commanderskit · 2 years
is Mike Will's Muse? (talking about your byler au, btw)
most of the time, yes. When will is feeling artist's block, or can't seem to get anything out. he doodles Mike. it's easy to. he's been around the same boy for years. knows every little thing about Mike there is to draw.
but Will has a lot of muses. he can take inspiration from anything. the trees in the wind, the grass in the summer, the sky in the fall. the world is beautiful, and it will always be his muse.
yet at the same time. Mike is the world to Will.
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commanderskit · 2 years
for your theater/art kid byler au, how does Mike react when he's performing and sees Will in the crowd? 🤔
Will is always the first person Mike looks for. Just before the play is about to start and people are getting comfortable in their seats, just before the lights in the auditorium dims: he's peeking out from behind the curtain. searching row after row before he spots him.
he's filled with anxiety and worry, terrified he'll mess up his lines. but as soon as his eyes lands on Will's dorky smile, it all goes away. he can't help but smile himself. he's ready to put it all out there, excited even.
he can't wait to ask what Will thought of the play. he closes the curtain as the light dims and he takes a deep breath.
he searches for will every time he's on stage, glancing at him helps with the nerves. eventually he gets into his scene and forgets everyone that's watching. but he'll never forget will.
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commanderskit · 2 years
while they're stargazing, Mike brings up Soulmates. he ponders about it, if it true someone would have someone that's made just for them. that there's someone out there destined to meet their other half. Will says he doesn't believe in that. "if I did have a soulmate. I'd never get to meet them."
"why not?"
"I'm not meant to have a happy ending."
Mike takes Will's face in his hands, stares deep into his soul. he pleads with him, begs him to understand as he says "you, Will Byers, are meant to have everything."
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commanderskit · 2 years
one of the days they just hang out, they're at Mike's house. in the basement. Mike has a guitar. Plays him a song. he says the first song he learned to play is "Should I Stay or Should I Go - by the clash" it's Will's favorite song. he tries to teach Will some things, like how to hold the guitar and how to play some of the chords.
Will is too busy noticing how close Mike is to him and how his fake boyfriend smells like a spring night.
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commanderskit · 2 years
will and Mike go on dates. they go to the movies, the 80s themed diner, the roller rink. Robin and Steve work at the diner. Robin gives Will some advice. Will noticed the way Robin looks at her manager Vicky.
Wills favorite date will be when Mike takes him to the park near a pond at night. they have a picnic and look at the stars. Mike tells Will about how he dreamed of going to the moon. he feels stupid about it, Will realizes then and there that he's in love. with his idiot best friend who he's fake dating.
they almost kiss.
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commanderskit · 2 years
Will gets asked out by a girl and she won't take no for an answer. bothers him for days before he blurts out that he's dating someone. she pesters him about who it is until he just says "uh, Mike!" and he's like. shit why did I say that. he's literally my best friend. that's so weird. And she's like "oh okay. makes sense."
then he talks to Mike and Mike's like "okay, let's date." and wills like ?? what?? and Mike's like, "fake dating. you know, like the movies" and wills like "whats in it for you?" and Mike's like shrug "I'm bored?"
so then they make up a whole story about how they got together and put down some rules. they tell Lucas and Dustin that they're dating. Dustin tells everyone in hellfire, Lucas tells Max (with their permission ofc).
Johnathan hears about it and asks Will, will can't stand lying to his brother so he tells him the truth. Johnathan looks concerned but promises to keep it a secret.
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commanderskit · 2 years
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commanderskit · 2 years
modern au. theater kid Mike wheeler. art kid Will Byers. fake dating.
send me asks. give me ideas, headcanons and ask me some questions.
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commanderskit · 2 years
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modern art kid Will Byers.
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commanderskit · 2 years
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modern theater kid Mike Wheeler.
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