comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
FINALLY I HAVE A LAPTOP AGAIN! Like this to get some things started. 🥺
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
Richard Siken’s Crush Prompts
“Tell me about the dream.” 
“Tell me we’ll never get used to it.” 
“There are so many things I’m not allowed to tell you.” 
“I want it back now, baby. I want it back.” 
“I’m sorry. We know how this works.” 
“Someone once told me that explaining is an admission of failure.” 
“I’m sure you remember, I was on the phone with you, sweetheart.”
“There are many names in history, but none of them ours.”
“What would you like?”
“I’d like my money’s worth.”
“Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine.”
“I can’t blame you for that.” 
“Tell me you’re not miserable.” 
“Tell me we’re dead and I’ll love you even more.”
“It’s not going to be okay.”
“You will be alone always, and then you will die.” 
“I wanted to give you something more.” 
“I’m just a writer. I write things down.” 
“Okay, so I’m the dragon. Big deal.”
“You still get to be the hero.”
“Are you there, sweetheart?”
“Do you know me?”
“Let me do it right for once.”
“This doesn’t look much different from home.”
“Love, for you, is larger than the usual romantic love. It’s like a religion, it’s terrifying.” 
“No one will ever want to sleep with you.”
“Okay, if you’re so great, you do it.”
“Your world doesn’t make sense.”
“I only wanted something simple, something generic…”
“It isn’t over yet, it’s just begun.”
“Hush, my sweet. These tornadoes are for you.” 
“I don’t trust you to love me in a way that I would enjoy.”
“Do you love yourself?”
“What did you really want?”
“Will you love me even when I’m dead?”
“I just don’t want to die anymore.”
“I owe you, I owe you everything.” 
“Let’s not talk about it.”
“I’m tired of asking to settle the debt.” 
“Please, just for one night, will you lie down next to me?” 
“I’ll give you anything.”
“If you love me, you don’t love me in a way I understand.”
“What can you tell me? What can you possibly tell me?” 
“Now, say hello.” 
“There is no danger.”
“Hold me tight, it’s getting cold.” 
“Is that too much to expect? That I would name the stars for you?” 
“I made this place for you.” 
“Explaining will get you nowhere.” 
“Let me name the stars for you. Let me take you there.” 
“None of us are going back.” 
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
So I’ll be hiding on my sideblog @canresume for Atonement’s Cecilia Tallis for the rest of the night — I’d really enjoy it if you guys yeeted some things at her because I’m REALLY in my feelings. (Thanks to @rainbcwhearts and @doctorvii for putting up with me screaming incessantly about her. And the movie. And the book.)
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
So I’ll be hiding on my sideblog @canresume for Atonement’s Cecilia Tallis for the rest of the night — I’d really enjoy it if you guys yeeted some things at her because I’m REALLY in my feelings. (Thanks to @rainbcwhearts and @doctorvii for putting up with me screaming incessantly about her. And the movie. And the book.)
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
hey guys, i’m stuck on a phone because i snuck home to surprise my little brother for his birthday and i left my laptop in essex. so i’ll resume threads when i return / if i can pilfer my brother’s laptop!
however, in the meanwhile, i’ve made a sideblog for cecilia tallis from atonement (@canresume) and i’d love some interactions there if you’re interested.
plus, like and i’ll dm you my discord to plot / interact there!
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
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"Hate to say it —” 
( Even as she tells that complete lie, an amused expression is settling upon The Master’s lips, spreading its roots as the smile grows wider, watching the steam rise and absently pondering whether she can make a cup of tea when she eventually gets this ridiculous idiot who calls herself a Time Lord of the Prydonian Chapter back to her equally, if not more so, ridiculous TARDIS. She’ll help The Doctor, of course she will, but sympathy of any kind is out of the question, no matter how many pain-twisted faces she makes. )
— “but I very much told you so. I don’t have a first-aid kit but,” she flashes a wink and puts on a charming smile that shows her smugness as a smirk would, “I’ll kiss it better, if you want.”
comfortcbleinchaos said:‘ i don’t feel sorry for you. ’ (my master for 14?)
{ @comfortcbleinchaos​ }
* hurt prompts
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❝ Yeah, I can tell… ❞ The Doctor winces in pain. She was on the ground, her side was burnt, searing her side as it steams.
Barely getting by some blast shots from the enemy, she tried to reason with. They weren’t going to try to speak. Just violence was all they knew. Having a partner like The Master– Not the best idea in the world.
❝ I-I keep a first aid kit in the TARDIS. But I…I sort of forgot where I parked her. ❞
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
Send me ‘🎶’ and I’ll write a starter for our muses based on the next song on my playlist.
