complusiive-a · 2 years
hi guys i’m finally back on here after what felt like centuries away but as you can see i’ve archived this blog and moved over to a new one which you can find here. i’ve already transferred everything over to that blog so please feel free to unfollow me here and follow me on the new blog i’ll be getting through all of my threads and messages once i get my bearings thanks.
EDIT  :  my new blog is now live and i’ve already posted a few of my owed threads and not only that i’ve finally posted some open starters here that i’ve been dying to write for such a long time so pls check them out but no pressure whatsoever if you don’t want to answer any of them or anything it’s all cool.
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complusiive-a · 2 years
&&.  ───  surprise look whose finally back on here. hi again friends it’s kai the mun behind this blog after what felt like ages away from this hellsite i’m here again i’m finally back here again. for the most part everything will remain the same on here with some minor tweaks here and there on not only on this blog but my sideblogs too and at this point i’m beyond excited to start writing on here again with you guys so please like or reblog this post so we can plot something between our muses especially if we haven’t interacted before since i’m always on the hunt for new partners ok bye guys. 
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complusiive-a · 2 years
here i go again with my stupid shit ....... but im going to be adding another girl group to my ic entertainment agency ( mythos ent ) thats going to basically be the complete opposite of VULCANZE both concept and sound wise think fromis9, weki meki and early twice for them ??????? i havent finalized everything with them yet but if anyone of you are interested pls like this post or message me
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complusiive-a · 2 years
what’s going on in the PH?
despite being weathered by typhoons multiple times a year, SUPER TYPHOON ODETTE (internationally known as Typhoon Rai) has left many islands in the Philippines devastated— especially in Mindanao and Visayas.
the media is barely covering any of this. i have friends from Bohol and Negros sending photos, updates on their surroundings. they won’t have any power or water for weeks and even months. yet according to them, new outlets are simply passing it off as another unfortunate storm, when it was in fact almost— if not just as— bad as Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) that struck the country last 2013. there is barely any mainstream coverage (the ABS-CBN shutdown is a factor to this, but let’s not dig into that).
none of the following pictures are mine. but please take a good look.
negros oriental:
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bacolod, negros occidental:
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this isn’t everything, however, since i want to get this post out as soon as possible. hundreds of people have lost their lives, homes, families, and livelihoods. i will be plugging some donation drives and ways you can help down below. ADDITTIONS TO THIS POST ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. please, let us help each other out. thank you.
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complusiive-a · 3 years
&&.  ───  surprise i’m back with another blog it’s kai the mun behind complusiive this is another one of my sideblog for my revamped elven member boy group VULCANZE along with a couple of npcs that is their manager and other staff. everything is still the same on this blog as on my other blog and i’m honestly beyond excited to write for this blog and my muses on here so please like or reblog this post so we can plot something out between our muses okay bye guys.
