Life Update/ Where have I been?
Life Update/ Where have I been?
Well… It has been a very long time since I have been on my blog! I’m so sorry to have disappeared but as I’m sure many people understand, sometimes life just gets in the way.
Last Christmas I got very busy taking care of a family member who was ill and doing a lot more at home as well as at work so I wasn’t reading very much. Then from January I started following COVID on the news and getting…
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“Fooled by racist ideas, I did not fully realize that the only thing wrong with Black people is that we think something is wrong with Black people. I did not fully realise that the only thing extraordinary about White people is that they think something is extraordinary about White people.” - Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 52
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Sunday 22nd
Today is my last day at work before Christmas so I’m hoping to make it a fun one! I’ve got my last 2 presents to give to my 2 good friends.
So work did turn out to be pretty fun. I’m off now until Boxing Day so I have 3 days of Christmas without stress!
I’m hoping to finish The Maze Runner with what is left of my day; if not then I’ll definitely finish tomorrow.
Monday 23rd
I have…
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2019 Reading Diary| Weeks 50 & 51
Sunday 8th
I’ve just finished first book of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy which I found surprisingly funny.
I’m raring to start my new prompts but the next chapter in the Magical Readathon doesn’t unlock until 1pm and I have an hour to wait!
So I’ve just gone through chapter 2 of the Magical Readathon and my prompt was to read a book with an orange cover. For this I ended up choosing The…
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December 2019 TBR| Week 4
I got 2 prompts again this week for the Magical Readathon. First:
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To read a book with plants on the cover. The Light Between Worlds has been on my TBR for a while now, so I thought this was a great opportunity to give it a go.
Second is:
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To read something recommended by a friend. I have a friend who is obsessed with Percy Jackson and is always trying to get everyone to read it! I never read…
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December 2019 TBR| Week 3
This week I got 2 prompts:
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To read a paranormal book or a book with ghosts. For this I’m planning on reading A Christmas Carol which I have never read before. I’m either going to listen to the audiobook or download it on my kobo, I haven’t quite decided yet.
Next is:
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To read a book with a dedication at the start.
I recently decided that I was going to donate this series but then I watched the…
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 49
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Sunday 1st December
For my December TBR I am doing the Magical Readathon and my first prompt was my most recent book which was actually my FairyLoot book A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy. I have read 27 pages so far and I’m really liking it. It sounds very interesting; there are two sisters and one of them has to kill the other to become Queen. I’m very much looking forward to seeing where…
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December 2019 TBR| Week 2
In this weeks chapter of the Magical Readathon I only got 1 prompt; to read a book with an orange cover.
I thought I was going to really struggle with this because orange is one of the colours I have the least of on my shelves!
But luckily I did manage to find one that I haven’t read yet:
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I read the first book in The Extinction Trials series not too long ago and I really enjoyed it. So I’m very…
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December 2019 TBR| Week 1
This month I am taking part in the Magical Readathon which is hosted by Book Roast. Due to the way this Readathon works I will be posting weekly TBR’s instead of one monthly.
For my first week my prompts are:
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My most recently acquired read, and:
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The oldest looking or longest on bookshelf.
As of posting this (I am very late this week) I have already finished A River of Royal Bloodwhich I loved…
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November 2019 Wrap Up
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I read 4 books this month; not as many as I was hoping but I’m still proud of that amount.
This month marked the end of the Spellslinger series with Crownbreaker which I loved. It was a very bitter sweet ending; I did love how it ended but I was very sad that I would not be getting another adventure with these characters.
I am currently still reading Walk on Earth a Stranger and Giver of Stars w…
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 48
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Sunday 24th
We had our work Christmas meal last night which was pretty disappointing; my veg wasn’t cooked long enough so it was all too hard too eat. The company was good though, so at least that was nice!
My cold is still there but it’s not as bad now so hopefully that will disappear soon.
Monday 25th – Thursday 28th
I have not done any reading so far this week! I’ve been working every…
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 47
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Sunday 17th
Got back tonight from the Harry Potter Tour and it was just as amazing, if not better, from my last visit in 2012!! The new Gringots bit is amazing! And I loved the forest and the train which were also new for me. It was so magical to go during the Christmas event; seeing Hogwarts in the snow was so beautiful!
I’ve been wanting a Fred Weasley jumper for a long time now so that I can…
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 46
Sunday 10th
I have just finished Truthwitch and I really enjoyed this book! I think the magic system is pretty unique for witches (of the books I have read at least) which made it a pretty interesting read. I also love the themes of friendship in here which is also quite a rarity; it’s usually romance that takes center stage, not that there wasn’t any in here but it definitely wasn’t the main…
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 45
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Sunday 3rd
So yesterday afternoon I ended up starting a soft reset shiny hunt for Rowlet in Ultra Sun which I am determined to stick with! I’ve tried soft resetting for starters before but I just never had the patience. This time though, I am not letting myself give up.
I actually didn’t get any reading done today; I had work until 2 and then I picked up Pokémon as soon as I got home. I’m now on…
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2019 Reading Diary| Week 44
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Sunday 27th
So I confronted that man at work today. He now knows he’s not welcome in our store and that we won’t be serving him if he tries to come in.
I also went to see the new Maleficent after work today; really enjoyed it!
Now I’m going to relax for a bit before bed.
Monday 28th
So far this morning I have started planning my November Monthly in my bullet journal and I have also started…
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November 2019 TBR
This month I have only set myself 6 books from my shelves. I have not been doing great with completing my 8 books per month in order to reach my reading goal for the year. But at this point I’m not too concerned about it; I am proud of what I have already achieved this year.
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I’m starting straight away with Crownbreaker because this is the last book in the series! I’m so excited, but so sad to…
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