comfortincuffs-blog · 7 years
I get that way but with cats. I need them all haha
I’m sad & i want material items so i can be cured for 5 minutes 
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comfortincuffs-blog · 7 years
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comfortincuffs-blog · 7 years
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comfortincuffs-blog · 7 years
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Updated Room Tour 
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comfortincuffs-blog · 7 years
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Charmmy kitty icons💖
please do not remove the caption 🌟
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comfortincuffs-blog · 7 years
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
Love Again
A/N: So I know I said I’m posting just Joker and Jared (LETO) fanfics now but I found a SamxReader that I wrote a while back so I thought I would post it! Hope you enjoy!! 
Title: Close As Anyone Can Get 
Pairing: SamXReader
Warning: Cuteness overload 
Word Count: 2,428 
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I bounced my leg up and down as I sat on the curb of my driveway, my phone screen lighting up the darkness around. It was humid and hot out, making the whole situation worse. I stared at the text messages that were on my smart phone, through tear filled eyes. The last message had been sent at 11:36pm and read, Ok honey. I’m just on the highway I’ll be there as fast as I can. Be there in about 10 mins. I glanced up at the time at the top of the screen, it reading 11:47pm. I knew it was only a minuet but my chest tightened and a soft sob slipped through my lips. My phone fell from my fingers and landed on the gravel in between my knees that were up against my chest. I buried my face in my hands as the faint shouts from the house behind me filled my ears, the dull ache that always sat in between my eyes returning once again. I had gotten used to the consent yelling and fighting in my household over the years, which I knew was not a healthy thing, but I hadn’t really had a choice. I was the born to a materialistic “trophy wife” women who cared more about her appearance and her belongings than her child and a man who cared about his status at work and the cash that flowed in because of it more than anyone. Oh except of course all the young women he took to fancy hotels. He messed around while his only daughter sat at home struggling to keep the will to live, as her mother laughed with her friends about how ugly I was because I didn’t get dolled up everyday, just loud enough for me to hear through the thin walls and large hallways that carried the words to my fragile ears. My life was a living hell up. I grew up in the same small town that I was still stuck in. I went to the small high school where everyone had known everyone since the age of 5. Which was unfortunate for someone like me who had had a big label plastered on my forehead from day one that read FREAK! By the time I was in high school I was a mess, with self harm scars already etched into my wrists, knew ones appearing almost everyday. Having no friends and parents who really should have never been aloud to have children did that sort of thing to you. Then one day I saw a news story on a girl around my age that took her life in a city not to far away from me. The story talked about how she was so young and never really got to experience her life. I decided at that moment and I wasn’t going to let these people rule my life anymore. I was going to get out of this house one day once I had to money and I would get to really live. I stood up for myself at school and just went about my life, not letting my parent’s absence get to me. I tried to see the positive things in life, even though they were hard to find most days.   Then one day he had appeared, helping me pick up the pile of mail that had fell from my arms. The moment my eyes met his I knew. I knew that this man was the one I was going to be with. Cheesy I know, but it’s how I felt when I looked at him, his brother leaning against their beautiful old car behind him. Now I was sitting her, my tear stained cheeks puffy and red as I sat in front of the house we had to “down grade” to when my dad got fired from his big wig for sleeping with his assistant. In his office. My very unhappy other, if you could even call her that, was in the house screaming at my “father” for the 6th time today for something I couldn’t even understand through her sobs. I had snapped, grabbing my bag and phone and just leaving, not that they even noticed. My head snapped up, my thoughts being pushed to the back for the moment, as the white 1989 Ford Crown Victoria Station Wagon that I knew belonged to Bobby, pulled up just passed my driveway. I wasted no time scrambling to my feet, picking up my phone and stuffing it in my over the shoulder bag; practically running on the boulevard to the passenger door. I pulled hard on the sticky door and was in the car before the door even had time to open fully. I slammed the door close and pushed the lock down, just in case for some reason one of them came after their 21-year-old daughter, who they ignored but also treated like a 5-year-old.   I looked over at my 25-year-old boyfriend, panic and sadness in my pale blue eyes. “Y/N what happened? I was freaking out the whole drive here!” He said leaning closer to me, wiping my cheek clear of tears. I shook my head and looked out the wind shield. “Please just drive. Please Sam.” I barley whispered, my voice shaking along with my lip. Sam Winchester knew me better than anyone and he knew that I meant what I said when I was this upset. He nodded, shifted the car into drive and punched the gas. He used his right hand to squeeze my leg gently, continuing to caress it as I leaned my forehead against the window, closing my eyes as I let out all the pent up sadness that had been buried so deep it had never seen the light of day as we sped down the street towards somewhere better.
