conceptofpeace · 8 months
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conceptofpeace · 9 months
I can’t wait to find my person.
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conceptofpeace · 1 year
I don’t throw stones.
I’m simply the mirror that YOU break every time you step in front of it.
You’ve mistaken me for yourself.
Carry on.
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conceptofpeace · 1 year
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conceptofpeace · 1 year
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conceptofpeace · 1 year
Be very careful who you throw away.
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
Those People That Don't Want To Grow...
... stay away from them. They're usually reluctant to learn and always want to be right. These are characteristics of a person that wants to stay the same. Anything not growing is DEAD.
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
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I’m literally creating the life I want.
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
"The thing you are most afraid to write. Write that."  ~Nayyirah Waheed~
This is something I needed to read.
Thank you.
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
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Just know that everyone I hug someone, this is what they experience.
I know exactly who I am.
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
"How do you stop carrying everything that ever happened to you?"
Whew! Tough question, huh. I know. I can remember a time where questions like this one was hard to answer. I was lucky to have OG's growing up and school me to some things. One thing I was always intrigued by was that they let nothing or very little bother them. See, you get to a point in your life where you have to stop worrying about people and things. There's a level of stress that comes with that. We all know what stress can do!
For me, I learned I had to make life *snap* that simple. People love to say, "everything ain't that simple." "Everything ain't black and white." Right! But everything doesn't need to be an obstacle course either. I had to make life easy for myself because that Grey area and be a lot stressful. Yes or no. That's it. I don't do well with stress so black & white it is. That 'maybe' is a strong yes to who you told it to. But it's a no for you. So Why give them the hope?? No, I can't do it. Or, Yes, I can do it. Here's another one that stress some people out. When someone asks them to borrow money and they respond, "Let me check my account." Oh, so you don't know what's in your account?? LOL.. Don't put yourself in that stressful situation.
You have to take control of the stress we endure. A lot of the stress you're under can be controlled and eliminated. Start making some things black & white. Watch your life become lighter.
So, how DO you stop carrying everything that ever happened to you??
By simply,
Don't let that stress kill you.
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
"The Addiction To Distraction And Sensation Are A Couple Of The Primary Reasons People Deny Themselves Self Realization"
I've been reading this quote every day for the past two weeks. Hence why I deactivated my social media. I found it to be so profound and TRUE! But this is what I was trying to tell people over the years. I can admit, I was recently addicted to social media. But was never addicted to the distraction.
I mean, really. Who wants to deal with reality?? Living in the distraction is fun! A lot of people you can relate to are there. People you love, family, co-workers and even your spouse/significant other. It's a whole vibe! Right?! Hmmm... But what you fail to realize (lol) is that you operate in your truth. Your truth is usually no where near the distraction. Here's what I mean. They say that when you're all alone with no one around, that's who you are. I believe, when a person is put in a position to defend his/herself, THAT'S who they truly are. People are quicker to defend who they are than anything else. You can learn a lot from, not only what they're defending, but HOW they're defending. Think about it.
What I've learned is you can always be filled from the realization of SELF. And you can be so sure of being unfulfilled from your distractions at some point(s).
Can you admit to this quote?
Always dig deeper and live in reality. It's fun there too :)
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conceptofpeace · 2 years
Welcome (intro post)
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This is beautiful.  I'm glad I thought to do this.  I've been writing more lately.  This will for sure help me as I'm on a real personal journey.  The process is extremely hard but I trust it.  
Oh!  My name is Johnny Prince.  Recently, I learned that it's difficult for me to have conversations because I don't subscribe to most ideas of this world.  I feel like this society is so misleading.  So I will not talk as much.  At least for now.  This is the inspiration for the creation of this blog!  
A social media break was needed.  I deactivated all of my profiles a few days ago.  This journey is so personal and I'm so focused that I don't need any distractions.  I compare social media to that place a depressed person goes to to be isolated and to be alone.  It's usually a dark place.  Not a healthy place.  That's what I think of social media.  In my opinion.  
What you'll be reading are my thoughts and opinions that are rendered from facts and not emotions.  Read that again please.  I know exactly who I am, the energy I contain, the inspiration I give and the peace I have. Thank you. “Things end. People change. And you know what? Life goes on.” ~Unknown~
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