combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
I"M not feeling so well SO i'm gonn a just answer the stuff later!
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
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Dahlia Hawthorne From Ace Attorney
Dahlia Hawthorne is A student at Ivy University and Phoenix Wright Ex-girlfriend, she is also the daughter of Morgan Fey and the twin sister of Iris the phase of "don't judge a book by its cover" lays within her.
She's kinda the "I hate you but I love you" type of muses that I attend to play, but she cool, she cool....
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
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Haru the alien from Tsuritama
Haru is an alien from outer space sended along side his more mature  little sister toward earth in order to find one of his species and send them back to their home planet.
Mmm, i have a mixed feeling about this muse, i've always wanted to play Haru but i'm either too afraid of making an account or run out of time, so i can't say that i played him previously but i would totally love to play as him! 
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
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Koto from Kyousogiga
I’ve always thought  that Kyousogiga was going to be next to the big fandom like klk/knh/noragami/ect since it had such a unique idea for an anime & a great story line only to be buried and entered the underrated anime zone, Ok that’s not what i’m supposed to be talking about.
Koto is pretty much A hyperactive 14-years old whose in an adventure and A long journey in order to find her mother, I’m personally in love with playing bubbly and  energetic character and lil’ Koto here is no expectation whoever there’s this little side of Koto that makes her much difference than other ‘genki’ character which is her emotional bond with her family, Welp, although i won’t be saying too much about it since it would be a major spoilers.
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
Munday Questions: Reblog as Text
❤ How long have you been RPing?
❥ How long have you been RPing this character?
유 Who was your first muse?
♋ What drew you to this muse?
☮ Is there anything you don’t like about playing this muse?
✌ What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
☏ What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?
☢ How many active muses do you have?
☠ Who is a muse you would want to play?
☤ What do you have in common with your muse?
☑ What are the biggest differences between you and your muse?
♚ Do you and your muse get along?
▲ Of the two of you, who is more mature, you or your muse?
♪ Are you comfortable playing your muse?
✈ Is it easier to write angst, fluff, or crack with your muse?
⌚ Is it easier for you to write as canon characters or OCs?
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
♣ ☾ ☁
♣:Any headcanons about your muse?
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Ahh! yes, yes i have, Y’know the story the little red riding hood that ruby’s clothes are based on?? Well, my headcanon is simply being that she was inspired by it even since younger age due to her favorite story  little red riding hood’' her mother used to read to her before passing away while she thought about it as stupid but it was one of the little thing that kept her mother alive deep down her heart.  
lame headcanon but???
☾:Favorite moment from your Muse's canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.
Umm, I don’t know but there’s TOO MANY BUT, i guess what got me the most is the part where Ruby comfort jaune with her optimism trait i really like that since it made Ruby less of  an average anime protagonist.
☁:Favorite part of RPing.
Ohhh man! I love everything about roleplaying with other But i think what got me the most is how others see their muses in many different perspectives even if they both have the same muse both of the rpers have a different  idea of how their muse would react toward difficult situation and that’s hella fun to read!
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
✿ ✿ ✿ !!!
H͙͕̟͇̼o̶w͈̞͇̙͝ ̬̱͓̭̲c̀o̵̬̜̫̘̜me̠̘̲̞̰̠̠ ̧͙̳̤̯it̜̘͔̱̤̤̰'̪͙̪͞s̢̻̗͇̘ͅͅͅ ̹͕̙s҉̠͕̺̦͙͙o̜̞̜̱̦͢ ̪̗̪̗ͅm̦̣͎̬̱à̪͎̮̮n͏̫͖̦ͅy҉̗̤̼̠̮͙?̝͓̰?̛̪̥͇̣̺̫͔?͏͔͖?̖̳͈̟
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Bu t Thank you
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
✿ ✿ ✿!
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 omigosh i feel so honored! thank you so very much!
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
Send me a ✖ if you ever wanted to rp with me, send me a ✿ if you really like my muse/ how i portray them.
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
Some fun Munday asks!
♦: Relationship with your Muse.
♠: What's one thing you dislike about your Muse?
♣: Any headcanons about your muse?
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse's canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.)
☄: What you think of your Muse.
♪: Favorite song.
✫: Why you began RPing.
✽: Favorite season?
❂: The Mun's birthday. (Month and date--no year!)
☂: Favorite kind of weather.
✤: Favorite kind of food.
▲: The Mun's Zodiac sign. (Any kind of Zodiac works!)
●: If you could say just one thing to your Muse, what would it be?
☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
☒: A NOTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
☁: Favorite part of RPing.
✉: Any RPers the Mun admires.
▶: A talent of the Mun's (besides RPing, of course!)
♬: Sing or say something! Post the link to it.