I had finally started to calm down, my eyes drying as one last sob sneaked out. My body was still trembling slighting in Sam’s arms as we sat in the station wagon. Sam and I had put a large comforter and a few pillows in the large space at the back where there were no seats for all the nights that we had come out here for privacy. Sam was sitting up and I was laying down, my head on Sam’s lap. We parked behind an old run down building that stood on Bobby’s property. It was far from the house and there was no chance that anyone would interrupt our privacy. It was deathly dark out, the moon not even shinnying and the only light came from the numerous strings of battery powered LED fairy lights that I had strung up around the ceiling in the back. It created a beautiful atmosphere for all the moonless nights we had spent out here. Sam had sat there stroking my hair as he tried to calm me down for at least an hour. I had told him through tears and sobs about how I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t live in a house with two people who were constantly at each others throats and acted like I didn’t exist. I couldn’t go to job where I was treated like I was disposable and if I ever said I wasn’t able to do something I would end up jobless. He had just told me that it was going to be ok and that he was there. I finally shifted so I was laying on my back, my head still in his lap as I looked up at his incredibly handsome face, his hazel eyes glossy with their own tears. We just stared at each other for a few minuets, not needing words to know what one another was feeling. Eventually I broke the silence. “I’m sorry Sammy,” I said, my lip quivering as the words slipped out. Sam said nothing as he pulled me into a sitting position and moved to face me. He gently lifted my legs up and tugged me close to him, spreading his legs on ether side of me, as I wrapped mine around his waist subconsciously. We sat like this a lot and it felt like set nature to me now. Sam leaned down as he pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes shutting at the same instant that mine fluttered closed, calming darkness engulfing me. I heard Sam inhale deeply, a soft hmmm vibrating through his closed plump lips that made my head spin by just looking at them. “You always smell so amazing.” His voice was deep and raspy as he spoke. I inhaled sharply, beginning to find it hard to concentrate on the reason I had texted Sam in the first place. The moment didn’t last as long as I would have liked it too and Sam spoke again, both our eyes still closed. “You have nothing to be sorry for Y/N/. None of this is your fault.” Sam paused briefly to pull back a little and took his large smooth hands, which I found surprising for a hunter, and rested them gently against the soft skin of my cheeks. “The way people have treated is not your doing and it is completely understandable for you to be upset.” He put emphases on the word completely. I nodded and I looked down as I took my hands and barley touched his hard stomach through his thin cotton t-shirt. I let them linger there and then began softly tracing the creases of his muscles, my eyes following them. “Maybe there is something wrong with me. I mean there has to be.” I spoke softly, never taking my eyes off my fingers and the movements they were making. I felt sadness tug at my heart but I couldn’t cry, there wasn’t any tears left. I meant what I said. There was no way that that many people could dislike someone and there not be something wrong with them, something that they were doing to make everyone turn their head. Sam sighed but I wasn’t quite sure if it was because of the idiocy of my statement or if it was cause of the sensations my finger tips were sending through his body. Ether way Sam didn’t bask in it long and I reluctantly let him lift my chin up so I was forced to look at him. He looked me directly in the eye, an expression of pain corrupting his normally sweet face. It was enough to bring tears to my eyes, apparently there were still some left. “There is nothing wrong with you Y/N.” He said, his voice stern, “No one is prefect I know that, but baby, you are as close as anyone will ever get.” As a single tear slipped down my cheek, I felt my heart break. Not in a bad way though, it was good but lord did it still hurt. Sam and I had been together for a little over 6 months now and from the first time he kissed me I knew he loved me. He had never said it but nether had I. That was something we both had trouble with. Sam was afraid to get attached to people because of his life and after Jess’ death and then his fathers he felt like as soon as he loved someone they died. I was afraid to say I love you because I had never felt like anyone ever felt it back and I had built up a wall to protect myself. But over the last half of a year Samuel Winchester had began slowly chipping away at the stone and I felt as if at any moment now, all of it would come crashing to the ground with the lightest of touch. My fingers trembled against him and I felt the control that I fought so hard to keep at all times, slipping out of my grasp and god I was scared. “I never thought that I would…” Sam clenched his jaw, a small tear escaping from the corner of his eyes as he continued, “That I would every love anyone again. After Jess died I made myself a promise that I would never let myself feel this way again, or if I did I would keep it to myself. I couldn’t risk hurting anyone ever again. But you, god Y/N you make it impossible for me to sleep at night without you next to me. Every time I see you it’s like the first time and I still get butterflies in my stomach when you smile at me.” By now I could barley see his emotional face through the tears in my eyes. I kept blinking to clear my vision, wanting to memorize the way his cheeks flushed with the sudden release of suppressed emotions. I wanted to forever remember the way his lip trembled as spoke the words that I knew were tough for him to utter. I fisted the fabric of his dark red shirt into my fingers, wanting him closer because that look on his face was killing me and I just wanted to hold him and make it all better. “I mean, you walk into the room in that raggedy t-shirt you stole from me and your little orange pajamas shorts and I am so proud that I can call you mine.” He chuckled softly and I followed close behind. “You make me forget about my past Y/N. You make me forget about who I am and who everyone expects me to, because the only thing you ever want from me is love. The only thing you have ever asked of me is that I let you in. For the first time in years I am happy. You make me feel like I am enough, that I’m not the freak everyone thinks I am.” Sam said, smiling as he did. It was a funny thing to see someone crying and smiling at the same time but it was even weird to be experiencing it yourself. I had always wondered what it felt like to be so happy that you cried and it felt even better than I had imagined. Sam gripped my cheeks a little stronger at that moment and he looked into my eyes with an intensity I had never seen in his eyes before and he uttered the four words that I never thought would have ever been spoken to me. “I love you Y/N.”