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complusiive-a · 3 years
Today’s ship dynamic: Frenemies with benefits [and massive crushes on each other that they don’t want to admit]
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complusiive-a · 3 years
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the ending fairy to end all ending fairies
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complusiive-a · 3 years
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cutest, prettiest, most talented and the list goes on
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complusiive-a · 3 years
&. 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  enemies  to  lovers?  slow  burns?  say  no  more.  various  sentence  starters  for  all  your  hero  x  villain  ship  needs.  )
❛ i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me. ❜
❛ you can’t do this for me. i won’t let you. ❜
❛ it’s not for you. it’s not a favor. it’s the cruelest thing i could do. ❜
❛ i warn you. i’ll break your heart. ❜
❛ i know you better than you know yourself. ❜
❛ i’m replaceable. you’re not. ❜
❛ i hope to be the one you break your rules for. ❜
❛ why am i so fascinated by you? ❜
❛ when i watch the world burn, all i think about is you. ❜
❛ your hands are scarred from murder, and yet i trust them completely. ❜
❛ whatever you do. you’re still my family. ❜
❛ we could be the greatest team the world has ever seen. ❜
❛ how many times are we going to keep meeting like this? ❜
❛ i just wish i could protect you from everything. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
❛ sleep. i’ll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you. ❜
❛ you know, they’re going to use the things you love against you. ❜
❛ truth is, i didn’t expect to get this attached to you. ❜
❛ you frustrate me incredibly. ❜
❛ love me like my demons do. ❜
❛ thinking of you is a poison i drink often. ❜
❛ please don’t make me do this. ❜
❛ don’t do anything stupid until i get back. ❜
❛ you protect what you love. ❜
❛ my heart scares you and a gun doesn’t? ❜
❛ you bandaged my wound with one hand, and held a knife in the other. ❜
❛ you save everyone, but who saves you? ❜
❛ you kill me and you accomplish nothing. your world as you know it will end. ❜
❛ all we do together is make love or fight. ❜
❛ i love the way your eyes light up when someone says ‘it might be dangerous’. ❜
❛ when is a monster not a monster? when you love it. ❜
❛ it’s pathetic really, how much i hope it’s me and you in the end. ❜
❛ you were right. you break everything you touch. ❜
❛ i would destroy myself to fix you. ❜
❛ i’m not going to kill you. you don’t deserve that. ❜
❛ that’s how you want me, isn’t it? desperate, jealous, and willing to kill for you. ❜
❛ i’m sorry you’re afraid of being alone. ❜
❛ they made you into a weapon, and told you to find peace. ❜
❛ i wasn’t there for you when you needed me, and i’m sorry. ❜
❛ ‘all right’ is not a term anyone would use to describe you. ❜
❛ just like old times, huh? ❜
❛ then we fight. together. ❜
❛ oh, i’ve missed this! ❜
❛ i know you. you’re me. ❜
❛ i’ve seen who you are under the mask. ❜
❛ i should kill you. why can’t i kill you?! ❜
❛ i don’t know what i’d do if they hurt you. and that terrifies me. ❜
❛ the world doesn’t need someone like you. the world needs you. ❜
❛ bullet wounds don’t just miraculously heal overnight. ❜
❛ you were fighting to survive. i was fighting to win. ❜
❛ i wasn’t a person to you, i was a weapon, and you needed me to work. ❜
❛ you’re pulling your punches. ❜
❛ i wish things were different between us. ❜
❛ don’t scare me like that. i thought i lost you. ❜
❛ don’t you die on me. ❜
❛ you’re so bad at this. it’s cute. ❜
❛ they don’t know you like i know you. ❜
❛ i broke my rules for you. doesn’t that mean anything? ❜
❛ do you think i’d let anything happen to you? ❜
❛ if i told you about the darkness within me, would you still look at me as you are right now? ❜
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complusiive-a · 3 years
with the maverick teaser that just came out would anyone like to plot / write out a hunger game inspired thread with both my changmin and younghoon fcs ???  
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complusiive-a · 3 years
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“honey. i’m barely pregnant, i’m fine,” she giggled, holding him close. honestly, this had been area’s dream for so long, to be a mother, to see him with their child. “do you want some food, you must be hungry too, from traveling all day. i can make your favorite,” the preschool teacher honestly just wanted to spend time with him. it had been so so long since they were able to, thanks to his job, and she was just so glad to have him back.
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even if he knew that she doing alright he couldn’t but worry about the whole thing still as it had always been his dream to become a father and to raise their child with her. and with that dream quickly coming to fruition he didn’t want to risk any chances at this point and wanted to make sure that their unborn child is safe a pout soon forming onto his lips upon hearing her words "  are you sure about that babe ??  " he asked raising an eyebrow wanting to make sure with her at this point as he’d always been protective over her what more now that she is with their unborn child nonetheless though he was still beyond happy to be home and to finally spend some quality time with the one person he truly loved in this world with him being on leave and everything he just couldn’t wait for the days he could spend with her just doing whatever they wanted without any other distractions and plus he could maybe even ask to extend his leave from work stating that now that aera was pregnant she’d need him more at home in order to help her out with the household chores and whatnot which he obviously wouldn’t mind going through if it meant that he could spent much more time with his girlfriend with all this excitement around their future child he didn’t even notice how hungry he’d gotten as he hadn’t really eaten since he left the base so yes of course he’d love to eat something right about now especially if it were his favorite "  now that you mention it babe i haven’t eaten since i left so yes i’d love that.  " he added grinning like a little school boy as he continued to maintain eye contact with her loving every moment that he could spend with her like this.   