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
        «Upon being greeted by none other than her new team member Ruby couldn't help but to feel the nervousness ran down the brunette's tune, That's understandable this was kinda the same thing happen to her once she met up with the others "Hey Sakura, I'm Ruby, nice to meet you too!" That's why she kept her calmness not jump into enthusiasm, That would make things a lot much worse.»
        «Yet...There was something about that last phase said by the other that caught her attention Simply misunderstanding for low self self-esteem due, "C'mon, don't be it like that! I'm pretty sure you've got some abilities to show off, even if it's little, you are helping!"  This time however, Ruby talked before she could talked, Which is was habit she formed, But now that she thinks about it, There's just something she helped up just now, so better throw it in to give herself more of A positive view»
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  " Introducing yourself is always good & because of you i have a new friend, so that's cool!" 
A sudden switch in teams and partners was, no doubt, unexpected and unnerving but the brunette wasn’t one to shy away from the strangers she would soon put her trust into. Instead of avoiding them, she approaches the others with flushed cheeks and bows, aware of her fragile state but still determined to do whatever she can to be of assistance for her team.
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“Hello…! My name is Sakura!" Her words tumble out quickly— no doubt from nerves, but still, the girl continues to ramble just for a moment longer.
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“I can’t do much because of my situation, but… I won’t get in anyone’s way and I’ll do everything I can to help!" This was definitely the truth. She’d pinky-promise them all if need-be! 
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
Oh well, Green wasn't creative anyway.
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But green is still in her team, So it's a lose lose situation, Kinda
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
Alright, she takes back the trust part  that was said earlier   Well, Not really Yang can be crafty sometimes but The prices weren't so promsing, don't get her wrong she would love to see her sister join in and get the "Y" in "RWBY" back, regardless on the "W" & "B" not joining in, But she needed to think of it as a team, They wouldn't want a new member  from another team joining in so..Well, she haven't talked to any of them yet but a replay has got to be said.
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To: Nice try, sis From: Ruby rose
I dunno about it , I mean, That's not even a fair trade! We would only win if we collect a gnome, Don't get me wrong, Sis, As much as i want you to join in, I just have to view things from a team's eye, i mean it would be pretty selfish if I did & we have too many angry people, I mean, you can hit me up if it's a gnome vs gnome trade, that'll always patch things up!
Buuut still i have to think about it, Sis, hope you understand.
And there’s the acceptance. Excitement took over logic. This was could only be a rash decision, but it could be worth it. Plus, there was the bonus of this ending up being done without any bloodshed. After all, Yang knew that she herself wouldn’t take things to far and neither would her sister.
To: Ruby “The Best Girl to Ever Rock the Hoodie” Rose
From: Yang Xiao Long
It’s been a while since we’ve sparred. 
How about we be a little nostalgic and duel with a prize on top of that?
If I win, I get your team’s gnome.
If you win… My team doesn’t have a gnome so I can’t offer that… Got it! If you win, I’ll withdraw from my team and go join you.
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
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     «Despise the odd appearance meeting someone  whose friendly like that is a b l e s s i n g in this island, the bat-like girl seemed nice, definitely one of the people ruby would love to be friends with "That's so cool! They could  to be working in battles, right? that's looks like it, the tip of the wings are really sharp-looking! you're making me want to desing a weapon based off it!" The dorkness kicked in, Ruby was really a big fan of basics involving weaponry, Making her almost forgot to introduce  herself to the other, Well she did wanted a new friend, after all.»
 «"     Oh, Right, I'm Ruby. Ruby Rose, Nice to meet you...errr!" As always her introduction was awkward as heck, She didn't even asked for the name so she was left with nothing but to repeat "Uhh, nice to meet you, yeah."  Was all that said leaving her only to smile a little nervously at the other before poping in the question "What's your name by the way?" Should've asked it earlier.»
the color of...? || closed @ ruby
Lilith knew someone else who donned a red hood like the titular heroine, only that girl was much fouler than this one. It almost gave the succubus a shiver down her spine to remember; but the walk down memory lane was neither here nor there.
Now she was in the company of a Red Riding Hood that wasn’t out to maim her — what a blessing.
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And then the topic of appearances was switched to Lilith herself, in which she was always glad to indulge human ears. And, for good measure, it helped that this person didn’t seem the least bit intimidated or fearful. Both of those things typically ended up in a scuffle, and fights came with bruises, which weren’t good for her complexion whatsoever.
The Darkstalker smiled widely at the girl, said appendages atop her head flitting in time with her bright spirits — the wings about lower back remained static, occasionally twitching or stretching themselves out.  ”Au naturale indeed~! These bits would’ve been concealed but,” A casual shrug and she huffed. “You haven’t tried anything crafty yet, so, it’s fine.~”
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combxtskirt-blog · 10 years
She's doomed
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