conradstone · 4 years
James Prendy’s (Radio Cardiff) take on the Leaving EP by Conrad Stone
"Conrad produces three of the songs on the project and we jump straight into the self-produced ‘Complicated’. We take a journey into his mind as he reflects his feelings. Telling us ‘trying to tell you how I feel’ but really he’s ‘acting like it’s no big deal’, stuck between wanting to share his emotions but then wanting to put on a brave face, this is a common dilemma for not only most men but an issue than many rapper/mcs have. This is a matured, self-reflective project, with the self-production and this opening song embodies that.
The title track ‘Leaving’, the only track that fans will know from beforehand, see’s more of Conrad’s flows and bars, showing fans that even though he can deliver the melodies and tones, he will still go bar for bar with anyone. Switching from fiery bars to transitioning into the powerful chorus ‘I’ve been chasing memories for all my life’, Conrad keeps you on the edge of your seat as to what will come next in the song.
An EP that truly focusses on Conrad and how he sees life, we move into the reflective ‘Point of View’. Like the previous song we see infectious lyrics and flows with the high notes and melodies, keeping you engaged throughout, ‘I put money into music, all they ever give is sanctions’ is a particular highlight. Touching on the use of social media, love, going out with the lads, mental health, rebelling authority, this is a song that has it all and will resonate to many young people as Conrad lays his thoughts out for all to hear. Coupled with the enthralling hook “So I’m saying goodbye” we see the negative energy that can follow someone on their own journey.
The only track not produced by himself, with ‘Alone’ we are blessed by a song that is deserving of a live crowd. Finishing the EP with a burst of energy, it leaves us wanting more. ‘Coming from the land of the dragons’ and ‘Got nothing to prove to myself’ -  bravado that we haven’t seen through the whole project, but that’s the point. Conrad doesn’t need to tell you he’s the best or what he can do, because he already knows it and that’s all that matters.
A small taste of what to expect from this artist in 2021, ‘Leaving’ leaves us wanting to hear all of Conrad’s skills and musical talent. Stamping his own mark on the welsh music, this EP shows us that despite what the title may suggest, Conrad Stone isn’t going anywhere".
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conradstone · 4 years
Listen to Time In Motion
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