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I'm so tired of this person that wants so much from my canon muses for their OC… for them to avoid my OC's… They would often "lose muse" whenever it's their turn to return favor… But yet they shower other people their OC's with attention. This genuinely hurts so much because these people aren't pouring as much effort as I do. I think to just quit musing canons. This is just not worth it.
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I'm done feeling virtually unwanted here. I log on and just get ignored by 99% of people. If it wasn't for one person who actually makes me feel like I matter, I would just give up on this hobby. The amount of appreciation I have for that person is overwhelming. I miss logging on and actually feeling like I belonged here. (and no, I'm not acting like I expect people to jump at the chance to write with me when I log on or some shit. I just wish if I posted a hello or a meme or a starter call, it would actually get some kind of acknowledgement instead of being ignored while everyone else writes with each other. Just acknowledge that I exist?)
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I keep flopping between writing my canons because I enjoy them and being in the mindset of 'if you don't like me at my OCs, then you don't deserve me at my canons' and I hate it. I genuinely do enjoy writing a lot of my canon characters just for the sake of it, but there's also points where it feels like I'm giving more than I get and getting anything in return for my OCs is a bitch and a half, especially if its with the people that want and want and want from my canons. I just don't know what to do about it and I'm getting burned out on my favorite canon muses
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Pardon if this is me misunderstanding the situation. But I don't really see the point in making public posts announcing that you're dropping threads and listing the people you're dropping them with along with links to the threads. This, to me, feels like a personal matter that really doesn't need to be broadcast to every person following you -- a situation where you should instead just message the person directly to be like "Hey, I'm not feeling this thread anymore, would you mind if we dropped it and tried something else?" Why does everyone need to know about this when it happens?
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"I am going to deactivate my blog I swear" or just general threatening to deactivate their blog. do people think this kind of threat will get them more interactions?? seriously? it has the opposite effect. what you are doing is chasing everybody away. not a single person wants to start interacting with someone who is threatening to deactivate their blog. it's a waste of time to get invested in threads with someone who is saying that on the dash. even if you don't mean it and you never will, it's the fact that you are STILL threatening to do it, so nobody will want to invest threads and interaction with you because they don't want to invest in something that'll just be deleted on a whim.
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I know that most role players want to have followers who interact with them, but sometimes the reason someone whose blog or rules conflict with yours IF you rped together follows you is because they like your writing or headcanons or whatever. It's not a big deal. Just rp with the folks you want to rp with, let the others have fun following your hijinks. If they aren't having fun, they can unfollow.
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Them: I’d love to write with [insert male muse name here]! He seems so interesting! Me: Perfect! Thanks so much! What kind of dynamic would you like? Just so you know, he’s only available for m/m ships but I’d love any kind of platonic interaction with your muse :) Them: Oh, ok. Well how about [other muse name] instead? Tell me you only want to ship without telling me you only want to ship. If my guy was that interesting to you, you wouldn’t bail as soon as a ship was off the cards (though it proves you didn’t read his bio too).
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45 followers, and I have 0-4 likes on my last 3 headcanon posts. And 0 likes on my starter calls. And no memes in my inbox. I did send memes, I like stuff I see. But it is not returned. Please, if you don't have the energy to do simple things as liking posts or send memes, take a break and don't waste our time…
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Every time I start connecting to someone in the community, I tell myself not to get attached. Then I fail and get attached and then they inevitably leave or fall away, reminding me again why I shouldn't make friends.
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If nothing anybody's characters say or do has any effect on your muses or your plots or anything… you aren't roleplaying, you are throwing your writing at people and making them be your audience under the guise of roleplaying, which is just crappy.
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i use character.ai to practice my writing without the anxiety that comes from interacting with real people
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“Why do people reblog their starter call / open starter / promo so much!?” I think maybe it’s because they’re trying to be seen on their dash and it sucks when you’re constantly ignored. So that’s why they are reblogging their starter calls, open starters and promos often. They’re probably just trying to not feel so invisible. And tbh, I get it!
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that awkward and kinda depressing moment when you've spent hours making a roleplay promo for your blog…. you post it, and not a single soul reblogs it. way to make someone feel ignored. and yes, I do in fact reblog everybody else's roleplay promos, they just don't seem to care about showing that love in return. I don't get it. It's like a needle in a haystack to get reblogs on my promo that I spent hours on, but then a mutual posts their promo and they get 10, 15, 20, 30 reblogs singing their praises within a couple hours. and mine just gets ignored…. it's very, just kinda hurts.
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When a history series gets everything wrong about a historical figure and it's obvious that they did little to no research on them, and they made them very wildly out of character… yet everyone in the fandom loves that. But when a roleplayer does the same it's somehow wrong. I am still trying to understand how it's okay for a show, movie or game to portray a historical figure in any way that they want to, even disrespectfully… and that's okay… but roleplayers are in no way allowed to write anything about them.
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People these days really just ignore memes and starter calls on their dash, huh? You're lucky if you get anything sent in or someone likes anything you post at all. I establish things for my muses to work with and try to have confidence in my writing without asking for butt pats like others do, but I really start to feel frustrated about the lack of feedback. It's really not that hard to send something in, let alone like a single damn post for the mun to write a starter.
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Sometimes I feel like people in this community forget that muns are people who make mistakes. Yeah, there are some shitty people out there but not everybody is out to get you. It's so common for people to run away with a mistake or miscommunication and jump to block or pick a fight. They want people to be patient with them but they don't want to be patient with others. It's teeth out all the time for no good reason.
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'No one feels comfortable writing with an oc who has an established relationship with canon' ???? Speak for yourself anon, I'm a solely canon writer and I breathe that shit
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