, shimming his hips. “But we wouldn’t want Digger Jr to miss out on all the fun.” 
“Agreed! Let’s put him to use.” His hips feel pointed in your grip as you grab them, dragging him between your spread legs again. He runs the tip between your lips, teasing your clit and coating himself in your slick. When you feel his head at your entrance, your muscles tighten, trying to draw him in further.
This is the part you’d been craving and dreading. Even when you’d been sleeping together routinely, ‘Jr’ was too big to slide in with ease. The burn of your walls struggling to stretch around him makes your breathing uneven, the lubrication of your earlier climax doing little to ease the process. 
“Hey, hey, relax now, breathe.” Digger coos, leaning in close and cupping your cheek, reminding you that keeping calm is the best way to get through it. You nod, even though your body is in overdrive, you will yourself to relax, steadying your breathing and he gradually works his way into you. “That’s it, Darl’, let me into that tight little snatch.”
“Ew, Digger!” You groan and laugh at his atrocious word choice, but it works. It distracted you enough for him to bottom out. Smugly, he wiggles his bows and his cock at the same time, the motion making you pant and squirm, needing real friction. 
“On your back Harkness.” You order.
“Yes ma'am.” Hands gripping your hips he does the heavy lifting, flipping your bodies until he lays flat on his back, and you hover above him.
Comfortable, you waste no time bouncing on his lap, gripping his shoulders for support as you roll your hips up and down. “Fuck, Digger, that feels so good.”
“Oh yeah.” He agrees between gritted teeth, his hands reaching up to cup your tits, his hips jerking up to meet your thrusts. “This is so much better than jerking off to your photies every night. Nothin’ beats the real thing.” 
The more you rock together, the more he crumbles, face scrunching, hands abruptly grabbing at whatever skin he can reach, no longer just occupied with your breasts. 
“Shit Digger, your dick is the best.” You praise and you can tell from his pink cheeks and rapid movements that he’s on the brink. 
“Fuck. Touch yourself, touch yourself, touch yourself.” He begs, wanting you to cum but too lost to do it himself. You dip your finger between your legs, circling your clit with firm, circular motions, causing tension to quickly coil in your gut, but it's not enough. “Fuck, woman, hurry up and cum.”
“Impatient.” You scold, purposely pumping your body in fast, deep motions to aid Digger's climax.
“Can’t help it.” He whispers quickly, desperately. “You feel too good.” 
He’s a beautiful withering mess beneath you, gleaming under a layer of sweat. All sharp edges and soft freckled skin. Eager to put him out of his misery you press harder at your clit, rubbing as fast as you can muster until you can’t help throwing your head back, panting as you approach your peak, and Digger is right there with you, gripping you with bruising force as he finally lets himself release. Pleasure seeps through your body as you ride out your orgasms together, Digger grunting with every spurt of cum he releases inside of you. 
“Wow.” You pant, as you relax, collapsing onto his Digger's chest. “I missed that.” 
When he’s recovered enough, Digger wraps his arms around you in return, pulling you closer for a deeper hug. “We’ve still got it.”
“Still got it.” You concede. Sex with Digger is always good, but the come down, the cuddling and the pillow talk is comforting. As much as you want to, you can’t fall asleep in his arms, can’t have a thumb war over who has to go get snacks, can’t stay up all night talking about that guy you hate from work, or Digger’s latest heist plans. “I just wish we had more time to talk. I want to hear everything.” 
In sync, both your heads turn. Yours to the clock, Diggers to you. 
“Not much time, is it?” He probes, you know he can only read digital.
“No, just a little under 10 minutes.” Determined not to let your limited time together get you down, and feeling Digger’s cock already growing hard inside you once more, you offer; “Think we can squeeze in another quick?” 
“Don’t need to be quick, don’t care what they do to me.” Digger flips you over, his turn on top. “They’re gonna need one of them giant magnet thingys to pry me off of you, Love.” 
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is this anything
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