offcolorrebel · 5 years
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     ❝ Thank you, now I can begin         the movement, on Earth. ❞
   Lars is a forever rebel && will continue    to be a captain, even on Earth.
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offcolorrebel · 5 years
H e a d C a n n o n |
Lars has always been the kid with hard edges, but it is because of his up bringing && lack of social experience. Being an only child, with parents who had moved from their families, left Lars with no Dynamics of his peers. When school came around, it was a wake-up call, his shelter was shattered. He was raised sheltered && when exposed to peers, he quickly became defensive. Thus why he comes off so harsh or simply rude, as a measure of avoiding social familiarity. Those who are remotely familiar, are the ones he is the harsh's to, because he doesn't understand .... Why do they care ??
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offcolorrebel · 5 years
Hello all, you'll see this on all of my accounts, but Vix is back !! That said, I'm gonna go ahead && clean my accounts out, which will open new thread opertunity. so if you see this, feel free to hit me up with a thread idea, I'm always interested c:
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
     When the tots were slid to him, Lars offered a soft ‘ thanks ‘,      before taking a few. The difference from fries to tot’s, was      very obvious, but the mentioning of Sadie      Had him      pause. Only for a moment, before he started to thoughtfully      chew. His gaze fell to the tot’s, letting Peedee finish && he      could only offer a sigh. He still needed to have a chat with      Sadie, that was if, he could face her. 
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          ❝ Yeah ?? That is cool, she’s always              been down to helping local businesses ...              How’s Sadie been ?? ❞
     He didn’t mean to change the subject so suddenly, but it      was hard not to      When he’d been thinking of his player      two, since leaving Earth. A familiar pinch of guilt hit him,      but he merely had a few more tots.
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
*pink slides in and gives lars a big SMOOCH* ( nevermoremonarch )
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          ❝ Heh      C’mere. ❞
     It was a bold move, but he had to be bold around the Diamond,      she was adventurous && he liked the thrill. With the previous      smooch still fresh, the space captain took the Diamond’s chin      && caught her in another smooch. Unlike the human’s she      might play with in her zoo, he was a modern day human          Captain Lars. 
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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          ❝ He sure did && I can agree to              that      But, we won’t tell              Mr. Fryman, no. ❞
     The laugh was good nature, as he followed after Peedee, the      few feet over. When Steven had mentioned Peedee’s success,      Lars knew he would have to try the tots, as he had never liked      fries      But, growing up with his parent’s, hash-browns weren’t      that different from tots.Leaning on the counter, he was curious      to see, the great Peedee’s tatter tots.
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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          ❝ Heh      I do too. ❞
     Pride filled Lars, but not in the way it once would, this was      pride in the changes he had made. After being gone from      Earth && dealing with some thing’s, no one would EVER      dream of      He’d grown up, a little. Even if he had been      a little like his old self, Lars was still trying && it was nice      to be noticed for his change.
          ❝ So, I’ve heard you have your own              business now, mind if I try some              of those tots ?? ❞
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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          ❝ Look, you don’t have to defend your maturity, but              you also don’t have to be rude to other’s      If they              aren’t as mature. Trust me, that’s how you push              people away && being scared isn’t a bad thing.              You just have to learn, when it’s worth the fight              && do it. ❞
     Lars was trying, he really was, but it was hard. Especially when      he hadn’t been much different then Peedee, but still, the kid had      been a brat.
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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          ❝ Why are you such a condescending kid ??              I never said I was ‘ mature ‘, but I’ve had              to suck it up, where you can still cry              && run away from things ... Like you              have, more often, then not. ❞
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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          ❝ I died, was off planet && have been fighting              Steven’s mom’s war ... I think I’ve sucked it              up, enough, but at least you’ve proven my              point .... ❞
     Cue Lar’s booping Peedee’s forehead && smirk.
          ❝ Tiny brat. ❞
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
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     ❝ I’m a space rebel && you’re a tiny brat. ❞
@vexhub replied to your post “              “I’m surrounded by giant children.” ”
Lars vc : But … You’re a kid too, Fryboy.
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           “I’m a tiny adult. You’re a giant baby.” 
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
     Lars .. In his natural state, ALONE.
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
* Shoots a gun off in the room, at the ceiling, smirking * - offcolorrebel, GUESS THAT VINE ~
[ @offcolorrebel ]
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
          ‘ i saw it with my OWN EYE. 
                              I saw the leader of the rebellion , ROSE QUARTZ. 
                                                   s h a t t er 
                                                           PINK DIAMOND ! ‘ 
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                               BROKEN BY KITTY. 
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offcolorrebel · 6 years
     He didn’t get a chance to answer the first round of question’s,      but they weren’t important, not when Steven was being deep.      It was a side of the kid, that honestly made Lars take a second      look, at himself. Who he was as a whole && honestly, he hadn’t      liked himself     But, what was bringing the kid down ??
     An exasperated groan && a roll of his eyes, Lars returned to an      old reaction. Though old, it was the only way he knew, how to get      his point across. Without actually explaining himself, as he knew      how much Steven held on his shoulder’s      When was he going      to have some self - preservation.
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          ❝ Oh      C’mon, Steven. Talk to me about it,              better me then anyone back home, right ?? ❞
     He always did before, even when Lars didn’t want to hear about it,      Steven would tell him. He could understand that, but he offered a      safe guard, he hadn’t been there. If he had been, Steven would've       already talked about it or feel anything about it      So, he cocked a      brow && spoke, once more.
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          ❝ Now, what’s going on, Steven      ?? ❞ 
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