coluanai0101 · 5 days
🌌 and 🦅 for the superfam asks (I know the second one isn't terribly draw-able, but hey, I'm always looking for recs so may as well lol)
🌌 : Favourite ship
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In general, I'm not really a ship person, but if I must choose...it's Kara/Brainy
🦅 : Favourite comic run of any superfam member
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Gotta go with the GOAT
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coluanai0101 · 6 days
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coluanai0101 · 6 days
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coluanai0101 · 1 month
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Superhearing is both a blessing and a curse, I can honestly imagine Kara crying when she first got that power. I can't imagine how overwhelming that could be.
Translation: Sweet Rao
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coluanai0101 · 2 months
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i have a nine hour layover and still have two and a half hours to kill, here's the sillies :3
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coluanai0101 · 2 months
(the white is just for layering so i can see what characters are overlapping)
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decided to try my hand at merging the brainiac “crest” with the Super crest,,,, thoughts?
[the kryptonian says “Brainiac”, and i’ll leave figuring out the center to you >:) ]
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coluanai0101 · 2 months
decided to try my hand at merging the brainiac “crest” with the Super crest,,,, thoughts?
[the kryptonian says “Brainiac”, and i’ll leave figuring out the center to you >:) ]
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coluanai0101 · 2 months
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...I mean...technically...
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coluanai0101 · 2 months
words to use instead of ______
Mild: clearly, decidedly, distinctly, markedly, considerably, notably, largely, recognizably, especially, indubitably Moderate: especially, surprisingly, substantially, uncommonly, chiefly, incredibly, obviously, unmistakably, considerably, awfully, wonderfully, particularly Bold: profusely, unequivocally, strikingly, astonishingly, exceedingly, absolutely, exceptionally, extremely, unquestionably, vastly, incontestably
"A Lot" (time)
Mild: often, oftentimes, sometime Moderate: frequently, usually, various, generally Bold: regularly, recurrent, persistent
"A Lot" (size)
Mild: many, much, several Moderate: numerous, bountiful, considerable Bold: multitude, profuse, vast
Mild: sizable, ample, large, considerable, great, above average, important Moderate: ponderous, significant, crucial, vast, copious, magnificent, substantial Bold: enormous, immense, colossal, extensive, endless, paramount, boundless, prodigious, imposing, gigantic, voluminous, limitless, essential
Mild: slight, limited, trivial, minor, light, puny, superficial, undersized, dinky, negligible, faint Moderate: scant, petite, inconsiderable, microscopic, dwarf, unsubstantial, minimum, miniature, tiny Bold: insignificant, minute, meager, infinitesimal, ineffectual, undetectable, inconsequential
Mild: acceptable, favorable, agreeable, pleasing, satisfactory, satisfying, super, able, relevant, accomplished, efficient, reliable, ample, useful, profitable, adequate, adept Moderate: great, honorable, admirable, commendable, sound, splendid, superb, valuable, wonderful, worthy, clever, proficient, qualified, apt, skillful, thorough, wholesome Bold: excellent, exceptional, gratifying, marvelous, reputable, stupendous, superior, exemplary, virtuous, expert, solid, advantageous, flawless, extensive, perfect
Mild: cheap, dissatisfactory, faculty, off, mean, wrong, unpleasant, unwell, low, grim, sour, regretful Moderate: careless, defective, inferior, imperfect, deficient, rough, ill-suited, inadequate, unsatisfactory, delinquent, sinful, unruly, wicked, rancid, grave, harsh, terrible, downcast Bold: awful, unacceptable, corrupt, dreadful, putrid, erroneous, detrimental, ruinous, vile, villainous, diseased, adverse, evil
more words to use instead other words to use instead even more words to use instead
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coluanai0101 · 3 months
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shakes fists....i want to make a losh visual novel
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coluanai0101 · 3 months
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Legion of Super-Heroes — LGBT+ characters:   ↳ BRAINIAC 5 / QUERL DOX
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coluanai0101 · 3 months
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I don’t know
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coluanai0101 · 3 months
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why is he so cute here?
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coluanai0101 · 3 months
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woah fankid alert
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coluanai0101 · 4 months
once i learn to express any strong emotion without bursting into tears it’s over for y’all
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coluanai0101 · 4 months
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Querl sucks in a breath and finds himself trying to shake the slight tremor out of his hands. Three days of chaos; sleepless; on edge. He's done battle with his fair share of foes, but going up against his mother has been... stressful.
That is, perhaps, putting it lightly.
The breeze ruffles his hair, and he looks up as Kara appears at his side, taking his hands and squeezing. Querl squeezes back, grateful for the release in it. Grateful for Kara.
"So she's not invited to the wedding." Kara meets his eyes, her blue ones grounding him, and draws a laugh from Querl, in spite of everything.
"Indeed not." He smiles wanly, and Kara cups his cheek, warm as a sunbeam since the day he met her; shelter in a storm since before even then.
There is so much to fix.
He bows his head, heart heavy, and her lips press softly to his brow.
"It's ok." She whispers. His arms slip around her and she kisses his forehead again. A thousand scenarios play out in his head, and he does his best to eliminate the worst of them.
"I know that I have alluded to it, but Kara, now that you have seen exactly what it is I come from, if you don't-"
She pulls back, and looks at him incredulously.
"After everything you’ve lived through... Your parents, your ancestors... You’re still so good, and warm, and just-... incredible. You’re a miracle, Querl Dox."
Something- relief? hope? joy?- sweeps through him, and this time it's her startled into laughter as he takes her hand and spins her. There foreheads touch as they draw close together, and his heavy heart is lighter in her arms.
"Did you know your super strength also has metaphorical applications?" He murmurs.
"What?" The bemused little laugh in her voice makes him smile softly.
"I will explain later... right now, we are rather late."
"Let's get married." Kara beams.
-One-shot written by my friend @starswouldtell
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coluanai0101 · 4 months
His trauma hair and bitchy attitude have bewitched me body and soul
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