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complusiive-a · 3 years
Minho held his book tight to his chest to the point that his knuckles were turning white. His hands were also shaking slightly as well. His heart was racing and there was a bit of flush to his cheeks. He glared at him seeing that smirk appear across his face. He watched him not allowing his eyes to leave him. He felt pretty vulnerable at the moment and he absolutely hated it. He snorted hearing him tell him that he is unable to resist him. “Please… You wish as you’re not attractive at all due to your disgusting personality.” He shuddered and shook his head. He had a feeling that he was lying. “You don’t find me attractive you’re just trying to manipulate me.” He argued back with him. The space between them was definitely closing in. “If you touch me or try to touch me I’m going to hit you with this book.” He gave Samuel a warning swing as he swung the n book towards him. “Get out of my way and leave me alone.”
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he couldn’t help but let out another chuckle at the sight of minho with the other clearly flustered due to his words and actions earlier. showing signs that maybe just maybe that he had finally gotten to him that his so called charming personality had finally gotten to the other male like it had to jae in the past , but then again it could just be the fact that the both of them were just so close to one another right now and the lack of space between the both of them was rather suffocating to him either way samuel was determined to take advantage of their vulnerable state and get what he came for from the other male moving even closer to the other closing whatever little space they had between the both of them at this point a pout soon forming onto his lips feigning that he’d been hurt by their words when in fact he’d been so used to being called all manner of hateful names under the sun that those things would roll right off of his back but since he thought that he could use this to his advantage with the other male he obviously jumped at the chance to do so crossing his arms in front of his chest before speaking "  aw i’m hurt by that minho surely you didn’t mean that.  " he said wanting to almost burst out laughing about the whole situation they both were in currently he was having way too much fun messing with minho he just couldn’t help himself at this point so he decided to take things all the way and see just how much the other male could take from him before reaching their limit so to speak "  you wouldn’t want to hurt poor little me not when i can tell jae all about what we did in the past ........ "  he added teasing the other alluding to what they had done in the past right behind their friend’s back and if they ever got wind of that it would surely ruin their friendship for good.
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complusiive-a · 3 years
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maybe this wasn’t sure a good idea and maybe they should just quit while their ahead at this point. then again when did he ever have good ideas in mind when for the most part he could care less of any sort of consequences at this point and just live life on the edge so to speak just as he’d always been if he were to be honest with himself and if the other didn’t want to go along with his plans then he’d obviously find another friend to go along with him in this case , but then again he could always convince the other male to come along with him somehow some way as he was still thinking up on that "  wait why not ?? i mean c’mon bro.  " he said with a pout quickly forming onto his features practically whining at this point no one ever said that he wasn’t a brat whenever he never got his way with people especially when it came to things that were never the morally correct thing to do "  what ?? no dice it’s going to be fun i promise.  " he added crossing his arms in front of his even with the promise of free food which would normally get him to calm down so to speak he was pretty much dead set on his plans at this point and wanted to go ahead with them if the other male liked it or not.  
open to  friend  /  bad  influence  ( 21 - 25 ) .  
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“’m  not  going  to  be  clearing  out  my  savings  to  bust  you  out  of  jail,  okay?”  of  course  it’s  nothing  THAT serious  —  but  he  can’t  help  but  worry!!  it’s  second  nature  to  him.  always  the  mom  friend,  always  the  one  to  want  to  look  out  for  others  even  when  they’re  not  looking  out  for  his  best  interest  at  heart.  double  edged  sword  or  however  that  saying  goes.  “let’s  just  try  to  make  sure  we  get  home  in  one  piece  …  i’ll  even  buy  you  food,  as  my  part  of  the  deal.” 
