     “L’art européen, de 1945 à 1975, réserve à l’historien d’heureuses  surprises. Quand on l’étudiera dans son déroulement, avec la  multiplicité de ses tendances, l’imprévu de ses inventions, la maîtrise  de ses réussites, on comprendra qu’il n’est ni un moment mineur, ni une  recherche marginale dans l’histoire de l’art contemporain.”
    “European art, from 1945 to 1975, reserves to the historian happy  surprises. When we will study it in its proceedings, with the multiplicity of  its tendencies, the unforeseen of its inventions, the mastery of its  successes, we will understand that it is neither a minor moment, nor a  marginal research in the history of contemporary art.”
                                                                                Daniel Cordier
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Exhibition of Daniel Cordier at the Abattoirs museum in Toulouse
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Exhibition of Daniel Cordier at the Abattoirs museum in Toulouse
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Exhibition of Daniel Cordier at the Abattoirs museum in Toulouse
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Exhibition of Daniel Cordier at the Abattoirs museum in Toulouse
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Exhibition of Daniel Cordier at the Abattoirs museum in Toulouse
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The Abattoirs museum in Toulouse.
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    Daniel Cordier is recognized as a great collector and patron in the art world. He opened his first gallery in Paris in 1956 and allowed to many little or already known artists to exhibit their creations. Dubuffet, Michaux, Hans Bellmer, Dado, Réquichot or even Rauschenberg rub shoulders and brighten up the collection of this lover of all kinds of art. In the summer of 1964, his Parisian gallery closed because the market of art’s work knew a major crisis. However this closure is beneficial to Daniel Cordier who underlines the constraints of the profession: “the danger for a dealer of paintings who loves painting is to become a trader, to lose all contact with what was at the origin of his business : love of art”. But he will continue to collect art’s work and will donate them to the Georges Pompidou Museum in Paris and the Abattoirs Museum in Toulouse.
    My promotion of master's degree in art history has to organize for the year 2021-2022 an exhibition on this emeritus collector in partnership with the Abattoirs museum in Toulouse. Over the last few years, several exhibitions took place in this museum to trace the life of this collector. Our exhibition project will have to find a new axis, not really famous to the general public, to highlight the artistic passion of Daniel Cordier.
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