confusedpaladin · 6 hours
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confusedpaladin · 1 day
Not every story is about seeing yourself in it. Sometimes it’s about learning to see other people too.
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confusedpaladin · 2 days
Sometimes I put my face up against my dog while he's sleeping to feel his little lungs expand and his little heart beat and I am struck by the beauty of of life and the miracle of nature to evolve for thousands of years just to create one little guy and put him in my house
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confusedpaladin · 3 days
i wanted to do that favorite female character poll trend that's been going around! i haven't been tagged by anyone specific i just felt like it. consider yourself tagged, if you'd like. also i tried very hard to narrow it to one per series but i Had to put both aiba and tokiko in. you know how it is
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confusedpaladin · 3 days
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confusedpaladin · 4 days
i think it's well and truly time we put the matespritship pity thing to bed as an old wives' tale (not a misogynist turn of phrase in this instance because the old wife in question is karkat. who probably suits the title of old wife better than any old person or wife who ever lived). to be perfectly blunt we know matespritship is roughly equivalent to the human concept of love because that's what the comic tells us and the example given is a pair of humans, john's dad and rose's mom, and we know "hate" isn't just a funny name for something humans do because the example given is jack noir and the black queen, a pair of weird aliens who get their kicks out of cutting off each other's appendages and shit
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confusedpaladin · 4 days
"how did you forget XYZ?!" I didn't, I didn't include it because it would wreck the curve. If you think one was left off in error, pick one of the provided choices and then leave your suggestion in the tags
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confusedpaladin · 5 days
lots of times if I tell my boyfriend that I am proud of him for dealing with a situation, or that I'm sorry he's having to deal with a situation, he will say "no it's my own fault." meaning that he feels like he doesn't deserve praise or comfort for dealing with a situation that is his fault. (for example a financial problem caused or exacerbated by him having been too anxious or absentminded to deal with the situation sooner.) and I tell him this and I will tell y'all this, that I don't believe that. I think you are even braver and stronger for taking steps to deal with a mess that is of or partly of your own creation, because you have to cope with guilt and shame on top of the thing itself, and because you're fighting against the same ingrained dysfunction in yourself that caused the mess. that's like the bravest and most constructive thing you can do and you should be proud and I am proud of you.
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confusedpaladin · 6 days
name a more iconic thing to happen for the fictional qpr community than Donna Noble quite literally meeting her soulmate and being like hmm. there's no one I've ever wanted to fuck less
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confusedpaladin · 7 days
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confusedpaladin · 8 days
I don’t trust Maroon 5
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confusedpaladin · 9 days
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confusedpaladin · 10 days
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Kate MccGwire, Secrete (mixed media with magpie feathers)
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confusedpaladin · 11 days
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I love AIBall yuri 🫶🫶
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confusedpaladin · 12 days
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ID: sketches of a shrimp and a prawn wearing black turtlenecks, labeled "shrim possible" and "prawn stoppable" in messy green block letters. end ID
rufus is a tardigrade. i dont know
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confusedpaladin · 12 days
Hello everyone, I'm Bilal from Gaza 🇵🇸
150 days ago, we left Gaza in search of safety after surviving the war, but the reality in Egypt was more difficult than we imagined. We hoped to find a better life, but we faced unbearable challenges and obstacles. Every day we pass, we feel as if we are reliving the hardship and suffering all over again, as if life is cruel to us mercilessly. 🇵🇸
We live here in extremely difficult conditions, struggling to provide the basics of life. Every step forward is hindered by countless obstacles, from complicated residency procedures to harsh living conditions that make every day harder than the last. We feel drowned in distress, and the hopes we came with are starting to fade under the weight of these circumstances🍉
Our goal now is to raise £5,500 to be able to start a new life, and we are close to achieving this goal as there is only less than £400 left. This small amount means the difference between staying in this difficult situation and starting a more stable life. The support we need is not limited to the financial aspect only, but we also need moral support and kind words that light our way in this darkness. 🇵🇸🍉
If you can help, you can donate via [this link](https://gofund.me/ba5b76e9) 🌐, as every contribution, no matter how small, makes a big difference in our lives. We are grateful to everyone who stands with us in this difficult time, and to everyone who prays for us to get rid of this distress. Your presence by our side is the hope we cling to, hoping that we may find a way out of this distress. 🇵🇸🍉
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confusedpaladin · 12 days
‏Hello, can you please reblog or publish a post for my campaign? Due to the weakness of donations, they pass slowly as ice. I hope you can help me. A small amount like $10 will be more than useful to help me and my family. Thank you for everything💔🙏
‏Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundrais‼️💔🍉🍉🍉
Farah is #310 on the Vetted Fundraisers List‼️
‏Right now, donated money is being used to help us survive this war. Food is very expensive and my family has to pay rent for the land that our tent is on. However, I want to save up enough money to evacuate my family to a safer place where we can rebuild our lives. I dream of returning to university to finish my computer science degree. I want to provide a better life for my family than is possible in Gaza. My family and I have many dreams we would like to fulfill after this war. We are grateful to everyone who donated and helps us during this time of suffering. Thank you for reading
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