command-game · 1 year
Recent seasons have been harsh on all the unfortunate souls who live below the now starless sky. In order to survive, a band of cats have come together to found a new clan and a new way of life...but will they survive under the moonless night?
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Hello! Welcome to New Moon (Empty Skies), which may be the first Warrior Cats command game on Tumblr!
...So. What does that even mean?
A command game is a type of game in which a group of players each take control of a character, then make the character take actions that impact their setting through the use of “commands”. Every command is prefaced with a "/", then an action (hunt, patrol, play, bond, forage, gather, or heal are the most useful commands, but more on that later), and last brackets or parenthesis around the name of your character. This probably sounds a bit confusing, so here’s an example: 
/hunt with … (Wishstar) 
This command would be sent to this account’s asks, and it will send Wishstar out on a hunt. When the ask is published, other cats may join Wishstar by replying with the same command. Let’s say Silverpaw decides to do that:
/hunt with Wishstar (Silverpaw)
Now, Wishstar and Silverpaw will both return with prey for the prey pile, and the clan will have some food to eat this moon. Of course, next moon, more hunting commands will need to be sent out. A moon, of course, is a month in the game, although in real life, a new moon will everytime we update (bi-tri weekly).
Each moon is like a “turn” in the game, in which all cats will be able to perform a set number of commands. Until the moon “closes” and signals its end, cats will be able to edit what commands they’ve decided to perform with /cancel. Let’s say Silverpaw changes their mind and would actually rather not hunt: 
/cancel (Silverpaw)
As long as Silverpaw cancels the command before the moon is closed, they will no longer join Wishstar’s hunting patrol. Commands will also be answered and take effect after the moon is closed:
Wishstar hunted and caught 4 prey!
Once all commands are answered, information about the next moon will be published in a new post. This information will include the season, how much prey the clan has, any events breaking up the clan’s daily routines, a “clan news” containing a list of notable events from the prior moon, and every living cat’s profile and stats (name, appearance, skills, bonds with other cats, health, etc—these will be expanded on in a more complete information post). 
That about sums up the basic premise of command games, although a lot of information has been omitted for brevity’s sake. Basically, to very quickly summarize, you get to control a cat and do clan-y things like hunt, patrol, heal, have kits, make friends with others, fight stuff, die, and generally have fun! And of course, if you have any questions, whether it’s about something we’ve covered here or not, feel free to shoot us an ask (please don’t disregard the “an ask” part)!
More information, specific information, will be written soon, and the same goes for sign ups. (!) But, for now, just give us a moment, stuff is coming soon! If you want to be tagged when sign ups come out, just leave a comment about it :)
Also, a note for ethos or whatever: command games are not new to the world, just (probably) to Tumblr! This is a planned out, tested game, with years of history, and multiple games have been run by both admins. They first became a thing on Wattpad in late 2017/early 2018, and though they kept a consistent community for several years, they’ve since declined in popularity over there. But especially during their peak, command games as a whole evolved tremendously from what they were at first. From the first game's creation (UnitedClan), to many famous (Withering Flames, Mind Games, the DriftClan Trilogy) and infamous (Sparkling Sands) incarnations, all have been unique and varied, introducing different game mechanics and ideas—murder, differing clan structures, pets, genetics, and even lore.
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