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complusiive-a · 3 years
It seemed nothing had changed between the two of them it was like they had picked up from where they had left off. It was quite a difficult time to get back into. They hadn’t seen each other for a few years since they had broken up then. The scary thing was that he had found him on his way home and now Samuel knew where he worked and which route he takes home. He really was extremely tired due to his early morning shift. He also had been on his feet all day. Though, he was snapped out out his train of thought when the other had pulled him closer to him. He flinched as the grip tightened. “I’m fine..” He tried to reassure him wanting him to loosen up just a little. They were getting getting closer to where he lived and he needed to get out his keys. Once they were at his door, he tried pulling away from him. “I need to get my keys out of my pocket.. Minho’s already in bed.” He tried to explain of why he was pulling away. He also made sure to point to the window as Minho’s light was off. He was scrambling to get off his shoes as well.
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he honestly couldn’t be anymore happier at this point being with jae again and with things being as they were in the past when they had first started dating each other. as he did in the past as with now he had always loved the other male with all of his rotten heart despite the fact that he always wanted to have the control in their relationship and was rather overly possessive with the other as well he did really love the other male in his own deranged way that way and now more than ever he was determined to make sure that jae would not run away from him again like he did in the past and now that he was able to track him down after all these years apart with him knowing where he works and at what time he gets off of work as well and with him now knowing what route he took to get to work and back he clearly left jae with no other choice to be with him again and forgot about everything that had happened in past between them even if samuel was for sure still up to no good on his end as all he really wanted in this world to retain his power so to speak following the other up to their front door arms still wrapped around each other’s loosening his grip on them slightly in order for them to open the door for the both of them stepping inside of the apartment first before glancing back at the other male with the same smug face plastered onto his features "  did you want me to fix you breakfast babe ?? you didn’t look so good back there.  " he asked the other again feigning care for the other when he clearly didn’t have a single caring bone within in his own body at this point slowly kicking off his shoes placing them neatly beside the door.
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complusiive-a · 3 years
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     Hwayoung was already passing her control over to the man that was standing before her. She thought that she would be more careful about what she was doing, especially bumbling into this arrangement with some reservations. Maybe she had been a lot luckier about this situation than she originally expected. Dongseok was going to give her a chance to explore a part of her that she wasn’t comfortable showing to everyone. And she was still as the collar was placed around her neck. It was an interesting feeling that was pressed against her skin, just tight enough around her throat for her to remember where she was and what was happening. There was the pressure against her neck when he pulled her closer. She stumbled forward slightly but her reaction was obvious. Her breath hitched and her eyes went wider as she looked up at him. She was into this. It was almost like a switch in her head that made her even happier to be here than expected. It turned out that she was going to be learning a lot about herself. “I think I like a lot…” Hwayoung said, her face warming up. She didn’t know why she was getting so shy all of a sudden. “I like it a lot,” she said, after clearing her throat and trying to get more control of her head. But it was hard to do when the weight was around her neck and the man smelled so good standing in front of her. She knew enough to at least keep her hands to herself. 