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
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A mere few paces away from the renegade who believed himself the single remaining Time Lord, indeed, stands his oldest friend — who is, for once, not having a laugh — and oldest enemy, head tilted to the side, almost possessed by the waves of curiosity which wash over her at the sight before her.
The presence that is comforting and yet sets them on edge, too, as he lingers and stares ( open-mouthed ) in a way that forces her to make that careful approach towards him ( the wild thing, as they both are ) and close his mouth with one finger.  “After,” says she, a moment’s deliberation later, hand falling and running down the front of his jacket before settling back at her side. “Or so I expect. Given,” it rises again, and she gestures to his face, or more specifically to the expression of shock, “that.”
The deeper shock than any simply sourcing from a new face seeing another for the first time. A question of possibility, not probability.
@comfortcbleinchaos​ liked for a thing and we stan
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“You’re havin’ a laugh, you are,” ah, but she isn’t, and he knows that. Because despite his protests, despite the fierce belief that he’s the last, the evidence to the contrary is stood in front of him. She’s in his head, too. That oh-so-familiar presence that either makes him want to weep or sweep the Master up into his arms.
He’s not going to do either of those, mind. He’s just going to gawk instead.
“You’re… no. No. When’d this happen, then? Before me? After me? Future? Past?” Because fuck the timelines, he wants to know something for once.
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
Me when a character gets hurt and their SO gets overprotective:
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
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Every bit of this is new to Aneki. The desperate need for the Doctor’s attention - the craving for affection - the ANGER. It was all so unusual and overwhelming that the young one knew not how to deal with it. As of now, their human age was the same as the time they had been alive and aware of the universe (31 Earth Years, to be exact) so the adjustment to life as they knew it was still sending them reeling.
“I… I should have fucking known,” they mumbled loud enough for Koschei to hear - even though they were too injured themselves to speak any louder, and their body too weak to move any closer to where their parent was.
“Don’t tell me they got you too?” They said this as they reached a hand out to take hers - just to touch her in any sense - as it was both what they needed at the moment. “Don’t tell me she’s not coming.”
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“They — they did.”
With a medley of broken and pained sounds, Koschei manages to pull herself across the ground, close enough to take Aneki’s outstretched hand with loose and trembling fingers; with that achieved, the adrenaline dissipates, energy slumps, and even the elder Time Lord can’t find the power within her — wounded, ravaged by two battles, the second of which she has lost — body, so new and yet already set up for a myriad of scars she’ll trace the ghost of long after they’re gone, to move any further. 
How terrifying must it be to live a mere thirty-one earthly years and find out millennia may stretch ahead of you ( if their child even knows that ) and that the universe is complex far beyond a human comprehension? To all of a sudden have two hearts that can love, not just one, and that set your shaking ribs aflame with their thunderous beats?
“I don’t know,” the Master repeats, “I — I’m sorry, I don’t — don’t know.”
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
The nerd I reblogged this from has a quality blog and I recommend you all follow them
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
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Perhaps it should hurt, and perhaps it does, or will later. Yet the Master is used to the Doctor taking precedence in all their bright-toned brilliance; knows too well how the other Time Lord worms their irritating way into minds — inspiring agonising love with every heart(s)beat that few will ever see returned, for even Koschei ( especially since regenerating, after the incident they’ve never spoken about ) often finds herself clutching at scraps — and never, ever, leaves.
What does hurt are the rust-tinted wounds that still bleed as the Master drags herself upon her hands towards her child.
Even when broken down to nothing else but that bleeding shell of a being that was once someone — for they’ve lived that agony, too, losing whatever strained grasp they had upon themselves without the Doctor — the rattling beat of their hearts persists: Theta, Theta, Theta. Theta, who waltzes in and ( without even noticing ) fills up your cracks and crevices so that when they flounce away, blasé as they came, you feel like nothing. Are left with nothing. 
( Even if she doesn’t mean to do it, Theta is effortlessly talented at making Koschei feel like nothing. With the sad gazes, and the silences, and the distance that makes the tactile Time Lord want to cry with frustration. )
“I’m sorry,” she admits, voice cracking with pain — face covered with a sheen of sweat — as she grimaces, “I don’t know.”
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@comfortcbleinchaos said: “I’m here- I’m here, now” (have a koschei for aneki!)
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The Master’s words echoed in Aneki’s ears - almost as if she wasn’t actually there. They were BROKEN, a mere shell of themself - and the confidence they once possessed was all but lost. Even then, the Doctor was nowhere to be found.
They looked up at their mother with eyes full of pain and resentment. ”where is she?” their voice cracked. ”where’s the Doctor?”