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
Sorry for the Lack of...Sex 0.0
I sound like you guys are my boyfriend lol but basically I’m sorry for the lack of smut. I know I have only posted one Imagine so far but don’t worry I will be posting more! I’ve been going through a rough time with my illness this last week and have been suffering a lack of creativity because of it. Then tonight I was finally in the mood and now I have to get to bed because I won’t be any better tomorrow if I don’t get some sleep. I swear it’s coming! I’ll be posting tomorrow or Saturday morning for sure! It’s a one shot of Ether Sammy or Jared and reader! I’m very excited about it and I can’t wait to get it up! I’ll be leaving on Sunday and I won’t be back until Friday and I’ll be unable to post during that time. But I’ll have lots of time to write while I’m gone so if anyone has any writing requests PLEASE let me know!! I would love to write some of your guy’s ideas! Anyways I hope everyone is having a good night! Sorry I’ve been inactive in posting but I swear I am trying and I’m doing the best I can!! Love Y'all
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
I’d do anything for that man <3 
i’m a huge slut for sam winchester
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
SPN-Sutra Master List!
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who participated! This has been so much fun!
Below you will find a bunch of smut. Each author was given a sex position, and has written a one shot around that position with a pairing of their choice. Get your cold shower ready!
If you posted a fic and I somehow missed it, I AM SORRY! Please send me a link and I will fix it immediately. If you haven’t posted yet but want to, make sure you tag me, and I will update this master list as necessary.
Happy Smut Reading, y’all!!
Keep reading
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
Well said ❤
Jared Appreciation Post
So… Lately I have been filling out a college application and came down to the last part which was writing the essays. I was given several prompts, this one among them: “Kermit the Frog is famous for his lament ‘its not easy being green. discuss.’“ I thought about this and researched Kermit the Frog and his song which connects to the quote and every relevant thing I could find about it. I finally listened to the song and realized something. He means that we don’t always want to be ourselves. The issue of lacking self worth came upon me and I thought about the amazing Jared Padalecki and his numerous inspirational campaigns. His (and Jensen’s of coarse) ‘You are Enough’ campaign stuck in my head and inspired me to write my college essay. Jared helped me to realize that I am worth living and that I am important and that being me is the best thing I can me because I am unique and I am enough. Jared taught me to love myself. to Always Keep Fighting. and to Love Myself First. Thank you Jared.
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
They are my loves 😍 taken i jus them them home please?
*sees female character who could kick my ass* that’s my girlfriend
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
Haha 😂 all of the above
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
I feel the exact same way and iv acutally been struggling with that alot lately
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Admin Note: Been there myself on occasion, but never give up! You never know what life will send your way. :)
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
I kinda really wanna do this XP
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I’m gonna pretend that I’m close to a follower goal and that’s the reason I’m making this, okay?
What is is:
a network for writers to come together and find inspiration.
How to join:
must be following this tumblr addict.
reblog this post (liking is okay for bookmarking).
fill out this survey (it should be painless, don’t worry).
Who I’m looking for:
friendly, active, HATE-FREE bloggers, especially for ships. If I’m informed that you post avid ship hate, you’re kicked out. seriously.
writers looking for a place to connect with each other.
preferably SPN fanatics, but not required.
What you get:
a place on the network page.
access to the private chat with other network members.
permission to use the tag #writerpornnetwork, which can be used for original content, photos/gifsets/posts you think other members will enjoy, or even selfies.
got any questions? Send me a DM or an ask :)
must get at least 30 notes or this never happened. >
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
Well ill be in my...room... the doors locked so dont bother
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comfortincuffs-blog · 8 years
OH.MY.GOD. the S.W on his chest 😍😍😍😍
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Read my skin
Dean covered in tattoos, my contribution to this month’s spnartchallenge ^^
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