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it seemed like things were going better than he thought it would be at this point as majority of the people that was able to take into this room and place a collar on would more than often freak out and ask for the whole thing to be stopped at once. that didn’t seemed the case for the other though further highlighting that she was special that he had finally found someone that he could share his passion with so to speak to dominate over and show the side that he had hidden well for so very long he was beyond excited of what the future would hold for the both of them at this point , but it wasn’t like he neglected this very moment though he obviously cherished it and wanted to see just how far she was willing to go until she had reached her limit. a smirk graced his features upon getting much closer look with the collar around her neck as his mind began to race with the multitude of ideas he had in mind for the both of them to part take in that is if she was willing to and judging by how well she was adjusting to the collar around her lovely neck not least because of her words as well he was certain that she’d also be just as happy to move forward with their arrangement like this gently caressing her face before cupping it into his hands leaning forward to place a gentle kiss onto her lips and as much as he wanted to just jump straight into things with her he hesitated to do so especially given her inexperience with the world of bdsm so he had to take things rather slowly for her in order for the female to learn the ropes of the lifestyle and get accustomed to the whole thing as well pulling away from the kiss briefly as he whispered into her hear softly so that only the both of them could hear "  i’m glad you like it now did you want to continue this somewhere more private or did you want to tour the house more ??  " he asked eagerly waiting for her answer to his question and like what he mentioned to her both online and in person earlier he was willing to accommodate to her needs and take things as slowly as she wanted it to be at this point not wanting to scare her off with his eagerness about the whole thing and come off as some creep with a lot of money.  /   @kitsunesx​
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complusiive-a · 3 years
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       this whole interaction between the two of them makes arther think that perhaps they aren’t as close as he thought them to be.  arther had always shared anything on his mind with hyunjae.  one thing aside,  everything.  of course he couldn’t share the fact he was in love with him.  that was out of the question.  a whole thing that would ruin the friendship they had.  since hyunjae never really given any signs of having interest in arther in a way more than a childhood friend would,  the wolf never tried.  there’s also the whole deal of him being kicked out.  the reason was not revealed to the public but arther assumed that hyunjae must at least know why it happened.  that because arther was homosexual and his parents did not want that shame upon them.  it was easier to cut ties with their youngest son instead of supporting him.  of course,  arther had never been the son they wanted.  even before the revealing of his sexuality.  so it didn’t come much as a surprise.  just earlier than he was prepared for.  that is the reason why his older brother still sends him some money to get by if he struggles.
        ‘   hey,   ’   he chuckled when hyunjae defended himself about dragging arther out here.  he never thought that the other would have ulterior motives about anything.    ‘   i didn’t mean you had any ulterior motives other than missing your dearest best friend so much   !    ’   he decided to try the teasing route right now.  it seemed to be easier for them to communicate that way if they avoid the more serious topic right now.  since it didn’t work earlier.    ‘   it’s alright.  i’ll sit here with you till morning.  i don’t mind at all,  you know that.  i barely get to see you these days anyway.  i miss you.   ’ 
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it seemed like the both of them were going nowhere with this conversation at least judging by the way that it almost seemed like they weren’t as close as they thought themselves to be. but that couldn’t be true at least that was what hyunjae was thinking when they had practically spent their entire lives together growing up and playing together when they were kid sure for the most part hyunjae grew up in a fairly stable household with loving & supportive parents minus the fact that they had no clue that he was actual gay and like previous stated they’d instantly disown him and kick him out of the house if they knew of that fact the same however couldn’t be said for the other male though as far as hyunjae was aware of that is though as he was aware that they were disowned by his parents and left to fend for himself , but he didn’t know the exact as to why they did in the first place as he never really bothered to ask arther as clearly he didn’t want to talk about it just yet with the memory being too fresh at the time. now obviously he provided any and all support he could give his best friend if not financial aid as he had heard that his older brother still gave him some money every now and then whenever he needed it he provided more moral support towards the other male making sure that he knew that he was NEVER alone in this world that he always had his best friend by his side albeit a best friend that secretly had the biggest crush on him every since he was made aware that he was gay not that he’d ever reveal that fact to the other as there never seemed to be a good time to reveal it to him and plus he honestly terrified of their reaction to the news and that he’d possibly lose his best friend forever over some silly feelings. 
he was somewhat relived that their topic of conversation began to become lighter so for the meantime he could breath a sigh of relief so to speak. quickly nodding his head to their words affirming them even if one small part of him hated himself for lying to arther he never liked lying to his loved ones but at this point it was almost necessary in order to protect their friendship as he’d obviously hate himself even more if he ever reveal his secret crush on the other male and have them never speak to each other over a few silly little words that in hindsight shouldn’t even be sometime he should be feeling in the first place at least according to the doctrine that he was brought up on by his highly devoted parents that is. shaking his head as if he just got out of a trance quickly regaining his composure continuing to maintain eye contact with the other male taking their hands into his with a small smile gracing his features "  oh! i’m sorry you’re right thank you so much for this arther ....... i love you.  " he added thinking that he was for now safe until his words had fully set into him in total disbelief that he just did that going a bright red in the face in the process covering his face with both of hands with the strange thing being that he didn’t even feel happy in the moment moreso sad that he just laid this heavy burden onto the other like that.       
