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Reset Virtual Box ?
After several attempts to reinstall my virtualBox (due to a crash bc I moved the .iso) it did not work. It always tried to bind in the old .iso! So I found out that in C:\Users\Username it creates a .VirtualBox directory which needs to be deleted manually.  You als need to kill the “VirtualBox Interface” process manually to delete this folder.  After this you are ready for reinstall.
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Tutorial on Multithreading with GThread - WITHOUT A GUI
I find it pretty hard to find a multithreading tutorial for computation and not for any GUI applications when it comes to gthread. Anyhow this code example helps a lot: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/04/terminate-c-thread/ Furthermore, “lpthread” uses almost the samy syntax if you want to give data to your thread you must initalize a strucutre which is then given as the third parameter of the thread create function
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Good Tutorial on HowTo install a virtual Machine under Windows
I mostly use Linux but also have a Surface Pro - so I wanted to install a virtual machine.  I had to look through some tutorials till I found a pretty neat one - so I wanted to share it - with nobody since I have no followers. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-install-Linux-on-your-Windows/
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This made me cringe
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The ls command
The ls command is one of the most important commands in the linux shells it shows all the files and directories in the given path ls      -> All in the current directory ls ../  -> All in the parent direcotry (can be extended as wished) ls -l   -> Shows detailed information about the files and directories ls -a  -> Shows hidden files ls -trl -> Sorts the files by date There are many more possibilites!  either type man ls in your command or checkout the following site: http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/ls1.html which is basically the output of the command line. 
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Some of the games are now made for Linux (mostly Ubuntu) for example Borderlands 2 - you can check it out wether your games are supported or not.  Ofc the quality is better on windows if you do not power up your system. But if you make the right changes to your settings (memory allocation, compiling kernel, and so on) you will get a decent performance
Hey, I'm sure you get this a lot, but how's gaming on Linux these days? I would gladly change into Linux Mint or Ubuntu, if I could play most of my games on it. I know that most likely I would need to use Wine. I guess I still would have to dualboot to play most games?
I have a dualboot, but a friend of mine uses wine to play games like Dead Space… Obviously for the best driver performance you have to use Windows
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