Their hair was matted and caked with blood - and even though the Master had shown more direct love and care towards Aneki - they were still asking about Theta
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
Send 😱 to slap my muse and afterwards kiss them passionately!
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
(15th Doctor) the ginger can’t help it, she needs to kiss (see snog) the master and tangle her fingers in her hair.
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It’s an insatiable, lustful hunger when they kiss; it’s the drawn-out gasp of a sinner at confessional, the devourer on bruised knees, taking whatever absolution is offered to the repentant into this gaping ( and gluttonous, for attention ) maw that now so brightly smiles. Wanton hands take what they are given and what they will, twining in ginger-at-last locks and tugging until she hears and feels those lips part, her partner’s breath hitching slightly against her mouth. 
Just enough for her to breathe, “Thete.” For her Doctor to taste that childhood nickname in her mouth, how much sweeter it tastes when she says it like this, tangled together without trickery. The acolyte shoves her beloved against the wall, furious and carnal and — obviously, even as her teeth scour possessively along the other’s lower lip, and she soothes its path tenderly with her tongue — is completely enamored with her.
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
if you think you can just follow me and start talking to me as if we were friends well you are correct
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
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“Of course she didn’t. Psh, she never thinks about how her actions affect others.” 
To say that there were personality changes once Aneki’s Gallifreyan physiology was restored would have been an understatement. On the surface, everything was mostly the same - but underneath that outer shell was an inferno that couldn’t be snuffed by normal earthly means. They were careful not to let this fact show around their parents - but if something didn’t change soon, there would be blood on Aneki’s hands sooner rather than later.
“She had to carry me out of the building, then expected me to just go live with her in the TARDIS an’ drop my career as a musician, and hell - I was just about to release the record I’d spent the last FIVE BLOODY YEARS making!” 
They took a deep, but shaky breath to try and calm themself before saying anything else. “I know you both have been fobwatched before… but… but you had memories and lives restored. I didn’t.”
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Of course they had it, the inferno. 
Ever since Aneki came to be, Koschei had known it would blaze as true in them as it did herself. How? Because no matter how well they tried to hide it, the Doctor had it too. The two lovers in the red grasses burned ever-together, and it could never truly be put out — they could never be gone from one another, not truly — so they had, inevitable as they themselves were, ignited it within the body of their child.
( How could Theta have anticipated affection from someone that remembered neither of them, even if it was for their own safety ? And, more importantly, what had caused her to forsake the reason for their actions now — simply her own hot-button impulsiveness and disregard for cause-and-effect, or something else ? )
Five years feels like a blink of an eye to the Doctor, to the Master, but it is some time for someone who has only ever known the passage of Earthly time, someone who doesn’t feel the whirl of spinning axis beneath their step and is merely conscious of seconds trickling meagerly by.
“I won’t say I understand,” she twines her fingers as though playing ‘This Is The Church And This Is The Steeple,’ a conduit for her restlessness, “because I don’t. Obviously. But I am sorry.”
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comfortcbleinchaos · 5 years
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While they were very much a kind and caring soul like Theta, they were not without the burning rage that Koschei possessed, and for some reason, this side of their personality was being directed at both parents; or rather, whoever happened to cross Aneki’s path that day.
“Did she ever tell you how she broke the fucking news to me?” They asked, referring to the Doctor. “I’d bet not - well I’ll go ahead an’ tell you. She snuck into the BBC Radio studio while I was doing an INTERVIEW - and told me to open the fucking watch - so excuse me if I’m a little bit tetchy.”
A sneer formed on the young one’s lips, and it was clear that the Doctor was the one they blamed. The one who ripped them away from the life they had worked so hard to build.
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Dante himself could not have predicted the hellish inferno Koschei’s oft-slighter frame supports, though rarely fully contains; how can it be expected to, this cage of bone and blood and sinew, that — as Aneki was so suddenly shown — is humanoid, but not truly human? It is a distinction that has haunted her through many lives, filled her at times with rage and envy towards the little things that so easily seemed to capture Theta Sigma’s interest, affection, and attention. 
( The question of whether she, the Doctor’s oldest friend, could ever measure up to the apparent marvel of those short-lived little ones that let go of life oh-so-easily, still won’t stop tugging upon her mind. Yes, the Master sees so much of herself in Aneki’s sneer, and she worries — just for a hearts-beat — that not being human anymore will be to their detriment in that department, too.  )
“I —” Her lips tighten until they pale, as do her fingers around the edge of the table. “She did not tell me, though it does sound suitably tone-deaf for her. Of course I can’t blame you.”
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