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complusiive-a · 3 years
Taeil was enjoying the game they were currently playing way more than he should because there was something about the other that drew him in. And the singer had the feeling it was the same for Jonas. The other male really seemed to want to get with him and this determination had its effect on Taeil. He always had been a little shit so to speak and that was why he wasn’t willing to give in just yet. In his eyes it was rather boring to be easy to have and because Jonas seemed to be willing to play he wasn’t going to stop any time soon. It was clear to the dark haired male that the other was used to flirt with people and he didn’t doubt that his natural charms usually got him what he wanted rather quickly. But Taeil was different from normal people and always had been or otherwise he wouldn’t have ended being part of Renegades. He let out a light chuckle as he was calling stunning and even though he was flattered he didn’t let it go to his head. “Aren’t you a sweet talker? Do you really think I will fall for your words that easily? There is no way for me to know whether you mean what you say or not.” Taeil said in a teasing tone, a mischievous glint was visible in his brown eyes. By now the idol was determined to try to push the other’s buttons to try and find out whether he would be able to make him lose it. He knew it was a dangerous game to play if you really didn’t know the other person but some danger had never kept him from doing what he felt like doing. Taeil was the type of guy that loved to get lost in the heat of the moment without thinking about consequences. If something felt right to him then he would go with that feeling. He got in trouble more than he could count and so far all the trouble he had been in had been worth it. The singer narrowed his eyes playfully at Jonas as he smirked at him again after hearing he wanted to take him somewhere more private. Some tingling sensations washed over Taeil’s body as the other leaned in to kiss him. A playful sigh escaped him in reaction to it because it felt nice. And before Jonas had pulled away fully and before he could stop himself he leaned in to bite his lower lip. A mischievous grin was playing on Taeil’s lips as he saw the wink and he allowed his hand to be taken. “Then let me find out where you plan to take me.” He said in a teasing tone, being willing to be led away by the other. No risk, no fun. 
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the longer their conversation went on the better he felt about the whole thing and it would only be a matter of time when he could get the other male right where he wanted them. everything seemed to be going according to his plans just like his previous victims taeil was clearly falling for his charms albeit he would have to work a little with the other in order to get what he wanted not that he minded it he has almost encouraging the other to continue this game that the both of them were currently playing and judging by their words and actions towards him they obviously had no intention on stopping whatever was going between the both of them he couldn’t help but grin widely upon hearing their words as he always liked having his ego stroked like this and he could tell that taeil was the same way as well despite them not really eluding to that fact taking both of their hands into his rubbing small circles into them before planting a gentle peck on both of their hands in response to their words "  i’ve been told that about myself yes but trust me on this baby boy i mean every compliment i say.  " he said letting out a soft chuckle in the process he was somewhat amused that the other male seemed to be so drawn to him like this almost like a moth to a flame then again he guessed that he shouldn’t be so surprised about that when his so called natural charm had always got him whatever he wanted in this world and it had never failed him instead and based on the way that their conversation was going currently that seemed to be case for the both of them here. and with the other freely accepting his invitation to go somewhere more private the previous statement seemed to completely ring true about him and even if there seemed to be a little back and forth between the both of them earlier everything seemed to go rather smoothly for the vampire thus far guiding the other down the road into a nearby hotel that he’d been staying at going quickly up into his room playing gentle kisses all over their exposed skin all along the way up to his room in order to further excite the other for what was to come between the both of them.  
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